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File: 73 KB, 644x400, Tiger_leech__36880.1421052520.650.400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7829176 No.7829176 [Reply] [Original]

Typical fucking leeches my parents are
They dont support me when im poor, dont even let me borrow to start up and now that im rich they want me to buy them a home and support them to retirement
Fuck that
Any of you have any leech family members?

>> No.7829216

Just my girlfriend, that "doesn't like money" but asks for help every end of month.

>> No.7829217

>pay to raise you

and they're the leeches? How about you pay them back for $200,000 cost of raising a child, you ungrateful little shit?

>> No.7829257

my dad thinks that since I live with him that I need to pay my half of the rent on time

whose fault is it that he was born?

>> No.7829261
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>rewarding parents for doing their duty

>> No.7829262

Fuck your parents
Fuck you too

>> No.7829293

please anon come home your mother and i miss you so much :(( you can bring over that lady friend of yours? just park your lambo out back and come have diner with us anon :(( we miss you

>> No.7829301

>OP asked for being born
parent spotted

>> No.7829304

yeah, fucking leeches spending 18 years of their lives and money raising you so that you could go on a malaysian brownie baking image board and be a huge faggot
Fuck that

>> No.7829327

you know you can get your dick wet without committing to a leech who treats you like moneybags?

>> No.7829353

Bet you're like 25+ and genuinely complaining about paying rent...in your dad's house...

>> No.7829372

nope - unlike you OP my family supports my ideas. So everyone in my family bought into bitcoin back in 2013 when I first started preaching it. We all got rich over here.

>> No.7829429

I tell her to fuck off most of the times, she won't fucking leave, bitch is hooked up to me, it pains me to see her suffer because she's the one that cares the most in our couple.
Took her virginity and I feel remorse because I don't love her, each time I try to break up she cries like a beat up dog, what do?

>> No.7829453

Break up - she'll get over it

better to do it now

>> No.7829480

they could have just given him up for adoption

parenthood is optional

if you don't like it, move out

I'm not a parent, but I realize that I'm pretty lucky that my dad paid for my tuition in college

>> No.7829523

bringing a life into this world and not supporting them is fucked up and not tolerated outside of shitholes like the US

>> No.7829525

She said if I ever break up she will tell all my friends and her family that I forced her to have an abortion. To her conservative family taking a daughter's virginity is a pretty big deal.

>> No.7829541

I am that leech. Almost 30 and still living off of my parents. I dont feel bad because i never asked to be born

>> No.7829562

No, the exact opposite actually

My family would let each other go homeless

>> No.7829587

Make her say it in a message, so you have proof, you brainlet.

>> No.7829613

But it's true, well I guess you have a point, I should call bluff.

>> No.7829630

Don't be such a cuck - choose yourself first

>> No.7829686

My mom. She was petty, vindicitive, and abusive. Would pull us 2 steps back, help us get 1 step forward, and expect us to kiss her ass for a net loss. She still tries to extort me and my siblings even in our 20s.

>> No.7829691
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fucking end yourself normie piece of shit

the only thing you deserve is a cyanide injection

>> No.7829707

I always do, don't worry, just need to have her around in the meantime until this summer then I dump her.

>> No.7829724

Definitely yes. Tell them to buy btc when it hit 2k$ for HUGE profits later in 2017, but no body listen to me. Buy bitcoin in the first days of june were not that bad, i think

>> No.7829790

Don't give money to anyone. Not your parents, not your girlfriend, not your friends.

If they're struggling it's their own damn fault, you're not a charity.

>> No.7829876

Literally this
OP your parents never appreciated you until you became rich so fuck them

>> No.7829925

Just 1099-MISC your dad the rent money total.

>> No.7829930

literally every country has adoption

anyone here who had parents that support them is lucky to not have been raised in a foster home

>> No.7829968

I am 32 and still live at home. Even though I can afford to move out with all my crypto gains. Why give money to a (((landlord)))? Normies laugh that I live at home. meanwhile I have a lot more saved in the bank than them, I have lots saved in crypto. Meanwhile they rent an apartment and spend all this money on clubs and bitches to impress roasties. When we all know that roasties love Chad, not them, and these Reddit numales get cucked by slayers.

I never asked to be born. So I don't feel guilty about "mooching" off my dad. He just had to get that nut. Now he is paying the consequences. Lol. Having kids is selfish, it is not a net benefit to society. Look at all the single moms shitting out criminals. And then they expect US to pay for Tyrone Jr. because she can't support the kid and couldn't be bothered to use birth control or have a fucking abortion.

>> No.7830052

Can confirm, adopted and from the UK. Parents (bio) were late teens though. Never bothered to seek them out.

>> No.7830064
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>Typical fucking leeches my parents are

>> No.7830232

There are more kids in foster care who don't get adopted than there are parents looking to adopt. It is fucking disgusting for people to reproduce when they can't afford to take care of the kid. We have birth control and abortions. We need less reproduction, not more. I'm doing my part by going MGTOW and not having kids. Just LOL @ bringing a son into this god foresaken world. My son would probably grow up to be Elliot Rodger and cleanse the normie filth consuming the earth's resources. Global population didn't explode until after World War II. World War III is long overdue. Breeders need to be stopped. Single moms shit out guys and expect us to pay for them. Consuming finite resources.

>> No.7830288
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>> No.7830332
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nah nigga i am the leech

>> No.7830373

is having shitty parents/children a pretty common thing in burgerland then?

>> No.7830528

nice larp. This is an expression of your fear that you will never be of any use to your family, anon. But really, you can be - even if you are a poor neet. Just being there for them to talk to is sometimes a big help.

>> No.7830743
File: 24 KB, 196x257, OPandleech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7830858

>parents doing their duty
>kid refuses to do his

>> No.7830930

I know you're probably trolling but you're seriously a massive faggot if that is a problem for you lmao

>> No.7831254

Did they pay back that amount to their parents? Don't think so. That's kinda how biological organisms work

>> No.7831349

So fucking what. If her family comes at you use your second amendment rights and shoot them dead

>> No.7831370

not amerishooter

>> No.7831465

Are you an euro?

>> No.7831474


>> No.7831508

Unless her family is mafia or some fucking thugs from the Balkans you should be fine anon

>> No.7831528

OP I haven't mentioned my crypto gains to my family.

Parents are obligated to pay for their kids, parents who don't meet that obligation can get murdered. Any parent who would hold that over their adult kid's head is a pile of garbage. Parents should be more supportive and do more to earn their child's loyalty than just providing for them materially. Maybe your parents were great but a lot of parents are total garbage, and just had over their children to be raised by the garbage public education system.

>> No.7831579

Congrats anon, that is a beautiful thing when that happens.

>> No.7831805

My mom supported her parents back home by sending them money. My dad's parents died when he was kind of young (feelsbadman)

it's called passing it forward

Guess what, most of the people here STILL live with their parents despite being over 18 years of age. Legally, their responsibility ended a long time ago.

My parents weren't that great. My dad paid for my college and let me live at home for a long time for free. But I had to commute to college on a fucking lightrail train. No car, didn't want to pay for an apartment next to campus.

But that's fine, he was never obligated to even pay for my education in the first place. He did more than he had to, and let me stay at home even when I was out of college and started work.

But I understand where he's coming from. Living on campus is not an absolute requirement in life.