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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7842668 No.7842668 [Reply] [Original]

You might have 7million in BTC or ETH


that's in virtual monkey coins not IRL money . Good luck cashing out. ;^)

If you were planning on bouncing money from bank to bank you might be in for a surprise. Banks are dropping support for crypto daily.

Also if the sum is large enough the crypto exchange might decide to rob you. what will you do then?; call the virtual monkey coin police?

if you are not from a 1st world country have fun explaining where your profits came from ;^) and how its not money laundry...technically what you are doing is profiting from a Ponzi scheme

>> No.7842795

>if you are not from a 1st world country
Kek, pajeets need not apply, the rest of your post is incoherent nonsense, if you really have enough that you think coinbase is going to rob you ($100m+), just transfer the btc to gemini which is overseen by new york financial jews.

>> No.7842806

Jmbullion let's you buy gold and silver for crypto, you can sell these easily for slightly less than theyre worth, making it so you don't pay for capital gains tax. You can cash out easily and avoid taxes.

>> No.7842854

Helo there . Who are you ?
Is this rage coming from what kind of failure ?
Everyone here knows “ can’t cash out” is a meme.
What are you trying to accomplish ?

>> No.7842891

Oh , I think I cracked the puzzle .
/r/ buttcoin ( loser ) ?

>> No.7842907

Cool I'm from a 1st world country.

>> No.7842909
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here is a puzzle for you to crack

by the time bitcoin pops the 3rd time you wont have shit to cash out anyway. keep hodlin fools :^)

>> No.7842924

>3rd time
Do you honestly think bitcoin was created a month ago?

>> No.7842953

All ponzi schemes pop. The bitcoin ponzi is being dragged out for max profits. 2 more bubbles will pop. the hype is so huge that 1 bubble pop didnt end the ponzi

of course this wont happen is bitcoin replaced paypal worldwide and visa

>> No.7843039

So who are you ?
Never mind .
Anyway , there are Bitcoin pre paid cards which are accepted world wide .
Lite pay coming online on the 26th.

>> No.7843067
File: 7 KB, 300x168, downloadrwerw (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who are you ?

>> No.7843083

Also , why are such a loser ?
It’s pityfull.
Anyway , nobody here gives a shit .

>> No.7843100

A very smart man .
What kind of loser are you ?

>> No.7843102

I cashed out $40,000 last month using a trusted buyer and getting cash via postal service

fuck a bank

>> No.7843126

I am only on /biz/ to enjoy the 2nd and 3rd bubble pops.

I already cashed out at 30% profits

>> No.7843162

Oh , I see . 30 % profits so you did crypto for 4 days . Good job .

>> No.7843196

'cant cash out'
How am I getting 15k€ weekly from coinbase for over a month now idiot?

>> No.7843201

I think you’re for /r/ buttcoin and never had any crypto . Perhaps one of those who got fucked shorting BTC lately or sold the bottom .
Which one is it ?

>> No.7843212

soon your bank's money laundry alarm will trigger. Pro-tip always shit before gettin anal fucked

>> No.7843234

>if you are not from a 1st world country have fun explaining where your profits came from ;^) and how its not money laundry...

Yeah i'm currently getting fucked. Fuck shitholes, even if you have money you can always get robbed hard by shithole country.

>> No.7843242

I’m curious .
Which one ?

>> No.7843250

>tfw European and don't have to worry about any of that bs
>tfw bank opened up a bigger savings account when I told them I had made money investing and I needed to put it somewhere
>tfw nice shiny new card too

I don't understand what the problem is. Been cashing out little by little with Kraken for months now.

>> No.7843264
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>thinks memes that were never funny are now funny in 2018

>> No.7843268

i have a bank executive as a close friend. alarms trigger when a large sum is deposited at a set time every month/week

that road will lead you to anal sex in prison

>> No.7843280

Mmmm smell that scented breeze

>> No.7843310

Sure , but what the deal ? Download trading history from exchange ( like in stocks ) , get and accountant , pay taxes due . Done .

>> No.7843343

Anyway , you still haven’t responded . I’m curious to know where does the bitterness come from .
Would you mind sharing the bitterness source ?
Psychology is a bit of a hobby for me .

>> No.7843589
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>> No.7843817

He's right, it's called Smurfing. If you keep putting in the same amount of money in your bank account like a retard youre gonna get caught. Especially sums over 10k.

>> No.7843884


>> No.7843891

>If you were planning on bouncing money from bank to bank you might be in for a surprise. Banks are dropping support for crypto daily.

That's the point.

Wait until tesla start accepting bitcoin. Build a mining rig into your boot space and take advantage of the free supercharger for life.

>> No.7843946

>Money laundry


>> No.7843973
File: 317 KB, 642x792, 1518565251305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally this.

Just get a decent accountant and pay tax on your crypto income.

t. just bought a house after paying 20% of my portfolio in tax

you'll have to try harder than this, pajeet

>> No.7844106

Pajeet plz go

>> No.7844229

>if you are not from a 1st world country have fun explaining where your profits came from ;^) and how its not money laundry...technically what you are doing is profiting from a Ponzi scheme


Stock markets and any speculative asset is a ponzi scheme and zero sum game :^)

>> No.7844758
File: 5 KB, 696x566, Bez názvu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844961

op reddit spaces, so probably

>> No.7844980

cuck spotted, your reddit cuckshed beckons you home. it's where low IQ mongloids such as you are kept

>> No.7844998

And how will you explain that you got randomly 1million in gold?

>> No.7845006

yeak, 250k weekly for me

>> No.7845022

low-tier fud
2/10 made me reply

>> No.7845024

god you are stupid, dumbest mongloid on /biz/ right now, congrats

>> No.7845038

there's nothing to "catch". it is all perfectly legal fucktard

>> No.7845044

it is even easier to cash out on a corrupt shithole. you can literally just bribe the officials and it would be much much cheaper than pay the real tax.

>> No.7845125

And you are paying taxes my sir?

>> No.7845136

How about different sums every 1-3 months on random dates and below 5 digits?

>> No.7845156

OP i cashed out 7m profit from ETH+NEO in 300k daily increments every day for 25 days....
check mate cuck

>> No.7845292

Where does that fiat money come from?
If it's from an exchange, where did the exchange get the money from?
I guess sooner or later the exchanges will run out of idiots and everybody starts running for their money.

>> No.7845334

no coiners are so fucking stupid when it comes to crypto.