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File: 371 KB, 1125x3528, F051A43E-0034-49C5-A42D-B74AA2AB70C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7817475 No.7817475 [Reply] [Original]

>must critique another profile if you want yours critiqued

Here’s mine, think it’s overall ok, want some NEO and eventually EOS.

>> No.7817524
File: 81 KB, 720x1280, blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty damn good anon, I'd drop the last 3 to get even more MAN or just add to the top 3

>> No.7817629


(OP here, using different internet connection)

I don't know shit about STK, but given it's such a big holding, i'll do some research.

I was actually going to sell my MAN and buy the next dip, volumes increased dramatically alongside biz shilling so I'm expecting a little dip, so not keen to purchase more right now.

NAS - the best kept secret on biz and reddit, the FOMO and shilling in 4 weeks will pump the price nicely.

Overall, great holdings for the long term, would consider selling off a fair chunk of MAN around proper listing though...and fuck LTC.

>> No.7817696
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Bullish on Nas, eos seems promising but too early to really tell. Don't know enough about the others

>> No.7817777
File: 150 KB, 750x1334, 9C128966-B2BB-44A8-85B5-1EE1092C952A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Converted my eth to EOS. Let’s ride

>> No.7817778

What's your portfolio value? I only ask to determine how diversified you should be.

I honestly think you should drop nano. ICX will eventually have a nice run so certainly worth holding on long-term.

If I were you, I'd put your nano holdings into OMG.

NAS/RLC will go far.

>> No.7817809

I don't think I can criticise, but if I must..
XLM isn't going anywhere, if you're a believer then hold, otherwise flip imo.
Rest of the profile is good, risky but the pay off with SKY could be massive. Lots of great news coming for AMB

>> No.7817865

I agree xlm is the one I have least confidence in but I want to wait at least for sdex and fairx. At this point why not

>> No.7817896
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>> No.7817951

8.3k Currently

>> No.7818031

Bullish, sell VEN on rebrand unless you really believe.
Sell TRAC, buy back in March, will likely bleed til then.
I hold PFR too, previously held 28k through the ATH to the current pitiful numbers. I'm going to continue holding in the hopes the exchange doesn't suck balls.

>> No.7818087

Really? I thought VEN was a long term once all the VEN tokens get locked up in Thor nodes.

Yeah sucks about PFR, it will bounce back though once Exchange issues are sorted

>> No.7818222

It's massively manipulated currently, look at the volume chart on CMC over the past month, so obvious on there. I think it'll dump soon after rebrand, so sell at a high, buy back the dip.

>> No.7818275
File: 141 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180220-090508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the VEN and NAS.. I'm going to dump ven before rebrand though. If it dips, I buy back in, if not there are other good coins I can Drop the stack on.

Hook me up

>> No.7818287
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way too diversified.

>> No.7818342

EOS is a long term hold for sure, if they deliver it's going to be massive. Worth holding even a bit just in case it becomes the next big thing imo.
Plus you get free airdrop tokens from every crypto launched on the EOS platform, so it's a nice plus

>> No.7818400

STK has the chance to become what normies think crypto should be like. Enabling POS transactions without fees and from your cellphone.
The team is A+, past mastercard experience so they know how this shit works.
Extremely bullish on NAS too, looking to add $1k between NAS and EOS soon

>> No.7818429
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What do you think?

>> No.7818454

Drop AMB and ACT and put it into NAS, you won't be seeing much gains with that diversification

>> No.7818678
File: 109 KB, 750x1334, 9F0C04B1-6A5F-4FFA-84AE-353F8BB8C136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

planning on using VEN profit to buy NAS


>> No.7818685

Great portfolio...what the fuck is HELP though?>>7818429
Sell AChain now, sell Ven on rebrand, hold AMB, at least another week or two, lots of news coming so it'll pump. For me its a longhold.

Long-term, either just OMG and NAS, or OMG and NAS with 25% in AMB.

>> No.7818727

Greatfolio. I don't like INT, probably because i've been burnt by that and ITC.

I held SPHTX for a long time but wanted some more immediate gains so I sold up, as a long-term hold though it's a great prospect.

I agree with selling VEN for NAS.

>> No.7818811
File: 271 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180220-153023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell ven
Buy link
Sell can
Buy link
Sell ven
Buy link
Sell ven
Buy more link

My btc/aud is my 2M trtl btw

>> No.7818815

Your portfolio looks familiar, are you that anon who had ARY instead of VEN/AMB?

>> No.7818883
File: 94 KB, 720x1280, portfolio - 20-02-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advices?

No, I don't give a fuck about your fucking shitty LINK.

>> No.7818903

Fuck must be, sold that shit for coins with volume. Will likely buy back when there's more movement and news, I still think Sam's going to do well, but the project is in it's infancy.

This is literally shit besides the LINK. Sell everything else, keep the REQ if you must, Get some NEO/EOS in there, consider OMG or NAS in there.

>> No.7818942

Ven will do better in the next week than WTC. Consider switching out on the next dip before rebrand, then selling up, buy back to WTC if you must.
JNT is a risky coin, hold til at least an official Sheikh press release and the interview on Arab TV due in the next couple of weeks, sell after, no matter what (this is my plan)

>> No.7818989

what makes jnt more risky than other coins?

>> No.7819219

It's entirely based on promises of tokenising an entire countries assets. There's no real good reason for this, and besides all the hype, pictures off SEED offices etc, there's no confirmation.

If there is confirmation, the price will sky rocket, dump and then stabilize til things get moving in a meaningful way. The other big argument for it is the fiat pairings on arab exchanges meaning it'll decouple from BTC, but this isn't the case for the likes of ETH or LTC, so I can't see why JNT would be different.

>> No.7819304

I was the one who was advising you to do this. Great timing btw.
VEN: the are so heavy on marketing I will not be surprised to see some counter-action to prevent dump during rebranding. There was an interview with Sunny a month or two ago where he said that they have about 16 partnerships already signed and 160 in the pipeline. A lot of high profile partnserships were already announced, but they can tease some others on Feb 26th. They can also announce a coinburn somewhere in march. There was a word 'burn" in the latest CCK tweet, who is obviously is from Vechain's marketing team.
AMB: they gonna be huuuuge in the next month or two, probably will try to steal spotlight from VEN.
MAX sounds like a "shitcoin flavor of month" - this time AI - I would dump it on the top of the pump.
PRL is a hold for a really good pump.
JNT is a very long term bag.

So I would suggest you consolidate MAN and maybe VEN into AMB, which can unironicaly x10

>> No.7819378

>So I would suggest you consolidate MAN and maybe VEN into AMB, which can unironicaly x10

you are so goddamn stupid.

>> No.7819420

Great advise anon, was looking to dump MAN overnight, set an ambitious sell price but it didn't reach it and dumped a bit, will hold a bit longer, dump relatively soon though.

Really bullish on AMB long-term, people really aren't seeing the potential yet which is great for us. What are you holding right now if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.7819670
File: 87 KB, 640x1136, 722590CC-9985-4F4A-9F0B-47E8C17DAEE5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought most of my req near ATH like a dingus, so won't be touching that until mainnet. Any suggestions?

>> No.7819695
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>> No.7819730

Sell XLM, buy more VEN, dump VEN after rebrand, buy more VEN at dip.

>> No.7819880
File: 101 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0348[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also have IOTA and ICX bags. Thinking of dumping some for OMG, what do you think??

>> No.7819966


Of course its long term but it won't get only 100% uphill fucking brainlet. Mainnet is in June, not 26th on Rebranding event. People will sell the news HARD when the real action is still couple months away.

That's why you sell the news and accumulate BIGGER stack when it dumps. Use your brains idiot

>> No.7820029

Less ETH/no ETH, more OMG/AMB otherwise good

>> No.7820133

Also, shill me on NAS, seeing it mentioned a lot itt

>> No.7820254
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>> No.7820256

when do you suggest dumping? rebrand is 26th so do you sell 25th or do you sell 26th or maybe after? total brainlet here

>> No.7820442
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(Same guy, different ISP)

See pic attached, some developments since. I’m personally extremely bullish on it.

>> No.7820471

After will be too late, look to sell on day of rebrand, or just prior.

Motherfucker Sunny might announce some partnership though to prevent dump.

>> No.7820550

Fuck you neil

>> No.7820555
File: 134 KB, 750x1334, 0998557F-7185-42CB-B77A-9D21CADAAF56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost-all-in masterrace

>> No.7820562

Google of the block chain. Founders have ties to ant shares and google. Mainnet in March. Only on small exchanges. 100M total supply. Undervalued

>> No.7821030
File: 192 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180220-112001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go all in on something that isn't ripple.

I hope you wrote yourself a thesis of why you're all in. Refer back to that thesis to ensure underlying fundamentals are still sound otherwise you'll constantly be doubting yourself.

As for myself, I'm looking to dump something so I can up my JNT stack to 10k. XLM seems to be the best candidate (holding LTC till Litepay) Also trying to time this BTC pump to maximize the JNT stack I can pick up; already bleeding sats hard from this initial pump to 11k. Any advice?

>> No.7821289

I’m fully confident in my choice based on the team’s vision, their history/financial abilities, and the steady ongoing growth of their company and major project. My only concern is the direction that bitcoin is headed - unfortunately it’s still a handicap to every altcoin out there. If bitcoin tanks, so will everything else.

>> No.7821392
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I’m fucking dying over here

>> No.7821465
File: 575 KB, 1080x2777, Screenshot_20180220-163519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please all mighty cucks - rate my shitty portfolio. Been hodling since January, came in late with this shit but looking to make 2x of portfolio - started with 1900gbp

>> No.7821643
File: 85 KB, 848x562, Screen Shot 2018-02-20 at 16.45.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate please. XRP is held for someone else.

>> No.7821758
File: 185 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180215-115641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you doing spreading yourself so thin? Literally nigger tier, go all in on Coinmetro ICO for a gauranteed 10x within 6 months.

I also started last month FYI.

>> No.7821921

Not bad picks but some diversification would be good to spread the risk a little bit.

>> No.7821959

too much diversification mate

>> No.7822013

I'm learning the ways still but yeah regret the choices at the bottom.

I'm looking for a good ICO to dip my penis in

>> No.7822157
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Poorfag coming through.

Literally no one else is critiquing anyone else's portfolios first, so I'm not going to do it, either.