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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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783879 No.783879 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get traffic to my Fiverr account without spamming and being annoying? I sell stock photos and social media promotions.

>> No.783907

social media (?)

>> No.783935

my friends/followers on social media don't need stock photos or social media promos

>> No.784049

does no one use fiverr on /biz

>> No.784060

What could you possibly accomplish on Fiverr where it would be worth it? Let's assume that even a braindead /biz/ goer can make $20/hr. You'd need to make 4 things / hour and sell them to individual clients...nothing works in bulk on there. I can't see it being profitable.

>> No.784063
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>completely disregards the point of the thread

I've made a profit on Fiverr before. I didn't ask for your opinion on Fiverr's profitability. I'm basically asking where I should promote my Fiverr gigs so I can get more sales.

>> No.784160

Christ. I don't know how anyone can have problems getting clients. I currently got almost 20 gigs going on now and the problem I'm finding is I keep going over deadline despite working 6-8 hours at it a day.

>> No.784162

Okay and how exactly did you achieve this type of business? Should I make 20 gigs?

>> No.784165

Kind of. It's not really 20gigs. I'm just doing 20 different things for 20 different people.

I don't know what i do really that's all that successful. I just offer SEO articles, creative stories, product reviews, forum posting, proofreading, transcription, and seeding torrents. Stuff like that. I know a chick who writes erotica stories and just offers that and she's been swamped with all kinds of weird stuff since she started several months ago.

>> No.784166

How long did it take you after you started your first gig?

>> No.784169

First month I didn't get anything. I only had 2 gigs up (proofreading and creative writing), I literally just kind of checked everyday like a kid at christmas. Waking up to see if I'd gotten anything.

Second month I added product reviews and forum posting. Then I expanded my gig description, and added a video that was just basically me reading my product description. Suddenly, got like three people all at once. Did their work, got paid, earned $15 and was pretty happy.

Then from there, I just sort of got my lvl 1 badge, and a month and a half later I got my lvl 2 badge after hitting up all the buyer requests every day and suddenly it was like an avalanche of people just ordering from me. It's gotten so bad I can't actually keep up with them, but a lot of them are paying $40-$50 and I'v so far been making $600-$700 the last two months, even after Fiverrs cut.

Basically. Just hit up the buyer requests every day and be courteous and professional and you'll end up with repeat customers. Offer samples of your work if you've got any, if you're late offer something in return for being late (i usually offer 200 words, or something. Usually anything that doesn't take over 20 mins) for positive reviews. Also hit up their forums, and chat occasionally. It's what I did and it's worked out amazingly well.

>> No.784172

Wow, thanks for the advice man. I used Fiverr to make some quick money. I'm a self-taught graphic designer but I don't really think I'll have time to complete graphic design gigs with my schedule. Plus $5 is really cheap. Are there any types of gigs that are easy and not time consuming?

>> No.784178

I'm not big on fiverr, but it certainly helps to get views having like 5 different jobs vs. 2. Mine is ad design and flash build, sketching, photo retouch and background removal.

When I was really busy one month, I was turning around jobs in a day or two when the gig listed 3-4. So turn around as fast as possible for a better review/possible tip. When looking at the jobs, it seems that the higher the review, the more likely they are to view you.

Also, as >>784169 said, check out the gig requests. That's a good way to get a yob.

Lastly is check your messages. I got a message offering pretty good money to do porn ads. I wasn't comfortable with it, so had to politely decline, but always respond to messages asap.

>> No.784182

This is the first time I've gotten good advice on 4chan. Thanks and good luck!

>> No.784186

Depends on what else you're good at really.

I know proofreading is pretty easy for me. I use hemingwayapp for proofreading, because it highlights problem areas and I can get in and make changes quickly (usually checking for run on sentences, wrong tense, etc). in fact I did a 40k word proofread in under an hour that I got paid $50 for because I used it.

If you don't mind scamming people, you can always pretend to be psychic and do palm readings, or astral projections, or stuff like that.

If you're uncomfortable with that, then forum posting is pretty easy stuff. If you've got an amazon account with prime, people literally throw themselves at you to give verified 5 star reviews, and sometimes they even give you the product (gotten several water bottles. Crapton of cheap chinese herb supplements, some pet bowls. Best was boxing gloves).

Also 500 word articles. I do 500 word reviews for indie games, art, etc. Learn how to do SEO and advertise for SEO marketing. People seem tog o crazy for it, and I can write 500 words in 20-25 minutes.

Simply try out some stuff for a while till ya get the hang of things really.

>> No.784399

All the big time sellers on fiverr (especially psychics, writers, etc.) use proxies to buy their own gigs to build up positive feedback. It only costs them $1.50-$1.75 per gig since they get $3.75-4.00 back. Once you reach a higher level, fiverr will show you up on a higher spot and you'll get real buyers.

>> No.785143
File: 26 KB, 275x280, 1433508989899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I.....without spamming and being annoying?
>I sell.....social media promotions.

The irony, it tickles

>> No.785145
File: 36 KB, 492x305, ionno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I.....without spamming and being annoying?
>I sell.....social media promotions.

>> No.785314

samefag pls go

>> No.785320


You must not come here often.

Please go away

>> No.785357

No shit sherlock

>> No.785358


>> No.785851


No shit sherlock, it was lagging and I didn't realize the first post came through, then it became too late to delete one.

>> No.785854
File: 129 KB, 499x499, 1432402147164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my fault, you should have deleted the second one.

>> No.785882

>not my fault

It's an identical paste. Even a retard should be figured out that samefagging would entail a little changing around.