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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7798528 No.7798528 [Reply] [Original]

pls don't forget about me

>> No.7798571

You sleep til april

>> No.7798574

fuck this shitcoin tbqh, the stellar network doesn't depend on this to work

>> No.7798600

ohhh that sucks

>> No.7798646

This coin should be a charity tax write off, lol

>> No.7798670

Im actually curious about this coin, Wtf is going on with it. Haven't heard much on them recently?

>> No.7798730

oh thats right. i still have some xlm i can sell. thx anon

>> No.7799113

Great things happening behind the curtains. Stellar is getting FUD'd by retards who FOMO'd during the peak. Pay no attention to them.

>> No.7799478

Wait until stripe officially stops supporting BTC on April 23rd. 99% likely XLM will start being supported. This is why it will stagnate until late march/ early April.

>> No.7799739
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Stellar is unironically a wealth redistribution scheme. I mean i guess that's fine if you're into charity, but it's not an investment, as lumens because they're going to be continually flooding the market giving away free lumens to pajeets and obongos. Their website even says this.

>> No.7799863

>you can invest in our future
lol it's worse than bitconnect

>> No.7799930

>wealth redistribution scheme
Most retarded phrase on /biz/ this month so far

>> No.7800156

Fairx in April after delays. ICO's are running off Stellar. Stellar exchange is offering more coins and the people in Africa are getting the help they need.

>> No.7800201

You dumb shits. Sell your XLM for RMT and SLT

>> No.7800240

Let me explain it to you since you're obviously too much of a brainlet to understand what that means.

>westerners pay for lumens with their hard earned cash, seeing it as an investment opportunity
>lumens increase in value, attracting even more "investments", and the cycle goes in for a while
>foundation starts giving away lumens to third worlders for free now that they're worth something
>third worlders can now buy things with said lumens or more likely sell them on the market, driving the price down. This is only possible because of the value they hold thanks to Western purchasers
>this continues almost indefinitely, since the foundation holds 80% of the total lumens supply and will release it slowly

So the end result is Africans getting free handouts, at the expensive of everyone who payed money for their lumens. Your lumens will never increase in price giving you a positive return because the market is constantly being flooded by Africans trying to offload.

In other words, your wealth is being redistributed to third worlders.

>> No.7801093

>He doesn't realize (((charity))) is literally the best business around
The foundation isn't doing this for brownie points nor is IBM, you did make a fair point, the important part is getting out after normie influx, cashing out gains at their expense

>> No.7801300

>that perfect question
>dat fucking lame answer


>> No.7802089
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I hold 12k XLM and this is truly worrying

>> No.7802363


Should I just go all in with my tiny 900 xlm and just split the two?

>> No.7802451

Then why are you still in? I have only have 5k btw

>> No.7802617

Only 5% of XLM is owned by Stellar. FUD more. I don't mind if nigs get hooked on XLM instead of a bank. It will drive up value over time.

>> No.7802660

You don't like money or something? Stellar wants XLM to be a continental currency for the continent that will grow at the fastest rate over the next 2 decades.

>> No.7802687

RSI is way lower than 30, it should either burst up or die soon. Is there TA-fags, thoughts?

>> No.7802781
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What fucking planet are you guys on? They are starving because they can't understand basic farming techniques. They begged the white farmers in Zimbabwe to come back. And South Africa is now a shithole.

Wake the fuck up.

>> No.7802852

They know its fucked, its just shills grasping for straws my man.

>> No.7803227

Look at GDP growth rates. Compare them to G20 countries.
You tards are so caught up in hating nigs that you're going to pass on a winning strategy.

>> No.7803254

The foundation owns 80% of the total supply. Not sure where you got 5% from. Maybe you mean circulating supply not yet distributed?

>> No.7803376
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The only reason for this "growth" is that the Chinese are coming in and paying nigs scrap change/building infrastructure for resources. They will never build a civilization on par with the Western/Asian world. Deny reality all you want.

>> No.7803384

Almost all of African gdp grow can be accounted to basic infrastructure improvements. Build a couple new paved roads and gdp growth will skyrocket. Going from 0 to 1 is 100% growth. Doesn't mean shit. There's a reason no one is investing in Africa right now. They lack the human capital to build Western level economies and everyone knows that even if they won't outright say it.

>> No.7803406


BTW, don't expect the Chinese to maintain upkeep on the infrastructure.

>> No.7803437
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>> No.7803462


>> No.7803469

XLM is garbage now :(

>> No.7803505

Last time I bought XLM /biz/ was fudding the shit out of it too. That was at $0.02

Best time to buy is when retards on this board FUD

>> No.7803528

Just sold my bags, don't want no niggercoin

>> No.7803580

but link.....

>> No.7803599

I've literally been posting about niggers and free lumens in every XLM thread while I continue to accumulate. Best FUD yet

>> No.7803683


>says the increasingly nervous XLM bagholder

lmao why announce your "scheme" then?

>> No.7803721
File: 101 KB, 1905x515, lumensdistribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from their own website. The light blue represents the part of the total supply that they control and haven't given away yet. That will account for about 80 billion lumens out of the 100 total supply. Only 18 billion are currently circulating. How much do you think your lumens will be worth when 80 million more are in the circulating supply being dumped on Africans for free?

>> No.7803745


reverse psychology for you, the thinking man's dip shit

>> No.7803786


This is the foundation's stellar address. Low-tier FUD.

>> No.7803820

You're confusing available supply with total supply. See >>7803721

>> No.7803914
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Daily reminder every penny you invest in sideway stellar goes into some obongo's pocket.

>> No.7804322

Fucking sold this last week. Everything has been going up and this is still stuck going sideways lmao.