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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 543x271, A91C533C-D100-407C-B0D5-3D191D46F01F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7837473 No.7837473 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ bros, I’m sure a lot of you can agree this board is completely fucked nowdays with pajeet cryptoshills trying to convince to purchase their shitty coins.

Crypto is fun and all, and it seems like every fucking man and his dog is interested in getting rich off of it (including me), but I’ve been thinking lately that crypto can’t be the one and only industry that can get us to Lambo-land in 5-10 years time.

Has anyone else here ever looked into asteroid mining companies? Where would one begin to look? There’s a serious tonne of money waiting out there for whatever company legitanetly cracks this industry first and I feel if we’re smart enough to find and pick that company to invest in, we could reap infinite rewards in the long run...

>> No.7837517

This is like a 40 year investment my dude...there is no orbital infrastructure to support asteroid mining at this time. It will take decades to build. Literally.

>> No.7837561

It wont be cost effective until we have a space elevator built and functional, that can bring down objects and materials from low orbit. If we do get a space elevator then investing in asteroid mining might become something other than a pie in the sky.

>> No.7837958

Interesting take man, thank you for responding.

I’m just curious what makes you think that it’s so far away? How sure can you be that that this recent re-valitalised space race won’t ignite talk and increase funding into this area within the next 10 or so years? And could the interest for this potential industry turn exponential like crypto itself has?

>> No.7837985

you'd need to see if asteroids are even worth mining first

>> No.7838164

Space isn't real you dumb fuck

>> No.7838200

by the time that happens we all be dead.....dead and rich hopefully :)

>> No.7838232

>the absolute state of biz

>> No.7838368

Stuff like this could bring the whole industry ahead of its time?

>> No.7838452

SpaceX is like Bitcoin right now in that it's paving the way forward for the asteroid/space mining industry. In 3-5 years you'll see 'derivative' companies that use SpaceX's services to bring additional commerce to space. Telecommunication infrastructure would be the primary industry to flurish with lowered costs. So you'd want to invest into small cap startups that utilize contracts with SpaceX to deliver such services.

Following that we'll see "space manufacturing" take off - if you can get industrial materials into space for cheap enough price you can manufacture high-margin goods with cold welding and ship them back to Earth.Once again, invest in small cap companies that would aim to manufacture goods in space.

Once the manufacturing industry is set-up in space, then extraction industrial will follow (asteroid mining and the like). Why ship stuff from earth into space when you can just get the materials from space in the first place?

All of this would most likely happen within the next 20 or so years. And yes, the growth of these industries will be equal to or much greater than cryptocurrencies. Thing of note though; these start-ups will be valued at extremely high valuations far above normal utility in the same way crypto is today. So when you see these start-ups get listed on public exchanges, think back to your crypto days and FOMO the fuck in. Do not listen to the old timers that will say "these space start-ups will mostly fail!" or "this is all a bubble". You know better than that - FOMO in before the hype and you're going to be a very rich man.

>> No.7838680

Asteroids are worth mining because they are full of cool heavy elements that usually sink to the core of planets because they're, you know, heavy.

Check out Planetary Resources OP. Not public yet but once you make you first mil off crypto you can probably call them up and become an angel investor or whatever the fuck they're called.
They also have a cool email list you should subscribe to.

>> No.7838710

you may find this interesting anon, https://www.wealthdaily.com/resources/underwater-mining-companies/11

>> No.7838717

And fuck it, here's a video for you lazy fucks

>> No.7838817

Thank you very much anons for the info, I’m glad that I’m not the only one that believes this to be one of the next big things of the 21st century.

I think I briefly scrolled past that Planetary Resources on one of my searches so thanks for the heads up I’ll make sure I look into that in a bit more depth.

You both sound like you know the potential of these industries, are either of yourselves invested into anything at the current time?

>> No.7838854

GOOG owns a 7-8% share of SpaceX.

>> No.7838871

Also kind anon would you have any good links to start me on my way of my own research path? What was it that got you started into researching about this? Or even is there possibly a way of chatting with you outside of biz?

>> No.7838903

Space projects are a scam you retards. They launder the money into black budget projects while showing you big fuckin missiles they blow up to pretend they are doing shit. Why do you think they don’t even talk about going to the moon anymore you fucking retarded goys.

>> No.7838904

no thanks, i've played enough EVE to last 23582903589023859082305823583e234852345 lifetimes

t. played eve for 2 weeks

>> No.7838953

I want to be but none of them are public yet. That's actually how I learned about the whole angel investor shit. If you have enough money you can buy parts of non-public companies but I think you need over a million liquid net-worth to qualify, or something like that.
I did the research a few years ago when I was thinking the same thoughts as you and came up with nothing other than, get rich and then call SpaceX and Planetary Resources, so that's the best I got.

>> No.7838975 [DELETED] 

Here's a wild idea.

>Buy a state of the art 3d printer
>Build a robot that will autonomously build a straight pole made of the 3d printer material
>All individual pieces will be made by the 3d printer and the robot will pick a certain amount each time and keep adding to the space pole
>The pole will act as the scaffolding as well
>The robot will stop and alert only when it's out of material

>> No.7839108

Ive done some research on this topic, not a significant amount, but not an insignificant amount either.

First, the tech is nowhere near where it needs to be to implement a space mining system. Yeah, Elon Musk has made some significant advances recently with regards to space transportation, but we are still a lonngggggg ways away from having an efficient way of space transportation.There is a difference between sending vessel to space and having one land on moving targets of various sizes and then harvesting minerals on said asteroid and then sending them back. There would likely have to be some sort of intermediary space mining center in place for various bots to be sent out to asteroids and return with minerals and then ship them back en masse. Regardless, the space transportation aspect still has a ways to go before any sort of space infrastructure can be implemented.

Second, as a society were are extremely unprepared for the logistics of space industry. There isn't really a formal governing body of space (the UN has one but really, when have you ever heard of them doing anything?) AND Space Law is pretty underdeveloped. The biggest issue that this lack of centralization presents is regulations. Right now, memes aside, that movie "The Martian" was right, Space is governed similarly to international waters. This in itself presents issues with regulations because who the fuck is going to enforce these "international" rules, and how the fuck are they going to do it? Further, even if they do figure out that clusterfuck, who benefits from allowing corporations to mine asteroids? IE: What tax laws govern, where does the tax go, who ensures the taxes are paid, who ensures proper business protocols (what are "proper" business protocols anyways?) are followed etc...
There needs to be significant funding for a regulatory organization before any sort of space industry can proceed. . .

>> No.7839128

Haha shit well at least it’s a start - something to strive for. And who’s to say any of us here won’t become millionaires just in time to reinvest and become the early adopters of asteroid mining!

>> No.7839164

All of you are idiots
If humanity stopped twerking and shitting in the street, we'd have been able to WALK to fucking space a decade ago

>> No.7839231

Never going to be profitable, the only time it would be worth it is when that giant Platinum asteroid floated close to earth that was worth something like 1 trillion dollars

>> No.7839709
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>believes in internet money
>doesnt believe in space

>> No.7839869


Do not mistake the exponential progress in digital/silicon technology with exponential progress in engineering. Engineers deal with the immutable laws of physics and the slow development of materials technology. Asteroid mining is decades away.

Genetic engineering on the other hand *cough* $EDIT *cough*

>> No.7839895

how can i short precious metals ?
1 big asteroid could add 20% to our total gold supply

>> No.7840553

Bump. Great thread!
I'm trying to get into space for years, but sadly, I haven't found much that isn't private, besides the classic defense and aerospace companies such as Boeing.
On mobile, so can't post links, but here's a few pointers:
The country Luxembourg is trying to work on the legal aspects and is selling themselves as the place to be for the bew space industry. So far planetary resources and deep space indusries have offices there.
And the mentioned deep space industries tried some crowdfunding on the space starters platform, but that failed.

>> No.7841389


>> No.7841410

this is the kind of stuff that you'll use your crypto gains on in 15 years, not now.

>> No.7841431

Maybe this can be revived. If anyone is still interested:
>The country Luxembourg is trying to work on the legal aspects and is selling themselves as the place to be for the bew space industry. So far planetary resources and deep space indusries have offices there.

>And the mentioned deep space industries tried some crowdfunding on the space starters platform, but that failed.

>> No.7841491
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space is fake

>> No.7841590

We haven't even been able to send a ship to Mars and back yet. We aren't going to be able to get entire mining crews with necessary equipment together to send off to an asteroid in the next 5-10 years. You're out of your mind. This isn't something that's anywhere near reasonable until we are able to colonize Mars. Then maybe taking mining expeditions into the asteroid belt may be possible while separate crews run freight between Earth and Mars.

>> No.7841677
File: 50 KB, 400x294, ff477-nasa-mason-signs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how Nasa translates to "to deceive" in hebrew. And thread closed in 1, 2, 3.

>> No.7841724

Check out Deep Space Industries.
They have some quite solid ideas.
They keys are twofold:
1. No crew
2. Not bringing stuff back to earth
So don't think about some miner in space suit swining an axe to dig up gold to send back to earth, but rather, think some autonomous "robot" (not some biped humanoid though…) melting an ice asteroid to get water, which then gets turned into fuel in space, to fuel the rocket for your future mars mission.
Certainly not going to happen next year, and absolutely not easy at all, but much more feasible than some scify frontier space cowboy scenario.

>> No.7841769
File: 63 KB, 400x450, you-can-be-helped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do you come from?
How sad must your life be, that you have to believe in some greater conspiracy that only you (because you are an otherworldly genious, obiously) understand, which thus is the only thing that makes you worth anything…
Well, at least you did not join IS, like all the other lowlifes such as you, so that's a positive.
Please, anon, get some help!

>> No.7842057
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>> No.7842092
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>T.Amerifuck who believes anything he sees on TV

>> No.7842141

To be really honest, silicon technology has hit a few major roadblocks the last years. Moore's law is pretty much dead on half of the criteria, because as we reduce electronics, tunnel-induced leaking appears. The stopgap until recently was to use better materials and different architectures but soon we will have to rethink the whole architecture and technology to improve things. Quantum computing right now is a joke (state of the art is 20 transisitors on a chip).

>> No.7842153
File: 420 B, 126x126, facepalm#.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit! You are right!
this image is so clear and perfect tht I absolutely have to believe what you are saying. There is no doubt anymore. The jpg compression artifacts prove it!

Also wenn, dann solltest du eher iK/F50uB als Fatburger beschimpfen. Der Glauben an abgefahrene Verschwörungstheorien is viel eher ein Indikator für burgerbedingte Hirnverfettung, wohingegen Ratio und eine solide physikalisch-technische Grundbildung viel eher dem Euroklische entsprechen.

>> No.7842181
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>> No.7842254
File: 123 KB, 858x824, Screenshot from 2018-02-21 09-12-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was soll das denn sein? Aber ja, ich ess mein Frühstücksei tatsächlich am liebsten mit nem flüssigen Kern.

But since we are discussing Germany anyways, pic related is a German Satellite manufacturer, which is looking pretty good long term. Are there any similar companies I should look at?

>> No.7842397
File: 12 KB, 259x194, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you believe in space I have some Dogecoin Cash to sell you.

>> No.7842458
File: 482 B, 126x126, mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, that resolution...
Either you are pic related or you are totally retarded.
Are you that sperg that did always show up with
>space is not real
when Nexus coin was discussed here a few times a few months ago and the one that claimed hurricanes are manufactured by some machines in Africa, when we were discussing the hurricanes hitting Florida?

>> No.7842515

Thales and Airbus Space ofc

>> No.7842564

But they are mostly plane and defense companies. I doubt that their space parts move their prices much.
Also, Ariannespace (which is also owned by Safran, besides Airbus) and for the other side of the Atlantic ULA (Boeing + Aerojet-Rocketdyne, IIRC…) are probably the ones that will take quite a beating from the upstart new-space companies like blue-origin and spaceX.

>> No.7842617

If anyone is going to be successfully mining asteroids it'll be SpaceX. They're so far ahead of everyone in terms of space programs it's hilarious.

>> No.7842672
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>> No.7842677

Will give a whole new meaning to mooning am i right ha ha ha :~)

>> No.7842714

The space industry is risk averse. Contrary to flat earthers belief they actually do not make enough money to test out technological innovation because sats are too expensive to launch into space, not even SpaceX has the money to make this happen any time soon. Your phone has better computational power than the rovers on mars and they don't want to fix it.

>> No.7842776
File: 117 KB, 637x655, alcohol-labels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god…
I don't even know where to begin. You're just too retarded to even try to start.

>> No.7842822

>by bushidoki-dao

some weeaboo fuck made this, get this cancer off my internet

>> No.7842901
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>> No.7843290

You don't need space elevator to "drop" refined materials from LEO.

>> No.7843303

That wasn't 177km from Earth you fucking retard.

>> No.7843342

>are probably the ones that will take quite a beating from the upstart new-space companies like blue-origin and spaceX
If SpaceX actually manages a cheap launch, because so far all they have done was losing money. Arianespace may be the boring old euro company millenials laugh at while buying an Elon Musk flamethrower but at least they have something to show for.

>> No.7843408
File: 311 KB, 959x1174, fe-nasa-fake-sat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove it

>> No.7843438


I think the debate is settled

>> No.7843442

You'll probably be dead before asteroid mining is a thing.

>> No.7843458
File: 1.35 MB, 2048x1152, 1519206611213138333819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here is a scanning electron microscope, it can take a pic of something under a nanometre in diameter but can't take a pic of my hand. What is it supposed to prove ?

>> No.7843466

>If SpaceX actually manages a cheap launch, because so far all they have done was losing money
Yes, still to be proven if they can operate sustainably long term, but so far, all signs point to yes. Their reusability is a huge factor! I'm not too sure about the details, but apparently, spaceX is the best and most "real" of the musk companies. Arianespace certainly won't vanish soon, but they really gotta up the ante. And then there's blue Origin which is kinda flying under the radar, but their large rocket might as well be a game changer if it shows up.

>> No.7843487

Kek more like

>this radio can pick up sound but can't pick up a TV picture which also uses radio waves

>> No.7843496

It's not that they don't want to fix it, it's because sub-micrometre transistors are fucking destroyed by ionizing radiation like you can find in space. Your cellphone ARM CPU would last a few seconds outside of the earth ionosphere before crashing.

>> No.7843501

Come back when you can land a model rocket back on its feet

>> No.7843511

We're never going to space in a meaningful way ever again. Trump hates space. Putin doesn't care and China is busy with internal shit. Japan, India and Europe don't have the resources nor tech for it, and the world population is too busy calling each other niggers to cooperate or care. It's nothing but a pipe dream caused by Hollywood and anime.

>> No.7843521


We can't even get to the moon with current technology you expect us to fucking mine asteroids. Please

Yes the moon landings was faked by (((Stanley Kubrick)))

>> No.7843535

You know the bigger the rocket the more fuel a satellite can have on board which as far as being operational goes (only 1/3 satellites are still operational) saves money as you don't need to make another one PLUS you save on the initial launch. Savings go into the tens of billions which will only get reinvested into more sats

>> No.7843587

Are you >>7823853?
Problem is:
You can't simply drop shit to earth, it's a legal nightmare.
And if we are ignoring this, there's the technical issues. If we wan't to drop things that are actually big enough to be worth it, those are going to be so big that they'll cause all kinds of issues, even if we don't go full on extinction-asteroid size.
And to play devils advocate, lets assume we find a small, pure gold asteroid. So lets assume we can safely drop 500kg somewhere without much side effects. 500kg of gold = 21 million $
Now that sounds like a lot, but if you compare it to about 60 million $ launch cost for a full falcon 9, it's not that great.
Plus, dropping through the atmosphere, turning your gold asteroid into a meteorite will mean you loose a lot of mass by burning it up in the atmosphere, which means that you essentially burn millions upon millions of gold.
And if all of that does not matter, you now have proven that you can simply grab gold from outside of earth, turning into into something non-scarce.
congrats, you just killed the gold price.

>> No.7843845

You could also, not kill the gold price but only mine an additional 1000 tons of gold a year. That would be 42 billion dollars, congratulations you just made twice the budget of nasa and esa available for space mining infrastructure.

There will always be believers in gold as a store of value until they mine 10000 tons of it at ridiculous cheap cost with seemingly no end in sight. I doubt that

>> No.7843883

No, I'm not.

>You can't simply drop shit to earth, it's a legal nightmare.
We do it all the time.

>And if we are ignoring this, there's the technical issues. If we wan't to drop things that are actually big enough to be worth it, those are going to be so big that they'll cause all kinds of issues, even if we don't go full on extinction-asteroid size.
That's why we deorbit already processed material weighing few tons or so.

>Now that sounds like a lot, but if you compare it to about 60 million $ launch cost for a full falcon 9, it's not that great.
Why are you talking about Falcon 9 when BFR is 3 years away?

>Plus, dropping through the atmosphere, turning your gold asteroid into a meteorite will mean you loose a lot of mass by burning it up in the atmosphere, which means that you essentially burn millions upon millions of gold.
>what is heat shield

>And if all of that does not matter, you now have proven that you can simply grab gold from outside of earth, turning into into something non-scarce.
congrats, you just killed the gold price.
You haven't killed anything (only grandpas still holding their shiny metals will kill themselves), learn basic economics before spouting nonsense.

Seriously, why are you talking about shit you don't understand?

>> No.7843903

>You could also, not kill the gold price but only mine an additional 1000 tons of gold a year.
OK, but now you have proven that it can be done. How do you stop others that don't care? How do you stop a rogue (state) actor from deliberately fucking up the price?

>> No.7843904

That's not how free market works. The gold will be mined in quantity as long as its profitable. The price will follow. It's literally the same thing as with gold on Earth. Or any other raw material.

>> No.7843919

>he thinks the price of gold is only due to its scarcity.

>> No.7843928

These anime watching fags think you're joking yet they actually believe we're on a ball flying through infinity.

>> No.7843958
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>> No.7843960

How sad is your life that you take for fact a bunch of unprovable masonic nonsense

>> No.7843985

>We do it all the time.
>That's why we deorbit already processed material weighing few tons or so.
We don't, because deorbiting mostly means just burning up the stuff in the atmosphere. and if there is something left to be dropped, we try to drop it into the ocean.

>>what is heat shield
Expensive, since you have to take it to space with you.
And yes, BFR will probably be much cheaper, but with musk-based transportation, I'll stick with the thing that I can buy right now. I wouldn't be surprised if BFR gets delayed by 10 years or so.

>You haven't killed anything (only grandpas still holding their shiny metals will kill themselves), learn basic economics before spouting nonsense.
supply and demand. How will the gold price not get fucked when gold suddenly is not rare anymore?

>Seriously, why are you talking about shit you don't understand?
Because I'm anonymous on 4chan… duh.
And why do you?

>> No.7843995

Show me proof we're on a ball

>> No.7843998


How do camera's work?
Just because you lack knowledge and are limited to what your basic receptory functions tell you like a caveman does not mean you're right. lol
Everything in those images can be explained if you knew just a tiny portion of how camera can take different looking pictures based on settings.

>> No.7844013

Yea are you also gonna explain away the fact that we went to the moon 6 times in the 70's but now we can't leave "low earth orbit"???

>> No.7844015
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This SURELY can't be the same person can it? Must be a hoax.

>> No.7844019
File: 2.00 MB, 389x400, to_the_moon!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't talk to the retard. He won't notice you if you are silent!

>> No.7844035

>We don't, because deorbiting mostly means just burning up the stuff in the atmosphere. and if there is something left to be dropped, we try to drop it into the ocean.
>what is ISS cargo

>Expensive, since you have to take it to space with you.
You ideally construct it in the processing plant on the asteroid. Not absolutely necessary though, because of BFR capabilities.

>supply and demand. How will the gold price not get fucked when gold suddenly is not rare anymore?
Define the word "rare". You seem to fail comprehending that a private company does not need to concern itself with product xy price as long as their operation is profitable.

>And why do you?
Because my autism compels me to respond to bullshit. Fuck you.

>> No.7844119

>>what is ISS cargo
a totally different thing. The whole discussion started with the notion that transporting to and from orbit is expensive. Which is apparently solved by simply dropping shit. Now we are back at our "traditional" transport schemes, which we need to avoid to start with.
Controlled reentry of small capsule != pushing some rock so that it simply falls down

>Define the word "rare". You seem to fail comprehending that a private company does not need to concern itself with product xy price as long as their operation is profitable.
But they do. Just look at OPEC et al and how they try to control the oil price, because if it's too cheap, their operation won't be profitable anymore. And unlike some comparitively cheap shale oil wildcat wells, space will (for some time to come) stay hugely expensive.

>>And why do you?
>Because my autism compels me to respond to bullshit. Fuck you.
well, then, fuck you too, my friend. Still, intersting discussion.

>> No.7844154

>but now we can't leave "low earth orbit"???
Of course we can you retard, there has been a handful of comet mission and mars missions in the last few years.

>> No.7844159
File: 63 KB, 413x372, 1519175020738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space isn't real you dumb fuck

Know what's sad? I can't even tell if this is bait or actually a serious declaration of belief anymore....

>> No.7844185

>Let's not mine this rare resource because then it will no longer be rare.
Absolutely fucking brain-dead.

>> No.7844197

That's how the oil market works today, and to some extend the diamond market.

>> No.7844198



>> No.7844208

>asteroid mining companies

Do these even exist yet?

>> No.7844215

It's neither. FE is a psyop to make conspiracy theorists look like idiots.

>> No.7844236

Thanks anon, I'll donate your half of the profits

>> No.7844237

I'm not saying that it doesn't happen, it absolutely does. I'm saying that the economic system that necessitates such practices needs to be killed. It's fucking retarded that we aren't producing at 100% capacity just because it makes a small number of people more wealthy.

>> No.7844252

Don't take the bait, it's what he wants.

>> No.7844255

>Controlled reentry of small capsule != pushing some rock so that it simply falls down
How about a controlled reentry of "some rock"?

>Just look at OPEC et al and how they try to control the oil price, because if it's too cheap, their operation won't be profitable anymore. And unlike some comparitively cheap shale oil wildcat wells, space will (for some time to come) stay hugely expensive.
Crony oligopolies. Space has no government, free market will reign.

>> No.7844272


>Where are the stars?
....You've never been to a city have you? Light pollution. See all the light in that photo? Yep.

>Where are the other satellites?
You know how when stuff is further away than other stuff it looks further away? Yeah, so those other satellites are too far away to see.

>unable to take a picture of Mother Earth

>> No.7844276

More like
>Let's not mine this rare resource in such a scale and technology that will introduce changes that will break all of our assumptions underlying our business case

>Do these even exist yet?
At least the companies do. e.g. Deep space industries and planetary resources and they have some big name investors (I think google is involved in the latter, but I'm too lazy to dig for a link). However, they don't yet mine asteroids, but are planning to do so, at some point in the future.
Essentially, it's the same as with cryptos:
Coins do exist, and there are plans to use them, but so far no one does use them, except for investing in them since they might become useful in the future.

>> No.7844312

>FE is a psyop to make conspiracy theorists look like idiots.

I know....but of ALL the shit I've seen THIS is the dumbest. I mean, at least Project Bluebook made SENSE, Aliens etc are at least believable.

But this shit? I fucking weep for humanity. Even the dumbest piece of shit should be able to at least LOOK at the sky and go "Yeah, those way smarter people are obviously right about that" the way they do with computers or other hi tech stuff.

>> No.7844333

if thats the hubble the space shuttle has literally docked with the fucking thing to upgrade it.

>> No.7844356

This post is waay to intelligent for /biz/.

I completely and fully agree with you though. Especially the cold welding comment made me immediately knew you were above the rabble of /biz/ most people don't even know that metals stick to each other in vacuum.

This business will be absolutely insane.

>> No.7844359

Tell me more about Editas Medicine anon

>> No.7844382

Light pollution is not why you can't see stars there, it's an atmospheric effect. The reason is because the dynamic range of the camera wasn't large enough to see both the bright earth and satellite and the dim stars. Have you ever tried taking a picture of stars with a camera? It requires a long exposure or a very high sensitivity and that would wash out everything else.

Also, Hubble can't actually take pictures of Earth, but that's due to a couple other reasons. The brightness of Earth would damage the sensors and Earth is moving too quickly in Hubble's FOV to get a clear photo.

>> No.7844452

>show me proof
>no not THAT proof!!! fake!!!

>> No.7844539

"The world's first trillionare is going to be someone that mines asteroids"

-neil degrasse tyson

>> No.7844814

"Private space companies will never do shit"

- Neil Degrasse Tyson

>> No.7845153


A satelite, retard. On a clear night you can bare-eye see tens of them, mostly from the iridium constelation

>> No.7845233
File: 83 KB, 1121x735, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7845306

the key is having small rover like robots that mine the smaller asteroids and collect "dust" and harvest on the larger drone ship.

collecting space data with nano sats is becoming a big industry. it will leap frog to other industries like asteroid mining and colonization.

>> No.7845308
File: 70 KB, 736x552, 8d3026a129340cf89a17989eab1212fb--hair-beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
