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File: 46 KB, 905x448, bone pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7819425 No.7819425 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw balding
>tfw sub-Chad skull so can't cope with muh shave it bro
>tfw hairloss treatments are bullshit
>tfw hair transplants are bullshit unless hairloss is halted
>tfw wigs are fucking lame as fuck
>tfw no amount of money can make a baldcuck happy and the amount of money needed to cope is unrealistic to reach
>tfw repulsive to any prime female

It's over.

>> No.7819569

if you have hair on your sides you can get a transplant. you cant get a transplant if your losing hair ALSO on your sides. look at elon musk before after pictures

>> No.7819575

>sloping forehead
This image is nigger cope.

>> No.7819603

>>sloping forehead
isnt that a neanderthal trait? cromagnons dont have it

>> No.7819628
File: 81 KB, 472x472, 1CB0DC91-0A4D-42D5-874A-15CBCEDF8FAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw balding warrior skull

>> No.7819677
File: 542 KB, 600x908, bizchoices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Sloped forehead with strong brow
>tfw george washington nose
>tfw rambow chin


>tfw somewhat dolichocephal
>tfw somewhat long ugly occiput

so am I a warrior alien or a gay warrior?

>> No.7819690
File: 47 KB, 650x375, henry-rollins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude shave it already. Dont be a pussy any longer. Get muscles. Become confident. Have game with women and be social. Do squats with lots of weight to get a big neck like Henry Rollins.
Use a Rogaine derivative (cheaper) on your beard area to make it grow.

>> No.7819701

>do squats to get a big neck
wtf how can you be this stupid all at once?

>> No.7819708


>caring what women think
>being so beta youre worried about your looks
>knowing weird names of physiological features Ive never heard before
>unironically being a lookism autist

kys OP

>> No.7819745


>> No.7819768

>>tfw hair transplants are bullshit unless hairloss is halted

>> No.7819778

Neanderthals had it but so do niggers, abos, native americans, etc. Europeans have relatively vertical foreheads. The protruding occiput is also pure european. Strong jawline in the image is probably code for prognathism, even though it actually usually results in a weaker looking jaw and chin. Small nose=wide flat nigger nose. Probably made by some nog who unironically thinks he wuz kangs and that wypipo were made by Yakub.

>> No.7819805

If it bothers you that much just take finasteride

>> No.7819814

Not even this just be confident. Act like you could have called any girl but be a gentleman

>> No.7819841
File: 124 KB, 512x384, 1237136641174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are repulsive to them because you feel, that you are repulsive
as long as you play a bitches game, trying to get good boy points from your looks, you're goint to be a bitch..
literally the lowest point a man can sink to, is rest on his looks and not work on constantly refining himself...

it's the classic:
chat in high school... balding cuck @ middle age dynamic...

just keep working on yourself...
make a joke out of your baldness...

and ask yourself: do you really want a basic bitch who can't be bothered to look beyond looks?
men go for looks
bitches go for power...

it's just, that modern (((culture))) wants to turn that around because there's a lot of profits to be made with unhappiness and depression/constantly comparing yourself to others

GO MGTOW and then disregard the ideology again, once you have some self-confidence, because you will realize it's just another (((cultural))) trap, that you can use to your advantage, though.

just don't become the divorced cuck paying for staceys and tyrones holidays while your kid has to eat wheaties for lunch and dinner, because stacey is such a pos mother that hurts your child just to spite you...

also: i know this is most likely psyop bait, which is exatly the reason i wrote this wall of text...
some of you might get, what i'm trying to convey here, i hope

until then, have a kitten, anons

>> No.7819847

>all of these but dolicephal and long Occiput

>> No.7819857

was meant to ber:
>chad in high school

>> No.7819894
File: 351 KB, 980x1154, races skulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To supplement, note the forehead and occiput on the congoid and caucasoid skulls here, as well as the width. OP image is clearly attempting to recast nigger features as being attractive and white features as unattractive.

>> No.7819898

you can call out the words all you want, but doodle A looks objectively better than doodle B

>> No.7819919

No shit. Doodle a is idealized and doodle b is a caricature.

>> No.7820075
File: 274 KB, 903x1600, 135413513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shave and go to gym, grow a beard. I am not balding just shave my head every 3 days since I was 16 and I still get all the pussy I want

>> No.7820082
File: 38 KB, 500x341, 51rEQd4gFyL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not reading what i said

Where does the weight rest?

>> No.7820324

>Tiny neck
One more thing added to the list of my insecurities that I need to be conscious about. Thank you /fit/, Thank you 4chan.

>> No.7820364

>posts a dude squatting with a pussypad
squats will not give you big traps, faggot
heavy deadlifts, rows, OHP should do the trick. get a neck harness for neck curls/extensions if you want to get a thick chad neck

>> No.7820416
File: 242 KB, 922x578, 2yziikw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neck training will seriously make you look way better.

>> No.7820458

you made it lmao

>> No.7820473
File: 131 KB, 905x630, 1519139201293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7820482

I'm balding too and i know how OP is feeling
I'm only 20 and already half bald and ugly as hell (i have ears like sminem)
What you're saying is true but at my age appearence is still important to even get into new friend circles
I'm not an autist and i get on with everyone but college has been fucking depressing so far, i can just tell when people don't like me around just for my look
You can argue how much you want that baldness isn't a problem and i can agree with that but being bald in the prime of your life isnt something you can get over overnight and pretty much kills your pussy appeal

>> No.7820935




>> No.7820998

but having a shaved head is not the same as having a bald head, brainlet.
also some people look bad bald

>> No.7821027


>> No.7821050

yes I also grow my biceps by doing zercher squats

fucking retard

>> No.7821073

>Resting the bar on your neck.

How to snap yo shit up.

>> No.7821213
File: 758 KB, 1672x912, Screen Shot 2018-02-20 at 11.26.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw has anyone been absolutely wrecked by becoming redpilled about the maxilla?


This knowledge will destroy you if you don't have good facial structure.

>> No.7821230

I feel you mate. I'm biting the bullet and getting a transplant on my 24th birthday. I almost reached NW3 status by my 21st but some lifestyle changes alongside minox brought me almost down to a NW2

>> No.7821335

Only the hair on the side of your head is DHT-resistant. Thats why when you see bald people, they still have that horseshoe pattern of hair left. A transplant moves these DHT-resistant follicles to the balding area but does nothing to halt the continued balding of the rest of your hair

>> No.7821407
File: 1.67 MB, 1624x884, Screen Shot 2018-02-20 at 11.32.23 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guys a prime example of the modern melting face syndrome. He has forward head posture, his maxilla is dropped down, his mandible is swung down and into his neck. As he bulked up his face just starting looking like a balloon.

>> No.7821735
File: 103 KB, 640x640, chad and stacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>put hair in X area
>Y area keeps balding

It's fucking stupid, unless again, your hairloss is somehow halted. Most treatments don't work. Finasteride gives you shitty sides since decreasing 70% of the most potent male hormone is retarded.

Elron Musk has probably a wig, he was too bald to get that density. If not, then he is using tons of concealer.

>> No.7821792

>Btw has anyone been absolutely wrecked by becoming redpilled about the maxilla?

Yeah, learned my genetics are shit and am ugly when I was 25. No woman ever loved me, including my mother. And yeah, its destroyed me and I never really got over it, didn't kill myself only because I wait for sexbots to be made and VR to improve.

>> No.7821854


I started balding but luckily going on dht blockers and soon mild hrt, it's not a far stretch since I'm a cute trap

>> No.7821868

>tfw have warrior skull but wife has gay alien skull
Man I don’t wanna hurt her but I don’t want gay alien skull kids

>> No.7821915
File: 1.19 MB, 1167x1750, jb stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chad fucks girls on their prime
>I can finally get some pussy as a beta provider (when they are out of their prime) once I land my first decent paying job and if they are still on their prime they are filling their biological needs with Chad when you are wagecucking
>in order to cope with these truths he thinks im a fucking CIA psyops

State of the art cope

>> No.7821933



>> No.7821957
File: 1.99 MB, 332x215, cage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7821978

Only autistic gymcels squat and deadlift.

Dumbells, cables, machines and bodyweight exercises are enough to get a good looking body. Anything else is yet another cope.

>> No.7822002


Finally some1 not retarded (unlike most /fit/izens)

>> No.7822007

good luck anon, if i ever make it with crypto that's what i'm doing too but if it's genetics i already know it won't last long

>> No.7822039

Yeah, go drink your fruits and vegetables and see how it goes. Faggot.

The first guy doesn't even have androgenic alopecia, looks like textbook telogen efluvium which is usually an autoinmune problem and reversible.
Horseshoe pattern of doom = death.

>> No.7822192

Holy shit, this is intense. I'm correcting my posture immediately after this. Should I get my slight overbite fixed or will that fuck my jaw up like those people he showed in the slides?

>> No.7822224

the first guy is full of shit, yes diet can help but if it's genetics then it's really game over unless you get it really soon
you can lose hair from stress and usually most of males lose their "child" hairline around 20 and that's what it probably was for him

>> No.7822525

Ask your dentist. You should have a slight overbite in that your tetth should interlock with your lower front teeth behind your upper front teeth, rather than meeting edge to edge, But if your lower front teeth are way back and not even touching that's different.

>> No.7822689

Oh, then I don't have an overbite lol, great. I'll just fix my posture for those sick facial gains in like 5 years

>> No.7823107

>Dumbells, cables, machines and bodyweight exercises are enough to get a good looking body


>Anything else is yet another cope


>Only autistic gymcels squat and deadlift.

I don't squat anymore cause knees are fucked from martial arts, but this is totally false. Having worked as a tradesman for years and competed physical against other men, I can confidently say squats and deadlifts absolutely have an impact on your performance. Majority of top athletes incorporate compound barbell movements whether they be deadlift variations or olympic lifts. You're full of shit and don't know what you're talking about.

From what I gather, it doesn't work well for adults but when I have kids I'll be on their ass about their tongue posture.

>> No.7823922

>I can confidently say squats and deadlifts absolutely have an impact on your performance.

Im not training to perform anywhere but with hookers (since it's the only way a subChad can fuck 8+'s on the reg).

>> No.7824034

>sell me this hat

>> No.7824132
File: 406 KB, 638x392, 123456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is some dude with a hair system, they actually look realistic nowadays and cost <$1k a year. contemplating getting one personally

>> No.7824172


>> No.7824253

>he hasnt taken the neck pill

>> No.7824265

cope harder brainlet

>> No.7824330

the fuck is a hair system

>> No.7824332

cope harder brainlet

>> No.7824339

t. dyel faggots
yes girls like your 135 lbs soaking wet bodies. doesn't mean that you look good though.

>> No.7824400

a wig

>> No.7824494

Where would indians be on this pic?

>> No.7824637

what the fuck how do I get neck gains?

>> No.7824691
File: 154 KB, 600x600, 1518647062358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw full warrior except for shit chin and jaw

at least i've got perfect beard genetics

>> No.7824930

Neck extensions

>acquire piece of fabric to put on your forehead i.e. toque, rolled up shirt
>get a 10lb plate
>lay flat on bench with head off
>put plate on your head and 'curl' your neck up

Rep tempo is up to you. Work your way up, don't try to get too heavy too quick.

Neck Harness
>wear a toque because the sides will probably rip into your head
>start with 25lbs
>lift your head up for 50-100 reps, 2-4 sets

You can work neck whenever, doesn't have to be on leg or back day. You can also do these together or separate. I've done harness and extensions on the same day and I've alternated them. Doesn't matter. Volume over time is what counts, the neck is pretty responsive to growth.

>> No.7824967

Look up Mike the machine Bruce. He's been working his neck for like 30 years and he's fully natty. Massive neck and in great shape for a mid 40's dude. Wrestled competitively as a young man so knew the importance of a strong neck. Hasn't had any major injuries so it's safe.

>> No.7824987

So just forward and back? No lateral?

>> No.7825033

Just found out I have a Chad like facial structure thanks anon

>> No.7825445

That you dan bilzerian?

>> No.7825528
File: 157 KB, 493x500, Before-After-Andy-klein.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wigs are fucking lame as fuck

My gf of 1 year doesn't even know I actually have a wig.

>> No.7825554

how much time u spend on maintenance weekly/fortnightly? im legit about to order a custom one, went from a 6.5/10 to a 3/10 after losing hair

>> No.7825600

lol that guy would look better if he just shaved it all off. He looks like the retarded version of seth green on the right

>> No.7825662

Bro that’s kinda nuts she doesn’t know. Also that guy looks mad incel either way

>> No.7825724

>Finasteride gives you shitty sides since decreasing 70% of the most potent male hormone is retarded.

I'm on it and it ain't that bad.

Still have to whack off every day and still get rock hard.

I just don't get that retarded ape like rush of horniness, which is fine by me as I have better mental clarity now.

Fucking wonderdrug.

>> No.7825746
File: 28 KB, 784x247, wj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes 1 hour every 10 days or so to remove it, clean it, and glue it back.
Every wig lasts like 3-4 months.
I recommend NorthWest Lace

>> No.7825809

ye that's the place i was looking at, started e-mailing the owner and gonna place a custom order next week i think

>> No.7825825

Just shaving it off is way better. Your gf will leave you the moment she finds out how beta and insecure you are to wear a wig this whole time.

>> No.7825845
File: 1.87 MB, 400x400, 1515261649099.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hairlosstalk shoutout

Also get on finasteride and opt for transplants you fucking soyboys, balding is for faggots who want to live the rest of their lives as perma-incels. Balding without fighting back is a death sentence.

>> No.7825951

Half Japanese?

>> No.7825993

I shaved my head since I was 22. I am 35 now.

I went 2 weeks without shaving this past month, and realized I was balding. For a second it was an interesting thought, then I ran the razor across my scalp again and it was back to business as usual.

You fags who obsess over your hair are massive pussies. Imagine never having to worry about your hairstyle or haircut ever again in your entire life. Imagine attracting an entire subset of women who get sexually aroused by a cleanly shaven bald skull.

>muh hair tho

great, now look at the number of actors and famous musicians who shave their heads and don't give a fuck, and realize that neither should you

I am sincerely sorry for you if you do have a gay alien skull that looks so fucked up that you can't get away with shaving it, but it can probably be fixed by putting on some muscle to offset the structural deficiency of your head.

>> No.7826144

Take FIN unless it's too late.
If you're already on the monk phase fuck it shave it and muscle up dude. I'm 23 been losing hair since 15 and this year my hair has been falling faster than others, I started taking FIN again even though it kind of slows me down which I hate, but I'm conscious that by 25 my hair will be gone.

>> No.7826154

>just shaving it off is way better
I'd say 5% of males look better with a shaved head. And that's a generous estimate

>Your gf will leave you the moment she finds out
She will never find out though. I can go swimming or whatever. She pulls on my hair when we have sex. If you were to pull as hard as you can on it, my skin would literally come off

>> No.7826204

I would put a bullet through my skull before I put another man's hair on top of it.

That's just me though. You do you, bro.

>> No.7826766

You can for sure. I just left it out because I don't.

>> No.7826832

I feel the same way. If I was balding and there was some medicine or something to make it grow back, sure I'm in. But wearing a wig is fucking mental.

>> No.7826941


>> No.7827122

just shave it
be a man
it's more practical too.
been cutting my own hair since middle school

>> No.7827176

Because laziness and the results have always been more than sufficient. I don't look at my neck and think "oh wow I need to do some more side work". Usually it's after a workout and I'm pretty tired so I'd rather spend 5-6 minutes doing neck instead of 8-10.

>> No.7827422


Indians are caucasoid you idiot.

>> No.7827444

But would side work give you more width which is what you are really after? You're making your neck bigger in line with your face not laterally across it.

>> No.7827555

been eating raw vegan for a year or so. Still got a receiding hairline. What a meme.

>> No.7827654

do you think that fucking random sluts will bring you fulfillment?

>> No.7827780
File: 197 KB, 536x568, Sternocleidomastoideus[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the biggest muscle you're trying to train is the Sternocleidomastoid

Sideways movement is okay but they help with forward bending too. Try and do it and feel where you get a pump. Do high repitition sets (3x50-100)

>> No.7827903

It's either this or braaap threads

>> No.7827957

why are your knees fucked because of martial arts?

>> No.7828402

no i do 8-12 rep range for mass

>> No.7829114

Training and competing through injuries. Not letting them fully heal. Getting leg kicked brutally and not being able to walk but having to because I was a carpenter and I'm on my feet all day. Also being on my knees a lot at work fucked them for sure.