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7809999 No.7809999 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm a fucking idiot that got my girlfriend of a year pregnant, she won't abort the baby and I have absolutely no interest in that yet until I have myself fully setup. WTF DO I DO! Already converted all my coins to Monero and thinking of just bailing to live in Thailand forever.

>> No.7810011

nice quads
and put some money in boldpure so you'll be a millionaire by the end of the year

>> No.7810036

Punch her in the stomach

THEN invest in Boldpure so you can have control over all future ICOs kek

>> No.7810041


>> No.7810058
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>> No.7810067

step up and be a fucking man

>> No.7810074

Are you white? is she white?

you just leveled up

>> No.7810077

DENY DENY DENY, then hide out so you can't get served a DNA court order.

>> No.7810091

Why are you having sex with a mate if you don't want children ?
Just masturbate or hire hookers or do one-night stands with complete strangers if you want sex without procreation.

Then again, if you had the capacity to plan for the future you probably wouldn't be a degenerate in he first place kek
I hope you'll convince her to abort, the bloodline of degenerates really need to be snuffed out !

>> No.7810093

Step up and take care of your kid.
20 years from now, you'll regret missing out.

>> No.7810097

Fuck this. Op is a negro

>> No.7810112

>she won't abort the baby

but you do. do the thing, anon. Or guilt trip her by pouring her with feminism where they said "my body my rules" and go to the nearest feminists shithole and tell them your gf is a pro-life so they will harass her into aborting the baby.

>> No.7810115

you sue her for the emotional distress over not aborting the baby.

>> No.7810156

Do that right thing idiot. If you didn’t want kids before the right thing was to wrap your shit up, make sure she was on the pill and pull out every time no matter what, but ya done fucked up so the right thing to is not be a nigger and stick around and raise your kid.

>> No.7810224

2 options here.
1. Use someones dna and do a dna test.
2. Push her down the stairs or crack her in the guts.

Best of luck you dumb nigger

>> No.7810243

This. Be a fucking man. You shouldn't be fucking if you're not ready for the end result. Raise your kid, unless you want him to be like some single mom nigger tier kid. You'll regret it the rest of your life if you don't.

>> No.7810392

If not a nig, don't act niggish.

>> No.7810410

If it's white - abort on sight!

>> No.7810432

how horrifying

>> No.7810439

is she hot?

>> No.7810442


Lie about a genetic disorder
Holiday yo South American beach and drown the bitch
Intentional car accident when she is a bit more pregnant
If you've got plenty of cash - just fuck off for a while

>> No.7810462

Why should he raise a kid he doesn't want? She gets to decide whether the kid lives or dies, he should be able to decide whether he wants to raise it or not, since he has no voice in the other matter.

>> No.7810481

Quad 9s. Holy numbers. Be a man, OP. You’re going to have a child. But do not disclose your holdings. Give your child the best life possible. Trust me, you will eventually want children, but you’re early. Good luck, my man.

>> No.7810517

Nice larp thread faggot, guaranteed replies from all the newfags

>> No.7810531

If serious running away is a terrible idea. Not only is it morally fucked but you will feel extreme guilt at some point in your life. Maybe not now, or in 10 years or in 20. But when your an old man and you've wastedyour life chasing money your gonna wonder how that kid turned out and hate yourself till you die a miserable death.

>> No.7810635



>> No.7810657

I'm 34, knocked up a girl after knowing her for less than two weeks almost two years ago.

The kid was the best thing to happen to me.

Life is a maze that will continually try to fuck if you if you let it.

There is no point in which people wake up one day and say "yeah I'm set up now" and then life is just great afterwards.

That's a fairy tale.

Adapt and evolve anon, that's what we do in life.

>> No.7810784

>The kid was the best thing to happen to me.
and also the worst

>> No.7810802

Are you a Man or are you just a scared selfish little boy? These situations forge your character and your destiny. I am certain you will do the right thing.

>> No.7810807

Spoiler: it's not your kid

>> No.7810912

He has the right to kick her in the stomach

>> No.7810965

if your white and she's white then man the fuck up and roll with it. Dumb little faggot..

>> No.7811012

there should be some law saying that if a couple isn't married and end up getting pregnant they have to decide in writing to keep it. If the girl decides she wants to keep it but the guy does not there should be a document stating that the girl knows this and that she will have sole responsiblity for the kid and can't make him do shit due to her knowing he does not want it and that it is scientifically possible to still not have the child.

This old trap women play will be coming to an end soon. Since men don't fall into the marriage trap as easy now the child trap is next. We a need a law to back us up on this.

>> No.7811034

congrats on the quads

>> No.7811041

You're a daddy now. Get a job, and don't make any plans for the next 18 years

>> No.7811094



You need to convince her that you guys literally do not have the means to raise a child at the moment. Bringing a child into your lives right now is only going to cause copious amounts of bullshit and hinder your successes on the way. Fuck the rest of the faggots trying to tell you to keep it. You and your girl have so much left to do to establish yourselves before you bring another entity, a CHILD into your lives.

Bringing a child into this life without bring able to provide for him is the biggest "fuck-you" to your kid than ever.

>> No.7811121

This. Having kids is the true patrician red pilled move.

>> No.7811133

>You shouldn't be fucking if you're not ready for the end result
kill yourself please

>> No.7811160

tell her you lost all your money in crypto and are filing for bankruptcy
she wont want it then

>> No.7811190

You're lucky OP.

Be a Man and raise that kid to be a good member of society.

Financially, you're actually better off having a kid. Essentially you have 2 years to make it rich (thats when all your expenses are just diapers and baby milk). Within this 2 years all your family tax breaks are going to give you a handsome profit. You can also encash your cryptos during this period.

After 2 years and you're still not rich then just go KYS

>> No.7811208

I'm 56 and have wanted to have a family of my own for at least 30 years and never found anyone who wanted to do that with me.
Finally found someone a few years ago, but we have tried and failed to get pregnant.
Consider yourself lucky that you have a growing baby. You will always have that little person in your life, as long as you both live.

>> No.7811229

Kill yourself OP. Because a faggot like you would only spread degeneracy by living.

>> No.7811254
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>> No.7811301

Building a successful empire is only partially dependent on money. Building an incredible family is how you truly get there. Be a man, embrace it. There will be hard times but tough your way through it and make it work. We're counting on you to make our society better through your actions.

>> No.7811361

It's simple:

Non-white child: abort
White: Stay & raise it

>> No.7811376
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I'm gonna take it that you're a nigger right?

>> No.7811421

You’re gonna stay with that bitch and raise the kid whether your bitchass likes to or not

>> No.7811422

make sure you get a paternity test before you agree it's yours.

also i don't want any kids. i'm surprised 1/2 of y'all are saying "man up, stay, raise it"

get yourself a milf girlfriend who can't get pregnant, /biz/. i highly recommend it.

>> No.7811673

>hinder your successes on the way
What success? NOT keeping the kid will not make OP "set up". He will either sit at home masturbating or fuck ladyboys in Thailand. A kid will make him get up in time and maybe get a proper job.

>> No.7811912

You're totally right, but this might as well be his wake up call to that.

I'd assume he doesn't make the brightest decisions given that he knocked her up in the first place. But trust me. He's much better off without it right now.

If you have him/her OP, so be it. Having a child is wonderful but it's also one of the hardest things you're going to have to do.

>> No.7811918
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Anon, this is wonderful news! But you have to remember that there are foods you should NEVER give your gf or she'll miscarriage.

>Under NO circumstances should you ever mix an excess of parsley into you girlfriends food!
>Parsley induces contractions and a woman's period and has been historically used to induce labor or cause a miscarriage.
>Don't EVER give her tea infused with parsley (2-6 tbs every 2 hrs)!

>Never ever mix Vitamin C pills into your girlfriend's food or drink!
>Especially pills that don't contain bioflavanoids
>Pregnant women shouldn't have more than 1000 mg every 2 hours (up to 6000 mg), this would surely kill your bundle of joy!
>To add, also avoid high Vit C foods and avoid feeding her pineapple and papaya because these are known to cause miscarriages in the first couple trimesters.

Good luck with fatherhood and remember to NEVER try this!

>> No.7812190
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someone post the copypasta of the guy that fed his girlfriend shit that's poison to the baby and it got miscarriaged.

>> No.7812242

Unironically this

>> No.7812273
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How do you OD a bitch on parsley

>> No.7812327


Your life is over.

>> No.7812341
File: 2.74 MB, 750x1334, BEA3FE51-BAA4-4B44-9AC2-3DEF2D086CCD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a kid

>> No.7812358

>Why are you having sex with a mate

In every other country then GB this is gay af

>> No.7812366

MAN the fuck up and take responsibility for your actions have some fucking honor

>> No.7812371
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saving this for a healthy babby someday

thanks for the warning!

>> No.7812450

nice quads, dude

>So I'm a fucking idiot

>got my girlfriend of a year pregnant,
how could it possibly happen?

>she won't abort the baby
abortion = murder

>and I have absolutely no interest in that yet
you have lots of cryptos, you can devote some gains to child support.

>until I have myself fully setup.
omg, he's not yet "setup", omg, omg

you're a daddy, a fucking idiot, but you're a daddy, so you have to support gf and child.
cash out some money and pay for child support.
you're a FATHER, daddy, you actually FATHERED a child.

>Already converted all my coins to Monero
Monero is so last year, but whatever

>thinking of just bailing to live in Thailand forever.
yeah, the land of ladyboys, bizarre illnesses, corrupted and xenophobic police, shit food, people killing you to steal half a dollar, shittiest internet connection.

basically you weren't able to murder your baby, then you decided to become an hero by running there.
Well done! in the best case you'll surprisingly get what you deserve, in the worst case your crypto wallets will be lost forever.

>> No.7812488

All these people here telling you to man up, lol

Kids are a decision you make together, but she's just forcing the little cunt on him
If a women doesn't want a kid she will just abort the fucker, nothing the guy can do
If a man doesn't matter want a kid, he's shit out of luck and should man up?

>> No.7812516

No, you kill yourself. And all the child-murdering whores kill yourselves too, you're worthless filth.

>> No.7812555

>no mommy please don't hold me responsible for my actions

>> No.7812633
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quads mean she will birth 4 at once


>> No.7812862

I’m gonna have to check this up with some relatives hispachan

>> No.7812925
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You're fucked OP. Better start working on an oil rig so you can support your twin babies and your roastie girlfriend. Make sure you marry her so she can take the house after you pay for it.

>> No.7813020

>knock a roastie up in 2010
>i was 19 and she was 18
>barely knew her
>she wnats to keep it
>i bascially nope out of it as nicely as it can few crocodile tears
>shes upper middle class
>family all hate me
>25 and working a cool job, travel have climbed 4 mountains, living well while i have an 8 year old daughter that i dont have to do shit for while the government and her family pays for everything
>daughter will probs just hang out with me when shes older
>who gives a fuck because shell probably be a whore like her mum

Taking care of children is not meant for men, women like it because its what they were meant to.

Bail op. live your life. Dont let these beta tell you to become a house bitch

>> No.7813043

A nigger thing to do

>> No.7813098

OP, whatever you do make the choice now. Raise the kid the best you can, or stay out of baby and baby mommas life.

It’s ok to be scared, it’s a big deal being a parent. But, you knowingly had sex with a woman, I have a hard time believing you didn’t know what the potential consequences could be.

My brother had a kid when he was 17. He’s 38 now, he’s a famous artist, super talented and has 6 more kids lol. If he could make it with 7 you can make it with one.

>> No.7813099
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>daughter will probs just hang out with me when shes older
no your daughter will realize how much of a pathetic piece of shit you are and how lucky she was that you weren't a part of her life.

>> No.7813136


>> No.7813157
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>25, works at starbucks, on food stamps, doesn’t pay for his child.
Do you wonder why people laugh at you?

>> No.7813162


You sound like a fucking retard, Jesus Christ. Guys like you need to be castrated.

>> No.7813174


I like how he calls her a roastie in the beginning and then a whore at the end, dude is brain fried.

> climbed 4 mountains


>> No.7813180

OP want to be viewed as a pathetic pussy all of your life? Do this>>7813020

>> No.7813193

thank goodness im an ugly autistic 22 year old man child. at least my ugliness will never present the problem of knocking someone up

>> No.7813224

Are you a nigger?

>> No.7813228

I hope you realize how much of a loser you really are and that you will never be able to change that. Know that no matter what you do in life you will always be a failure.

>> No.7813238

Well that isn't the issue. If she would fuck someone who would bail on his kid, she probably is a whore and a roastie.
The guy is a retard because he bailed on his fucking daughter.

>> No.7813293

Cos it's normal to want a kid and if you fucked up why should the kid suffer?

I'm pro abortion but if you can't change her mind you need to do the right thing and be a positive part of the kids life regardless of whether you stay with the mum or not.

>> No.7813323

Abortion is murder, don't do it. Gin overdose on the other hand, is an accident. Since she fucked you, sounds like she has no self control or self respect. Get her drunk THEN punch her in the gut.

>> No.7813331

Whatsda matter daddy wasnt around when you were little? Dont worry anon you can call me daddy

>work as analyst in huge financial megacorp
>still pay for my daughter through the nearly 40% tax rate

Nup just smart

Protip if more men acted like me long term the world would be better

>> No.7813353


>> No.7813391

>huge financial megacorp
>thinks taxes taken out of his check = paying for his daughter
I guess when you have no self respect you don't need it from anyone else eh? You are the joke.

>> No.7813403

>work as analyst in huge financial megacorp
nice LARP

>> No.7813412

Because you're a fucking idiot.

Adoption is the best alternative for unplanned pregnancy. A couple who have the resources and urge to raise a child vs two people forced to be together because of a child.

>> No.7813524
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I can’t even imagine being this much of a scared pathetic coward.

>> No.7813772

>Already converted all my coins to Monero and thinking of just bailing to live in Thailand forever.

Sounds like an excellent idea to be honest.

As a reference I know a British guy hiding out in Thailand who is meant to be out on bail but on probation in the UK and is also wanted by police in France. He's been hiding in Thailand for 7 years now.

>> No.7813848


>19 in 2010
>25 now in 2018


>> No.7813958

Eh, I'm kind of glad my dad wasn't around desu. When I finally met him he was a bipolar manchild would've been physically abusive and fucked me up for life. I'm glad he bounced and honestly think people put too much weight on who their biological parents are. It's important but there's so many cases of shit parents that I think putting pressure on it is maybe not ALWAYS right. I think there is a bit too much over-simplific moralizing on this particular subject when it is a highly individualized, highly complex issue.

>> No.7813989

I concur, although the point will be mostly moot with the onset of the male birth control pill

>> No.7814012
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>> No.7814027

Top tier b8 m8

>> No.7814128

He's right though, if that's how he thinks about things, do you think he could ever have the paternal instinct forced into him by society?

>> No.7814204


I'm Aussie but I don't think you are gonna find one random Brit out of so many in Thailand mate.

Good luck finding him though, I don't even know his full name, he was just a random I met and talked too on my holiday. If you want more info he was out on bail for being an accomplice to a murder, but as if that's gonna help you find him the place is full of Euro's everywhere.

>> No.7814301

How come? Unless he is referring to a tranny as a mate, but it wouldn't be able to get pregnant, I guess.

>> No.7814424

scam ico. linked-in profiles of staff are shit tier.

>> No.7814443

scam ico. shit tier linked-in profiles of staff lulz

>> No.7814449

Use condoms if you don't want to have kids and want to be in control. It's that simple.

>> No.7814468


>> No.7814493
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listen to this man

>> No.7814501

you evil son of a bitch looool

>> No.7814541

>being this new

>> No.7814895

jury was out until the "travel have climbed 4 mountains", but no, you're definitely a loser
and you're barely 25? holy shit the mid-life crisis is going to be rough

>> No.7814990

Man up and be the greatest dad ever, or cash out now, buy a rope, then give that girl the money and hang yourself. You selfish twat.

>> No.7815019

And if you go with the first option, get a vasectomy too. Because you're far too stupid to not knock her up again.

>> No.7815021
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QUADS of fail chekd

Read picrelated carefully.

>> No.7815111

need to go back

>> No.7815143

Get a vasectomy

>> No.7815145

Abortion smoothie. A few years in jail vs 18+ years of suffering and millions down the drain.

>> No.7815368

18!!! My.sides

>> No.7815405

>internet explorer

>> No.7815414
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How about maning the fuck up and being a responsible human being that faces the consequences of his own decisionmaking? Also no reason why you couldn't invest in crypto without anybody knowing.

>> No.7815430

I literally did what you just said, 15 years ago and to Angeles City (The PI)

We didn’t have crypto back then and I don’t mind paying child support anyway but i haven’t seen my daughter since she was 2

>> No.7815482

she still there? i may have fucked your daughter anon

>> No.7815546

She lives outside Ft. Worth.

>> No.7815573

Lol Ive got like 8 kids around the world. Women are for raising children, the end. Dont feel guilty, amd dont pay her a dime.

>> No.7815698

>"i'm a cuckboi and that's why everybody else has to be one too"
>"there... that'll show them"
and then he fapped to dickgirl guro feeling a sense of superiority, only logical to his tiny, virgin mind.
the end.

>> No.7816797

>implying girls don't forget and blame it in you for not helping her with the super hard task of remembering

>> No.7816977

fucked around and got a triple double