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7838126 No.7838126 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7838140

Can you please explain

>> No.7838145
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>> No.7838167
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>> No.7838194
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It means a lot of people got btfo.

>> No.7838315

someone longed BTC on leverage and got liquidated, which means he lost all his money. This is a forced sell by the exchange of the user for 10 Million dollars. The user doesn't have the liquidity to keep the long going and the exchange doesn't want to lose its lend btc.

Sorry if the expl. is a bit choppy

>> No.7838377

Got it. Why the fuck is the market crashing? Anyone know that??

>> No.7838428

someone got majorly JUSTed

>> No.7838464


So if all these people are being forced to sell, could that be causing this crazy acceleration in the dip?

>> No.7838489

Look at the volume the past 3 months, its heavily declining. smart money is out. This is just aftermath

>> No.7838496

because you're a stupid brainlet

>> No.7838501

No someone takes the opposite side for every trade long or short.

>> No.7838507

eat shit with your margin trading faggots

>> No.7838573

"smart money", lmao. Those adorable autists who made up that one, and still cling to it desperately. It's almost as funny as the "All the Wall Street bonus money that's coming any time now!" meme, or the "20k in a week" losers. Only at 4chan.

>> No.7838626


Just remember that /biz/ was shilling btc @ 100 USD (technically 4chan has always been shilling btc) so even if it all dies right now, you're in no position to laugh at 4chan, lots of people here have become dead rich.

>> No.7838638

the last 3 months are higher volume than ever you dumb fucking nigger lmao.

>> No.7838706

what are you talking about? BTC volume 3 months ago was between 10B and 20B right now its between 6B and 11B

The overall volume for the entire market has also steadily declined. Are you blind?

>> No.7838742

I'll laugh at 4chan as much as I want to, cuntface.

>> No.7838754

yes smart money, you actually ever held a stock? Or even read beyond your little world of mememagic? Last laugh laughs best. And since I've taken all your money already I'm just waiting for you to post a pink wojack so I can light my victorious cigar and have a good last laugh. At you.

>> No.7838909


t. salty nocoiner.

Did you think we were memeing when we said eth would hit 1k?

Or let me guess, you believed the 'you can't cash out' meme, cute.

>> No.7838931

lol what is this autism

>> No.7839005

EU regulators FUD, failure to break upper trendline, not enough new money entering the market, perception that lots of cryptos are scams or unsecure thanks to BitConnect, Nano, and others

>> No.7839072
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>> No.7839085

Silentwolf sub?

>> No.7839107

I own more stocks than your entire life is worth, NEET. I'm older than you, and have been around more, made more money, and invested a lot of it. Don't let your youth and arrogance make the big fucking mistake of thinking you know more than anyone else. I can tell just by what you posted, you don't know shit about shit.

>> No.7839122

SO desperate to believe the memes, lol.

>> No.7839156


>I own more stocks than your entire life is worth, NEET. I'm older than you, and have been around more, made more money, and invested a lot of it.

I hope you're LARPing, because if all of that is true, and you're on 4chan arguing with teenagers, then that's really, really sad.

>> No.7839190

That's because that was the highest ever lmfao, its still higher than it fucking ever was before that right now you fucking retard.

>> No.7839209

Damn dude, you really feel like you need to proof something huh? On an anonymous imageboard.

Well goodluck going to 20k, see how that works out. I'm sure it will come close again in a few years from now.

>> No.7839217

I'm not arguing. I'm laughing at you. Learn the difference.

>> No.7839262

BTC could hit 20k 5 years from now and that would still be better returns for people buying in today than the SP500 has, historically.

>> No.7839270

It's higher than it was in November 2017, which was pretty much the highest ever before that.

>> No.7839277

this is not true, after hitting 6k volume was very strong, stronger then through most of december actually

>> No.7839325
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So is this shit just gambling?

>> No.7839339


Holy shit you get rekt margin trading. 100% when some dude goes into a thread baiting and trying to start shit and larping about millions its because they got completely L I Q U I D A T E D.

It's really weird as well because it's like this reptilian part of the brain triggers from all the stress hormones, and you just feel the need to belittle people. Man just take a nap or something you'll feel better about the losses kek.

>> No.7839399
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