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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7826328 No.7826328 [Reply] [Original]

Does being rich get you pussy?

>> No.7826348


No, but it helps.

>> No.7826456

Nah, unless you want whores. It helps turn a short term into a longer term relationship, but doesn't help for short term sexual encounters.

>> No.7826513

i'll come back to you in a year

>> No.7826923
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Being rich hires you a personal trainer so you're /fit/ and an expensive therapist so you can limit your autistic outbursts.

Then you get pussy.

>> No.7826954
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no, just like being a pussy doesn't get you rich

>> No.7827076

pretty much this

>> No.7827110

It does.

You can pay for it directly or bait whores by showing off. So sure.

>> No.7827127

Spot on

>> No.7827274

So i'm not rich atall, but I'm /fit/ as I gym alot. You don't need a PT for that.

But the autistic outbursts. I hide my powerlevels, but in doing so subdue my personality. I've read self help books, JP lectures, even PUA books (Roosh V in particular) and joined a semi pro soccer team (UK) full of barbarian normie types. I've even been clubbing recently.

Yet, I'm still autistic. I've gotten better though. Anything else I can do?

>> No.7827295

Sluts, for sure.
"Normal" girls, probably too.

Except if you are horribly skinny or fat, having a personal trainer won't change a lot.
Also if your face is ugly, it won't change at all, you will be seen as a genetic failure try hard.

>> No.7827429


No, I have a lambo and + 2M net worth and still just have a dick.

>> No.7827517

gives you far more OPPORTUNITIES to get pussy. that's always how you virgins should be looking at it.

>> No.7827685
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*rolls eyes*

Sort of - men tend to (some - I'm not one of you) have simpler rating systems.

1. How she looks.
2. How easy is she.
3. Whatever bullshit you're supposed to say.

>weight pic related

Women are a little more liquid in the sense you can hit a home run one way or the other (straight chad or straight - I don't know, whatever the fuck it is you guys think is going to make it easier but will probably not leave you feeling too hot) - however it won't be too safe either way short or long term.

Still - fun to have some options ah

>> No.7827771


No point delineating money and power - they are different however people who can't tell the difference don't deserve either (c'est la guerre).

However the attraction component can be broken down into several components - even sub-components to which you weight your effort - which is important to you anon on the face of it.

>> No.7827923

it does if you spend that money on a nice car

>> No.7827965
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You should note this is all just basic lowest common denominator women - if you want that you're a lowest common denominator man so you should probably hire hookers and start hastening the descent of human if not Western civilisation.

However if you're not the 40% NEETs here call "The Chad" is actually only 50% within attraction at least - physical attraction.

In that order it's like this:

1. Height
2. Face
3. Muscles

You have control over the last however if you're sufficiently short she can't wear high heels and still not see eye-to-eye with you you're already starting on a discount for height.

Face is incredibly complicated yet you all know who's good-looking or not:


Or just "creepy", "skeevy", "goonish", "fuck-ugly" - you sufficiently filter ratios using your subconscious to spot abnormalities whilst helping cohere the viability of the species subconsciously so no particularly need to specify further - you can all rate a face from 1 to 10 to the total cohort.

>> No.7828193

Hey want to eat at [insert fancy restaurant]?
tends to get more responses than,
Hey want to get McDonald's?

>> No.7828300
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You should work out - for your own benefit as much if not more than anything else - however of that component it is like this:

Height: Relative valuer in a regressing boltzmann-gibbs distribution over 16.98113207803 to the visible cohort - simplified rule of thumb: Be 9% taller than your ideal "target" / "candidate" / "subject" / "conquest" - etc.

Anything over is a bonus / neutral up until 12%+

>> No.7828328

Doesnt matter where more then it matters WHO.

BE SOMEBODY and u can get away with mcdonalds

>> No.7828463


Im just saying you'll get more action on your boat than your moped

>> No.7828533


2. Faces are so complicated it's almost not worth exploring them give how you filter them subconsciously - however some points to note:

Male faces are attractive in essentially 2 ways to women whilst female faces are attractive to men in essentially only 1 way - i.e. pedomorphic traits (scary-sounding word however it simply means child-like).

Masculine faces split into types - you could say it's basically "cute" and "handsome" however it's more complicated than that.

"Cute" faces display the original epicenter of traits we traditionally consider "beautiful" in female faces and it as a distal appeal to her sense as to the attractiveness of her own female offspring (why beauty is important to the species itself is a horrifically complex issue).

"Handsome" faces appeal to the influence testosterone has on specific genes / bone growth including the face - increased jaw size, brow depth and lengthened nasal bones connected to the septum.

- Is this interesting or am I wasting time? I could be doing something else I just get irritated seeing people not seeing why all this stuff is important given you all spend your lives scurrying around so you can stick your dicks into something closer to you don't understand both in itself or as a matter of how to get.

>> No.7828582

Yes but only if you act like it doesn’t matter. Don’t ever brag. Girls want to hear other people talk you up. If you’re asked what you do, downplay it. “Boring computer stuff” then act more interested in her shitty waitress job or whatever.

>> No.7828689

well you could just pay for it, so absolutely. Take a trip to thailand or mexico and bang til it falls off.

>> No.7828691

That feel when handsome face but skinny hands and forearms.

That being said, it's not that bad.

>> No.7828743

>You don't need a PT for that

As a long time /fit/ poster, I can tell you A LOT of people could use a PT.

>> No.7828939

>height more important than face

Hell no, especially if you already have a respectable height (5'9 and above)

>> No.7829142

enjoy the aids

>> No.7829330

Wow another keyboard psychologist on biz, can't believe you just wasted so much time typing out all that nonsense.

It really is not hard to get a girl, just act like a man and go for someone of equal status/attractiveness