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7828967 No.7828967 [Reply] [Original]

im sorry if this list includes one of your bags. just know that most of these coins are going straight into hell

ethereum, ripple, cardano, stellar, eos, dash, neo, iota, tron, icx, nano, stratis, status, zrx, lend, neo, ark, dgb ... list goes on.

A VERY SMALL GROUP OF COINS WILL SURVIVE. Your best bet for now is btc, ltc, OMG, ven, etc.

i saved this one for the last ... link is looking ok aswell. not super strong but defo better than the ones i listed at the start.

ill answer questions if you like, but im 100% that coins ive listed above will ALL lose value vs btc.

>> No.7829058

Best bet is neo/ltc/eth

>> No.7829076

You’re retarded if you think EOS is going to shit. You obviously didn’t DYOR.

>> No.7829097

btc ltc omg ven should go to shit too

>> No.7829107

EOS is actually set to moon pretty soon

>> No.7829159

>Sorry but your bags are going to hell
>My bags on the other hand...

>> No.7829186

BTC/ETH will survive for another year for sure

not so sure about other ones

>> No.7829192


neo is ok compared to other alts gaining value vs usd but losing value vs btc its too big of a project will take years to fully grow into scale.


eos is absolute fucking shit -- 6.5 billion dollar market cap of retards.

>> No.7829201

It's easy to be a frontrunner. Where's this prediction when alts are up big?

>> No.7829209

This. Kys op. Fag.

>> No.7829292


eos is done. anybody who buys eos is only buying cause he thinks its the dip when its actually nowhere near the bottom. it'll go to 55k sats or even less.

>> No.7829357


alts were up big, but the alt season is over. people think it'll happen again where ull get 10x with vaporwave shittier coins like tron.

its never happening again folks. some coins will survive and rest will perish. by the end of 2020 only a handful of coins will make it, maybe 100 coins but thats it.

the time is to actually invest in projects thatll scale and be useful in daily life instead of pajeet coins that claim to save the world.

>> No.7829421

ones that don't believe me will see the consequences in a few days when all the coins ive listed slowly dip towards hell with dead cat bounces. all of the charts are bearish as fuck. only an imbecile would still hope to make x5 x10 profits where people have already make x100 or more.

>> No.7829616
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all the money from shit tier coins will transfer into majors like btc and ltc. btc will therefore increase and gain dominance over the entire market again (%39 right now, might go upto 50%) but the entire marketcap which is 500 bil right now wont nudge much -- because this isnt fresh money flowing into cryptos. thisll be the money that pajeets have on shitcoins that were hoping for gains but instead lose value vs btc everyday. theyll slowly come to realization and buy btc instead and sell their shitcoins.

ONLY THEN, maybe we will have another alt season, but i srsly doubt it. it will never be the way it was in 2017

>> No.7829824

bump because im actually worried about some of you. you're all gonna lose your hard worked money.

>> No.7830018
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Fuck you FUD rat. Alts always drop when BTC goes on a tear, Its comforting to see predictability in this market.

>> No.7830038

Can you elaborate on Stratis? I've done some extensive research, and it seems to be one of the more promising projects.

>> No.7830067

Like i would listen a stupid dotard

>> No.7830180


i hope you lose all ur money on xlm and eos u brainlet


strat was a very promising project and was one of my biggest bags but i sold it all at 13 dollars. strat had 2 big announcements a few days ago but it didnt even nudge. its almost 1 bil market cap also i just dont think it has that much room left to grow and id rather invest in projects with guaranteed gains.

>> No.7830249


i dont play dota only moba i really like was HoN. i just like the pic cause its always the same for every moba imo.

>> No.7830334

You think ETH will fail but OMG will survive? Sounds like you have no idea about th symbiosis of the two. Retarded

>> No.7830463


suit yourself my man, eth was 0.1 btc its going down to 0.05 or even less. currently 0.077. mark my words.

just check btc/eth chart. does that look bullish to you u fucking moron

>> No.7830657

im sorry it had to be this way anons

>> No.7830771

My take is it didn't move because the dumb marketing team decided to announce the ICOs during major market crashes, where there was a lot of panic and money pumping out of alts and crypto in general.
1B market cap, I'd say leaves little room to grow for people looking for 100x gains, but a 10B cap by EOY, is more than plausible for a project that has been developed with enterprise in mind from the ground up, utilizing a framework that is among the most used in banking, finance and IT industries. That's what differs strat from other blockchain deployment solutions - it's compatibility with Fortune 500s' capacities in terms of what their employees are skilled at - no company is going to retrain or hire people specifially be able to deploy solutions written in stuff like Solidity, which nobody has even heard of in the industry. .NET is used all over the place, and any company is pretty much good to go with implementing it for it's blockchain based products.
I appreciate your insight, but I think I will keep on accumulating on STRAT, unless there is a way you could argue against my points, which I would gladly hear to.

>> No.7831026


ive been following strat for a while, the news mightve clashed with the unfortunate timing of dumping alts, but the chart still looks too bearish for me.

if it was still 100m id defo invest but 1bil going to 10bil seems a bit difficult to me anon.

strat/btc - volume is decreasing seems like we're 1/4 through a cup formation id still wait a week to recalculate whether i should accumulate some or not but so far it just doesnt cut it for me

>> No.7831499
File: 67 KB, 637x960, ripple xrp companies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7.
-Payment channels can process 10s of 1000s of transactions per second.

-A standard transaction costs just 0.00001 XRP.
-The cost is not paid to any party: it's irrevocably destroyed.

[Real-world use]
-5 institusions are currently using XRP (MoneyGram, Cuallix, FlashFX, IDT and MercuryFX).
-Many banks are currently using xCurrent. Since xRapid is cheaper (saves up to 60%) and provides final settlement, they are likely to transition to it.
-Bichip will use XRP in its RFID chips.
-A w3c standard that Ripple helped develop (and was demo'd by Microsoft) will be available in all major browsers, it'll facilitate paying with XRP.

-The supply is fixed.
-Unlike Bitcoin, there's no inflation. Bitcoin uses PoW which relies on inflation and/or high fees. Bitcoin requires $18M of net new $ flowing in just to maintain the price!!

-Unlike Bitcoin, double-spending isn't possible. Bitmain (a Chinese company) can rollback Bitcoin's chain and bunkrupt the whole ecosystem.
-An attack could only stop new transactions temporarily. Participants would simply remove bad participants from their list

-Each participant can run a validator and use his own list of validators.
-validators role is to agree on an order for new transactions
-10s of reputable public & private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Bahnhof,..)
-Consensus for the order of new transactions requires a supermajority of 80%

-XRP is a revenue source for Ripple Labs. This aligns its incentives with XRP hodlers. It uses the revenue to improve the tech and expand XRP's marketshare.
-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches on the network. Only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. XRP is sold only to long term investors (i.e., they can't dump).

>> No.7831541

Certainly holding on for now. Thanks for the insight.
Also notice how the same could be said about it's trend after the bull run to $11 last year. It would then stay at single digit levels for months after pumping to $20. That's the thing with STRAT, there is very little hype around it. Barely any fud or shilling anywhere, it's just there, a silent potential industry giant. I really wouldn't place my bet on it >going to hell. If it doesnt survive, I wouldnt know what can. I work in IT with some good years behind me, and i can see this project really having a real, proper use case if a company wants to deploy blockchain solutions. I feel if this whole blockchain thing really does take off, strat would be in line fir some major gains, i cant see why it wouldn't be a Top 10/Top 5 coin, if shit like ADA or TRX managed.

>> No.7831781


rofl cripple. ripple is seriously the worst. the token" XRP will never reach ATH.

the company "RIPPLE" have scored deals with likes of western union, but this will never effect xrp.

Ripple will succeed, XRP wont.


anon i respect ur decision .i used to be like you, id listen to my heart and try to find projects that could have an implementation to daily life. but for the past year or so, i dont "hope". i set my bids set my targets and assess whether i should turn some of my profit into btc or fiat.

ill watch stratis closely for now, if it doesnt bounce off 78k sats it can only go down and try to bounce from 70k ish. that 10% lost in value that i just cant afford.

hodl strat for 1-2 more days, if it goes below 65k its done for.

>> No.7831865
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here u go anon ive made a chart for you, i really would get out unless it bounces soon. stoch rsi is good on the hourly for a possible bounce but i just doubt it

>> No.7831953

If it tanks below 65k, in conjunction with a market rally, i guess ill consider dumping. However, if the entire market is bearish and it drops, i think i'm admittedly too invested in it (since last april) to sell.

>> No.7832063

I'll keep a close eye on it the next couple o days. Lemme just say, from a purely non TA, foundational standpoint, strat is strong as ever, with possibly more icos coming? Some presence at the texas conference last week means something too. I just wish people started learning about it.

>> No.7832301


lemme put it this way my friend.

strat might be the next big project, but unless they manage to successfully execute a plan to implement into daily life nobody will ever buy that shit unless they think theyll make money off it.

right now i dont see any cryptos except maybe LTC getting implemented into daily life.

what im trying to say is you might have a clearer vision on the project since u already come from an IT field and probably have a better understanding over the project instead of normies and feel like where the industry is going.

but the normies have the money, unless it is in their vision aswell this shit is going nowhere. so either strat needs to make a marketing strategy like trx and partner up with obama or someshit to get normies interested or actually create a useful product, which no crypto has successfuly managed to do so.

>> No.7832688


>> No.7832741

Are you a fucking brainlet? How can OMG survive if eth dies, goddamnit.

>> No.7832750

That's a very fair assesment. They way I see it, blockchain is apparently the next big thing, and looking at the current players on the scene - if there is ever an industry wide move to start implementing this tech, speaking from my standpoint, STRAT is the only, absolute sensible way to go. How it correlates with normies buying in - i honestly cant vouch for that. What I do know is that the product has a real world potential, and if that is not an indication of growth potential, then I dont know what else is other than hype, meaning crypto would be nothing but one giant speculation bubble (which, it obviously is to a certain extent).

>> No.7833036


>> No.7833321


just cause it uses eth doesnt mean they'll both go down when the judgement day comes.

you're the actual fucking brainlet. you think all tokens will die just cause eth will?

eth is a revolutionary platform, and a shitty crypto. start of something great, but defo not the end product

>> No.7833877

ofc they will same when BTC dies you are all deluded.

>> No.7834295


when i meant tokens i was implying erc20 u retard

u are such a fucking brainlet it reeks

>> No.7834822

XRP is the boombercoin. fuck ripple in the ass all day

>> No.7834924

Why do you think they're all going to hell? Why now? Whats the reasoning?

>> No.7835531


its just dying off rly. its unsustainable. seems like people have either gotten smarter or its dying off

u have to understand at the peak of alt season trx for instance peaked from 0.03 to 0.3 in a week

xrp went from 0.25 to 3 under a week.

thats x10 and x6 under a week, that literally is unbelievable roi (return of investment). look at sp500 look at stocks even best stocks give like 10% per year stable tops.you get 1.1x gains from stocks per year

we might have 1 last alt season but itll certainly be a lot different. 50 coins surviving and going beyond the moon -- rest will die. men will be seperated from the boys.

adapt and survive, if you check the time i started this thread u can already see what im saying is happening. coins i mentioned are getting stronger, rest is going into straight fucking dumpster

>> No.7835596


>seems like people have either gotten smarter or its dying off

and when i mean smarter is brainlets have no money to invest after they bought the top and sold the dip like 3 times now. some even bought bitconnect. what a joke.

>> No.7835653

I don't know, seems overreacted to me. Sure alts are losing value right now because all eyes are on BTC. But we haven't seen BTC dominance over 40% in a while. Even with it on the verge of breaking out its still 39.2%

I also say this because obvious I don't want it to end yet. But this is kind of what happens all the time, everytime. So I don't see any reason to now immediatly sell everything off.

>> No.7835683

Yeah I'm not so sure about that, plenty of people who did well in this market without having much knowledge just because it was so bullish. I'd say theres still plenty of money to pump alts.

>> No.7835739

OP mentioned etc as a stayer. Feeling pretty good about my etc stack .

>> No.7835767

>Ethereum will die but Litecoin will survive
hahahahaha what the fuck dude

>> No.7835777

i remember this meme long time ago. whats it called ?

>> No.7835791

die linkshart

>> No.7835814

Worse performance than current centralized solutions. Performance won't mean shit once LN is mainstream.

[Real-world use]
Banks aren't interested in the Ripple token, they're interested in the technology and will use their own currency.

Actually the Ripple company has 61 billion ripple that they've yet to distribute.

Security is much weaker than bitcoin, as attack points are much more concentrated.

If you think Ripple is properly decentralized, just kill yourself now.

Ripple has value. Is it $40B+ worth of value? LMFAO no.

>> No.7835825

>coins ive listed slowly dip towards hell with dead cat bounces

are you fucking serious? I'm not calling these 10x's or anything, but there's literally zero way Ethereum takes a shit in the next few days. the bag-holders alone won't permit the volume to drive that kind of plunge.

>> No.7835839

Crypto noobs who came in during last BTC bull run are finally realizing their shitcoins are worthless/100x overvalued.

>> No.7835859


oh yeah etc is here for good.


please sell all ur ltc and buy eth than u fucking cunt i dare you.


tell me which alts u mean and ill tell u whether theyre ok or not. btc has volatile days ahead and only successful cryptos can survive tough waves.

ull see, some alts will fucking die so fast u wont know what hit em.

>> No.7835873

>btc, ltc, OMG, ven, etc
Those are the ones going to hell.
What the fuck newbie, how did you fuck up the memo so badly?

>> No.7835898

Price was 3x+ lower compared to BTC just 2.5 months ago. It could EASILY drop 50%.

>> No.7835927
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You've got to be kidding

>> No.7835930


eth wont die with a dead cat bounce, but itll slowly die off. the flippening isnt between eth and btc, its between eth and etc.

>> No.7835987
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cardano on the other hand, oh man

>> No.7835991
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>ETH will die
>ETH token OMG will live

>> No.7836011

well im expecting a crash on BTC though and I think alts will only really die if BTC crashes hard enough. I just sold some alts that I profited on bigly anyway this week.

I currently hold UTN and ITC. Not really planning on selling them untill EOY but i'd like to hear your opinion.

>> No.7836027
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>dotards on /biz/

what's up you fellow subhuman gulagians

>> No.7836034

Any crash on BTC is magnified 2-3x for altcoins.

>> No.7836060

yeah, aslong as BTC goes up shitcoins will remain pumped, its only when BTC hits low enough for that to stop. So I figure

>> No.7836106


this guy knows what the fuck is up, obvious veteran.

when btc is volatile shitcoins dont know what the fuck hits them. they just drop dead

>> No.7836204

Sure but you're pretty far on the doomsday reader though. I can't really imagine this shitcoin PnD game stopping anytime soon.

>> No.7836236

Doesn't matter that normies bought BTC at the top with 2nd mortages. Only thing that concerns me is that smart money probably pulled out in December. Volume is fucking low,

>> No.7836255


these are the facts. u dont have to be john nash to see it.


heres my long rant on eth:

eth started something great, the idea that we can not only store value securely on a digital platform like btc, but also can build apps that allow for anything to happen. build games, smart transactions, contracts, self evolving business plans. it allows us to think about these great ideas that can exist with an autonomous algorythm, but it just cant make it to reality cause of technical issues. it cant scale

>> No.7836328

Yeah, I know what you mean. The cryptokitty thing was an eyeopener. I feel like ETH has the largest community though, and enough people are working on the problem that eventually it will scale. But who knows how long that will take, maybe something will replace it before then.

>> No.7836339

>Can't scale
Is exactly what they said about the internet in 1995-2000
Look at it now, it scaled.

ONLY thing concerning me is that BTC volume on every dip declines, 27 billion on BTC dip. Now that BTC is at 11k its 25 billion, volume never even exceeded 28billion.

Dip before that 39Billion

Dip before that (after 19k) 50 billion.

So to me it looks like BTC is setting up another huge drop, which makes sense. Not even sure who's buying at these prices.

>> No.7836359

Well that volume is the overall volume of the entire market, but it still appllies I suppose

>> No.7836438


cryptokitty was the easiest app ever and it almost fucked the entire network.

we cant have that.


ur missing the point.

cryptos WILL scale.

technology that can be BUILT on cryptos WILL scale.

will that be ether? we cant know that in the near future, and that is what im interested in. cause i want to make money.

i look at my charts, and eth/btc isnt looking good at all.

>> No.7836477

yeah oke I see your point. All good things come to an end.

What about Universa and IoTChain? You said you'd give your insight/opinion on the alts I hold? Those are the alts I hold.

>> No.7836529


here you go, eth/btc for you

critical moment for eth, if it peaks to around 0.09 bitcoin, we might be bullish again, theres very little hope at increase in OBV, but as u can see the big picture seems bearish as FUCK.

>> No.7836571
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forgot pic

universa dying for sure, id watch iotchain if it doesnt show any life in the next 2-3 days id dump it and move on.

sorry anon. i feel like an asshole. hodl them if you dont believe me.

>> No.7836622
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>e-e-e-eth can't scale
>b-b-b-buy bitcoin

>> No.7836630

hm you're only an asshole if you say this for hidden reasons, if you genuinely care then I say thank you. I'll see what happens though.

Do you think that if there were more USD pairings (not USDT) that alts stand a better chance surviving?

>> No.7836673

im sorry if this list includes one of your bags. just know that most of these coins are going straight into hell

[list of coins I don't own] ... list goes on.

A VERY SMALL GROUP OF COINS WILL SURVIVE. Your best bet for now is [my portfolio], etc.

i saved this one for the last ... [sep 7s] is looking ok aswell. not super strong but defo better than the ones i listed at the start.

ill answer questions if you like, but im 100% that coins ive listed above will ALL lose value vs btc.

>> No.7836723


sell all ur btc for eth than pls


topkek, u should dyor no matter what

>> No.7836779

he/she is probably right though, look at the volume of this market, its only declining. Smart money pulled out in december and its retail investors fighting over scraps thinking it isn't over.

Every smart person I know is saying exactly this. Some are still riding the waves but most are pulling out in the coming weeks

>> No.7836831
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>he sold the bottom

>> No.7836856

If you think btc and ltc are going to both be around in 5 years time you're delusional. There is literally no point in both of them coexisting. We only need one currency coin which will be mainstream by then, and probably one privacy coin. The rest will die a firey death. And most likely something far better than btc or ltc will take the currency spot.

>> No.7836873

I bought, not stupid. Else I wouldn't have turned 400$ into 40k in 5 months.

Look, its all fun n games, but the writing is on the wall. But sure.. w/e the more time you spend in denial the more time I have to cash out

>> No.7837008


You are dumb as shit or delusional if you think all coins are going to crash but you alone are the genius that picked the handful that "survive."

>> No.7837028

Lol I'm not OP, and I don't know what will survive, but BTC is more likely to crash than to bullrun it to a new ATH

>> No.7837055

But sure I can be wrong, and I'd love to be wrong. Means I can still kill it on shitcoins.

>> No.7837070
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>he's a newcoiner

>> No.7837170

im tired, biz is full of shillers and retards

enjoy your -50% portfolio. ill call this decapitation week.

>> No.7837187
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>OP absolutely desperate because he sold / shorted, posting like a madman to try and justify his choice

newcoiners lmfao

>> No.7837373


and what are ur coins my beloved anon

>> No.7837380

Look, if you're right. And the odds are in your favor for sure. Then this is completely normal. Face it, 90% loses money to concentrate wealth with the 10% that actually moves markets.

Bubble has popped though imo. People are still saying the bubble can expand, and sure it probably will with time. But to think that coins like Cardano, EOS and other coins without anything to show for will keep bullrunning it is kinda nuts.

A crash is necessary anyway, all these coins are so manipulated and have never found their true values.

Can't blame these guys here though, they're probably just fucking with you. Not everyone here is retarded but they act like they are.

>> No.7837926
