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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 100x100, Real Estate Asset Ledger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7869991 No.7869991 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /biz/, listen the fuck up.
This board is literally the single best thing that happened to me in life when it comes to investing/making money. so now I am giving back to this board after finally having accumulated enough of the token I am about to shill you guys.

The coin is called REAL which stands for Real Estate Asset Ledger.
They are building a platform that enables cryptocurrency investors to buy actual real estate.

They had an ICO 5 months ago which was only kind of successful, but they still gathered around 25.000 ETH.

Now why am I telling you this right now? Because there is about to happen a whole fucking lot.

They sold their ETH 2 weeks ago for 21mil USD. Most of this will be invested in properties that they will use to kickstart their own platform. You will be able to buy those properties (or only shares of them) with REAL tokens.

However, the biggest reasons why you should look at this project are this:

- ICO price was at 1.32 USD, price is currently at 0.45 USD

- Platform (beta) will launch THIS WEEK

- They are literally not on one real exchange, this means the following:

You cannot even buy this token properly. If you did, you would pump the price of the coin at least by 200%. You will have to hope that people sell their tokens to you or you can only buy in small increments. This is why you need to start right now or you will be too late once it pumps after product release

- Listed to 2 bigger exchanges next month (Those exchanges want a working product, this is what they are releasing this week)

Below 5 Million marketcap, only 10 million circulating coins. If this goes x10 it will only be at Rank 200 on CMC.

Here are your links to form your own opinion /biz/:



Very recent status update with the big news:


I will answer your questions.

>> No.7870017
File: 9 KB, 259x194, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit my formatting sucks.

This is easier/better to read:

- ICO price was at 1.32 USD, price is currently at 0.45 USD
- Platform (beta) will launch THIS WEEK
- They are literally not on one real exchange (Forkdelta is the only one that works properly right now)
- Listed to 2 bigger exchanges next month (Those exchanges want a working product, this is what they are releasing this week)

By the way, take a look at how the platform will look:


This is the most undervalued coin you will find. Even if you sell right after release you will have made a shitton of money on this.

>> No.7870081
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I will bump this post 2 times in total, I understand that you do not want people to learn about this because this makes it way harder to accumulate.

The project lacks marketing though, so I will try to push it a bit. If you are also invested in REAL, please reach out to me and we could do this regularly and make /biz/ rich

>> No.7870153
File: 112 KB, 1920x972, 1_zn-lhSvBzzNx5-_vJmAtFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First Bump.

>> No.7870219
File: 107 KB, 991x672, 861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second and last Bump.

I will be back /biz/, I hope you will inform yourself and be one of the early Investors for once.

>> No.7870293

looks nice, ill be looking into it anon, thanks. see this as another bump.

>> No.7870410


Very well, try putting buy orders at current market price first, they might get filled if you are lucky.

Some stupid people will also sell this at a low price, you gotta be fast though. I have been monitoring the market since weeks and no sell order stays in the book for very long.

>> No.7870721

Got 3k of this, tried to shill here a couple of times but there was not a lot to shill, hopefully they release something soon and people start realizing the potential of the project.

This coin expands the use of cryptos massively and if successful will be the first time international real estate investment becomes easy, sad to see markets are guided only by hype and flavor of the month but I'm sure people will eventually catch up and this will take us places.

>> No.7870825
File: 161 KB, 1050x633, l-TbcIf81aLKlihCxk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the reason why nobody has this on the radar or gives a shit is because the team almost doesn't communicate with the investors. They had no product at all, just a vision. This vision will be finalized in the coming days which means that they finally get the recognition that the project deserves.

People are buying fictional cities and countries with Ethereum, with this, they can buy into ACTUAL properties.

If someone here is in the POWH Discord, one guy there actually tries to sell his house for ether. A platform like REAL actually makes this reality.

Will see how this continues, one thing is for sure though: the project is extremely undervalued currently.

If the platform does well, this might be a Top 200 or even Top 100 token which means you can make 20x or even 50x on this.