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File: 19 KB, 223x226, 166303F8-D825-44A9-8E65-D7A74071503B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7820074 No.7820074 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw only days away from creampieing Persian princesses

Praise to Sergey and Odin

>> No.7820981

I fucking love pajeetas/arab chicks. Didn't think I was into that until I went to Nepal. damn son.

>> No.7821033


We should all get together and creampie one anothers escorts every day until the age of 80

>> No.7821057


Persian women are IMO some of the most beautiful women in the world.

>> No.7821166

>not creampie one another every day until the age of 80 or prolapse

>> No.7821201
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>sees thread

>immediately invests in pharmaceutical companies that own HSV, HPV, and hepatitis medications.

Thanks for the tip :^)

>> No.7821539

sounds gay bro

>> No.7821569 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 300x300, 1515751487158180989089531.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumped for mincoin

Up 125% and there is actual development going on

>> No.7821610



Kill yourself, this shill attempt was just awful

>> No.7821649

it's not gay if the dick is feminine

>> No.7821652

Your being ridden by a pnd group using bots you retard. Going back to 49 cents and maybe the 30s before they rinse and repeat. They've being doing this the same way since the ico and post most of the shill and fud threads on here. Real price is probably around .00037 eth or 40 cents. Do you retards really not know you are being pumped in the ass before you are dumped on?

>> No.7821666
File: 37 KB, 700x700, 01F1B1EA-54B3-4826-B784-A2E0492996BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you will make it because LINK is the EOS killer.

Chainlink has:

1. No transaction fees
2. Can scale to millions tx/s
3. Is Ethereum’s #1 competitor
4. Was created by Dan Larimer
5. Partnered with Google co-founder Eric Schmidt

How can EOS compete?

>> No.7821697

Is this pnd group copypasta or are you stupid....hunmm

>> No.7821714

fuckin retard

>> No.7821733

What? Link also has smart contract support and EOS doesn’t even launch until June 2019 lmao. EOS idiots BTFO as usual. LINK is the one true development platform for scalable feeless enterprise smart contracts.

>> No.7821754 [DELETED] 

Cup and handle forming

Listed on new exchange

>> No.7821764
File: 18 KB, 212x212, 9117EB90-BE5C-473F-A7F8-BA2FE738D974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random chainlink fudders.

Just because you hold EOS bags (launch date June 2019) it doesn’t mean you can shill EOS and talk bad about Link (which is superior to EOS in every way)

>> No.7821834

Nope, you are about to get dumped in steps back down to 50 then a final hard slap on the ass down to the 40s 30s the step buying is a bot as is most of the buywall placing orders that never fill and fall all the way down. You fuckers are simple jacks but someone is making good coin off you. Link is a fucking pen. You bought it

>> No.7821852

Bad idea. Everyday, freeloaders, communists, and niggers are trying to make this industry into a gibsmedat system. You'll just lose money.

>> No.7821878

Why are you so emotionally invested in this?

>> No.7821918
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 1507259674652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You realize you're responding to someone shilling a completely different coin, right?

Pic related, it's you

>> No.7821999

Ah look a bot pumping the buy wall with an auto placed limit buy of 30000 link that will never fill and drop under the market price all the way down. Anyone who buys link is buying a pen from a pnd group and is so spastic they should just give up and let a guardian manage their money. I suspect the vast majority if small link buyers are low income pot smokers who know very little about trading. You are just giving money to bot operators. They are set to be dumping out if this for two weeks. Can't help stupid but its amusing to observe

>> No.7822030

Haha whatever man at least you didn’t get quads

>> No.7822050


Damn you're one salty nigger, I'm gonna screencap this and repost it every day after link goes to $1000

>> No.7822052


I'm down for whatever as long as I get .00001 link out of the deal

>> No.7822063

Because its a fun drama look at the retards they suck in here, the pnd is so textbook it should be in a course on trading on how to spot an automated pnd. Are you one if the team fucking these 'link marines retards? Sell them that fucking pen.

>> No.7822142

Pajeetlet day dreaming lololol

>> No.7822158

You seem like you're in a blind rage, replying to completely off-topic posts as if they're talking about chainlink. Why don't you sit the next few threads out, you know? Simmer down.

>> No.7822163


You don't even know what you're talking about, the price pumped because Sergey announced mainnet is in alpha, which literally nobody expected.

Do a little research you autist.

>> No.7822166

That's great. Make sure you do it as link hits .00071, .00054, .00052 and .00049 eth before the plug is pulled and the nosedive down. I guess it goes to 1000$ in the distant future? After a few more PnDs and there is an actual market price?

>> No.7822244

Nope. Exact same pnd pattern for months. You a newfag? They've had a testnet forever. No news

>> No.7822361

But...but...but all the giant red candles but but but. Fucking bag holder. I actually salute the lads doing this. They know their cunts and they are not just selling a pen they are shoving it in the buyers asses and taking coin for it. You deserve this. Enjoy watching the dump patterns and knowing you were told but too dumb to understand. You're the fucking victim pot head on minimum that richly deserves an assfucking. As plato said know thyself. Nice big steaming dump coming. It'll be a bono in weight.

>> No.7822366
File: 56 KB, 403x448, 1513751543149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely up 50% since its recent low

what is your major malfunction?

>> No.7822415

Ah. You have play in this?How much did you make off these dipsits the last time it got cycled?

>> No.7822444
File: 63 KB, 266x350, 1518535046286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your last sentence is retarded, but I agree with the former - this coin is seriously fucked with. I don't care as I'm a holder, still weird as fuck though.

>> No.7822471

It got a magic number. Quick buy it. Fucking downs syndrome. Literally meat. I'm getting in on this. Pending has never been this easy and someone has cultivated a garden of vegetables.

>> No.7822505
File: 1.32 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180220-111947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O.o ?

>> No.7822504

It's pretty fucking obvious. Look at the step buying, the head and shoulders pump up and step out, the fake buywalls.

>> No.7822547

>11 posts by this ID
No one is going to sell you their LINK, Pajeet.

>> No.7822569

Debating the merits of chainlink is actually irrelevant. It's a pen. It's being PnD'd. It could be tracies pantyliner business. It's a pen. Retards must buy that pen and fucking hold it.

>> No.7822576
File: 40 KB, 600x450, plz-stop-post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7822603

I don't want them particularly. It's not a good sign for link as an asset that is PnD trades down and sideways. See silver

>> No.7822617

Lmfao NO!! I'm Persian myself and I find them disgusting lmao. Really dude it's rare to find a beautiful Persian. They are too masculine because we as a race have masculine features.

Now as for the white bois. The Swedish girls are amazing

>> No.7822626


you responded to me twice relax bro lol

>> No.7822630
File: 152 KB, 360x337, 1518029383817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Healthcare and medication should be available for everyone you nigger, except for hamplanets

>> No.7822632

stop shilling this low energy stagnant coin i dont want to hold your bags for you pajeet

>> No.7822657

What I learned today. There is money in pumping and dumping link. The buyers are the perfect targets. Just smart enough to know how to buy but not smart enough to sell and take profit. Perfect.

>> No.7822705

Just relax and push back. I've got a big red candle for your puckered up autistic holes

>> No.7822716


.t sold at 5k sats

>> No.7822735
File: 415 KB, 1200x1690, A87F7DE3-19FF-4633-BE8A-D4E13072D13B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link is neither low energy nor stagnant you retards.

Don’t listen to idiots like this soldiers. Together we will KILL EOS.

Why? Because we are the LINK Marines.

We will kill EOS.

>> No.7822765

Ah look a .00825 limit placed by a bot that will fall and never ever buy the 24,999 link it says it wants. Little ho of a limit order that one. The gollum of limit orders.

>> No.7822778

>15 posts by this ID

pajeet, chill the fuck out. i know adderall is cheap as fuck in your country, doesn't mean you should be eating them like candy all day.

>> No.7822815


Why are you so emotionally invested in this coin?

>> No.7822814

You in this PND group? What do you make from these halfwits?

>> No.7822848

Nice pasta. I find the pnd and social manipulation nice drama.

>> No.7822933

Why should LINK fall back to 40 cents if there were actual positive news justifying the correction, you literal oversmug brainlet

>> No.7822953

yall know this is a pajeet right?

>> No.7822993

Why is it not back on 1.20?
Ah............ Zoom out on a chart brainlet and like I say its a pen. Debating the fineness of the pen is fucking irrelevant.

>> No.7823023

Nice trips

>> No.7823042

Who the fuck are you? ABoss hog. Although you are making me thing the link pnd is done by brown subhumans. I can understand that you are naturally insecure about that. Living in a sweet shilling a fudding link must get rough.

>> No.7823068

Why are literally 99% of all coins and tokens under their ATH? They must all be pens.
Why are you so buttmad? Post your folio so we can all have a laugh
>inb4 its 100% USDT because you sold at $6k

>> No.7823098
File: 309 KB, 504x398, u wot m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is with this pen obsession? i'm actually curious, it's like we have a legit schizophrenic over here.

>> No.7823105

dude rewrite that in your native language and ill let google translate cause that was just pure garbage

>> No.7823112

I think its a reference to wolf of wall street

>> No.7823128

I really don't like whities.
To each their own

>> No.7823149

whites have best nips

>> No.7823157

Shut up, ahmed. Go back to your goats. Healthcare isn't a right. That would mean you have the right to someone else's time.

>> No.7823193

>Healthcare isn't a right
La criatura...

>> No.7823208


>> No.7823797

yes mobius sir i agree. very smart coin