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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 213 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-02-19-16-38-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7798807 No.7798807 [Reply] [Original]

Heads up, brace yourselves

>> No.7798875

Also noticed this, but some sell orders up at 7800 if marketbuy lol.

>> No.7798898

Do depth charts offer any practical wisdom ?

>> No.7798924

Shows who is signaling. Other than that it is pure manipulation

>> No.7799074

I was thinking manipulation as well. But what will cause this wall to be pulled? If the price actually reaches it?

>> No.7799341


Depends how much the guy can hold off. SOme big walls get smashed into, everyone thinking he'll pull. Then half the wall is gone, momentum has dropped, and the guy hasnt pulled. The people who sold start panicing and buy higher.

I like to be extra pussy, and put a stop loss in for a 1 sat lower trigger to a 20 sat lower sell lol.

>> No.7799518

Just tested the wall and it stayed up

>> No.7799559

Only cost me about 60k linkies lol

>> No.7799564

Do you do this on Binance?
And are you saying you buy right before the wall and sell if price goes lower than the wall?

>> No.7799634

I don’t understand. So the whale wants price to go up? Or down?

>> No.7799638

Well it has been hit a few times, it probably looks for a mating partner. Some whale looking to sell into it.

>> No.7799668

You're kidding.

>> No.7799677
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I predict when he gets to 450,000 left it will get pulled but we shall see

>> No.7799692


down so they can buy cheaper, which pisses me off...if you want your shitcoin to go up just buy at market

>> No.7799736


I'll hit it with another 100k and see what happens

>> No.7799743

No, it's to sell. You can't sell lower than their wall because their wall is larger than the volume traded. So they sell, slowly, using bots above the wall. Trading slows down because people are unsure. Then they pull the wall and it goes down.

>> No.7799749
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No. He's creating an artificial support level I presume. On the charts so when people look at it on the charts it will show artificial support at 7150

>> No.7799760


No no, I put a stop at say 7149, and when it gets hit, it triggers a sell at say 7129. Usually if a wall that big gets sold fully into it's going down. If it hets hit a bit, then pulled, people will fomo into thinking itll crash, and some will sell.

What you said is buying high and selling lower. I have 75K LINK atm, so I only trade with max like 7-8k. Not worth it now with everything going the way it is, and SXSW coming up.

>> No.7799767


>> No.7799794

Lol fuck thought you were larping, but lo and behold, 100k sell off a little after your comment.

>> No.7799840


I don't joke when it comes to my precious linkies.

>> No.7799857

You put a stop for links you already own? Or are you saying you buy 1 sat in front of wall hoping it will bounce off, and then if wall gets broken you sell for a negligible loss? Sorry I'm just not following, I've never traded with stops before.

>> No.7799869


>> No.7799891

why he is not taking it out
is that actually Elon Musk buying cheap linkies?

>> No.7799896

Did you just do another 50k on top of the 100k

>> No.7799961


180k in total, so the 50k one probably wasn't me

>> No.7799990

You just got fucked, the wall isn't fake, he's here to buy.

>> No.7800022


They were my play Links. Bought them the second the news hit about the code release. My real stack is hidden safely away.

>> No.7800081

I do the same anon. I have a play stack to keep me interested, and a permanent stack.

>> No.7800106

>people actually have this much link
>i have 3k link
Is this a subtle BLACKED shill?

>> No.7800109

Thoughts on where to go from here? Push the market up and fuck em into buying higher?

>> No.7800113

lol hope it works out brah No doubt itll go down. IDK if you'll pick up 150k within 50 sats of each other if the volume falls.

If it goes sub 200k Ill throw 20k at it lol

>> No.7800131

Someone just dumped another 100k into the wall.
Why tho? It's obvious that we are going up this month. Price suppression at this volume is just delaying the inevitable.

>> No.7800147

Absolute legend. My total LINK is literally ant sized compared to your play link amount. Kill the wall please so poorfags like me can buy on the cheap

>> No.7800154

Did the order sell or was it pulled down ?

>> No.7800163

Why did he deliberately selling high, though?

>> No.7800179


>> No.7800184

Can someone explain what this meme wall means and how/why does it move

>> No.7800188


Thanks. I'm not in market to buy again though, I have over 1 mil already. They were just a quick gamble that got me a 10% increase. I'm not a trader at heart prefer to sit and hold.

>> No.7800195


>> No.7800232

How did you actually get that much?

>> No.7800264

W-wait does this mean I should sell?

>> No.7800271

Not pulling the wall means either:
1. Mid-2016 btc investor within the past year that managed to stay insulated from reddit/chan
2. New institutional investor that finally got coinbase access
3. Tech company in with sergei after conference that wants to provide data and get the fuck in on this shit

>> No.7800272

So it's safe to assume that if the wall goes down, the price is going to plummet?

I'd like to increase my link stack, but I don't understand the market well enough to risk my precious LINKs.

>> No.7800279


Whittled all my coins down to Link when I realized it was such a promising project. Got them between 17 and 27 cents.

>> No.7800310

a solid investment into presale, a sell at sibos, a rebuy at 15 cents, and then sellign again at the two separate 9k+ sats we reached. I haven't met any with a million bar this guy, but there's 2 in my discord with around 500k from doign what I said alone.

Couple that with a successful tether up at 17-19K in BTC and you've turned a gun into a bazooka

>> No.7800330

Bargain. I should have sold after SIBOS and bought when you did. But I was dumb and new. Were your other gains BTC/NEO/ETH gains?

>> No.7800334

depends if you want to get out or in. Notice a long term wall, put a large order in front of it, see if it moves. If yes, don't bother because it's a bot.
If no, break your order up into smaller chunks in front of it. Any rally will eat your orders but often stall out on the wall.

>> No.7800338

Do not sell right now

>> No.7800343

This will be the final chance to cumulate b4 sxsw

>> No.7800344

Here to pump and probably reading this thread lol

>> No.7800374


>> No.7800381

Sounds like they had their shit about them. Won't forget my mistakes. Unironically, holding LINK was my worst.

>> No.7800383
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It is gone
We fallin now

>> No.7800407
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That wall was really real.....cant believe you guys just market sold your links into that, AB told us not to do that.

>> No.7800409

aaand the wall got completely filled. GG linkies time to freefall down to 4k sats

>> No.7800412


Threw my life savings into Eth back in March. Sold those at $90, doubled it a few times with Golem, Ark, OMG etc. Now just in Link, BTC and ETH.

>> No.7800417

Hi guys,

New buywall getting up within a few minutes. Thanks for your cheap chainlink

>> No.7800442

lol chainlink gets squeezed hard by whales

>> No.7800480

did some madman actually buy 500k LINK just now?

>> No.7800512

I'll plonk another 200k wall up at 70c and see what happens.

>> No.7800560

Went all in, I can respect that. Personally I'm looking for gains I can invest further with. 4k isn't enough for much.

>> No.7800592
File: 4 KB, 323x66, faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WOW! A WHOLE 20 BTC on the order books!!!!!

>> No.7800591


It was pretty scary experience, but best thing I ever did.

>> No.7800610
File: 118 KB, 1129x1200, 1517891508529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anyone who sold into it can buy back in cheaper right now

>> No.7800616

Only because you succeeded. I hope you've cashed out a large sum.

>> No.7800629

never go full retard

>> No.7800628

You absolute madman
Plz, sir, drive it back to 50c

I sold it waaay to early and wanna buy back

>> No.7800630

nah it was at least 40, and another half mil on ETH. They were legit, sells ate all the way through them. Proof positive to me not to sell right now, if someone with a million dollars to throw around thinks 7150 sats is a good entry point, I'm not gonna second guess them.

>> No.7800697

Yup, taken out 5x what I invested. Too much stress otherwise. Even if it all goes to zero I'm still making out a happy man.

>> No.7800699


how can you look at 4hr chart, moving averages and think this is a good entry point. Entry is repeatedly at mid-5s

>> No.7800723

I wanna see the guy that dropped 200k into that wall get 200k back at a lower price, the market book is too thin for that, and I doubt the drop will be that big.

He probably lost some link, and I think anyone that sold more than 10k link is gonna lose some as well.

>> No.7800735


says the know-nothing faggot bagholder. thanks for buying mine back at 9800

>> No.7800763

link has been in freefall all day, at this rate he'll make at least 50k link from that sell

>> No.7800772

About 100k? That's enough for an early retirement. One of my main goals is to help my old man into retirement.

>> No.7800835

Meh I plunked 20k at it and rebought from 7050 up to 7010. Made fuck all, like 500 link or so. But hey, that's 400 USD for literally clicking a button 3 times lol.

The time to day trade LINK was when it was 1800 sats. God damn it was beautiful. 90 sat moves were 5% gains. Was a beautiful thing.

>> No.7800853


$350k (pre-tax)

>> No.7800859

Good, more cheap linkies for us then idiot.

>> No.7800875

Hefty sum.

>> No.7800907

And completely unimaginable before I got back into crypto. I'm very lucky.

>> No.7800957

You are. Find a qt and pump some in her.

>> No.7800983

I'm an actual fag tho so that's not on my bucket list ;)

>> No.7800995
File: 150 KB, 1563x815, 1519080551053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be no more cheap linkies.
Origami Network, Pivotal and Airbnb just announced they will be using LINK nodes.


>> No.7801027

You can still pump some into qts heh

>> No.7801040

>tfw self-hating fag who's too poor to move out and see if I'm actually a fag

>> No.7801052

source on airbnb?

>> No.7801054


source on that buddy

>> No.7801082

literally who cares? just random ICO shitcoincs that will never be released or uses

>> No.7801102

Crypto is where you can make some cash and get out and be a real fag. There's always hope!

>> No.7801119

See his github

>> No.7801128

BigMac partnership confirmed

>> No.7801153


Bruh pivotal is huge lol. The other thign yeah, that's a shitpiece ICO.

>> No.7801168

>tfw me and bf of years broke up just as LINK crashed 60%
It was a long time coming. I always hope. Crypto is my only hope. Thanks for your inspiration!

>> No.7801206


>> No.7801234
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But I came in peace.

>> No.7801248

Wtf is pivotal some big names on the website, Citibank, GE

>> No.7801249

Well, don't let it be your only hope. You can always run away and start again somewhere else. Learn how to make websites or something you can do with no overheads, easy money and you can learn it all online.

>> No.7801254

I can’t find his github. Link?

>> No.7801272

How do i find his github?

>> No.7801286
File: 32 KB, 298x223, Eva027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, chainlink must never moon so we can accumulate cheap links forever

>> No.7801331

How is it going to moon before it even has a working product fuckface? I know you've only been alive for 14 of them but a year really isn't that long to wait.

>> No.7801344

someone bought 500k LINK at 80 cents, let that sink in for a moment, moron.

>> No.7801348

I think it's too late for me at this point. I might do that again. That or a language. Is that what you did?

>> No.7801357


>> No.7801384
File: 69 KB, 420x520, 1518749592650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean someone sold 500k LINK at 80 cents
and now the price is 77 cents and dumping at a rate of 1 cent per 20 minutes

>> No.7801417


>> No.7801423

>How is it going to moon before it even has a working product fuckface?
kek linkies are so dumb, literally none of the top 10 cryptos have a working product and yet only LINK can't moon despite being so great and revolutionary

>> No.7801436


Yup. You know where the money is? Review sites. Buy a range of saucepans, security cameras, whatever off Amazon, review them with vids, pics etc. send them back to amazon for refund, then create a site dedicated to reviewing them with affiliate links.

>> No.7801449

Have any of you autists been watching movement in the top wallets like AB said?

>> No.7801491

I'm in top 40 and my position hasn't moved for a week at least.

>> No.7801502
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Life must be so easy, being a fucking retard and all.

>> No.7801527

> literally none of the top 10 cryptos have a working product

>> No.7801536

Amazon do refund pretty much anything for any reason. Do they refund reviewers more favourably?

>> No.7801559

eth buy target for link lads? .00078 or so?

>> No.7801574

Haha you fucking idiot you couldn't even reply to the right comment

>> No.7801584

I'd buy in at 81 again. Or before I sleep tonight. I'm just observing the 15m chart.

>> No.7801595

What I mean is you don't even need cash to set up the site by buying the products and keeping them, you just send them back when you're done. So all you need is your own time and dedication in making the review site. Cheap way to get a passive income.

>> No.7801621


You can make LINK based contracts on smartcontract.com right now, you absolute fucking moron.

>> No.7801632

whats that in buttcoin

>> No.7801651

Yeah. Refunded the same headset 4 times once. Never paid for it over about 4 years. Amazon will refund anything if you keep the lines busy.

It's a neat idea. I'll think it over. Thank you.

>> No.7801665

like 1-2c

>> No.7801675
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so some random pajeet starred the link repo and that's supposed to mean something?

>> No.7801676

>literally doesn't know how it even works
>arguing in a thread about it

>> No.7801718

if the wall is broken the price goes lower for him to buy back in

>> No.7801775

>Developed new features to a warehousing software system that’s used by OHL to serve Apple, LuluLemon and Nike
>Got the repo over a month before being released to the public
>May or may not have taken development private

Let me read between the lines for you.

>> No.7801981

>warehousing software system
>smart contracts
this is a perfect combination imo. everything barcoded/RFID so the smart contract is relatively easy to feed info into via oracle.

>> No.7802111


how can they see into the future

>> No.7802522
File: 943 KB, 500x481, 1518636327732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything barcoded/RFID
Chainlink is working with Factom and docusign.

>> No.7802541

$0.77 my niggas

>> No.7802851

Might even hit 6000 tonight lol. Shitcoin indeed. Deluded linkies is being nice