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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7823135 No.7823135 [Reply] [Original]

> been in crypto since 2014

Why aren't you a millionaire yet? what fuckups you did ?

>> No.7823309
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Listen to biz

>> No.7823337

Joining too late
Not being able to identify good moon missions like pearl @ 80 sats

>> No.7823389

Sold 110 BTC in 2012 for 20$ each.
Sold 110 ETH in 2017 for 51$ each.
Sold 300 LTC in 2017 for 170$ each.

>> No.7823395

>crypto since 2012

Their first problem was not realizing /biz/ is a meme

Cheers mate

>> No.7823421

I never took fucking profits, greed has consumed me.

>> No.7823454

Was underaged with no job or credit card in 2014.

>> No.7823514

Only bought one bitcoin near the high in 2013 then sat on it and bought some tokens in november. Wish I had payed more attention in 2017 and bought ether but oh well.

>> No.7823517
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Only had $20 to throw in back then
Forgot all about it until december
Went all in on january
We all know how great january went
Down 80%

>> No.7823548

That LTC sell isn't that bad brother

>> No.7823604

>kept everything split between 2 exchanges.
>both exchanges shit themselves

i'm probably buying into crypto again.
so which exchange is the most reliable?

...just fucking joking, i'm going with fucking offline wallets.

>> No.7823627

spent entire bitcoins on drugs.

>> No.7823633

I was a retard and only bought 50 ETH because I was scared of my student debt. I knew this tech will be good but never thought the price would get to this point.

Luckily, I never sold and cashed a little out to pay off some student debts middle of December. Also diversified into alts with portion of my ETH

>> No.7823709

I was in school with basically no money
I could only afford 140 ETH at $1.

>> No.7823793


thought about buying bitcoin when i first heard about it... didnt because my paypal wasnt set up.

did the whole college thing, forgot about crypto.

caught back up with a friend who became a millionaire off crypto.

took his advice and bought some ETH @125$ but wasnt sure if it was possible to make such riches anymore.

it took off. Now I'm putting in regular money, researching coins. Only regret is not putting more in eth @125, and it feels like i have to fight harder for the same gains.

>tfw wish portfolio was bigger so my good predictions made a bigger deal.