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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 244 KB, 365x534, the shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7821505 No.7821505 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know where Sergey got his shirt he wore at the Conference?

Rumor has it that is a lucky brand shirt. I'm trying to find the exact shirt that he wore at the conference because clearly its his favorite shirt because he has been seen in it so many times. I think as a community we should support Mr. Nazarov by wearing this exact plaid button up. Any leads on the shirt would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.7821526

Fuck your gay ass scam coin. Sage.

>> No.7821544 [DELETED] 
File: 650 KB, 800x362, 151575148715819531.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7821571

Legend has it he was arguing with the person in front of him in the McDonalds line and beat the shit out of the guy for insulting his weight. Then he stole his shirt.

>> No.7821581

Also reminder that if you're not a NEET, but in an industry that could utilize smart contracts, don't be a fag. Yesterday I stood in front of the entire management of my company (with some 15k employees) and shilled the fuck out of smart contracts because they'd quite literally save us tens of millions a year, and of course I namedropped LINK when explaining why no one has been able to utilize smart contracts until now.
Do your part, faggots. Smart contracts will revolutionize just about every industry. We just need to force the fuckers to take the leap.

>> No.7821600

Not sure what your problem is sir. Mr. Nazarov is trying to solve a real problem the world faces. It executed properly this will save trillions of dollars and solve the Oracle problem. Bitcoin was the first key, then ethereum, and finally the last key to greatness is chainlink. Get a clue.

>> No.7821750

This is an interesting theory, and if the legend is true I think this explains a lot about Mr. Nazarov. Bold, Courageous, and willing to take what rightly belongs to him. Great leadership qualities, we should all take notes and perhaps one day we may be just be a little better for it.

Congrats for this find, seriously.

>> No.7821951


I will keep looking, so far this is as close as I can find.


>> No.7821988
File: 79 KB, 429x589, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be CEO of a company that wants to revolutionize smart contracts and online agreements
>need to be and look as professional as possible to appeal to big companies
>speak at a big conference in March
>semi-professional so no suits, just wear your favorite shirt and pants
>arrive at conference
>see literal lines of neckbeards with the exact same clothes as you, some holding chainlink cubes

>> No.7822033

This one looks similar , but not exactly it. Atleast I don't think . Thanks for looking because I do believe this is important for the community as a whole.

>> No.7822092

Could you imagine his reaction if the whole crowd of neets who attended were all in the official chain link lucky shirt? I personally think he would absolutely love it.

>> No.7822120

Once the shirt is identified we should all get one and wear jeans and autismo shoes in order to identify one another after the mooning.

>> No.7822145


>> No.7822176


>> No.7822227



Kek wills it

>> No.7822263


Holy shit quads with a 7 at the end , which happens to be chainlinks lucky number.

Holy fuck. Lucky shirt, lucky number 7.

It's like it all coming together.

>> No.7822606


>> No.7822844

compile more pics and I'll take this to /fa/, there was a thread with a blurry close up of the label