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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7814523 No.7814523 [Reply] [Original]


It will take a while before it takes off, but now is the time to buy cheap!

>> No.7814594

yeah, like two years a while.

Bought a small amount just so I'll always be in, but there are too many stacks to be made in this. Waiting to buy in on the next huge dip this week.

>> No.7814688

Lol, I went all in. I need to get away for cryptos, and despite its high market cap, it's one of the most undervalued coins for now. I doubt it will dip more even if the rest of the market dips (as far as sat value goes anyway, or course if everything crashes, the fiat value will go down a bit.) This is the one coin where you know there won't be any scammy behavior, and I fully expect it to get back to its ATH by April. Let others FUD.

>> No.7814837

>Worst name for a crypto in history
>Named after an impotent mathematician and astrologer
>that’s right. Impotent.
>that’s right. Astrologer
>that’s right. Even the background of the guy it’s named after doesn’t justify the shittiest name ever

It won’t take off. It sounds like a crotch fungus.

>> No.7814878

Stop fucking posting these threads of this shitcoin. MODS need to ban Cardano threads. It is confirmed vaporware with their money grabbing jew project leader Charles (((Hoskinson)))

>> No.7814885

Keep investing in coins with an interesting name, that'll make you rich bro

>> No.7814911

yeah, buy into that 30x+ pump over the past 3-4 months. so cheap!

people wont even be talking about cardano in 24 months.

>> No.7814937

You're a cancer. FUD all you want, you can't stop this.

>> No.7815001

>Not wanting to invest in a coin that sounds like a brand of orthopedic shoes means you only invest in coins with interesting names.

In this case, the name is a deal breaker for me. Names have barely mattered for the 11 coins I’m invested in. But in this case, the name is THAT bad. Normie adoption is still something to consider.

>> No.7815046


I couldn’t care less to try and stop it desu. If it succeeds with that name, more power to it. But I would be very surprised.

>> No.7815123

It's fine, if you think like this, your opinion doesn't matter much anyway. I think the name is great and certainly better than a lot of others, but if in some crazy universe a lot of people are against it, it's always possible to rebrand. Neo did it, a lot of companies did it. So only the tech matters. But the name is fine.

>> No.7815135

we have IDs on this board buckaroo

>> No.7815165

It’s other people’s opinions that I’m wary of, not my own. I work marketing, and this is serious dog shit for a name. It matters. If they rebrand, I might buy in.

>> No.7815173

just dumped my cardano, realized this is truly a shitcoin with nothing else but a dream.

i know academics and they're not gonna get shit done in anything less than 10 years so lol keep dreaming fags

>> No.7815192

This is also so very true.

>> No.7815196

I think that basing one's opinion entirely on the name of a project is exceedingly dumb, but you're free to do what you want.

What are you on about? Are you really complaining I haven't written you're all cancer, mentioning you all three by name? You're all a single cancer. You're still illustrating what I was talking about. Anyway, have fun.

>> No.7815198

fuck off stupid cunt EOS/bcash holder... you're shitting your pants, i get it

>> No.7815227

>10b whitepaper

Kek, hi Charles

>> No.7815240

It's hilarious how mad people are getting at this coin.

>> No.7815246

Would you invest in a coin that’s called Diarrhea Ass Faggot Coin? Even if it was the best coin on earth and not just vaporware dog shit. Be honest.

>> No.7815252

Fuck yes I would

>> No.7815267

>Would you invest in coin. X if the founder would come to your home and rape your dog?
What? That's not how arguing works.

>> No.7815282
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>> No.7815340

Haha, touche.

It’s called a rhetorical question, Cardano head. The point is made regardless of your answer. Peace out, Garbanzo

>> No.7815375

It's been trading sideways for two weeks. Are people paid for this or is it just newfag hive mind? If a single person here is a paid fudster, whatever you're getting paid, it's too much. Anyway, I'm going to sleep.

Lol, ok.

>> No.7815469

>down over 30%
ok then bud. honestly, I don't care one way or another about this coin but one look at the chart and you know it's bleeding.

>> No.7815526



sorry anon, this coin is going to shitcoin dumpster where it belongs.

fact that cardano has 10 billion marketcap boggles my mind. but chart is bleeding

>> No.7815740

The idiots trying to FUD Cardano and call it a shitcoin are fucking retards. However, anyone who thinks ADA isn't wildly overvalued right now are also morons.

The actual facts are that Cardano is one of the only crypto projects with a long term future AND that it's vastly overvalued right now relative to their accomplishments. The only reasonable position to take regarding ADA is that it has a very bright future but that it's been wildly pumped up beyond sustainable price levels relative to it's current development progress for the near future.

ADA should be no more than 10c right now and even that is a high premium relative to what the pre-ICO and ICO buyers got it at, who make up nearly 80% of the circulating supply released thus far. REally, an economically viable price for ADA right now is actually closer to around 6c per. That's the price at which there is too little of a price differential between ICO buyers and market buyers to make unhealthy profit taking viable relative to the ratio of ICO holders vs. market buyers, relative to overall volume, relative to circulating supply.; Meaning, above 6c ICO buyers hold a disproportionate and unhealthy influence on price discovery.

Anyone buying ADA right now is taking a huge risk in trusting that they "know" that some ICO whale isn't going to dump on them. Listen, niggers, pre-ICO buyers bought ADA at fractions of a cent. You're fucking stupid if you think the current price isn't massively inflated.

>> No.7815816

This project is promising but unless you want to lock in your assets there is no reason to buy.

>> No.7815908
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>"This crypto won't take off because it has a shitty name"

>> No.7816733

Enjoy your garbanzo bags, faggot

>> No.7816805

Fuck maybe you are right, i aint selling but i am waiting it out to see if it deeps, want to have 2k ada and forget about it

>> No.7816948
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Back then astrology, alchemy and mysticism were heavily attached to the academics. Many of those things we think are silly now actually laid down the foundation for advancement.

Also, an obligatory READ A BOOK NIGGER

>> No.7817083

Screen capped, gonna make a nice compilation when Cardano hits $100

>> No.7817119

You work marketing?
That somehow makes your opinion carry weight? Cardano is a good name if you’re not a skimpleton. And the name of the coin is ADA which is a great name. And the symbol is a big A with two lines through it which is fucking awesome.

>> No.7817514
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first you get the fud, then you get the moon, then you get the fomo

>> No.7817635
File: 133 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot (Jan 3, 2018 8_13_11 PM).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got shilled on Cardano at bitcointalk and sold after I went 45x. I have no doubt that it'll reach $1.20+ again.

>> No.7817662


And I felt good for buying at .10

>> No.7817982

Fuck that looks tasty

>> No.7818036

What’s the use case? Honest question. I have about 3k that I got at .04 but I don’t know what’s its going to do. I just know “awesome dev team”.

>> No.7818065

Well played sir.

>> No.7818164



>> No.7818239

It solves the problems that will take down other cryptos

>> No.7818378


If you got in at 4c don't sell. Anyone who got in under 10c should hold through 2019 at least.

>> No.7818440

They're accomplishing more at a faster pace than any other project out there. And they're doing a better job at it, meaning you're not gonna have to fork and roll back the coin to make up for shit being stolen due to rush-job shit programming

>> No.7818509

perfect bullshit FUD. bcashies are scared shitless of this coin. Let's name the overvalued projects in the top 100...

all of them

>> No.7818536

Yeah. No reason to sell for me. It’s all upside. I just kinda want to know what it’s going to be used for and where it’s price will cap out. Is $5 to $10 likely in 2-3 years?

>> No.7818606

>where it’s price will cap out. Is $5 to $10 likely in 2-3 years

>> No.7818631

Even with that circulation? Well that will be fucking nice for me!

>> No.7818646
File: 28 KB, 957x751, awwyiiis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of people who FUD Cardano are EOS-fags in full damage control. Im all in in Cardano and im so fucking comfy. Best part will be the ATMs in Europe and Japan where you can cashout your coins.

>> No.7818676

Lost 8k when my piece of shit laptop did a system restore to feb 2017

>> No.7818694

>using desktop wallets

>> No.7818699

SHIT COIN = Cardano = rutting bitch = charles = gay

>> No.7818705

why didnt u wrote down your 12.word seed?

>> No.7818828

Cardano is going to #1 in 2-3 years. next year it'll be #2-3 along with ETH & BTC

>> No.7818836

Exactly it even makes you repeat it

>> No.7818849

it doesn't work that way anon. use your wallet recover keywords and your coins are there. you cannot lose coins by deleting the wallet.

>> No.7818870

If it ever hits $20 I am building a fucking house at the initial cost of $500. Awesome but unlikely.

But again, I didn't expect it to reach $1 before 2019, then the last month happened.

>> No.7819380

I wrote it next to my ark one on my computer.

I know. I deserve to lose it. But still, 8k ada. That was my ticket out of my shithole.

>> No.7819395

I bought this shitcoin at ATH because my friend told me it was the bomb... should've done my own research. It'll take another year before this reaches my initial investment seems like.