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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 171 KB, 380x443, ShadyLu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7819515 No.7819515 [Reply] [Original]

Vechain has no tech-

How does it feel to be btfo, salty walties?


>> No.7819598

Well fuck me.

>VeChain has designed and manufactured a wide variety of sensors some of those we can talk about are environmental sensors for temperature/humidity/barometric pressure, inertial sensors for accelerometer/gyroscope/compass, gas sensors, and GPS/Glonass/Beidou positioning sensors.
The chips used in these sensors are sourced from the world’s best manufacturers, such as Bosch, ST, Qualcomm, MTK and other manufacturers of products, so the quality is guaranteed.

>> No.7819614

Somewhere that Walton guy that used to post in every thread and post Walton threads is tearing his hair out.

I'm genuinely worried for Sunny that the crazy asshole won't try to hurt him.

>> No.7819696

>Moreover, in the VeChain Thor roadmap, we are building an ID registration services for all IoT device makers to register and manage their devices on the platform with a universal ID. And subsequently, the service will enable the interoperability, human to machine and machine to machine transaction via further services including authentication and authorization, data formatter, notary services. We presented this initiative in the Trusted IoT Alliance meeting in Berlin and received overwhelming interest from well established companies in the alliance.

Checked the list of companies in the alliance, only 8 of ‘em, and one is:

>> No.7819771

Holy shit, reading that gave me a boner. Walty salties on literal suicide watch.
Sunny Lu is a living legend.

>> No.7819792


$1000 end of month easy

>> No.7819858

walties btfo, honestly they truly are the scum of the earth

>> No.7819891

Your move Walties. Let's see how your "muh tech" stacks up against Bosch, ST, Qualcomm, MTK and others. Join us now or forever be poor.

>> No.7819996

>The amount of data uploaded by RFID/IoT can be quite large. VeChain will take different strategies for this problem, such as subchains (e.g. for vertical industries) and cross-chain technology to solve the throughput and storage problems.
Brainlet Vechad here. What does this means for the price of VET and Thor?

>> No.7820047

It means these enterprise clients are gonna need a whole lot of Thor to upload all that RFID data, and the price of both is only going up from here. The more VET you hold, the more Thor you generate to sell to them.

>> No.7820051


>> No.7820113

So Thor will still be needed for these subchains and this cross-chain stuff? That's good.

>> No.7820160

They've already stated that everything will be part of the main public blockchain, subchains and cross-chains are still part of it, just smaller segments of the overall Vechain blockchain. Vechain = Onechain.

>> No.7820187

VEN keeps delivering.
You are delusional if you arent in this fucking coin by now.
I store all my gains in VEN.

>> No.7820200

Unironically doesn't have a white paper. Good like faggots

>> No.7820232


>> No.7820253

The almighty sunny has already stated it would be released before q1, cuck

>> No.7820303

And our market just expanded to the medical world

>> No.7820304

Anyone can bullshit an AMA. Doesn’t change the fact ven has been dick riding Walton. EOY walton will be a higher mcap screencap this

>> No.7820312

"Addressing the concerns of the community on perceived competitors and so-called competing projects"

Ouch. Guess we all knew Sunny had no mercy, but this might be too far.

>> No.7820380

>sunny is now bullshitting his AMA?
you are grasping at straws here faggot. it's over, sell your wtc and fix your horrible mistake

>> No.7820388

Wew vechads hold no punches, this is what you get for being a pestering fly.

>> No.7820454

This is just part 1

>> No.7820531

A nice sounding AMA doesn’t change the fact that their tech is inferior. I’ve been in Walton since ICO pricings I’ll always have more % gain than you will off ven even at this low wtc is at.

>> No.7820620

Coping this hard, the truth is a lot of Ven investors only got into supply chain coins in late november/December. Ven outperforms Wtc from that time frame by large margin

>> No.7820778


>> No.7820931


>> No.7820939
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> 4. Addressing the concerns of the community on perceived competitors and so-called competing projects
> and so-called competing projects
> so-called

>> No.7821011


>> No.7821048
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just cracking up at everyone not believing in VEN like I do

>> No.7821063

Gtfo faggot don’t be mad you bought ven at $3 like a fucking retard. This coin has been around for 6 fucking years and all of a sudden they’re gaining traction cause they’ve been dick riding Walton

>> No.7821068

Never felt better going all in to a project like this since eth in 2015

>> No.7821094

You got into crypto this year

>> No.7821098


>> No.7821124

you mean raping walton? You're god damned right we're raping walton. Just wait until the AMA on "perceived competitors" when sunny the rapist comes for you.

>> No.7821125

>> so-called

>> No.7821144

Why didnt you buy HEXX
was shilling yesterday!!!!

>> No.7821187

What's been seen cannot be unseen

>> No.7821188
File: 18 KB, 210x259, jim-breyer1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walton cucks think they know more about investing in tech than breyer who can actual research rather than reading walty salty shill talking points

>> No.7821263

Breyer is just an ordinary dude who invested in facebook and eth early. He’s not the only one whose done this doesn’t make him Warren buffet

>> No.7821292

Wait until Walton’s tech actually drops and they start marketing. Vens over here putting all their resources into marketing while Walton is working on the low. Couple more months ven faggot

>> No.7821303
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>> No.7821347
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D E L U D E D. W A L T I E S.

>> No.7821379
File: 195 KB, 1016x2529, ZnzI7Bt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean like their wallet "dropped" and everybody realized they are coding in pascal 87'?

>> No.7821383
File: 295 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180220-103306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure "just a regular dude", it's not like he runs a investment firm that has Vechain in their portfolio.

>> No.7821386

Wait until Walton's tech drop is completely underwhelming compared to industry giants like Bosch and Qualcomm who are already providing chips to Vechain. Wait until Walton never actually starts marketing because they don't understand what that even entails.

Think about it - you defend Walton's tech as being "superior" but admit they haven't even dropped their tech yet. How do you even know it's superior? You don't, you're just investing with emotion. Prepare your anus, the rapening is coming. You have 4 days.

>> No.7821468
File: 93 KB, 500x373, when-you-forget-youre-retarded-marczucc-27616843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beliving ven wont dump at rebranding

>> No.7821492

Of course it'll dip after the rebranding.

>believing waltybucks will ever rise.

>> No.7821500


>> No.7821507

why is sunny so smug 24/7?

>> No.7821508

They might have some NDA's they might reveal at the rebrand but it will dump after

>> No.7821509

>believing* that VEN won't drop some mind belowing news that could fuck over traders

>> No.7821546

Not with Sunny's god tier marketing. They even predicted the crash and moved the rebrand just in time of market recovery.

>> No.7821553
File: 6 KB, 208x242, 2018-02-20-10-42-01-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He got away with rape.

>> No.7821584

That wasn’t even the final wallet... good one

>> No.7821585

of course it is, as should be expected from a team hailing from some of the deepest, poorest provinces china has to offer. Really, in another timeline, they (including the underwear CEO) would all be working on collectivized farms instead of ripping off kids with their windows 3.1/cobol setup

>> No.7821586

Sunny might have known the chink whales were gonna take profits with the chinese new year. Based Lu

>> No.7821597

Just wait until his rape of WTC on Friday.

>> No.7821616

Dude hitler was on Forbes lmao gtfo

>> No.7821662

What you said makes no sense. How do I know the tech is superior? Hmm idk. Maybe all the research I’ve done, the news, YouTube vids showing their product. Ven doesn’t have shit to show they push every release date back after Walton’s on purpose to copy whatever the fuck they’re doinf

>> No.7821690

It’s not their wallet it was test wallet. Official one is released in the next months

>> No.7821699

Why would they even release this shame?

>> No.7821716

You realize vechain have working products already, right..? Like as in they already have videos showing the chips and manufacturing, you know this, right..?

>> No.7821717

Why has ven been around for 6 years and no ones heard of them until November?

>> No.7821726

Anyone who's done any amount of research would see the rapening that's coming for Walten. Vechain will you leave you raped and pillaged competing with Wabi for scraps it leaves behind. 4 days, then you're fucked for good.

>> No.7821741

You know that Walty tears are positively correlated to the price of VEN, right?

>> No.7821746

Wow, 10 posts already! You deserve an extra nickel today Samir

>> No.7821757

Can’t seem to find those vids anywhere

>> No.7821770

Stop giving this walton retard attention now, hes been at this for months. Same old wtc shill talking points muh better tech with no literal proof. Ven doesnt claim doesnt be cutting edge ahead of all iot industries like waltcucks do.

>> No.7821771

LOL why would king Sunny concern himself with the day to day of some rural plebs? Also, remember
> initial release in Oct/Nov
> genesis block in January
> new website soon
> proper wallet soon
waltie salties still waiting on all of that lolololol. keep watching them youtube videos though, I'm sure your research is fucking stellar

>> No.7821789

Once tech is released ven will be begging Walton to make them a child chain cause that’s all they are. A child chain, a company who pays people to shill them is one that’s bound to flop

>> No.7821802

Here ya go: https://www.youtube (add a dot here) com/watch?v=vQI7OD6a0fw

Should have known a walty retard would be too dumb to google/youtube it...

>> No.7821811

It’s taken ven 6 years to achieve whatever the fuck it’s achieved. Walton’s done everything in 6 months

>> No.7821823

Vechain rules!

>> No.7821831

Shady CEO Sunny Lu cornered me and put two fingers deep into my grundle during a tour of the office. I later saw him fly across a room and punch a software developer in the side of the head for looking at him in the eye. Stay away

>> No.7821832

I mean there's also the fact that it's literally in use on products already...

>> No.7821843

Lol link doesn’t even work sad

>> No.7821845

Everyone calling this a handbag coin, the point of the rebrand is to rebrand vechains scope of focus.

>> No.7821855
File: 102 KB, 646x220, AAEAAQAAAAAAAAfIAAAAJDFiOWU0OTRhLTRlMmQtNGQ5Ni1hYjcwLTZkYmQ5ZTMxZWQzZA-201801301011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> once the tech is released
oh so never then, just like the wallet, genesis blocks, the website, countless other things. Only thing they've pulled off so far is the logo and we all know how shit that looks

>> No.7821872

lmao this confirms you're larping. VET will be top 5 this year. WTC will wallow alongside Wabi, still muttering "muh techhh" while Sunny rapes them for sport.

>> No.7821876

6 years. Whatever you say about delays. Vens been around for 6 years... without Walton they’d still be unknown like they have been the past six.years.

>> No.7821888

Hahahaha RIP wtc

>> No.7821898

Tears turn into our gains. Lovely.

>> No.7821899

Looks like a pajeet english wannabe company kek

>> No.7821901

> Walton’s done everything in 6 months
I can do nothing in about 1 minutes time, why has it taken Sharton 6 months?

>> No.7821936


>> No.7821940

unknown to you. Remember that. Unknown to you. They are not targeting you and never will. Stick to your rural pleb coin.

>> No.7821946

How long do you think NDAs last?
Most of them hold for up up 5 years.

>> No.7821965

lol too dumb to figure out how to add a dot to to a youtube link? lololol


>> No.7821971

20+ partnerships. Revolutionary child chains to sold any scalability issues. Walton will have ICO’s running on it’s platform while ven does what again?

>> No.7821994

Yeah but what about partnerships with companies that are real?

>> No.7822044


>> No.7822064

Septwolves, coinnest, China mobile IOT alliance, smart city? You do know that a lot of Vens partnerships are as a third party right?

>> No.7822067
File: 111 KB, 480x480, jSbS3eB47LYtLpzBLgMJehrG9VkV4M-right_480x480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well daaauuumn I'm sold shartiewaltie. And you've used all of that and can confirm its not just ramblings of a provincial team unable to pull off a simple ama on reddit? Thought so.
picreleated is the actual new logo, even shittier than the joke one above

>> No.7822089

5 years, so what about the year where they were still unheard of? And how come they haven’t released any NDA’s?

>> No.7822099

Holy shit someone did a video of my fucking copypasta. Fucking kek this is the greatest day of my life.

>> No.7822116

Lol. AMA’s determining the validity of a company. No wonder you’re getting paid to shill VEN you guys go off hype and marketing who cares about what the actual company does right?

>> No.7822127

lol you are so defensive, admit it, you realize that wtc has lost the battle. stop responding and sell your wtc immediately

>> No.7822128

"equipt" - pajeet coin confirmed

>> No.7822137

> how come they haven’t released any NDA’s
> to sold any scalability issues
> coinnest
anons whenever you are down and feel bad about yourself, just imagine being this retarded and you've instantly feel better

>> No.7822149

Holy shit I love those WTCucks. Please never stop trying to make your shitcoin look better in VEN threads.

>> No.7822164
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>> No.7822175

post more vechain pastas

>> No.7822182

I just love how ven is so concerned with Walton. Obviously seems to be threatened while Walton’s team never even bothers to mention ven or acknowledge them. It’s alright once ven can’t copy Walton’s code and they scramble the true supply chain IOT coin will shine. You guys have another two months of this bullshit shilling

>> No.7822201

I literally had probably 5 on here. But Shady Lu pastas are dead now, so

>> No.7822213

Lmao the guy above said most NDA’s take 5 years. Ven has been around for 6 so I said why haven’t they released anything? Learn to read guy

>> No.7822214

>21 posts by this ID
I don't know Anon, we don't seem like the desperate ones here since you're the one who has to come into a VEN thread to cry.

>> No.7822220

post them and i'll get people on fiverr to read them

>> No.7822230

yeah but if their wallet is shit, their website is shit, their logo is shit, they can't communicate, the ceo has an underwear fetish what makes you think theyll deliver
> muh revolutionary chain that can solve any, ANY, scalability issue

>> No.7822255
File: 93 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_4114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post shady lu pastas

>> No.7822265

I never thought I'd have the courage to tell you my story... but here it is. I was a huge fan from the start, since BitSE split and formed VeChain. The idea of IoT and tracking products on the blockchain sounded incredible. I decided to visit the Singapore office in 2017, and my life was changed.

I arrived there and was greeted in the most friendly manner by a woman at the front desk, Ann I believe her name was. Then I saw him, Sunny Lu, standing at his desk. I tried to keep my composure and walked up and said something along the lines of "Mr. Lu, it's an honor to meet you. I've always admired your entrepreneurial spirit, and I love how VeChain is progressing." Then, he gave me that blank stare. The stare that will be burned in my mind until I reach the grave. You could tell there was nothing left, no soul, no heart. And that's when it all went wrong.

He fiercely grabbed my genitals and started twisting, with the same blank stare into my soul. I sat there, looking horrified, very visibly trying not to cry. He finally stopped twisting, and brought his face about 1 inch away from my own. I could smell a rancid stench coming from his mouth as he said these words: "YOU GET OUT WHITE RICE. YOU GET OUT AND YOU NEVER RETURN."

I let out a barely audible "Y-yes sir," and he finally released his grip. ALL of the coworkers just stood around me, mocking and laughing, calling me 'milky-white boy.' I ran out in tears and took the next plane home. My stomach churns just at the thought of how this day changed my life.

^Heres one

>> No.7822275

Idk man vitalik thinks it’s okay to touch children how will they ever succeed?

>> No.7822314

Not desperate? 6 years and they finally make traction riding Walton’s dick. Like I said two more months of this shit before you guys get shit on

>> No.7822327

Tell me more about the CEOs underwear fetish

>> No.7822330

Go and start a company now and get BMW partnership immediately.
Some things take time.
Partnership between DNV GL was under NDA for a long time too.

>> No.7822346

damn that's glorious, im proud to have taken part of the early vechain copy pasta and fuddery.

>> No.7822347

one question:

Why are you still in this thread? You claim that VEN holders are more obsessed with WTC holders, but I think it's the other way around. Go to the WTC reddit for confirmation. VEN has captured the spotlight for the last several weeks so your position is natural.

>> No.7822425

idk man, vitalik is an autistic starchild prodigy while WTC ceo is just some old, crusty cuck who runs an underwear knockoff company out of rural china. I bet his nephew or some shit egged him on, something like "Uncle, I heard crypto is the real deal, why don't you start a coin and call it sharton?"

>> No.7822491

i don't trust these little Asians as far as I can throw them. there's some seriously shady shit going here

>> No.7822542

Can confirm. Just did some heavy digging on /biz/, found a lot of shady shit about this Sunny Lu character. Smells like a typical Chinese ponzi scheme, I'd stay away. I even talked to a former 40 man dev team member.

>> No.7822640

Hi, former dev from the 40 man dev team here. I sold all my holdings recently after a very shady interaction with the CEO Sunny Lu. I am here only to offer the truth, act as you wish.

A few weeks ago I was at a celebratory drink with Sunny Lu and all the staff, along with many new partners in a certain hotel bar in Shangahai(wont reveal). Things were winding down and Sunny asked me to talk to him in private as he wanted to go through a few things for an interview that was comming up. this wasn't anything new, as Sunny usually practiced with me for such events. after some time, we ended up having dinner in the room. I'll never forget his order. He calls up room service and goes "i want a pizza and i want the toppings on the pizza to be littler pizzas. Like the size of pepperonies but they're actually full pzzas, just little." So then he hangs up and I assume he's going to get back to the interview but instead he gets up, in this really sing-songy voice starts going "i'm havin' pizzaaaaas, with little pizzaaaaaaas on top, I'm having pizzaaaas with little pizzzaaaas on top." then he goes "I'm going to give you the night of your life. I'm gonna fuck you so hard and your pussy is going to feel like it just ate pizza with tiny pizzas as the topping." He was trying to sell me i guess

Sunny is kind of shady, be careful with this coin.

>> No.7822700

Sunny Lu came up to me in the Xujiahui metro station and tried to sell me some meteorites he found in Yunnan. It was a little weird. His hands were all bruised and he was talking super fast. I think he was on drugs.

>> No.7822733

Guy who is paying people on fiver, PLEASE do this one. Fucking kek

>> No.7823012

This is the first one of these that actually made me laugh.

>> No.7823069

i need more pastas

>> No.7823379

German Anon here. I have to tell you a story.

I am living in Munich and met Sunny last week. He probably visited the city in order to sign the BMW deal for VeChain. That night I was sitting in a bar with a colleague. I saw Sunny entering the bar and taking a seat two tables next to us. He ordered three shots and drank them before yelling "EINS ZWEI DREI BLITZKRIEG HAS ARRIVED". People were staring at him. I decided to join him at his table while my colleague went to the toilet. "Sir, I would recommend you to stop shouting words like that here. He stared at me for a while and started screaming again: "DU DEUTSCHKRAUT DEIN LAND IST BALD UNS". More and more people were looking, suddenly the music stops. Faster than I could see Sunny jumped on the table and opened his pants. "HOW DO YOU KRAUTS LIKE THIS CHINESE WEISSWURST". He was swinging his dick clockwise shouting "VECHAIN VECHAIN THOR THOR THOR" all the time.

Weird guy, really shady.

>> No.7823927

this one is good

>> No.7824688
File: 38 KB, 871x249, icanhassensor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're being sarcastic, there's nothing outstanding about using sensors from Bosch, ST, whatever... I'm an electrical engineer, if I have to design some device incorporating sensors, ofc I will pick one from the big manufacturers - they're an industry standard.

>> No.7824722
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