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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7812986 No.7812986 [Reply] [Original]

Is this legit? Where's the catch?

>> No.7813021 [DELETED] 

if roger ver catches you using btc instead bch he will make your life hell and kill your family in their sleep

>> No.7813033

Is the number of transactions the same as a few weeks before or has everybody stopped using btc at all?

>> No.7813568
File: 118 KB, 1411x699, tx per day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7813630

Yeah thought so, so we are at about 2 tx/s which btc is able to handle as we know.
Congrats on this, seriously. Much scale.

>> No.7813667

Top kek. It scales well when no one uses it

>> No.7813676

Yeah... It'll be hilarious when the next large bull run happens and BTC goes back to 200k unconfirmed transactions. Then 500k. Then 1M. And all the way up to otherworldly numbers, we'll have morons defending this shitcoin.

>> No.7813691


>> No.7813700

> transactions are free when nobody wants to use it

So this is the power of Corecoin.

>> No.7813794
File: 40 KB, 1853x787, dyingPOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin Core is now officially losing adoption.

>> No.7813865

Is this true?? Cuz I transferred BTC today and it showed up in like 5-10 mins. I was shocked

>> No.7813955


fuck off with your scam coin shit

>> No.7813971

Bitcoin doesn't leave exchanges or wallets anymore. Still waiting on Bitpay to add bch.

>> No.7814009

So basically, this is a huge bottleneck waiting to happen. Thnx i'll just grab more ETH/NEO

>> No.7814049

Still the most transactions of any other coin

>inb4 eth
A thousand erc20 shitcoins and ponzi scam games dont count.

>> No.7814118

>more transactions than any other coin
>coin with more transactions doesn't count

>> No.7814201

>A thousand erc20 shitcoins and ponzi scam games dont count.
>most of the BTC transactions are between exchanges
>jugding the validity of transactions by your feelings
ETH has more transactions than BTC and BCH will also soon have more TXs than BTC because tokens are coming to it.

>> No.7814228

The transactions of hundreds is not the transactions of one.

BCH has less transactions than doge roflmao

>> No.7814282

Maybe Doge is also going to overtake BTC :)

>> No.7814344

Yes it is, because it's a single blockchain.

>> No.7814705
File: 19 KB, 237x229, 1388311321992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody uses it anymore, so the problem fixed itself
>Now you can come back and use it

Imagine how much of a fucking brainlet you'd have to be to think like this.

>> No.7814775

pretty much this
Segwit adoption has helped fit a little more tx's in the block, but that is a really small difference
Main reason is that BTC usage has dropped. If the transactions ever come back, the high fees will come back along.

>> No.7814804

>Nobody uses it anymore
Yeah it has zero transactions right.. The mental state of altcoiners.

>> No.7814820

coinbase finally implemented batching? it really does not matter though because there will be army of other retards purposefully clogging the network because of technical incompetence or vested interests

lightning WILL solve this

>> No.7814847

bitcoin's capacity has never changed (at least since satoshi made the initial decision to limit it), so everyone always knew what the upper limits of tx/s were.

we already have a solution, it's already even been developed, and in the meantime we have ethereum to take some of the load off too

>> No.7814866

i'm sure the reference client for bitcoin has been losing adoption as most people don't run their own nodes.

not sure what that has to do with bitcoin though?

>> No.7814898

It just means less people are using it. If usage explodes again like in December the same bullshit will happen as before, 2 week wait and $100 transaction fee.

>> No.7814899

Bcories must be living on the verge of suicide all the time. Alt coiners call them boomers and boomers call them "get rich quick scheme"

>> No.7814976

THIS. Good job lightning is just around the corner. I can't wait to buy my morning double soy latte and avocado toast using indirect credit transfer channels to Starbucks on the Lightning network™.

>> No.7815044


In reality though, LN is vaporware and the only times it was on Mainnet people lost coins. The "nodes" are just a Sybil fake from blockstream.

>> No.7815176
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>> No.7815205

Just because all nodes need to be hardcoded because route traversal in a distributed network is an unsolved problem doesn't mean it can't work. Also just because you have to be online 24/7 because you lose all your coins if you aren't doesn't mean it can't work. Also just because every single wallet user has to run a full node 24/7 doesn't mean it can't work.

Lizzy lightning has an IQ of 200+, she can solve anything! Remember to hodl™ lightning bros.

>> No.7815228

true if big.

>> No.7815288

im going to laugh my fucking ass off when the btc network gets over congested again

literally people have no idea how bad lightning is

>in order to make a lightning payment, you must open a payment channel, to open a payment channel you must run a lightning node
>in order to receive payment, you have to be 'online' on the network
>when a popular lightning channel or hub is always on and recieving tx's (Lets say a popular Burger Supermarket Chain that everyone frequents and is connected to), it essentially becomes an open hot wallet, open to theft and manipulation

>> No.7815677

Ethereum has more transactions then BTC and BCH combined brainlet.

>> No.7815750

Your message is entirely correct, but try to rephrase and reformat it so it isn't pure satire/sarcasm, because these idiots aren't getting it.

Just look at the tweet OP posted, it has over 1K likes and a lot of sheep in the comments cheering "scaling debates are now a thing of the past!"

This is the target audience that needs the message that lightning will not be a functional network anytime soon.

>> No.7815845

I want lightning to become popular. I want everyone on reddit, Instagram, and Facebook to use it. I want dumb as rocks fuckwits "evangelists" like Tone Vays to use it. I want to see their faces and posts when they realise Starbucks, MacDonald's, and whoever sells them their tendies aren't going to let them pay with cross chain atomic swaps. And its going to be a massive clusterfuck when all of them lose their coins to a 12 line bash script.

>> No.7815903

Lightning network is vaporware.