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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 353x394, teehee1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7830057 No.7830057 [Reply] [Original]

The IRS is going to be on your dick for the rest of your life, ever since you made that first purchase of crypto through your bank/credit-card. You will never be truly decentralized cause they "know". They know you have your dick in the game and will always be expecting you to report every year from here on out.

So many are going to get your buttholes pierced opened by the IRS and you are still a slave to the system. You're not fooling anyone, now pay your taxes or get fucked.

>> No.7830075

Fuck off irs

>> No.7830089

we reddit now

>> No.7830094

"sorry, lost it all gambling with FUN tokens."

>> No.7830132

>living in the usa
>living in a country without bank secrecy

>> No.7830301


As soon as I get a chance I'm moving to Curacao. Shove your taxes up your ass.

>> No.7830391
File: 10 KB, 730x380, teehee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By Law you still have to pay taxes, even if you leave the country. Now the FBI is going to tag your IP

>> No.7830474

How this is /biz related? Fuck off to /pol

>> No.7830496

I've paid my taxes, fuck off.

>> No.7830505

Following economic laws has to do with business anon.

>> No.7830518

No it is not. Fuck off.

>> No.7830644
File: 133 KB, 400x307, b53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paid cash and don't live in the states.

>> No.7830721

i dont pay crypto taxes so stfu

>> No.7830752

Thats the spirit. If countries engage in competitive tax rates you as a consumer must chose the best one. Markets are all about equilibrium.

>> No.7830760

I pay crypto taxes but I do not understand why OP likes to fuck dogs. What is your problem OP? Be normal.

>> No.7830780

Duude. If you buy a car in germany, move to russia and take your car with you and sell it, where do you think you pay taxes? In germany?

>> No.7830784


>> No.7830835

It's US law to prevent these kinds of scenario's from happening. We're talking about the US, and if you leave the country. Even if you renounce citizenship, there's a time period for several years where you still have to pay US taxes. This prevents people from running away from the country for the sole purpose of avoiding taxes.

>> No.7830893


>> No.7830983

If you surrender your citizenship, which is what you'd want to do, to exit the US taxation system, you have to pay out the ass with the Expatriation Tax. Good luck with that. They take everything you own, treat it as it had been sold, and compute that as salary over a certain amount. Guaranteed to bump you into a higher tax bracket, and they'll grab as much of it as they can. (IRAs and such also count, as well as any crypto, as those are considered property by the IRS).

You can thank your Dem congressmen for it, the last version of it was by Chuck Schumer, D, NY.

But you keep thinking you'll get out without paying. Curacoa has extradition with the US, the IRS can haul your ass back to the mainland any time they want.

>> No.7831080
File: 30 KB, 678x452, images(21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the IRS is going....
The IRS can kiss my ass.

>> No.7831152

How the fuck do miners pay tax?

>> No.7831180

the IRS is a total scam

that being said, i am always up to date on paying my taxes because they are a terrifying illegal gestapo that can freeze your fucking bank account without any notice. and I've had it happen to one of my businesses before because I was behind on payroll taxes from an accountant that was fucking stealing.

i will bend the rules with a lot of shit: deductions, organizational loop holes, using pass through entities etc but I always end up paying the IRS simply because they hold all the power in this country

>> No.7831256
File: 97 KB, 503x314, teehee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your gains are realized the moment you mine a coin. So if you mined BTC while it was at 30k, you pay taxes on 30k, even if it fell down to 10k later that week, you still pay taxes on 30k.

>> No.7831276

i never wanted to fuck a cartoon in the ass so bad

i may have the brap fetish


>> No.7831308
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>> No.7831335

god dammit
who did dis
i need like 10GB of those

>> No.7831396

What kind of foods make a girl gassy like this?

>> No.7831432


>> No.7831452

Real Chad's are moving to Puerto Rico and setting up a crypto-millionaire/billionaire city for only rich crypto investors

a.k.a. savvy white people

>> No.7831756
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>> No.7831778
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>> No.7831782

It's another let the government extort you or you will get raped by niggers thread. No OP the IRS the ones who should be afraid.

>> No.7831801

>Implying OP didn't make this thread so he could post brapgirls

>> No.7831853

Poor OP. He expected brap posters but nobody gives a shit about his plebbit pics. That's what happens when you try to force a meme.

>> No.7831867

1. Buy Crypto with cash $1000 when BTC is 6k
2. Crypto doubles to 12k.
3. Sell Crypto for cash on localbitcoin or the similar.

When does the part where the IRS finds the gains?

>> No.7831882

sauce now
im about to break nofap 2018

>> No.7831912

is there a site where you can trade algorithmically generated brapppgirls?

can they have different skin tones and can you feed them different foods to make their brap spicy or wet?

>> No.7831915


OP you should follow this man's lead. do the right thing. Stop being a parasite IRS nigger and KYS

>> No.7831927

>worries about muh taxes
>too low IQ to buy OTC and use VPN
we have a virgin here

>> No.7831947

I always believed banning people doesn't do shit but OP changed my mind.

>> No.7831952

>Sell Crypto for cash on localbitcoin or the similar.
who is seriously going to trade 12k on localbt?
Or are you going to eat the transaction fees?

>> No.7831966


Not to mention everyone who thinks that because they use an "anonymous" address instead of their name, the IRS isn't going to catch them.

The jails have entire wings dedicated to people who think they have the perfect way to hide money.

>> No.7832089

oh sweet summer child... lol

how the fuck do you think your local college-town dealer ends up with bricks? either him or his dealer is ordering shit online. that's how it works these days.

>> No.7832121
File: 11 KB, 300x300, teeheee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are stock images from sites like adobe images.

This would make for an interesting mechanic for a game.

When the math doesn't add up that you have things you shouldn't be able to afford.

>> No.7832151

They have more important matters kid

>> No.7832273

So think its reasonable to meet a "local college-town dealer", and exchange 12k USD for 12k Bitcoin and expect to walk home with a smile on your face?

Personally the sheer concept of having to be face to face with a drug dealer makes my skin crawl. What if he owes money and was being followed by other bottom of the barrel types?

I would never willingly expose myself to such people or let them know I even exist.

>> No.7832324

>When does the part where the IRS finds the gains?

When it hits your bank account.

At some point, the money has to hit a bank. At that point, your name is attached to it, unless you're bartering coins for assets, like cars, or guns, or drugs.

If you're doing cash sales over a couple hundred off localbitcoin, you're asking to get robbed. The niggers in Oakland are already aware of this, and I wouldn't fuck around with more than a couple hundred now.

>> No.7832372


Fuck off I ain't giving no money to some fucking kike I'd rather go to pound me in then ass prison and I'll make sure to bury my bitcoin before I leave. To bad Heisenburg never laundered his ill gotten meth money in bitcoin. Would've made for alot more interesting final season of breaking bad.

>> No.7832381

>So think its reasonable to meet a "local college-town dealer", and exchange 12k USD for 12k Bitcoin and expect to walk home with a smile on your face?
no, you buy the btc from whoever he buys BTC with.

there are reputable dealers for BTC/USD face to face. you pay a premium, but I've personally done thousands of business with someone in this respect and I don't even know the guy's name, nor does he know mine.

if you're scared, buy a used glock and sack up and bring it loaded. you won't have to use it.

>> No.7832543

The usa really did turn into a dystopian nightmare, didnt it?

>> No.7832568
File: 69 KB, 852x596, they just sent this to me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fart poster is also IRS buttrape poster
>two attention whores are one and the same
Who knew?
Here's your (You).

>> No.7832586

>no, you buy the btc from whoever he buys BTC with.
This works when you want to buy BTC, but not when you want to Sell the BTC after it appreciated in value.

Cashing out is harder due to transaction delay.
Though maybe you can find a cigar afficianado who wants 12k in BTC. I had a friend who had a thing for buying cubans and having them sent in the mail.

>> No.7832639

Yes. Thank baby boomers

>> No.7832686

I'm gonna make an educated guess here:

>Never worked a day in your life
>Hold about $100 in some alt coin
>Parents pay for everything
>Will shriek and cry like a little girl if the IRS actually contacted you.

>> No.7832775

I just filed my taxes for 2017 and when I went to fill out a 1099 I had no fucking clue how I was supposed to report crypto trades. I know how much I owe, I just can't for the life of me figure out how I'm supposed to supply my information showing my trades.

I hope some new money crypto billionaire sues the irs over the taxes because it's bullshit having to pay taxes on something the government hasn't figured out how to tax yet.

>> No.7832818

I gave in and just sit back and embrace the madness now.

>> No.7832842
File: 224 KB, 454x300, 20170725001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7832885

They know how to tax it, they consider it property. Pretty fucking simple.

There are ways to track trades, like Bitcoin.tax. You're a day trader, did you really think you'd have different rules than someone trading stocks? Grow up. You're doing business, learn what the laws and tax implications are BEFORE you jump in. It's astounding to me that so many of you didn't - and you have no business crying about it now.

>> No.7832921

As if anyone has the logistical capabilities to pull this off.
That's so dumb, that you made a lurker like me reply, gratz anon.

>> No.7832964

Dude thats like saying you owe taxes if you farmed corn the moment you put the harvest on your barn. Thats not how it works

>> No.7832966

>I know how much I owe, I just can't for the life of me figure out how I'm supposed to supply my information showing my trades.
>>I know how much I owe,
>>I know how much I owe,
>>I know how much I owe,

l2r, you dum bitch.

>> No.7833065

I've never bought crypto with fiat, seems stupid to trade real money for magic internet tokens, especially considering that the community around crypto is such utter shit. I was given some BTC as a tip a couple years ago, and I've just fucked around trading that half-assedly since.

>> No.7833109

>I had no fucking clue how I was supposed to report crypto trades
>I had no fucking clue how I was supposed to report crypto trades
>I had no fucking clue how I was supposed to report crypto trades
>I had no fucking clue how I was supposed to report crypto trades

That's what I'm talking about, dumbfuck, not how much you fucking owe. Stop crying like a bitch and go fill out your fucking tax forms.

>> No.7833110

The IRS doesnt have near the resources to audit everyone they suspect of having made crypto gains.

Op is a scared boomer

>> No.7833119
File: 51 KB, 606x605, 1519101904085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the nocoiner cope thread?

>> No.7833208

They only wanted the best for the next generation
Turns out they forgot to calculate with a less than exponentially growing economy
Im from germany. Here, too, the tendency is to increase taxes
I shall leave and go to a country i like. I shall wait until ether or some other crypro is legal tender. I shall then spend it.

>> No.7833427

This should be in the encyclopedia as an example of "whistling past the graveyard", or "wishful thinking".

>> No.7833520

It's still by far the most free country, but that doesn't mean you can abuse the system and abscond with your ill-gotten gains. If you don't fuck with anyone else in the US, you're free to do just about anything you want. I can drive around in a monster truck full of guns dressed as Hitler, with a swastika painted on one side and "NIGGER KILLER" on the other, and no one can do shit. If someone attacks me I can literally shoot them until they're dead. There aren't any other countries with that level of freedom. In some states you can attend a gay wedding, in a KKK outfit, with a Muhammad cartoon on the front, a backpack full of weed, and an AK slung over your shoulder, and you could give a speech on how the Holocaust never happened, but that you'd like to start one.

>> No.7833860

Lmao, exactly

> b-but people on somalian someliers forum told me FUN will moon
> Im just a bad trader tee-hee..

>> No.7833899

common misconception: this will hide your wealth in the cryptosphere but you're in the same boat as far as cashing out goes...

>> No.7834496

you could commit a crime that would give you the death penalty, then countries like Argentina won't extradite you

pretty ironic that premeditated mass murder is the only way to escape paying US taxes