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7829475 No.7829475 [Reply] [Original]

> tfw put I have a 4.0 in engineering on my resume
> get interviews setup almost immediately for internships, 100% response rate
> they never even ask for a resume

Wtf? Why didnt you guys tell me it was this easy?

>> No.7829529

they're going to check your gpa when the hiring process begins and theyre going to withdraw their offer the minute they see you lied on your resume. this is one of the pre employment "tests" they give you

>> No.7829573

have fun getting cucked whilst you do the work for them

>> No.7829591

> tfw put I have a 4.0 in engineering on my resume
> they never even ask for a resume


>> No.7829716

LGBT as fuck

>> No.7829765

Thats considered white in america

fucking kek

>> No.7829828

Not even close

>> No.7829975
File: 23 KB, 300x300, 1280085903132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for internships

>> No.7830071

One place I interviewed at told me if you make it through 3 summer internships they will hire you 90k starting lol try again

>> No.7830122

Keyword IF

You don’t even have a real job yet and you’re taking down to /biz?

Come back when you actually work a few years you NEET

>> No.7830330

la creatura...

>> No.7830521
File: 12 KB, 217x217, heston smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"we'll totally hire you, but first you'll have to work for us for free!"
>"ah, sorry, you're a perfect candidate, but someone else was a little bit better. just keep trying!"

and then the next wave of internship cucks walk in.

>> No.7830538

this is bullshit, this anon has never had a job at a big company before.

most don't give a fuck about your grades.

>> No.7830669

If you have a trash gpa you'll just get your resume thrown in the trash by HR and you won't even make it to an interview

>> No.7830715

they do for an internship, especially if you got the offer while claiming to have a 4.0

>> No.7830773

excellent cope, my dear sir

>> No.7830800

engineering internships pay quite well. i've heard as high as 30 bucks an hour

>> No.7831182

I literally just got a job offer for $110k. I had a solid 70% average throughout uni.

Why go for a 4.0 when you can just network?

>> No.7831269

They'll drill into what you know in a more technical interview.

>> No.7831893

So you let them cuck you three times for free?

>> No.7831917

>unpaid internships
You know nothing about Engineering. This isn’t marketing fag

>> No.7831972

> tfw put I have a 4.0 in engineering on my resume
> they never even ask for a resume

>> No.7831975

I have two computer engineering bros, they both made 30k per summer as interns, it's great pay if you know what you're doing

>> No.7831989

lmfao this guy had to do 3 internships to get a job?

lmfao get rekt boi

>> No.7832035

I've worked as an engineer for one year and within 2 weeks of looking for better offers I've had to companies plan to fly me out all expenses paid, to interview. Feels good man

>> No.7832044

>Getting walked over 3 (three) times.
It's not a job if you aren't getting paid it's just serfdom.

>> No.7832060

Two, Christ

>> No.7832211

If you happen to have some other proof of value.

>> No.7832514

>caring about the ability to hammer "knowledge" into ones brain for a few days