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7865904 No.7865904 [Reply] [Original]

I sold at 10500 after the bull-trend line was well and truly broken.

And here we are, bull again.

What the fuck? Is TA really as subjective as the pink men say?

>> No.7865935

>calling trend lines over six hour trends

>> No.7865963
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poor pupper

>> No.7866020

Anon you needed to sell at 11600 where the support line was. But don't sorry too much, this won't break 11.4k and will probably retrace to 9k or lower

>> No.7866063

Itll drop below 9k. Heavy bounce back early march.

>> No.7866074


Thanks for the support but how do you know?

>> No.7866138

Gonna break 10.9 soon

>> No.7866225

Draw a line from btc all time high, to big bulltrap after it, to the recent high yesterday. extrapolate that line out and thats your upper support. If it grows at current rate it will hit that and dump (around 11.4 or so). I guess it could break it but nothing seems to indicate that will happen as we are clearly still in a bear market.

>> No.7866489

Itll break early march. Stocks will fall just b4. Thats the buy in time

>> No.7866509
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>ta in crypto

>> No.7866546

>i ignore probability and math and just go with my gut

>> No.7866604

It'll be $9k next week.

>> No.7866671

>Is TA really as subjective as the pink men say

For most people yes. there's a reason even most pro traders have a 90/10 split on profitability.

There is a correct way to use it, but that correct way isn't something you just do on the weekends and get right.

>> No.7866686

Explain to me what probability and math have to do with TA

>> No.7866719

you're joking, right? that's literally exactly what it is. it's using math to create probable outcomes.

>> No.7866741

I made the same mistake, fell for the ta bullshit

>> No.7866783

Just using one or two indicators in a consistent, rule-based fashion for determining buy and sell orders often works, as long as it is a successful strategy historically. Drawing random lines and then trying to extrapolate is a lot more astrology-tier

>> No.7866810
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TA gives you clues, and most people suck at it. Keep it simple. Don't use meme indicators and don't listen to anyone on /biz/ or Twitter who claims to be a ta wizard. Better yet just don't say trade because say trading is for dumb impatient people who think they're smarter than neural networks

>> No.7866902


Show me 1 TA fag that predicted the boom in dec, the crash in jan and the bounceback in feb. All 3 of them. It shouldnt be hard right since its all just math according to you. Oh wait you cant give me just 1 person of the thousands doing this who actually was able to predict something.. Oh..

>> No.7866942

yea, that chart is floating around /biz. hopefully someone has it from the guy that called it in december before the peak.

>> No.7867005

I've seen dozens of different predictions these past few days and none of them predicted this. So yeah it mostly bullshit. You can't predict a retarded market like crypto anybody who says they can is full of shit

>> No.7867009
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August 2017

>> No.7867032

thanks, anon.
it's not prediction. it's probability. giant difference.

>> No.7867292
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>> No.7867358

FYI that is not the first one - J curve has been occurring since at least 2011. Each time it increases in magnitude and plays out over a longer period of time. Last truly significant one was in 2015, before that a couple in 2013 (April and December IIRC). which means it may be a long, slow tumble to an actual low before we see it repeat again (likely not till early-mid 2019). Of course, day trading makes it impossible to see these long term trends because you develop tunnel vision.

We are indeed still in a bear market

>> No.7867486

do you not listen to oracle?

>> No.7867496
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>Is TA really as subjective as the pink men say?
If TA had any shed of merit any of these fags turning a daily 0.5% profit over a few years would be gorillionaires but that clearly hasn't happened, really makes you think