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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 45 KB, 512x362, wabilogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7794276 No.7794276 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7794346

Muh baby food token

Buy Vechain retard

>> No.7794431

>muh already mooned token
It's already being sold on alcohol products, why do you have to blatantly lie?

>> No.7795070

Eth had 1b market cap a year ago retard

Just kill yourself. Wabi is a child chain of Walton and Vechain

>> No.7795123

You're a fucking idiot if you think Ven has more growth potential currently than Wabi. Wabi's MC is like 50M you retard.

>> No.7795309

Complete shitcoin. I'll give you NEETs some red flags:

>Falsely claimed that VEN was a scam and said VEN was lying about their partnerships + government partnership (before VEN released official annoucement)
>Token has limited use
>Shit whitepaper (read it and think critically - is WABI the solution to the problem they themselves stated)

WABI is a coin that will go to 0 at some point because it's solution is not comprehensive at all, it's late to the game of real supply chain solutions, and doesn't even offer a solution that their clients would want as a whole, if they were to adapt blockchain.

Not going to waste time going into more detail, you can DYOR.

>> No.7795464

You were just asking if you should dumb it. Why you sucking frog dick now?

>> No.7795510

Because I don't know if it's wise to hold it for months. Opportunity cost.
Will you Ven faggots please piss off spamming your shit in every thread? I'm asking about Wabi, not fucking Ven you fucking faggot.

>> No.7795540

I got out at $5

>> No.7795601

If you don’t hold ven you are a literal moron. Stay poor

>> No.7795660

wabi is a little startup fly, their ceo and his minions always attack vechain because they knows VEN is going to make wabi irrelevant.

>> No.7795843

>wasn't even shilling VEN

Retard NEETs like you will always be the dumb money in crypto, do the world a favor and kys.

>> No.7795856


>> No.7795878

Yes you clearly were. "WaBi z dat Ven announsment wuz falz" - They were talking about a previous local level announcement that Ven referred to as a "national partnership". Now take your shit scooping hands out of my fucking thread you smelly paki bastard.

>> No.7795955

You mad wabi retard? Go eat some baby food

>> No.7795979
File: 193 KB, 1868x732, 55968731049240BEB9CDF8DF7FF0824A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me get this straight op. You think wabi has a greater chance of success than unironically chainlink?

>> No.7796081

You're 100% not white.
Another fucking retard who can't comprehend basic English. I said Wabi has more room to grow because it has a 50Mill marketcap, you stupid fucking subhuman.

>> No.7796232

Go take a look at coinmarketcap from two years ago you fucking idiot. Look at all the low market cap coins with “more potential to grow.” Now look at how many are completely dead today. You are so fucking dense you baby food gobbler

>> No.7796341

Are you actually fucking brain dead? Really? You know people can actually SELL coins, right? They don't just hold onto them forever. And it's far more likely that Wabi will x10 its worth now compared to Ven. Thus why I mention MC you dumb cunt.

>> No.7796435

Then why are people holding ven if it’s easier to double with a small market cap? Oh wait, you’re fucking retarded

Why does anyone hold eth? Why does anyone hold neo?

Kill your self

>> No.7796471

>Then why are people holding ven if it’s easier to double with a small market cap?
I'm convinced you're new. This is the exact fucking point I'm making. How much do you have in Ven? $50? Lol fuck off you absolute retard.

>> No.7796622

>wabi holders

>> No.7797027


>> No.7797201
File: 7 KB, 242x208, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should I dump wabi?
>anon offers reasonable alternative

>> No.7797303

I think op should check himself into a hospital there’s definitely some underlying issues here

>> No.7797590

Wabi is shitcoin to buy baby formula, centralized.
Ven is hyped to much, vague partnerships, centralized.
Mod is a stock without legal right, so shitcoin.
Walton big room to grow, patented shit and vague partners. Decentralized
Amb small mc, goood room to grow, no official partnerships. Centralized