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7813121 No.7813121 [Reply] [Original]

Spread for awareness.

>> No.7813156
File: 56 KB, 650x366, 918182-120728-inq-petrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abos are so ugly. thank fuck i rarely ever see them.

>> No.7813191

Are they related to the bogs?

>> No.7813199

Mortal enemies.

>> No.7813211

Nah, sage

>> No.7813422


Bogs report to the Pulas.

Pulapill is too much for biz normies

>> No.7813449

Sage because these subhumans are actually really hard to look at.
Good potential though.

>> No.7813543

The Pulapill is too much for anyone. Staring at them drives even the strongest men into insanity.

>> No.7813594

They look nice. I'd have a cuppa with them.

>> No.7813623

>Their future plans are unclear at best.
Can the average mind even begin to comprehend their motives and intentions? I fear them.

>> No.7813664

pula means dick in romanian

>> No.7813823

I get lovecraftian vibes from them. They are like the old ones, dumb and cruel and we're completely helpless. The Bogs and Sminem are our only hope.

>> No.7813829
File: 42 KB, 591x384, boongdanoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they know

>> No.7813840


>> No.7813866
File: 239 KB, 1024x768, hail anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pula Sisters created anime

>> No.7813868

Ewww what the fuxgg is this ugly baboon, delet

>> No.7813869

It's true, Satoshi was an aboriginal man and the abbos are all the whales

Save this thread before it's deleted

>> No.7813882

I must know more. Do the co-operate with the Bogs or are the opposed? I would seem like the Pulas only respond to Tiddalik.

>> No.7813948

>Implying the Pulas care about humans.
They just randomly pump and dump markets at will to serve their twisted motives.

>> No.7814066
File: 68 KB, 693x404, moloch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frog god
>the flood maker
>"In the telling of the myth, Tiddalik awoke one morning with an unquenchable thirst, and began to drink until all the fresh water was greedily consumed. Creatures and plant life everywhere began to die due to lack of moisture."
>In some Aboriginal cultures, Tiddalik is known as "Molok".

>literal frog extension of moloch

Yeah, we're all fucked.

>> No.7814091

>Bogs report to the Pulas
holy fucking shit

>> No.7814094
File: 197 KB, 617x1404, Aboriginal subhuman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abo redpill coming through - can you finish it all without puking and raging?

>> No.7814110
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>> No.7814129
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>> No.7814153

the watermarking on the hand made me kek

also, lisk is rebranding into penisdick420

>> No.7814164
File: 69 KB, 402x366, 53455123424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pulas hoard all the cryptos
>tiddalik drinks all the water

Oh fuck off, the person who came up with this shit didn't really find A FUCKING ABO GOD that's analogous to this meme...

Some people are just too smart.

>> No.7814290

Holy fuck
Read it all, kinda wish i didnt
Im going to say its all true i have seen the way these things act
I used to live near a abo community in foster and every single fucking night they would beat the shit out eachother in the streets right outside my house
One night the cops turned up 3 times and literally told them to fuck off, they did and soon as the cop left they regrouped and resumed im guessing after the 3rd time the police gave up
And our government lets them do what ever they fuck they want because muh stolen generation and they are good boys they dindu nuthin
Everything about this country pisses me off

>> No.7814317

imagine what the original settlers would've felt witnessing that shit - i would've genocided them as well

>> No.7814339

Pula means dick in romanian lol

>> No.7814376
File: 146 KB, 800x537, 1148907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do they want?

>> No.7814380

After reading that shit those things should be fucking grateful for the stolen generation, never new what that was about until now, we really were just trying to help them by taking them away from their abusive as fuck parents
Funny how the leave that part of the story out when go on about the stolen generation shit

>> No.7814482

this culture correlates highly with the goblin-like appearance in:
you can see it all across such cultures... ugly, goblin-like appearances is the sign of degeneracy...
if you can't even take care of your offspring, something the most stupid animals get...
how are you going to refine your genetics along the generational timeline?


look up several savage cultures and tell me they're not all ugly as fuck in the face and severly stunted in terms of physcial fitness and intellect

some "humans" are, in fact, closer to animals than some animals are... the saddest of all red pills if you grew up in a civilized, western society...

i'd love us all to be equals... but reality speaks a different truth... accept it or get fed to the wolves...

>> No.7814503

fuck off and take your shit memes with you

>> No.7814528

kys pula shill

>> No.7814626

Best post on this board for 2018

>> No.7814865

Seems extremely unlikely, you angry little mutant.

>> No.7814960

2 seconds to google it

>> No.7815557

>i'm a cultural relativist little libshit and cannot handle the savage reality of barbaric 'cultures'

>t-the white man made em do it!

>> No.7815635

As if any of this insane rambling is actually true

Wew lad

>> No.7815887

is this how you cope with uncomfortable facts?
outright denial?

>> No.7815917

Fear them.

>> No.7816089

I'm still laughing at this.

>> No.7816610

Can you please link the source for this? This is fucking horrifying if true and I can't blame the previous generations for the stolen generation at all.

>> No.7816688

source is in the image, at the top

>> No.7816701

I tried that, doesn't work.

>> No.7816711


>> No.7816740


>> No.7816831

Thanks. How much validity to this is there? This seems crazy and completely justifies the stolen generation if true.

>> No.7816882

Can't say im some sort of expert, but there are more than enough sources near the bottom of the article

problem is that most people simply don't WANT to believe this could be true, it's too sick and evil to even comprehend for most

so they'll just brush it aside and call it "racist hate propaganda" or whatever

>> No.7816920

Jew detected.

>> No.7817016

So what about Sminem? They look kinda... related?

>> No.7817202

> join the dots op

>> No.7817220

I did some IT work for an Australian mining company in papua new guinea. These are jungle abbos and are basically indistinguishable from regular abbos, except they dont have phones.

I believe every word of it. Calling these things "savages" is the understatement of the century.

>> No.7817247


>> No.7818041

Sminem is priest of the temple of light, calling Satoshi to come bless us with his wisdom every night