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File: 5 KB, 400x400, REQ-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7799511 No.7799511 [Reply] [Original]


Who accumulating? Whats your stack?

>40k REQ here

Bullish af about the future.

>> No.7799799
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Just sold 10K link after the conference highs and bought 26K REQ for it, which brings me up to 250K REQ.

All the planets are lining up for the main net in March: Khyber network is operational. LINK just announced their Alpha node. Things are looking great.

>> No.7799924

Starting to be goncerned about this price movement, but I'm fudding as hard as I can.
t. 100k REQ, all in already

>> No.7799926

500 REQlet reporting, will i make it?

>> No.7799966

Also I know nothing in crypto is rational but I think that normans will be able to understand REQ and its use case better than they will what LINK does.

>> No.7799997


REQ is a top 10 coin of 2018

>> No.7800054


It may be hard to keep the fud going. I thank you for your efforts though. This is a sleeping giant and can only stay down for so long.

>> No.7800078

will release of mainnet push the price back to previous ATH?
I feel like going all in on REQ before March but BTC might dump any second.
What do?

>> No.7800083


Yeah, the volume is extremely low, I guess people are chasing the BTC heat. Also, a lot of people, myself included, have taken their large investments in REQ off Binance, which would deplete the pool of currency available for trade.

>> No.7800177
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I wouldn't worry about BTC. Watchbro and a few others have said that the BTC price was manipulated by exchanges, by limiting verifications and preventing new money from entering. Also, lots of institutional FUD. Now with the SEC's blessing, I think we've prepped the Bull for another run.

I think OmiseGO will falter (their scope is too broad and they have no developers, they overpromised and will under-deliver) and we will take over their market cap at the very least, which by rough calculation would put us at approx. $2.60 per REQ.

>> No.7800385

What is a realistic price for EOY?


>> No.7800408


Impossible to tell. But expect this by summer:>>7800177

>> No.7800475
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Daily reminder

REQ is going to use LINK's oracles. There is no point in holding REQ over LINK right now.

LINK has to be adopted and moon before REQ can be adopted and moon.

>> No.7800510


>> No.7800638


Both will moon; adopt both

>> No.7800644


You understand both REQ and KNC are planning to use LINK's oracles?

Investing in REQ is like investing in KIA.

Investing in LINK is like investing in oil.

>> No.7800709

REQ doesn't depend on LINK. It's not like they're waiting for LINK to finish their product before rolling out REQ.

>> No.7800767


REQ has a broader use-case (e-commerce). LINK is more like financial infrastructure.

>> No.7800839


REQ is only releasing the crypto management part Q1.

The fiat part is planned to deploy AFTER Link's mainnet release. This is not a coincidence.

>> No.7800864

How is REQ going to handle fiat liquidity, by the way?

>> No.7800884


REQ cannot function without LINK

>> No.7800928


If you believe this you don't understand what LINK does.

LINK will allow any 3rd party data on smart-contracts. REQ using LINK's oracles to convert fiat is just one potential use case. (Theoretically there could be thousands).

>> No.7800936
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Though Kyber's DEX and liquidity pool, I believe.

>> No.7800970


You don't have to sell me on the concept behind LINK, but I think their team is small and weak, and there are bigger players lurking.

>> No.7801067


I'm not trying to sell you. I'm trying to make you understand holding REQ is over LINK is stupid because LINK literally has to be adopted and moon first.


They're using LINK. It's the number one solution on the page, and we got confirmation yesterday LINK is nearly finished ahead of schedule. Hence the LINK mini moon yesterday.

>> No.7801072

Kyber handles fiat? Interdasting, gotta read the whitepaper.

>> No.7801112
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LINK doesn't provide fiat liquidity.

>> No.7801160

will it go lower? I have like 200 REQ I got at the bottom of the last crash, but now that I actually checked the coin in more detail it seems worth putting alot more. I want to get the best out of it tho

>> No.7801193

120K REQ at .04. Fucking best purchase ever.

>> No.7801205
File: 43 KB, 340x319, 1518781950301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open kyber whitepaper
>ctrl+f "fiat"
>0 results

>> No.7801215


No. See my comment below.


No. Only ETH tokens.

REQ is using LINK for fiat.

>> No.7801225


You'll do well buying before the main net release, no matter the price.

>> No.7801238

Does not answer my question, brainlet.

>> No.7801247

Only have 5k REQ

Still hopeful

>> No.7801257
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Sorry lad, Kyber is crypto-crypto conversions only. I guess an Oracle will be needed for fiat, so LINK is the obvious choice.

>> No.7801288
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Might be $25k EOY anon.

>> No.7801301


I answered your question as clear as possible.

Are you retarded?

>> No.7801334
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There ya go. Dubs 88.

You know what that means... the prophecy is real.

>> No.7801362
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1511950906666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does LINK handle fiat liquidity, brianlet? Describe the process step by step, you brain dead moron.

>> No.7801395

You think it's worth selling omg for req? I've held both but prefer req, as it could work with other block chains. Is omg just for Eth?

>> No.7801422

Considering they have Vitalik's dick up their esophagus, yes, I'd say OMG is for ETH only.

>> No.7801577
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OMG is one of the most over-valued projects in all of crypto. I think they made some very ambitious promises and they will not be able to deliver. Their Github is *crickets*, they've already postponed their prototype launch, and at 1.5 billion market cap, I think everything that they promised is already priced in.

Basically boils down to this: what has the higher upside:

A 1.5 billion White Paper project with no code yet and a heavy reliance on Plasma network which appears in chaos, and is based in Thailand known for fraud, prostitution and corruption and with signs that they lied about the credentials of their core team.

A 200 million White Paper with a working prototype, timely updates, 100% delivery on every promise so far, made by conscientious White Europeans, and based in Berlin, an area of the world known for almost no corruption and innovation.

>> No.7801669

This. I'd maybe consider OMG a cautious buy at <$100 million market cap.

>> No.7801963

Just bought some REQ. Feels good being a millionaire soon.

>> No.7801987


Yeah, would like to know as well. Not too technical on LINK.

>> No.7801997

Said. And checkd.

>> No.7802034

That's because it doesn't. LINK 'only' handles the oracle. The pajeet with purple ID went suddenly silent.. hmm

>> No.7802125

Guaranteed most of you faggots haven't read this shitcoins technical paper (or have the brain to understand this and see if it even is a viable solution to the problem it lays out)

Fucking retarded neets

>> No.7802131

REQ doesn't need LINK you fucking stupid cunt. LINK is just one available option for them, and that's assuming that Sergey actually gets his fat ass into gear and makes LINK operational.

So really, LINK depends more on REQ. REQ is actually trying to be nice and seems to be showing some sympathy for stinky linkies but LINK really has to step up their game or REQ will lose patience and move on.

>> No.7802156

Thanks, just sold 100k.

>> No.7802169

uh it seemed vague enough that it is probably viable? tell us about it senpai

>> No.7802172
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It is shift change time in Lahore and Rajesh just finished after a 20 hour fud shift whereby he earned $1. Give him a break.

>> No.7802277



I have shit to do other than help random ass people get rich.

The entire purpose of LINK is to allow 3rd party data on the block chain.

FIAT information is 3rd party data.

Right now REQ can only do tokens because tokens are already blockchain data.

I can't make this more clear than this. It's also pitiful none of you have zero idea what LINK and REQ are or how they work.

>> No.7802313

literally no one is accumulating
thats why its been bleeding out since the ATH

>> No.7802319

Still didn't answer my question. Nice try, pranjesh. Fuck off to red*it.

>> No.7802372
File: 876 KB, 1536x2048, CCB73BBC-EA26-480B-97AA-F35DE5AED3B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy fuck it's retarded.

>> No.7802398

link will have lots of oracle competitors in the future while request is built to have the lowest possible fees to deter competition

>> No.7802462
File: 25 KB, 571x618, 1517937523998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even reply properly
>red*it spacing
>is retarded

>> No.7802508

ok, so REQ will moon when Mainnet come out? when is that supposed to happen? its at like 30 something cents right now, go in or sit out?

>> No.7802535

>fiat liquidity
a paypal like app will need to be built that holds fiat.
that project will most likely be backed by a bank

honestly I wouldnt hold my breath unless a legit bank seriously wants to get in the crypto game

>> No.7802556

Depends what you want. If you want a lambo then you should go in now.

>> No.7802578

yeah i totally want a lambo

>> No.7802590

This is basically what I thought. That's concerning.

>> No.7802696
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They have a partnership with ING that they cant announce.

>> No.7802715

why would it have to be backed by a bank

>> No.7802741

>So really, LINK depends more on REQ. REQ is actually trying to be nice and seems to be showing some sympathy for stinky linkies but LINK really has to step up their game or REQ will lose patience and move on.
this is retarded. neither is contingent apon the other because neither exist yet in full functionality. If all goes according to plan, they would equally support each other's use cases.

>> No.7802749

Damn, you're gonna be a millionaire in a couple months.

>> No.7802786

Ah, thanks. I completely forgot about that one. They basically did announce it, but IGN asked them to remove their logo because, as I extrapolated, of unclear ICO regulations in EU. Or something along those lines, anyway.

>> No.7802791

Cant tell how far the omg fud is stretching tho

>> No.7802802

Dang, some of you guys are making my stack look like nothing.

50k Req right here.

>> No.7802863

>that project will most likely be backed by a bank
it would most likely use a 3rd party for initial fiat transactions, whixc means fees on top of fees. Technically it could still be useful without fiat, but I'm selling this shit as soon as i can get my roi back anyway. regrets.

>> No.7802870
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Yes, legal reasons from the bank.

I think a lot of people forget about the ING thing.

>> No.7802962

Fiat vs no fiat boils down to $100 vs $10 REQ. I'm honestly fine with either scenario.

>> No.7803058

the money has to come from somewhere
I suppose it could be VC backed but a bank would be the cheapest option in terms of fees
definitely fiat fees comparable to paypal at first. request can still be extremely profitable with bitcoin/eth/token payments though

>> No.7803113

You don't *need* a *decentralized* oracle to handle Kyber's fiat liquidity anon... Oracles already exist, LINK is only making them decentralized
This aspect of LINK is only a must for big players none if which will adopt REQ on release.

I'm bullish AF on LINK, but don't get confused, and remember this market is all about hype, and like another anon said, REQ use case is easier to grasp by normies, I fully expect REQ to pull a TRX before LINK hits singularity, then I'll sell some for the other
>still holding a healthy amount of stinkies mind you, I'm no prophet

>> No.7803257

>easier to grasp by normies
I'm betting on this as well.
>I fully expect REQ to pull a TRX before LINK hits singularity, then I'll sell some for the other
This is basically my plan. I didn't expect LINK to moon so early though, much less a week after I sold 6k stinkies for REQ. Holding 10k stinkies, let's see if the >>7777777 prophecy is fulfilled.

>> No.7803331

>Kyber's fiat liquidity
what are you considering fiat liquidity?
kyber can only deal with USDT at best

>> No.7803388

800 REQfag here, lets hope

>> No.7803400

absolutely retarded lmao

>> No.7803472

LINK/REQ good, lads?

>> No.7803562

they can use another oracle
iExec is partnered with REQ and has oracle codes in their github

>> No.7803565
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Those are all legitimate points. I challenge you to defend the valuation of OMG token.

>> No.7803593


Just like the
>>2222222 Prophecy?

>> No.7803653


Lad, try to get at least 5,000 REQ.

If it goes big, you want to at least have a six digit dollar balance.

>> No.7803680

2k req
3k link
how do I look

>> No.7803743


There's at least two anons one with 400K and the other 500K. One cunt also flashed 700K briefly. They held even when it was $1.25

>> No.7803761

That's fucking hard. I only have 2k in my portfolio.

>> No.7803845
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I have seen people on here with over 1 mil REQ on their binance

>> No.7803987
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Wagecuck harder or trade your way up lad, no other way.



>> No.7804009

I have 13k in savings but too pussy to put it into coins.
Fuck my TSP and IRA too right.

>> No.7804052


I work an extra Saturday job in sales, which go strictly to my crypto stack.

>> No.7804395

that's my ratio right now. but it is like this because i have a lot of faith in link.