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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7828009 No.7828009 [Reply] [Original]

>Make a joke on /biz/ about being swedish and paying 55% tax
>Actually look it up and im paying 56.5%
>Why even live

>> No.7828019


>> No.7828030


>> No.7828050

wow that much of your money pays for muhammed's seventh kid

>> No.7828057
File: 74 KB, 750x750, 1517692411886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone's got to pay for the nig nogs OP, may as well be you.

>> No.7828096


>> No.7828157

Vad har du för inkomst för ett sånt rövköreri?

>> No.7828177

Mohammed's and his kids need housing, food, education, health care and a car anon, don't be racist.

>> No.7828180

Tjänar 600k en gång per år i februari


Vet du hur jag Undviker detta?

>> No.7828212

Trodde det var 30% kapitalskatt?

>> No.7828262

Aktier så är ju Isk förmånligt sen är väl 30% standard skattesats?

>> No.7828283

>Mohammed's and his kids need housing, food, education, health care and a car anon, don't be racist.

you fucking racist piece of shit from broke ass country, nordic countries have always had higher taxes. fuck back to your cave or /pol/

>> No.7828321

Eh vet ej, Måste jag ansöka för att bara betala Kapital skatt?

It's true though,sweden will be a third world country in just a few decades
Its bad

>> No.7828336

Why are you worried about taxes when fucking invaders are stealing your property and raping your women and killing your children?

>> No.7828341


thats a small price to pay for having all these vibrant muslims in your country OP
all this enrichment doesnt pay for itself you know. mohammed and aisha are hungry and its only fair you give up a small amount of your income to feed them.

>> No.7828354
File: 34 KB, 640x640, salty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nordic countries have always had higher taxes

Salty af hahahahHAHA read some history on your own country anon, preferably 18th and 19th century.

>> No.7828361

how can this be realitiy.


>> No.7828379
File: 51 KB, 561x585, 1518550290157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you stupid Romans complaining about your government paying the Barbarians to have children.

>> No.7828398

Jag är ju Privatperson som investerar ja

>> No.7828422

Just remember that for every 2 days you work you get paid for one day. The other day is paid to your neet masters. Now back to it wagie.

>> No.7828424
File: 109 KB, 736x1154, 1514921972116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capital gains tax is ~30% in sweden, same with finland. corporate tax is lower in scandinavia than in usa. income tax is 20-50%.

in denmark you pay significantly higher taxes than in countries north of them. denmark is the highest taxed country on the planet

>> No.7828443


>> No.7828538

What do i apply for that?

Im a private person that invests

>> No.7828715


You're paying something like that on average, probably, things like VAT included. It can't be 56.5 percent on your actual income.

>> No.7828934

when your country is being raped and pillaged by rapefugees someone has to pay the bill

>> No.7828977
File: 29 KB, 419x419, 1484799721715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs = refugees take over sweden and rape every person
trips = refugees drop dead after receiving hiv-cancer

>> No.7828987


oh shit

>> No.7828991

You have to pay for Muhammad's babies you stupid infidel.

>> No.7829124

time to covert to islam

>> No.7829309

>36% income tax
>50% overtime tax
>25% tax on EVERY item money can buy
>Still need money to pay;
house loan, student debt, water, sewage, trash, electricity, phone, internet, gasoline, mandatory car insurance, mandatory annual traffic/roadfee, 200$ tollring just to get to/from work per month, TV license and all kind of other random fucking bs.

65K usd/year, but barely have 4-500$/month of disposable income and i still need to eat.

Socialism fucking sucks.

>> No.7829437

>tjänar 600k om året på aktier
>har inte koll på sveriges skattesystem
>använder stor bokstav som en indier

>> No.7829471

sweden ja

>> No.7829532

Just thought I'd shed some light on OP's plight.
What OP is referring to has come about due to the Swedish Social Democracy, otherwise known as 'The Middle Way'.
This began more than 100 years ago, when Sweden instituted the first 'poor relief' laws in the world. Gradually, a highly homogenous Sweden voted in more zealous libtards.
The original 'idea' had two main principles:
Equality - equality under law, equal oppportunity, equal representation, elimination of poverty, and so on and so forth
Integration - In the classical Swedish sense, this meant the integration of classes into one noble-worker class, with everybody being fully equal and respected no matter their race, sex, age, weight, whatever the fuck
Education in Sweden is free all the way from beginner to advanced (e.g.PhD). Swedes are given incentives to invest in 'renewable' technologies, and are penalised for having 'unacceptable' corporate policies. In my opinion, this is a betrayal of the free market and equates to nothing less than macro corporate engineering on a national level.
As for benefits, an unemployed Sweden can look forward to perhaps the best on Earth. Not only do Swedes get insane unemployment subsidies, but they are offered jobs around the country, and a stipend to go towards movement costs, should the need arise. They have three opportunities to accept an official offer of employment, after which the government has positioned itself as the 'employer of last resort'.
The only reason that entrepreneurship and business survive, and perhaps even thrive in the case of Ikea and other notable firms, is the fact that while, yes, there is an insane tax levied against such actions, innovative businesses which 'fall in line' receive deductions. Furthermore, public goods, due to being 'decommodified' (more on this later), mean that Swedes spend much less on 'public' goods. You'll gain higher quality transport, child rearing, education, etc. But you'll share it with undesirables...

>> No.7829538

fucking hell sweden
and I thought UK was bad at 45%

>> No.7829816

Decommodification was what really drove home equality and integration. Every citizen degenerated to the lowest common denominator. This was fine when Sweden was homogenous, but now... well, you can guess for yourself.
There was a short-lived period of center-right politics in the 70s, but that only achieved just enough to reverse some of the more extreme libtard concepts.
Anyway, Sweden believes that commodities (literally anything they deem a 'need'), must belong to the public sector, not the private sector. And so they have turned commodities such as water, gas, education, into state-run institutions.
Personally, I believe their utopian dream is founded on good principles, but is irrational in the following sense:
Human nature demands sacrifice. When all struggle is taken out of the equation, you see such wondrous examples of human ingenuity as the laughably intolerant cult of political correctness that prevails in Sweden and the double-standards that dominate all aspects of social life. Simply put, a life of decadence leads one to express themselves hedonistically. I could go on, but I feel like I'm going off on a rant now.
Note that I just did a short study on this and I can't be arsed to look over all my notes to verify it 100% but this is the general premise of SWEDEN YES

>> No.7830068


>> No.7830189


>> No.7830266

Tackar, får kolla upp detta

>> No.7830412

I would move.

>> No.7830427


its literally the same shit in any decent western european country

>> No.7830623

Sweden Pisa Ranking
Math 16
Science 11
Reading 10
Math 24
Science 28
Reading 17
Sweden YES!

>> No.7830676

then you know why they are decent. stfu