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779053 No.779053 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to get a job without lying?

>> No.779056

of course

>i lied btw

>> No.779059

>be software developer

Newbs tend to lie a lot more than people with experience. But in general, I see right through that and candidates' lies just make them look foolish because they tend to not make any sense (since they don't have experience).

In my industry at least, you have to humble yourself a bit when your new and take entry level. Show your interest by doing projects, school etc. Nobody expects you to know much in the beginning, just the ability to demonstrate competence.

I can generally size of a developer in about 30 minutes without even seeing them code. I can place them as a roadie, session guitarist or a rock star based only on the vocab they use and how they use it. I don't even give coding tests anymore and have hired 30 people over the past year and haven't been wrong about them yet.

Don't lie.

>> No.779060

Yes, but...
A. You'll be paid minimum wage and work shit hours
B. You did really well in school and have genuinely useful skills.

Considering this is 4chan, you're probably going to go with option A.

>> No.779065

Oh and to this point, I actually do think you could get a job as a liar if you go into a shop that gives you a fizzBuzz test which any new grad could nail but experiences developers couldn't... and then the interviewer proceeds to asking questions like "Who is your biggest role model" or "What are your biggest weaknesses."

So by all means... lie to those people. You'll probably get the job because they're idiots.

>> No.779067

I plan on lying on every application I ever turn in.

>> No.779071

>A. You'll be paid minimum wage and work shit hours
>implying you don't have to lie about how being part of a team and lifting boxes is something that you deem rewarding and that you would be a valuable part of

>> No.779275

> no experience
You better get good at lying

> stellar 3+ years experience at a fortune 500 company
You might be able to get by without lying

>> No.779382

>experienced developers can't fizzbuzz

>> No.779410
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Depends in what your applying for.
I can tell you from personal experience as well as stories from friends that employers for IT related positions (Software Development, Network Engineering, Server Administration) will grill the fuck out of your resume. They will question everything you've written on your resume and everything you tell them. If your bull shit your knowledge about any topic, the employer will notice immediately.

If you want a REAL career, just learn the topics and don't be a poser.

>> No.779429

how do you generally conduct your interviews? do you just try to feel out a person by asking about their past and hobbies or do stay close to skills that you require for the opening?

>> No.779431

At the same time you end up with a problem here -
So, straight out of college you worked at a firm who were a bit crap. They didn't write unit tests, used weird home made frameworks instead of normal ones, and pretended to do Scrum while doing something else.

Generally, if asked about this, you will need to lie and say you did these things.

Thing is... pretty much every software company does something 'wrong'. Does lots of things wrong. Knows it's wrong and will fix it some day maybe never.
And they expect prospective employees to claim they would never do it that way.