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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.52 MB, 1619x2024, brendaneich25563.web_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7832454 No.7832454 [Reply] [Original]

Google is trying to buyout BAT/Brave. I can prove it but it may cost me my job.

>> No.7832540

This is an anonymous website.

>> No.7832567

do it

>> No.7832652

Fake and gay

>> No.7832673

will BAT holders benefit from this?

>> No.7832690

They wouldn’t do that because BAT is a stupid idea and so is a browser that only weirdos will use that monopolizes ads by blocking every ad that isn’t paid for in a gay crypto.

Cash grab.

>> No.7832707
File: 112 KB, 600x800, 1516748756548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have insider information but i cant reveal.
>just trust me and buy my shitcoins

>> No.7832708

Google would get hit with an antitrust lawsuit so hard if they bought them out

>> No.7832744


Youtube is currently blocking any major content creators from promoting BAT/Brave on any of their videos because they are in talks with Eich and his team. The plan is to acquire BAT/Brave and rebrand it to YouCoin as it way to fund/subscribe/get premium content creators. They plan to keep the user reward mechanism as well. Initially, it will be a method to fund youtubers but will expand as a chrome extension and be work across the whole web. Will post screenshots of a powerpoint being sent across my department.

>> No.7832761

do it

>> No.7832785


>> No.7832854


What a fag.

>> No.7832941

this guy looks like a fag who is pulling the "I WAS CENSORED" hustle to get attention lol

>> No.7833125

PhillyD is going to upload a BAT/Brave related video tomorrow. It will get take down hours later.
Screencap this. I'll be back tomorrow with more information after this happens.

>> No.7833165

Actually i remember a video done by phillip defranco about Brave and now thats gone too.

Big if true

>> No.7833193

screen capped fag. You best be right.

>> No.7833357

should've waited with shilling until btc stabilized some more

>> No.7833428

True if big i will buy all mu gains in bat now it ascends to 4 bats thanks anon

>> No.7833597

Why do you retards always try the same weak point?
No bank or stablished company is buying any cruptocurrency or token, never. Blockchain tech is OLD, I mean like fucking 1970s old. If it were usefull to them they would have developed on top of it earlier.
Everytime you see this point anywhere, get the fuck out, fast. Because you are being shilled by a 12yo that literally don't know shit abouth tech beyond a smartphone.

>> No.7833678

Yeah, look at IBM and how stupid they are with Stellar. Look how stupid they are with their IBM Blockchain commercials during the NFC/AFC championships on national television. Everyone listen to this random anon who's probably the CEO of a company even bigger than IBM. You should get a tripcode and show us your ways, anon.

>> No.7833961

Thats all you got? IBM commercials? Stellar? A skeleton of a company milking in the latest fad to position itself as trendy?
Blockchain is just a distributed database, any other miracle you'd like to pat above that is pure hype.
I mean, Google buying back a fork of their own browser, which is opensource... right. I don't need tripcodes, common sense should be enought for anyone.
Sorry to break your weak shill anon.

>> No.7834097

Ohhhh you're a nocoiner, gotcha gotcha cool cool. Good luck with that, big guy.

>> No.7834252

I made over a million usd using welfare and selling runescape gold who gives a fuck about the viability of the technology when crypto is a licence to print money

>> No.7834263

holy sheit, Google can get sued to fuck if they were just blocking it because it's a competitor, the fact they are doing this makes me think it's true as they know they arent getting sued for it

>> No.7834445
File: 1.23 MB, 2048x1152, 1518159604988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill need some proof OP

>> No.7834514

Everyone that works for Brave hates everything that YouTube stands for.

Brendan would never sell to Google. Brave is Pied Piper, Google is Hooli.

>> No.7834534


>> No.7834646

No I'm a coiner, I invest in use cases where blockchain actually makes sense, which is like 20% of the projects outthere, everything else is FAD
Yup thats what crypto is good, I did too, how that disproves my point? People who are in this for the long run with big pockets give a fuck, thats why you see soo many stagnant and dead coins. You should give a fuck too if you wanna make it instead of being sponfeed by pajeets like OP.

>> No.7834986

BAT will be the biggest gainer of 2018 if the rumors around the office are true.

>> No.7835179

> Rumors
Sure anon, BAT will overtake both BTC and ETH and even fucking USD.
For someone that supposedly works in the advertising industry, your shill game is pretty pathetic. Please stop, you failed.

>> No.7835250

I don't own any BAT.
I don't work in the advertisement industry either. I will post a thread tomorrow when PhillyDs video gets pulled. (His first one already did.)

>> No.7835364
File: 182 KB, 1992x748, Screen Shot 2018-02-20 at 8.44.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch for the bounce and potential break of the trend. 2 big green candles are forming as the news starts to leak.

>> No.7835424


>> No.7835431

what would those rumors be friend?

>> No.7835450

>biggest gainer
can you fucking read brainlet?

>> No.7835505

> works at google and privy to m&a
> knows dumbshit TA and trades on biz
daytrading shill detected

>> No.7835570

Even if that's true, I still don't care enough to buy it or use it.

>> No.7835575

where dem ppts

>> No.7835598

OP could actually be legit. I am somewhat familiar with the online ad industry and know how it works. This outcome would be nothing but totally expected.

>> No.7835627

Getting pretty desperate holding onto those bags? Whoever believes this bullshit deserves to be fucking poor. BAT is a shit token and Brave is a shit browser.

>> No.7835666

Shut up and go away. If you hate crypto and blockchains, why would you ever put this site your URL bar. Unless... Someone is paying you... Did anyone else see that story last week about how the Polish Central Bank got caught paying some youtubers to make videos to FUD crypto in general? I'd link, but phone posting and it was in Polish, lol

>> No.7835690

If you're right, I'll be retiring soon and will be happy to show you some love.

>> No.7835695

Google should be extremely threatoned by Dtube, Steemit, Dlive, Brave and Bat. It would make complete sense for them to try to fuck with things. Google will not be able to compete at all once people realize the potential of crypto to reward content creators.

>> No.7835747

BTW source on Philly D vid going down? I watched it but can't remember what date it was put out so I can check. I don't really wanna go through all his videos.

>> No.7835754
File: 7 KB, 208x243, batmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, this will do nothing but good for BAT

You're dumb as hell if you don't see all the potential uses. It'll probably end up ushering in a super fucked up dystopian and intrusive period, but advertisers, manufacturers, and BAT holders will make a shit load of money.

>> No.7835795

Bart barker video is back up....why would they put it back up?

>> No.7835843

Holy shit, this is not about blockchain. You have no idea what you're talking about. This is about ads. Do you even know what BAT is about? It directly colludes with Google.

If OP speaks the truth, then this decision of theirs would be not even surprising.

>> No.7835881

BAT is a very niche thing, it never in the universe intended to overthrow anything. Besides, this is not about "how blockchain can be applied in real world", this is about one particular field - online advertisement

>> No.7835954

The Philly D video is still up you fucking shill


>> No.7836197

80% of my stack is in BAT. No need to lie for BAT to succeed.

It's the only one of a handful of cryptos with an actual working product that people can use right now if they want.

Comfiest hold of 2018

>> No.7836241
File: 12 KB, 325x325, stevo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>online advertisement

Phones, TV's, refrigerators... which of those aren't online? The only advertising left not online is magazines and newspapers and how well are they doing?

Question for you, how big do you think the advertising industry is?

>> No.7836284

No need to be butthurt, anon

>> No.7836367

>his first one already did


You mean this one? Still up. Fuck off dumb larper

>> No.7836450

Incredulous, not butthurt. I don't understand why its not obvious what this project can do. Maybe it'll never work right, or maybe another project will come along and do it better. But for the time being this seems like a no brainer.

>> No.7836807
File: 35 KB, 597x398, right now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will there be a public announcement? 2 days? 2 weeks? 2 months?

>> No.7837092

Before February ends.

>> No.7837179

Thanks - moving 1/3 of my stack into it ASAP. What's your price target on it post-announcement?

>> No.7837189

dude if hes actually not larping there is no target

>> No.7837765
File: 94 KB, 779x660, 1515520698854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I...I want to believe

>> No.7837822

This is either yuge news or some next level shilling. im not sure which.

>> No.7837834

Can you tell us about Youtube's business model regarding BAT? Are they going to discontinue 3rd party advertising and have users tip video uploaders with BAT? Are they going to have 3rd party advertisers pay youtube with BAT? Why do they need to use BAT? Can't they use any crypto? What makes BAT special that it is the only crypto that can be used to pay content creators?

>> No.7837860

Youtube generages $4 Billion in ad revenue per year. BAT's market cap is $400 Million right now.

>> No.7837870

YouTube won't support Brave or BAT you fucking idiots.

>durr hurr fundamentally change our ad model and also support a guy who was kicked out of Mozilla for being against gay marriage

>> No.7837872

It sounds believable though. I don't know what to think. I just really hope this is true.
Post screenshot or larp confirmed

>> No.7837900

google are sjws if you didn't know (see Damore, demonetizing right wingers, etc.)

>> No.7837936

i dont think theyre gonna let politics get in the way of saving their business

>> No.7837943

His video is still up. However if your prediction tomorrow comes true I will buy a significant portion of bat I can gautantee that.

Unless you are larping and actually are Philly D and this is an elaborate plot to pump the price and dump your bat on us...

>> No.7837987
File: 161 KB, 900x1200, the-crap-we-missed-0603-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok OP. I don't really know what BAT is, but I can only assume BAT is posing a threat to youtube?

But how?

>> No.7838036

2 million+ people just got shilled BAT
why is this dumping again?

>> No.7838053
File: 450 KB, 4000x2880, 1488491912417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7838109

it enables content creators to circumvent youtube's tyrannical monetization policy

>> No.7838119

Look at the BAT chart. If this information was circulating among even just a million dollars worth of capital, which it made it here down the grape vine, we would be seeing some significant green candles.

>> No.7838129

Youtube is currently blocking any major content creators from promoting BAT/Brave on any of their videos because its their direct competition, if they let any of their major content creators openly shill for the competition it will hurt them on the long run, not because of HURR DURR SUPER SECRET BUYOUT

Jesus christ this is common sense 101 faggots

>> No.7838161

youtube definitely has no reason nor interest in relinquishing any degree of control of their funding stream. BAT is the kind of thing google would not want to happen. If you had a product, why would you ever help promote a decentralized variant of it to compete with you. They probably block it on youtube to make sure it dies.

>> No.7838215

this. BAT is much more likely to partner with Facebook than Google.
I dont believe this larper either desu

>> No.7838284
File: 47 KB, 540x378, 8EF439E1-6015-42C8-8F43-E24FA3F96A1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That right there would be a twist for the ages.

>> No.7838299
File: 97 KB, 498x594, 1419462762335_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting on that screen shot the flood gates will open if you can give any proof

>> No.7838375
File: 139 KB, 238x301, 1518736571758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people here also believed that the cinese government was partnered with Antshares/NEO LMAO

>> No.7838447

dont hold your breathe

>> No.7838456

That Phil D video is a month old, dumb fuck. I have 50% of my portfolio in BAT. So I'm comfy either way

>> No.7838867

OH this is that guy? Awesome. Buying BAT to support him. Fuck discrimination in the guise of social justice horse shit.
Why wouldn't they buy TRX then? It's got way better chances to do the same with an 80+ strong dev team and more public awareness.

>> No.7838961

Anyone FOMOing about it?

>> No.7839053


>> No.7839092
File: 34 KB, 500x351, 2002c927c43e444b913377dbe166f6c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The plan is to acquire BAT/Brave and rebrand it to YouCoin
lol ok, that actually would defeat the whole purpose of the token

>> No.7839097

According to what little I have read, one of the benefits of BAT is that users get paid in BAT to view ads (or turn off their adblocker).

>> No.7839215

The whole purpose of BAT is to destroy Facebook and Google's ad revenue model including their shitty trackers and rewards model - there is no way Eich is teaming up with YouTube - his target to destroy

>> No.7839246

Money will make the worst of enemies team up.

>> No.7839257


>> No.7839779
File: 41 KB, 493x259, Were waiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will post screenshots of a powerpoint being sent across my department.

>> No.7840066

I am bullish af for BAT but where the fuck are the screenshots cunt

>> No.7840110

I work in Google's business acquisition department. Only posting this because I'm behind 7 proxies.

It may cost me my job, but I can prove that OP is a larp.

>> No.7840252

In January, the CEO of the Interactive Advertising Bureau, Randall (((Rothenberg))), ripped into Brave and other ad blockers in a speech at the US internet advertising trade body’s annual leadership conference.

Of Brave, he said: “

The latest ad-blocking company is a Web browser startup called “Brave.” It was launched by former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich, whose last major investment was in banning gay marriage in California. His business model not only strips advertisements from publishers’ pages — it replaces them with his own for-profit ads.

THIS is the true face of ad blocking. It is the rich and self-righteous, who want to tell everyone else what they can and cannot read and watch and hear — self-proclaimed libertarians whose liberty involves denying freedom to everyone else.

Eich is literally BATMAN fighting the good fight

>> No.7840303


>> No.7840311
File: 5 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whose last major investment was in banning gay marriage in California

>> No.7840399

It's a larp, but if ANY crypto company would be bought by big player, chances are high that it would only be for a few patents and that they would trash the coin, either for good or to replace it with their own (which would screw everyone who had the old one). The have ZERO legal responsibility toward current coin owners, and they wouldn't say 'oh, let's give these nerds a few million dollars, we're good guys after all'.

>> No.7840486

January 2016 lol

>> No.7840601
File: 79 KB, 400x204, REEEEE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7840650


>> No.7840779

Some time last year, I was playing with the idea that I have my ad blocker disabled for YouTube and I want to be rewarded for every second I spend on their ads. I like the 1000 "YouTube Points" for $5 redemption type of shit system that any other pay-to-view do. This rumor is a much better idea.

>> No.7840794

Eich is the fucking man

>> No.7840880

I like BAT but i know this is bullshit because companies don't send PowerPoints "across departments". They send memos/PDFs. OP is a child who has never worked a day in his life.

>> No.7840954
File: 37 KB, 600x342, chosen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were supposed to destroy Google! Not join it!

>> No.7841111

Oh boi, those are some heavy bags you holding friend.

>> No.7841203

Literal CIA have leaked stuff here. We just called it fake and gay.

>> No.7841219

Still has 1 dollar purpose

>> No.7841336

/biz/ hasn't been shilling BAT very much, so it probably has good potential.

>> No.7841366

checked, bat is a literal shitcoin
you can't even convince normies to use an adblocker let alone a different fucking browser

>> No.7841376

Brave has made it clear that if you buy them you have to have the token too. Its been discussed in the subreddit a couple of times.

>> No.7841395
File: 69 KB, 939x526, bateich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregard this post.

>> No.7841442
File: 35 KB, 640x640, 1511117243912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet mother of balls whats gonna happen next

>> No.7841447

Somehow I doubt it but I already hold a good amount of BAT so I'll be fine either way.

>> No.7841460

I work at Google and can prove it. What team are you on? Wanna meet on campus tommorow to talk in person?

>> No.7841470

Ummm kek

Biz ur so gullible

>> No.7841471

ya lets suck dicks

>> No.7841486

>still the 8th largest tech company

just because they don't make personal computers doesn't mean they're suddenly irrelevant lol

>> No.7841561
File: 123 KB, 1024x712, bateich2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow, 10:30 AM PST. I'll be back with a new thread.

>> No.7841570

OP, prove you work at Google.

What is a...

Go link
MOMA badge

Anyone that went through orientation here could answer this shit.

>> No.7841658

I don't work at Google, Brave, nor am I in the advertising industry. I don't want to say where I work but it should be fairly obvious.

>> No.7841708 [DELETED] 
File: 398 KB, 1024x1365, Forbes_March_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati PC.

I'm deleting this post in 5 minutes.

>> No.7841711

make sense bitch

>> No.7841730
File: 421 KB, 584x553, 1518481937438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like you are working for a larping agency.
Work hard tonight to keep this larp up.
I look forward to the continuation of the story tomorrow.

>> No.7841778
File: 13 KB, 660x346, pogchamp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is trying to tell you retards he works at youtube, holy shit you dense pajeets

>> No.7841794 [DELETED] 

I work at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati PC.

I'm deleting this post in 5 minutes.

>> No.7841829

give us 1 last piece of info before you go, i need one last puzzle piece

>> No.7841831

How do they buy out BAT, like as in the brand name and integration into browsers and rebrand it to their own?

>> No.7841857

Hmmm there was a thread here before from a psychic maybe a month back saying good things will come to BAT and the month May was when it reached its peak of 50$ seems hard to believe but there is always stranger shit

>> No.7841862

Dude, we just need a proof with signatures.

>> No.7841902

What was deleted?

>> No.7841904

For those who missed where OP works

Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati PC

>> No.7841928


happened yesterday they seem to be ramping up for something i guess?

>> No.7842004

Acquisition and rebranding, albeit the Brave team still has to accept the offer. Negotiations and contractual paperwork, may take months.

>> No.7842012

Yeah, something is going on. Also I'm still not convinced. I want to dig deeper but I don't want to doxx him so giving up is best option for me

>> No.7842032

50 bat or xlm (your choice) to the anon who can find a link between WSGR and Brendan or Brave

>> No.7842039

Wouldn't that fuck BAT?

>> No.7842048

Oh shit OP might be legit.
Let's all accumulate and make note of brave/bat censoring.

>> No.7842052

Im already 1K in BAT but it's just incubating until ad services are released later in the year, i doubt there will be much movement before then.

>> No.7842077

also Google is known to do shit like this. They wanted to buy Twitch.tv early on.

>> No.7842083

I don't want Google or Facebook anywhere near Brave for at least a couple of years.

Brave/BAT have immense potential and these slug corporations would just leach all of that potential until it's nothingness.

>> No.7842217

Congrats on this. Seriously.

>> No.7842235

I'm one of the top 500 bat holders so if this is legit I'll have made it with gusto. If its a larp thanks anyways op, I'm enjoying the dream.

>> No.7842446
File: 5 KB, 569x510, 3fe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit OP is legit

>> No.7842486

Only legitimate argument in here

>> No.7842494

>would google go SJW
answer is yes

>> No.7842545
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>> No.7842546


Good point. Not only this, but BAT has been slowly bleeding for weeks now.

If BAT had a heartbeat you might mistake it for being dead, that's how bad BAT has looked this month. Nonetheless, it's well-known that just a few whales own like half of BAT and that's why we don't see much movement. BAT is owned by a few people who refuse to sell.

>> No.7842591

No idea, maybe buy some BAT and strap in for the ride??

>> No.7842602

Is that Andrew Dice Clay?

>> No.7842651

We're in between introduction and a long gap to actual implementation. Most of us are just holding until ad services come in the summer.

>> No.7842657

depends on how you're measuring. When bitcoin was at 6k, BAT hit a low of $0.25. When it rallied up to 9k-10k, BAT was at $0.37-0.38.

It's been following BTC price movement pretty closely until recently

>> No.7842685

Think about this rationally, do you actually think that YouTube (Google) would take BAT and use it for it's intended purpose? I mean they use their monetary policy in effect to censor YouTube content creators. They're not going to buy and rebrand only to simply allow BAT to function in that capacity unrestricted. If anything they'd buy to suppress it. Google and YouTube tow the line of social fascism through the narrative of "hate speech." All of a sudden they are going to 180 and embrace a technology born out of the demand their agenda is ideologically opposed to?

>> No.7842743

Except total supply is still 50% higher than circulating supply so if Google wanted they could mint themselves 500,000,000 BAT after buying it.

>> No.7843135
File: 169 KB, 1143x446, Screen Shot 2018-02-21 at 10.25.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy on the rumor I guess. What the fuck is this shit.

>> No.7843136

congrats on this

>> No.7843321
File: 404 KB, 342x342, 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


have fun holding them bags faggot

>> No.7843491

>t. bagholder down 30%

>> No.7843778

congrats in this op

>> No.7843935

> its real

>> No.7844150

Congrats on this. Seriously.

>> No.7844160

OP is coming thru at 10am PT with the insider news. Setting up new vpn

>> No.7844375

Guys can this coin ever reach 4k usd? Thats the number I need :/

>> No.7844424


>> No.7844430

What the fuck......

>> No.7844494

That's not true my company alternates between the two with no rhyme or reason

>> No.7844620

screenshotted faggot

>> No.7844639
File: 16 KB, 634x423, article-2595087-1CC2C59B00000578-958_634x423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7844710

I hope Brendan is right wing because he's been based as FUCK in every other aspect so far. It's amazing to be on the ground floor of BAT, Brendan didn't need to allow us to invest in this new media paradigm, it would still be successful without such an early ICO and Brendan would top the fucking Forbes list by being able to retain more BAT through to mainnet. Because Brendan is as wise and generous as he is brilliant I think he realized that the economic benefit the masses would realize from being able to participate as venture capitalists was the right thing to do for the world. ~5 years and he will be considered one of the greatest tech visionaries of the 21st century, I wouldn't doubt it if the BAT mainnet outlived Brendan and maybe a few generations of his descendents. Men like Brendan are going to build new mediums that will exist as cornerstones of tech well past our time.

>> No.7844867

Thanks OP, you are a gent.

This shows you are legit, and this is believable, to me at least.

I've been saying for weeks to buy before end May/June and OP's tweet here is on the money (even if Brendan has used a technically incorrect letter in his first reply).

>> No.7845313
File: 347 KB, 628x719, 1504877274363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT WAS IT?????????????????????????

>> No.7845352
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>> No.7845410


So twitch is on board... that’s kind of huge.

>> No.7845489

not really, its just free money for them why wouldnt u be on board. a lot of these virgins that use brave browser prob spend a lot of time on twitch so that could be like an extra $1-3 for free each month for twitch...with them not doing sht extra

>> No.7845664

It's going back up, boys! Accumulating!!!

>> No.7845762
File: 178 KB, 1242x2208, jpljgrw3i3f01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7846299

This is gonna be huge

>> No.7846331

Just fomo'd into BAT again. I was gonna do it soon anyway, but this larp convinced me to do so a bit sooner.

>> No.7846408

Buy the rumour, sell the news. If PD posts a video about it like OP claims then you can bet my ass I'm going to FOMO in, until now I'm going to wait.

>> No.7846532


>buy the rumour, sell the news
>I will now explain how i am going to buy the news

>> No.7846572

What would theoretically happen to current bat tokens if this happened?

>> No.7846574

BAT is an hidden gem anw, very low MCAP and useful product. Of course it's gonna moon this year. Idc if this specific rumor is false, the product is solid and moving quickly through the roadmap :)

>> No.7846623

If PhillyD posts a video about BAT today then it proves that OP is not a larping faggot and may possibly be telling the truth. Otherwise I'm not going to throw my money at it.

>> No.7846624

Lol why are u all falling for this LARP

>> No.7846646

Bat will never be worth more than 1 dollar, for obvious reasons.

>> No.7846691

Shit, a dollar is more than 39 cents...so fuck it!

>> No.7846768


>> No.7846891

It's a meme.

>> No.7847094

looking forward to the exciting new chapter in this guys fanfiction to sell his coins at a few satoshis higher


>> No.7847255

Top kek

>> No.7847428

it's a meme bro

>> No.7847431


No....its not a meme. Read the whitepaper.

>> No.7847449

this is gold

>> No.7847494

Wtf did read it for first time, it says $100 eoy. You fucking cunt, you lied...

>> No.7847575

>Liquidity and increased circulation have never added to the value of currency before.

Eich wants something with stability, and not for moon missions. It is expected to increase steadily as it grows in popularity.

Blue moons (Goog buy-out, Coinbase listing, Regs) will cause it to rise massively occasionally before settling again.

>> No.7847613

Memelord extroidanaire. Seriously though the peice isn't capped.

>> No.7848545

husky kek

>> No.7848740
File: 109 KB, 540x960, 1480911474989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The truth will set you free. You may lose your job, but newer better opportunities will manifest before you.

Bat is a transformational technology that will help us build a better world. Please, tell us what is happening.

Truth is redemptive. It brings order out of chaos. Don't Let the bastards win.


>> No.7848785

Thanks, just sold 100k

>> No.7848934

Congrats on this. Seriously.

>> No.7849693

Do tell us more

>> No.7850581

dont let this thread die. gives us something to speculate about while we are all bleeding out