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7821107 No.7821107 [Reply] [Original]

Do i FOMO already or are whales faking it?

>> No.7821130

buy now fag

>> No.7821138
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you're suppose to buy before the downtrend breaks you fucking idiot.

>> No.7821157
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Bitcoin good buy sir. Why?

BTC is the EOS killer.

Bitcoin has:

1. No transaction fees
2. Can scale to millions tx/s
3. Is Ethereum’s #1 competitor
4. Was created by Dan Larimer
5. Partnered with Google co-founder Eric Schmidt

How can EOS compete?

>> No.7821175

Its already too high, wait until 12.1

>> No.7821176

>Do the opposite of what /biz says
I ve to remember those wise words

Chances of a big dump are scary

>> No.7821181

If the down trend is broken then it wont matter how long you wait to fomo (Within reason) because its probably going to continue up to some fucked up amount again. So just sit back and watch for a bit.

>> No.7821209

Also there is no fucking way the down trend is already broken.

>> No.7821251

>no way downtrend is broken after BTC already DOUBLED from recent low

spotted the deluded 6k bottomseller cuck

>> No.7821264

Was looking at 4h, seems like it is about to break

The daily is still to break.

>> No.7821328

that was the point faggot do you really think is a good idea buying right now?holy shit

>> No.7821428
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It does this every year after the crash. We need one more solid dip before out of the woods.

>> No.7821555

>It's already too high, wait till it's higher.

>> No.7821573

One more dip and this shit is going to the fucking moon this year.. Unless something fucking completely explodes. 50k is high is highly possible.

>> No.7821658

>One more dip
>One more dip, I'm sure
>I'm certain there will be another dip before the epic bullrun
>Here it goes we are dipping
>The dip will happen within the next 24 hours
>One more dip

>> No.7821711

Nigga if it breaks 12.1k we are goign to ATH again.
If it doesnt, then back to 9k we go.

>> No.7821739

There will be another dip fucking moron. It may not go to 6k but it will be enough to get in. If you buy right now you are long term probably fine but you will miss out on gains and forced to HODL through hell for half a month.

This WILL dip.

>> No.7821753

No, we're going around 16k, then whales will short and it goes back to 10k.

>> No.7821795


>> No.7821809

Alts are bleeding because whales are cashing out, this is the last pump to cash out anon.

>> No.7821818
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It wont be 16k, it will be around where we are now. 12.5k tops We are on that little mini recovery after the first deep dip again.

>> No.7821830

alts are bleeding because everything is being put into BTC

>> No.7821840

Wait until it’s worth 20k to confirm the trend, TA cuck lol.

>> No.7821859

You must be new or retarded. Alts bleed every time bitcoin pumps.

>> No.7821960

So you need it to go to 18k and then dip again to 13k to confirm the uptrend? Is literally buy high, sell low what you TA types go for?

>> No.7822195
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You fucking retarded, if BTC goes to 17k then nothing we do right now matters. A slightly bad choice will mean losing pennies on the dollar in long term gains. If BTC goes to 100k I dont give a shit if I waited an extra 5k!

>> No.7822294

This year the alt bleedout is much less than last year. Nobody HODLs BTC anymore. BTC is purely for newfags and bag holders.

>> No.7822373

you don't care whether you have 30 BTC or 20 BTC if it goes to 17K?

Fucking poorfag mentality

>> No.7822433

No harm in waiting for solid confirmation that the market is back in an upward trend. Sure you may miss out on buying at the very bottom but it makes you less likely to get burned by a bull trap. But don’t wait too long either.
Time in the market > timing the market

>> No.7822455

we went straight to the bottom this year

why would the graphs be exactly the same when they're already different?

>> No.7822622

> you don't care whether you have 30 BTC or 20 BTC if it goes to 17K?

I wont be holding any BTC this year. heh I don't give a fuck. Unlike you actually like making money.

> Fucking poorfag mentality

I'm sorry but last year EVERY FUCKING MAJOR ALT out performed BTC by 3x-100x so anyone. Every single one of you fucking retards talking about not being poor while holding BTC are ZERO room to talk.

If you have BTC you have to come to grips that in December Doge coins made 35k while you reached 19k tops for the same investment.

If you have BTC in your folio YOU ARE A POOR FAG. You got butt raped by DOGE!! Ripple made 200k for the price of one BTC for god sakes!!

You all suck at money fucking KYS if you even you even try to talk about "poorfag mentality" muh Bitcoin.

>> No.7822724

Do you even into risk?

I bought ETH last year at $76, but I still held more in BTC. This is because BTC was guaranteed to survive for a year, while ETH wasn't.

When you have triple digit BTC, it's more about capital preservation than moon missions. Again, you have a poorfag mentality.

>> No.7822748

> Do you even risk
> taking risks is super scary so BTC is only hope goys!!

>> No.7822842

There is no difference in my life whether I have 5 million or 10 million

but if I go all in altcoins and have 1 million because they were all shit, I would probably have to start working again

>> No.7822880

wtf are you even talking about, the graphs are totally different. Your whole graph right there is only one fucking week

>> No.7822981

This is one sickening rollercoaster.

>> No.7823096
File: 82 KB, 1521x628, gh234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like how the fuck is that graph of a little over 1 week anything like what we're seeing now. Pic related

>> No.7823109

If you hold BTC you will have 1 million and if you hold alts that dont suck you will be sitting on 10-20 million.

Personally I stop giving a fuck at 1 million. At that point I don't give a fuck anymore.

>> No.7823194

You're the faggots who like to push a shitcoin that makes less than doge coin. So you got that going for ya.

I mean Doge coin, that must really fucking hut. Even LTC devastated BTC last year. almost 60k in gains at the time for the same investment.


>> No.7823233

Also this is going to dip pretty hard. If it doesnt dip then hitting a million by end of year with alts will be a total joke.

Its fucking dipping HAHA

>> No.7823313

Bulls have been pushed by whales and overbought in the run up, it will fail to brake through and the bulls don't have any reserves left to slow the bleeding. Bears are out for blood and won't all in until absolutely no hope. Get the crime scene tape...

>> No.7823363

that's the part where I would fail, since I bought XRB when it was mooning and now it's absolutely cucked

and I held BCH when it was like $4000

but guess what? I still hold majority BTC so my poor choices don't affect me

>> No.7823495

LTC devasted BTC last year, but LTC is my long term hold

when I bought it (using gains from other alts) it was 0.03 BTC, which was in like 2013

at that time, it would have been better to just sell for BTC, it never regained its value in sats

this is just a shitcoin that got revived because BTC is congested - it will die soon enough (and I say this as an LTC holder)

>> No.7823502

Hodl both XRB and BCH until december 2018 and you will be even further ahead if you went all in on BTC. Even after the crash. BTC makes the smallest gains compared to other coins long term.

>> No.7823590

faggot, learn some TA before using it
Use log charts for Bitcoin, always. You'll see the downtrend is still intact.

I hate you normies so much. Stop posting on this board. Go away!!!

>> No.7823658
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hi poorfag

poorfags are salty over early bitcoin adopters. they call bitcoin "muh dinosaur coin" all while chasing "the next bitcoin". they blame bitcoin when their alts crash and think bitcoin is "holding back the market". they have a fundamental misunderstanding about the underlying technology. they gamble on vaporware shitcoins with flashy marketing campaigns. they panic over 30% losses and larp as trading geniuses when their retarded coins is targeted for a pump by forces outside their control.

i don't need to gamble. i've already "made it". i use bitcoin as its primary use case, a store of value. long term 99% of alts are going to 0, they are useless trash. this entire market is being propped up by dumb money. it's vaporware projects with flashy marketing campaigns, literal paid shilling, and market manipulation. you can make money playing this game, potentially more than you can holding bitcoin. but you're playing THEIR game. these people put up NOTHING and you hand them real cash for 1's and 0's in THEIR spreadsheet.

you're not smart if you turn $1000 into a $1m playing roulette. you're just a lucky moron.

>> No.7823660

If the owner of the coin cucks the coin you get out. He cucked at its height for a reason. He knew grampa coin was coming down hard.

Also BTC sats are meaningless because lightning network is going to tank the coin. Its an objective and sad fact that LN will tank the entire market hard. Provided LN ever even happens. There will be hype for a bit though, fucking idiots with no understanding of technical or UX design. Then its over it will have zero adoption.

Anyone measuring in sats is cucking themselves hard.

>> No.7823693

We broke the trend on the log chart too. Even further in fact.

>> No.7823734

>poorfags are salty over early bitcoin adopters. they call bitcoin "muh dinosaur coin" all while chasing "the next bitcoin".

I got in on 2014.

Nothing you say or try to think will change the reality that BTC is a shitcoin own by banks and corporations. Market manipulation and hype are the only things pumping the coin and it piggybacks the entire market like a fucking leech.

If you hold BTC you are a poorfag. You are also fucking stupid.

>> No.7823833

>i use bitcoin as its primary use case, a store of value. long term 99% of alts are going to 0, they are useless trash.

It must be hard for you to accept that almost every single alt was an objectively better hold last year HAHA. They uh, didn't go to zero. HAHAHA!!

> you're not smart if you turn $1000 into a $1m playing roulette. you're just a lucky moron.

Its not even close to a gamble. Its not roulette at all. Every single major alt even BCH will out perform BTC this year for the same value invested on January first. Even after BTC goes to 50k.


>> No.7823909

I already am, I have no choice since I'd be getting a pittance

I'm waiting for that 25K-35K BTC pump before getting out

>> No.7823933
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Man, I'm so annoyed with myself. Fucking about joining up to hundreds on gook exchanges to buy shitcoins, when I could of made more money just buying and selling BTC and ETH on Coinbase! This is bullshit!

>> No.7824017

This. Just fucking trade BTC ETH LTC fiat pairs. It's easier and safer. Maybe chuck a grand or two into alts.

>> No.7824037
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hey, that's my shit

>> No.7824149

i hold more in btc than you will ever see in a lifetime. you type like an underage kid which makes sense considering you "got in" in 2014 but somehow haven't "made it".

i said "long term" 99% alts are trash, not "last year". it must be difficult to consider 1 year as short term when it represents more than 1/18th of the time you've been alive.

i'm curious. what alts do you consider long term winners? there's a maximum of 5 alts i'd ever consider owning. you probably hold complete meme coins with 0 chance of going anywhere.

>> No.7824462

Is ICX trash?

>> No.7824502

> i'm curious. what alts do you consider long term winners? there's a maximum of 5 alts i'd ever consider owning. you probably hold complete meme coins with 0 chance of going anywhere.


Here is the thing, you act like you are smart but you are just a fucking idiot. The only reason you hold BTC is muh store of value when in reality the coin has no real future. I cant do anything with it as a developer. BTC has nothing to offer, its only propped up by market manipulation. Thats why it will never die, because people just continue to pump the coin endlessly on the backs of other coins that CAN do shit.

My goal is to be invested in coins I will be working with in the future. EOS is a coin I hold mainly because as a developer it holds the most promise for me to work with. Decentralized social media is also the future as well Steem and NEO. XRP is the only coin that is purely a currency.

Dumbasses like you run into money and act all superior when you never really do anything with your wealth. And its even more destructive that you sit on it like "muh whale" acting like like since it worked for you it will work for everyone. The reality is the coins is garbage and you are only going to keep going up in value when guys like me actually push to fucking do shit with coins that actually fucking matter.

Its welfare basically. I wonder if you even DO anything. What are your grand plans for the future of this space?

>> No.7824506


>> No.7825234

>he unironically named XRP


holy shit. i knew you were an idiot but severely underestimated your stupidity.

ETH is the only coin you listed with long term potential. it's the only alt i own besides forks.

>i'm a developer! this is super exciting internet 3.0 stuff guys! decentralized facebook :D

blockchains are trash data structures. just because you can build an application on a blockchain doesn't mean you should. in truth, a blockchain's biggest advantage is government non-compliance. governments highly regulate banking. bitcoin allows for increased freedom in the movement of value around the world. you can't anonymously send someone $100k using USD. USD can be frozen. USD can be seized. USD suffers from inflation.

if all these features were possible with USD bitcoin would not exist. it offers novel features not found in the legacy ecosystem. and those novel features exist in opposition to governments. if you're doing something governments don't give a fuck about, like posting on social media, you have no need for blockchains. build your social media platform and advertise it. the reason all these "start ups" use blockchain is because they can attach a worthless token to their project and sell it at inflated prices to a bunch of dumbasses in an ICO. they don't need a working product. they don't need users. they don't even need a revenue stream. you morons buy it all the same. why would you actually put in the work to build something when you can sell vapor at x100 the price?

prediction markets/gambling are areas heavy regulated. this is why i believe ETH has potential. trustless casinos remain smart contract's biggest use case and remain one of the few ACTUALLY WORKING applications despite all the retarded buzz over smart contracts from years past.

>> No.7825537

> Doesn't understand that BTC lightning network makes it impossible to do anything anonymously anymore.

> Probably believes that Roger Veer is the devil.

> Grabbed one coin from the list as being the future not realizing 4 of the other coins do the same thing but better.

> XRP isnt long term! kek

> Believes BTC isnt a jew coin but XRP is! top kek

> Vomits talking points about blockchain like it only applies to BTC.

> Down talks use cases like its all bullshit.

> decentralized facebook :D (Obviously social media is fad!)

Omg this can keep going endlessly. This is the good stuff to snap screenshots of to see how shit pans out in a year or 3.

>> No.7825597

Oh yeah
> Smart contracts are a meme that will never be used for anything outside of trustless casinos.

Bitcoin to the moon!!

>> No.7825609
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Help me pick what to invest long term in

>> No.7826152

thought you might actually have something useful to say but you clearly don't

enjoy wageslaving

>> No.7826433

It wasn't a conversation it was me telling you how it is while you make shit up and play pretend about how BTC isn't a total shitcoin.

It would be pretty cool if this was two sided though. Maybe I might have learned something. By the way your shitcoin is fucking the market up again. Maybe this is the dip I was waiting for but not sure yet.

>> No.7826760

Buy the peaks and sell those dips bro!

>> No.7826881

i'm not going to preface everything i say with "it is my opinion that...". it's implied. if you disagree with what i have to say then provide an actual argument instead of spouting greentext like a retard.

blockchains are for government non-compliance. i stand by that 100% and unless you can actually provide a reason why half these retarded projects need blockchains, much less tokens, they are complete garbage.

>> No.7826910

Nano can do this too