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7824558 No.7824558 [Reply] [Original]

oldfag here getting worried


honest thoughts


>> No.7824655

Will go down and stale for months, then if by chance any good partnership comes it will spike hard, meanwhile I'm out.
t. 36 cents whale.

>> No.7824662

I think worst is over , tech is really good , maybe blockstream (bitcoin core ) jacked bitgrail . There has been way to much fud imho .

>> No.7824666

hold en reap profits later this year when they actually have their tech 100% working or sell now and buy later

>> No.7824742

You really think it will keep going down ? I don’t

>> No.7824855

Anyone else biz bros ?

>> No.7824859

Currency coins are useless. No one will be buying Nano to do anything. Bitcoin couldn't even get that done over the last decade. Do you really think a coin handed out through Captchas is going to be the currency of the future? Lol. Fucking hilarious.

>> No.7824893


You retards have no idea how fucked you are, momentum is everything in crypto because we are in a speculative bubble. Nano cannot recover because its declined even during a 'recovery' so institutional investors and MSM will never shill it to normies, etc. The only people buying this are redditor 105s who think they've beaten the system when the reality is they have no idea how the system works. No one gives a shit about feeless instant transactions, the big money is in infrastructure and branding, institutional money is gonna be pouring into BTC/ETH/XRP/NEO etc for a variety of reasons, but Nano will just slowly bleed out.

In this world being forgettable is worse than being bad.

>> No.7825141

The whole gangraping a dog in the ass without a condom by either the devteam or the community members backfired on Nano.

>> No.7825447

I know many coins just bled out and was forgotten, but did any of them really have the community and applications (exchanges, wallets, adoption) of Nano? "Redditors" can not make or break a coin, but a strong community does have some impact.

That's what makes me pretty sure it will turn around at some point. It's not just a random pump and dump vapor shitcoin (please keep low effort FUD from this thread) even if it might have been an inflated pump in december.

>> No.7826263

Lol, no "oldfag" would ever buy Nano. Look at their subreddits its only teenagers getting angry they lost their allowence. No oldfag cared about Nano

>> No.7826352

oldfag here. bought my first bitcoin at 3 cents. I bought and hold nano. It has the strongest fundamentals of any pure cryptocurrency at this point. If Craig Wright doesn't pull some serious satoshi shit out of his hat soon we may be looking at nano taking #1 spot in next 5 years

>> No.7826385
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reality check (pic related)

>> No.7826467

You got bomber'd, air will take long to clear when and if will happen will anyway be too late

>> No.7826490

The early adopters of xrb got fucked in the "hack".

That kind of demoralization hit the community hard and I'd be shocked if more than 50% of them stuck with nano after that.

Honestly wouldn't be surprised to see xrb bleed to death. I was such a big fanatic of it too.

Wouldn't be the first time a coin gave its life for a new paradigm. Look at Peercoin which made up POS.

I already swapped all my xrb for btc, sadly.

>> No.7826523

Nano is missing the "nakamoto consesus"

>> No.7826707

I feel bad for all the retards who got shilled by 12 year old crypto investors into buying Nano

>> No.7826894

Ultimately I don't think it matters. Crypto is not held back by the problems Nano solves.

>gold is heavy and hard to split and sell
>dirt is easier to split
>"why haven't you sold all your gold for dirt yet?"

Like no one actually gives a shit if it's fast if it has no value. Nothing is giving value to Nano, the team is too small. It's true monopoly money. At $1 you might have my interest but at it's current price it's ridiculous. Think of what you are actually buying.

>> No.7827381

I honestly think you should cut your losses and move on. There are a lot of red flags and little value that Nano provides over other payment coins

>> No.7827547
File: 14 KB, 323x403, 1510675642727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm older than your dad and made a cool $200k on raiblocks. Tell your mom I said hey

>> No.7827962

>The only people buying this are redditor 105s who think they've beaten the system when the reality is they have no idea how the system works
so much this

try to find any other NANO community. bitcointalk? nope. here? lol, no.

it's reddit's "disrupt mainstream crypto like bitcoin" initiative

and we all know how well reddit initiatives go

>> No.7828111

>The early adopters of xrb got fucked in the "hack".
and the early adopters of bitcoin got fucked in the mtgox "hack". the parallels of the early bitcoin days and raiblocks are strikingly similar

>> No.7828131

It's a good coin but the whole Bitgrail drama really killed this.

IMO it will take several months to recover

>> No.7828148

>the parallels of the early bitcoin days and raiblocks are strikingly similar
yeah it's almost like raiblocks are wannabe millionaires that didn't catch the bitcoin train so they make a knockoff like pajeets to try and catch up in gains

>> No.7828178

I don't care about this coin but would never touch it with a 10 foot pole since by sheer "coincidence" its plagued with red flags ranging from tech to exchanges

>> No.7828198

>has nano

for what purpose "oldfag"

>> No.7828202


>$1.5M stolen
>double spending issues rampant

shits done. your goose is cooked.

>> No.7828221
File: 41 KB, 612x602, 1512523259414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe blockstream (bitcoin core ) jacked bitgrail

>> No.7828238
File: 154 KB, 1239x593, Bittrex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfag here. Been waiting almost two years to buy this new tech on bittrex. As soon as they release fiat parings XRB will moon!

>> No.7828297


Nano is the Bernie Sanders of crypto, you know this is true.


>> No.7828324

I'm into BTC since 2011, I bought Nano because I feel like BTC has lost its way.

I'm also a BCH owner. I feel like hedging into currency coins against my BTC position is the right thing to do.

I hedged with ETH as well for muh smart contracts.

>> No.7828406

everyone talking market bullshit. i wanna know if this has been answered yet:
what's the incentive to run a node?
although it seems like running nodes is relatively low cost compared to mining

>> No.7828481

Why hasn't the team said anything about bitgrail for over a week?
They just tried to push all the blame on bomber when they kept directing their following into using bitgrail.

The loyalists of nano got fucked hard since a good chunk of early adopters were part of bitgrail.

>> No.7828482

>I'm also a BCH owner
opinion dismissed

>> No.7828486

>I'm also a BCH owner
next, please.

>> No.7828587

when people are worried is when it is time to buy in and hodl. Unless of course it isn't, then you're fucked.

>> No.7828643


Screencapped for future embarrassment :-)

>> No.7828645


Comment from one of the devs

>> No.7828723


that is from the developer of nanex, not a dev

>> No.7828858

I honesly hope it won't recover until later this year.
My plan it to buy NANO with every THOR i generate from my VEN node.

>> No.7828896

Hey oldfag here, bought bitcoin at 0.06 cents, got in ethereum's ico, have a botnet mining me monero, got a dash masternode for 500 bucks, bought ripple at 2 cents, antshares at 5, am a top 10 xrb holder

Nano will be $450 EOY

>> No.7828914

There already is NFC payment implementation with NANO.

>> No.7828944
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>Hey oldfag here...

>> No.7828998

how convenient for you to take time out of your billion dollar lifestyle to shitpost in this thread

>> No.7829068

12% stolen supply
No body will touch this
You can forget normies even poking at it

Good tech, dead coin

>> No.7829096

It is held back by this problems.
For example Steam stopped using Bitcoin payments because it was super slow and had very high fees when transfering.
Problems with BTC are hindering adoption.

NANO solves all this problems.

>> No.7829137

spot on

>> No.7829146

0% stolen supply
smart traders are loading up as we speak
it's gonna be top3 EOY

nice bait now fuck off pajeet

>> No.7829151
File: 101 KB, 1295x855, Screen_Shot_2018-02-19_at_17_16_41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bomber is a fkin retard.
Literally has a brain of a 12year old.
The unprofessionalism is unnerving.

>> No.7829162


XRB scam x2

>> No.7829173
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between 50 and 70 cents
>sorry anon you fell for reddit army

>> No.7829288


>thinks oldfag means physical age

the absolute state

>> No.7829331

Tech is still very interesting, dev team is still working hard, as normies enter the market and encounter bitcoin fees/slowness it will generate demand. Currently, price is repressed by FUD caused by an exchange (but not the coin itself) and, due to the overall crash, there have not been many new users entering the market. Top 10 in 6 months but stuck around 20-30 on CMC until people get over bitgrail drama and it turns to alt-season again. Either exit now and try to accumulate more at the bottom or hodl. Giving up on the project when there are no fundamental issues with the coin itself is just asking to be BTFO once alt-season comes back.

>> No.7829356

I bought 5 bitcoins in 2012, not like I'm a bazillionare for it. Held until 15k then flipped for ETH. Holding Nano til 15k as well.

>> No.7829388

Doesn't matter more then the majority of the community is in deep red. The Subbreddit had 40k subscriber at Jan 11 when XRB was worth $30. People will be dumping there bags the first chance they get to for a 50% loss if they are lucky. Buy back in 3 month from now.

>> No.7829500

There haven’t been any double spending issues with the currency. There were double withdrawals happening with ETH and XRB on Bitgrail due to the shit ass exchange code the Italian retard wrote. That’s an issue with the exchange, not Nano or ethereum.

>> No.7829519

Holy shit I never thought about it this way. The coins that get shilled the most heavily on Reddit, will probably have the hardest time bouncing back after a bad crash because of this

>> No.7829527

Dont get baited m8 . Its all trolls .

>> No.7829535

daily reminder xrb doesnt even have timestamps so all those dates are from bomber's internal sql server. If you trust that infographic that means you trust his internal data base and his own book keeping (ROLF)

If he didnt dump them like a retard, no one would even have any idea when those xrb "got lost"

>> No.7829536

There is a big Nano community on bitcointalk you stupid fuck.

'Raiblocks' thread has 600 pages and is still active.

>> No.7829565

These growing pains are great because it leaves me time to buy the dip.
Could still bleed for a month though.

>> No.7829574

>600 pages on a bitcoin forum
>already over a year old falling fast $5+ coin
sounds like the next big thing

>> No.7829596

Look at NEM. Similar shit all the way around. It hasn't recovered

>> No.7829661

This is an amazing opportunity to get in on some cheap nano.

It's so obvious that the price is artifically depressed. There is a reason why you poorfags typically stay poor whilst richfags are able to identify these opportunities amidst the FUD and take advantage.

'Hurr durr muh platform coins'. You all sound like fucking 12 year old retards and probably started investing in crypto the last month or something. Every retard seems to believe that being an ICO platform is more important than the fundamentals of the coin serving as a currency aka factors such as its speed, fees, privacy etc.

Fucking newfags shitting up this board.

>> No.7829672
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Double spend didn't happen with Nano. Ever. never ever.

>> No.7829723

What is chainlink? What was bitcoin 2 years ago?

>> No.7829730


Simply highlighting that it has a community presence outside of reddit.

>> No.7829756

im scared of it because people who should have 11% of the circulating supply do

>> No.7829814

>No one gives a shit about feeless instant transactions
This is the most subtle shilling I’ve seen in a while.

>> No.7829859

What's the incentive to seed torrents

>> No.7829897

I agree, Ripple is going to be big

>> No.7829922

Do you knowingly invest in crypto knowing its a speculative bubble?

>> No.7829924

dumbest thing I've ever read friend, consider feeding your both arms to a blender to avoid future embarrassments

>> No.7829942

Right, but back then BTC was the only player in town if you wanted to be in crypto. That's why HODL made any sense whatsoever.

Why would anyone stick around now that there are more than 1500 newcomers, including the big boys that have been around for years?

I hope to buy back after 1-6 months depending on the sentiments/news/tech developments, but who knows.

>> No.7829950

Ripple is getting btfo'd by swift thanks to chainlink

>> No.7830010

Yeah at worst it just sits at around 1B MC until summer.

>> No.7830082
File: 208 KB, 527x657, nothing personnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state
I was on 4chan when Moot was your age, reddit

>> No.7830267

0 "pure" currencies in my folio
except for btc

>> No.7830902

I was really into this coin and active in rhe comminity but i sold after the bg hack went public. It was obvious that there was nowhere to go but down after that. Sell your bags and buy back when confidence has been restored or people have forgotten.

>> No.7831481

NANO is the epitome of the right idea at the worst possible timing. It's been nothing but downhill since the ATH, both in price and in reputation. It's a damn shame to see such a good project so poorly executed.

>> No.7831749

this is just a speed bump on the road to $1000

>> No.7831785

>what does nano do
>its like bitcoin but faster!
Stop investing in currency coins. There's always going to be something faster and better that no one is ever going to use.

>> No.7831943

choose one faggot, yeah i know it's a small fee but IT'S A FEE NONETHELESS

i'll enjoy sending gas to people where there's literally no fee. and i'll enjoy sending monero to your wife while she drains my cock when you're at work.

>> No.7832021

This is about to hit $3.
Then you buy, just like bitconnect.

>> No.7832138

it pisses me off that the Nano devs allowed an amateur exchange hold so much potential value in the first place. No wonder this happened after the fucking thing went to 1bi in market cap.
I didn't have any but it I'm pretty fucking bitter about this.

>> No.7832193

They resorted to pajeet tier exchanges because it got delisted from bittrex and cryptopia and no reputable exchange wanted to touch it

>> No.7832329

Exactly. There is no value. BTC has the energy exchange to provide it value. Nano was pre-mined and feeless. There is no value to create.

>> No.7832439

Screencap this.
Final shakeout with a low at $5.50, then 2 weeks from now the price will be $16.60 March 7th.

>> No.7832519

This has always been wrong. Costs have nothing to do with value creation. a Pablo Picasso made $100 million paintings with $5 worth of supplies. You could spend a fortune trying to build some art installation and nobody would pay more than the salvage price on.