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7820724 No.7820724 [Reply] [Original]

>fox business doing an entire segment on btc/crypto right now
>some wall street fuck literally said although he doesn't like btc specifically, blockchain is the future of the world
Is it over boys? Or has it not even begun yet?

>> No.7820785

Oh shit apparently it wasn't a wall street fuck it was a congressman

>> No.7821211

Last night at my wagecuck job and elderly woman was having trouble paying for her groceries, complaining that the steps to use her chipped debit card kept changing from store to store.
After explaining to the nice granny the steps required for the card transaction, I offhandedly mentioned that these confusing problems could be solved with something simple, like scanning Bitcoin q-code and sending the amount requested.
Her demeanor changed and she was like, "I know what you mean! But it's so new, I'm not sure if I trust it. ", "I've seen it on the news though, it looks simple and easy. "
I used the opportunity to shill a bit, telling her Bitcoin has been around for about 10 years now and that there were lots of other types of crypto out there. She seemed genuinely interested!
I'm not saying I want grandma to get pumped and dumped, but I am saying that we are still in the early phases of people understanding that crypto exists, thanks to all of the FUD spread around by paranoid bankers and media outlets.
Our time will come eventually, anons.

>> No.7821314

Ofcourse he doesn't like it, his exclusive little game is being disrupted. A 80 trillion industry is being turned upside down.

Don't you watch Andreas Antonopolous? DO YOU NOT LISTEN TO OUR SAVIOR? Satoshi has sent his only son to deliver us, and thou ignores his word?

>> No.7821352

Thats actually pretty cool, but those grandma's aren't common. My grandma is still shouting racial slurs at the TV whenever a Turk or Moroccan is on, she doesn't even have a computer and still uses video-tapes.

>> No.7821361

>I used the opportunity to shill a bit
You’re doing God’s work anon

>> No.7821404

Based grandma

>> No.7821413

You sound like a literal cultist

>> No.7821568

lol true...where are you from man? Germany?

>> No.7821815


>> No.7822777

I think your grandma is great and you should appreciate her, fuckface.

>> No.7822823
File: 29 KB, 600x400, 1194222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digits don't lie

>> No.7823100

Your grandma is awesome!