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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 236 KB, 1200x675, argentinian-beef-empanadas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7807577 No.7807577 [Reply] [Original]

So after I retire off cryptos and get comfy staking gains, I figure I will start up a business for fun. Food truck seems fun as it will also give good social rewards. I would use high quality ingredients then drive to all the corporations and sell to white collar wage cucks. These bugmen love things like empanadas which they feel makes them "wordly" and "well traveled." In order to sell for an average plate price of $11-15 I would use things like grass fed beef and local grown olives. I wouldnt need to use much meats due to the soyish nature of the customer base, so margins would still be good. Ideally I sell 60 orders a day at net profit of $10. Gives me a nice $600 a day for 4 hours of work max. Anyone have relevant input?

>> No.7807601

THE site to use for staking, masternodes, etc https://stakeunited.co/ - stakes for you.

>> No.7807628

Do it bro sounds good, also hire a sexy ass colombian omg im copying you once i make it

>> No.7807749

ive been telling my friends to start a food truck with me for the longest time, but nobody wants to do it

it sounds like the dream OP. just cruising around, making a bunch of your favorite food, and selling it overpriced to normies.

go for it. and accept crypto.

>> No.7807777

fuck off venezuelan poorfag

>> No.7807816

Ignorant waste of quads from a cuck who doesnt know that empanadas arent from venezuela.

>> No.7807839

Stuck behind a grille with 3 other sweaty worker in in a hot sweaty van good luck.

>> No.7808179

>Muh he doesn't know from where is this foodXDXDd

i said fuck off already nigger.

>> No.7808235

I wouldn't need other workers and it's a 4 hour thing at most per day.

>> No.7808838
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Lunch hour is going to be busy as fuck. You're going to at least need someone to run the window

Also your food prep will eat up a huge amount of time when you're not selling in the truck.

Have you ever worked in a commercial kitchen?

But definitely do it. It just won't be as easy as it seems.

t. work in a food truck

But definitely do it. It just won't be as easy as it seems.

>> No.7808897

but his empanadas will be premade for the day, all he has to do is drop them in a frier you piece of trash

>> No.7808984

>I would use things like grass fed beef and local grown olives

You think the empanadas make themselves?

>> No.7809019

you should learn an instrument and have a band for fun anon. much more satisfying and don't have to deal with faggot customers complaining 24/7

>> No.7809034

get out of here you dumb filipino

>> No.7809092

how hard do you think prepping empanadas is you fat pussy, youre a fucking retard

>> No.7809108

flips are the worst

>> No.7809171

An empanada (Spanish pronunciation: [empaˈnaða]) is a stuffed bread or pastry baked or fried in many countries of The Americas and in Spain. The name comes from the Spanish verb empanar, meaning to wrap or coat in bread.

uncultured niggers are worser

>> No.7809204

I live in Taiwan and traveled on the cheap local train the other day instead of the usual high speed maglev train. So many fucking Filipinos. They are absolute human trash and I fucking hate them

>> No.7809389


i want a hotdog stand. i make a killer chili, so that will be offered. hot dogs, hand made curly fries, chili for chili dogs & frito pies.

>> No.7809424

Yeah I could get one guy to help. But in general it would be much easier than most food trucks. I prep them and throw them in the oven. Simple. The beauty of it is that my serve time will be so fast that I could do 15 orders in <30 min then move on to the next spot if needed.

>> No.7810028

Empanadas are literally low class redneck nibba tier street food around here in Colombia. Is it true that white collars in the states are willing to pay tons for that stuff? Btw I'll do the same as you but I'll offer spanish tapas + arepas and chorizos in my food truck once I cash out my crypto gainz

>> No.7810051

If you're making the dough, everything that goes into it, sealing hundreds of empanadas...it's a fucking massive amount of work for one person. You also have to clean up the kitchen you work in and the truck, including the frier.

It's all day work, not just a few hours. In the summer it will be hot and sweaty, and in the winter it will be miserably cold (and few people will come out for a food truck). But depends on where you live.

Not sure why I'm even responding to this troll at this point

>> No.7810057

>running a roach coach
pick one

>> No.7810103

Hmm. Good point about the dough. I wouldnt wanna take the time to do that. Maybe grilled cheese sandwiches would be better.

>> No.7810113

>I prep them and throw them in the oven
Well it's just fucking easy as that I guess if you ignore the actual time it takes for prep you misinformed mong

>> No.7810122

lmfao what about tendies you fuck

>> No.7810162

How about you make grilled cheese with empanada ingredients in them. Retards will eat it up thinking its cultural infusion.

>> No.7810166

>Giving up this fast

>> No.7810187
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shibbolethed a non-human non-white shitskin

>> No.7810241

Legit I own a food truck. Youre not going to hook businesses unless you got a health focus. 600 profit not really. You're thinking county fair. You need to think hipster. That shit sells. Not at a 15 dollar price point. You're either high or live in NYC

>> No.7810258

Well yeah, but the bugmen will just as soon buy a grilled cheese with white bread and processed cheese. Could have add ons like bacon and stuff.
It needs to be something very easy or Im not interested.

>> No.7810263

Just ate 4 empanadas, 2 ham and cheese and 2 beef, truly the patrician food

>> No.7810274

You should realize making those is a lot of work, but you can cut down on it. Buy premade dough discs at a supermarket, they come frozen. Then just make the filling, assemble and fry them.

>> No.7810290

Im in California. White collar people spend $10-15 on lunch everyday. 3x3.50 +1.50 (drink) = $12 avg order

>> No.7810314

kek thought the same thing. another anon made a thread like this except his truck only made spaghetti shit was so funny

>> No.7810357

That was a pretty good thread. Starting food trucks with crypto gains are the chip warmers of nu/biz/.

>> No.7810373
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holy fuck i just laughed so fucking hard imagining that.

why the fuck do people think playing food truck would be fun anyway? like its just another form of wagecucking. if you can retire of crypto try traveling you fucking autist

>> No.7810395

God damn you are a dumb sheltered nigger. I have traveled all over the country to conventions and have never seen a single food truck meal over 10

>> No.7810424

Here you go idiot.

>> No.7810494

>food truck
>"do everything myself"
>full size restaurant in a full size bus with full size staff
You're retarded

>> No.7810510


have you thought about a gloryhole truck

>> No.7810656

Its run in a short bus, which you should be familiar with. The staff is TWO people idiot.

>> No.7810752

Ok, where do I sign the partnership?

>> No.7811151
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Hire workers you tight fuck

>> No.7811236

Chef fag here. This will not be "fun". To turn 600 a day profit is fucking hard work in a hot sweaty stainless steel box.

Also "I'll just use high quality ingredients and food will sell hurrr durrrr" is the most retarded shit I've ever heard. Sit down and do some food costing and realize that nobody uses high quality ingredients and makes money out of a fucking food truck. Save that shit for fine dining where people are paying $150 plus a head.

Making money with low brow food is about taking cheap food and cheap cuts of meat and actually being good at cooking and turning it into something people will pay for.

>> No.7811323

This, this, and more this. This thread started and It read like a crypto induced fervent pipe dream of delusion. There is no reason you would succeed doing this. It would be purely for fun. You would, in all likelihood, lose money. Food industry in general equates to a shit ton of back breaking work. Good luck.

>> No.7811334

Alright then I am punting the truck idea. Next idea was to sell some really good salsa that I know how to make.

>> No.7811347

>Empanada Food Truck
tldr shit idea

>> No.7811409

And just like that you throw your idea away because two randos said nothing. Bend the fuck over.

>> No.7811471

More fun jobs than food truck:

Bartender in a devent city
Ski instructor
Ranger at a national park
Unironically army or navy (fuck the marines (retarded chads) and the chairforce (pussy soyboys))
Weightlifting supervisor (open a gym?)
Join a crypto startup
Work at a makerspace(learn carpentry, welding, 3d printing, and laster cutting at work)
Brewery seems chill
Generally working where other people are enjoying themselves. Being a fry cook does not sound fun.

I would pick a favor8te startup (stockx for example) and offer to work for free.

If you don't like coworkers, simply quit

>> No.7811475

All the more reason he’s smart for getting out now. If two of us fuckos can talk him out of it, how hard do you think actually doing it will be?

>> No.7811584

Its not going to be a fucking picnic, but can be done. OP just shows he is a pushover, and should be treated as a pretty fuck boy now.

Panamanian, I make empanadas. Shits tasty, fuck food work tho

>> No.7811592

Yeah, if he starts a food truck he should just hire some good looking sluts to work in it for him, and fuck off to do rich guy stuff elsewhere. I swear, some people were born to wagecuck or something.

>> No.7811652

that's what i'm going to do, i could actually do it now but it'd use up all my profit so i need to wait a little longer

>> No.7811657

Use premade dough

>> No.7811696

gym can be a hard business too to turn profit unless youre a yuppie concept like crossfit

>> No.7811736

aaaaaaaand were back. also empanadas arent fried. So just wrap em and bake em and sell em to wage cucks. Easy $300+ per day.

>> No.7811739

>food business
pick one

>> No.7811753

my idea is to pay instagam thots in the local area and give em free membership if they promote it on their page etc, gym im at now does this amongst other smart marketing ideas, been around gyms long enough to know what works and what doesn't, at least i think i do, im not gonna risk my entire networth though, maybe once it would cost 20-25% of my crypto i'lll do it

another idea i had was running a freerange egg farm, sell eggs to the sjw fags like OP mentioned

>> No.7811815

You can fry them. You can bake them. Toucan use beef, chicken... My GM's even baked some with jelly shit in it when I was a kid

I prefer fried yellow corn flower. Whatever has that spic bitch on the front of the sack

>> No.7811841

Do it the /BIZ/ way
- Buy cheap ingredients, while advertising organic
- Let the empanada made in bulk by your local mexican family and put it in the freezer.
- Let a hot mexican girl on the truck selling these things

Then you get the chance to make some profit, if you are trying to do it the hard way you would get the same as minimum wage, except you have a shit load of extra risks.

Check this episode from NPR

>> No.7811877

nice just bought 100k empanadas

>> No.7811915


This is actually a great idea. Fucking do it OP. Post results. If they're good, issue an ICO and we'll shill that shit for you.

>> No.7812098

This. Beat me to it. There is no way to verify the final product is not organic.

Don't be a fuckup and offer non organic and organic. Offer only organic and self certify that your truck is 100% pain free/grass fed/cage free shit.

You're going for the upper end. It has to look nice and clean or homely and hippiish. There is no middle. Generic and sterile or homely hippies.

Also don't feel bad you're lying, everyone does. Business isn't meant to be honest, the more you separate yourself from the lies the more comfortable you become. Even bettr is if you tell no one you're the owner, you're just the manager.

Also, incorporate, don't fucking do it on your own name. Put all assets in the business, if it crashes and burns then you won't be to liable, and you don't need debt because you're a crypto millionare so it's okay.

If anything, this is a sold way to launder money while posting losses. But I don't think you faggots really were going for that angle.

>> No.7812169
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I can one-up your idea anon.
>a food stand
>but you can PAY IN CRYPTO

now you can wash both USD and crypto at your food truck

plus you'll have an added revenue source from all the hipsters and faggots

im assuming you're in NYC, lots of bitcoiners here

>> No.7812227

What other smart marketing ideas?

>> No.7812253


can you imagine paying 15 bucks for a shitty greasy sweat infused empanada by some biz gremlin freaking out in the back of a short bus?

>> No.7812275


that can't be hygeinic ... i don't want body hairs in my food, or tit sweat, etc.

>> No.7812315

Kek like your style.

Also do this kind of shit
- If you share our company on facebook with 10 other people you have a chance of a free lunch (kek 2 dollar marketing budget).

>> No.7812337

kek, that would be one salty pussy