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File: 25 KB, 678x381, vechain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7788418 No.7788418 [Reply] [Original]

We're gonna be rich, aren't we boys?

>> No.7788440
File: 1.45 MB, 900x900, tsje.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7788444

Not with your 32 VEN your not kid

>> No.7788458

>Cant wait to be able to track my wine!
>3 billion market cap for a wine tracker and a few riddles
>what could go wrong! We are gonna be rich!

>> No.7788490

Try again faggot. Holding 2k /comfy/

>> No.7788570

weak fud

>> No.7788925

Some random chink tweets “you have seen” and everyone’s like were rich ma. Can’t wait for this shit to crash and burn glad I sold at the last run up to $7

>> No.7788941

this is the next tron tbqh

>> No.7788968

fuck this piece of shit, I considered buying yesterday at 51.5k sats, thought it will dump some more and put order at 50k sats, woke up to 56k sats

>> No.7788975

Price is dumping buy back in at 50k sats this info has been priced in

>> No.7788983

> not EOS

>> No.7788985

515k and 560k sats*, and now it's fuc

>> No.7789011

I want to believe this will hit $100 or even $50 soon. But I doubt that will happen, so I may dump right before rebranding if I'm being perfectly honest. I'm holding this, REQ, and a little bit of BNTY

>> No.7789034

$100 EOY will make a lot of VEN millionaires, myself included. I doubt we'll see it, though. $25 EOY is possible.

>> No.7789057

Nice, you will have $2000 in a year

>> No.7789094

someones mad his coin isnt mooning LOL
dont worry you can buy our bags when we unload it at $250 EOY :-)

>> No.7789165

How can you compare VEN, a working product for multiple years that has partnerships with multiple huge companies, to Tron? It blows my mind that people are too fucking dense to take notice of a company that has partnerships with multiple, multi-billion dollar corporations and try to blow it off as smoke and mirrors.

>> No.7789183


Nah buy LINK instead.

>> No.7789185

notice the dump getting smaller and smaller and the price still going higher and higher

>> No.7789197

Exactly sir people don't relize the importance of the tracking of grapes from the poo to the loo

>> No.7789216

BMW confirmation + big new partnership, and the rebranding will probably be even bigger.

>> No.7789232 [DELETED] 

looks like it will average at 70 eow at this pace

>> No.7789241

It isn't just about tracking wine. Go ahead and sleep on this and come back at EOY and you'll be shitting yourself for being such an inbred.

>> No.7789245

Guaranteed win with this coin.
Evertime there is a bear market coming in the company releases great news.
Next to their superior technology they are unreachable in their shady Chinese business style.
No irony easy x3 coin

>> No.7789286

What superior tech? Where’s the product? Github? What tech? Are we looking at the same coin?

>> No.7789298

What are you saying sir?? I hold 10000 coin ready to dump at very good price

>> No.7789330

This shit started off as a use case for shipping containers. Never had a white paper so now all of a sudden there some big time platform for supply chain? Give me a break this shits gonna flop when their 3rd party RFID chips flop

>> No.7789342
File: 70 KB, 500x446, Ghos_peep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfriend, you are being baited. It's obviously a troll

>> No.7789406


My net worth is going to be over 15MM in a few years, isn't it guys. This coin is also going to mint a new 4chan billionaire. I wonder if that guy still hangs around these threads. Stand up and be counted, brother!

>> No.7789445

We arent even close to rebranding on the 26th and this coin just keeps getting pumped. Let's go boys.

>> No.7789495

I sold to buy more 4 minutes before price spike went to the roof.
Fuck this fucking shit.

>> No.7789557

>tfw only 1k

>> No.7789573

How much do you have? 15k? I think $1000 is rather unrealistic but we'll see, it would take years to get there. $100-$200 is doable within the next 2-5 years.

>> No.7789584

Vechain is godly. Just wait till PBOC.

>> No.7789586

Should I SUDOKU right now or will the price go down?

>> No.7789611

Of course the price will go down. It's VEN. There's nothing behind the curtain.

>> No.7789620


Where the fuck are you coming up with these numbers? You are basing this on literally NOTHING.

>> No.7789647

Honestly you sold at the worst time. It might come down a bit after the announcement hype is over, so I'd wait for a couple hours. But it is very likely that the pump before the rebranding event next monday is going to start soon. If you have balls of steel you could wait for a dump after next monday, but that is a huge gamble since they'll likely announce big partnerships.

>> No.7789678

$1000 is crazy but not completely unobtainable if you think about how big this will be when mainnet is out, staking becomes huge, their partnerships starts bearing fruit and how big the crypto industry will become as a whole.

But I'm also basing this on fucking nothing. All I know is that, to me, it's the safest investment.

>> No.7789693

Yes, the last part is pure speculation. $1000 would put the market cap of VET at almost one trillion, that's why I think it's unrealistic or will at least take many years.

>> No.7789772

I agree completely. VET is 80% of my portfolio since I think it's one of if not the most promising project in the crypto space right now. However, in order to be worth a market cap of almost one trillion a lot needs to happen. The product ideas and partnerships are some of the best applications of blockchain tech imo but it's too early to tell whether it is of so much use that it's worth multiple hundred billions. A lot of things can happen in the meantime, positive as well as negative.

>> No.7789897

Realistically could this hit $50 EOY?

Im in a few thousand

>> No.7790005

Explain why PWC, DNV GL, China Unicorn, National Chinese Government partnership, multiple larger research universities, Breyer, YIDA, etc. would sign on to bullshit vaporware? The mark of Tron and similar products is the lack of industry support. You think our limited access to VeChain and their plans outweighs huge corporations/investors going in on this? People are way too optimisitic about the possible price point, but to think this is nothing is downright idiocy.

>> No.7790014

Honestly, nobody has a fuckin clue why any coin trades up or down in this market. But if there's a coin that SHOULD almost certainly go up, it's VEN.

>> No.7790087


$100 would mean a market cap of 50 billion. For that to be reasonable VEN would need to earn fees of between 2.5 billion and 5 billion a year for transactions on the network (yielding investors 5-10% annual returns). That seems entirely feasible the way things are going at the moment. With today's news we add multiple smart cities transacting their governance on the chain to things like a single company contracting to track 100 million RFiD chips in its mattresses. And this is just the beginning of things. If VeChain achieve their goal of being the bluechip blockchain as a service company for the lite layers of industry a 50bil market cap is definitely achievable.

>> No.7790114


Dude the people that FUD this coin on here hold VET. They are spreading FUD to try and keep the price down to buy more. Others are just trolls who do it for fun. It's the same thing as LINK

>> No.7790152

kys, nigger

>> No.7790231

ok but marketcap is a literal meme you know that right?

>> No.7790241


>> No.7790383


>> No.7790399

Waltonchain does not write data directly to the blockchain through their RFIDs. No matter what the moon boys tell you that isn't a true statement. It is proven false in AMAs and the white paper itself.

In fact, BOTH waltonchain and vechain write the block-hash to the RFID chip at the end of manufacturing before a human even interacts with the chip. Why? Because it's not hard and such things could have been done more than a decade ago.

There is nothing unique about Waltonchain's claim here and them saying they are "first" is ignorant or a lie. VeChain has been doing this for three years under BitSE well before Waltonchain was even an idea, ico, or company.

>> No.7790476

You realize that all it would take is 60 billion USD worth of demand for transactions to put the market cap (taking into account the all 867MM coins) over 1 trillion USD and each VET at about 1500 USD? Even if they only achieved 50% market share of the supply-side blockchain, that combined with the transactions from other endeavors such as finance and government data assurance would easily match that number. Do you realize that those valuations are only a 20 p/e ratio if you wanted to look at this like a stock in a company? Owning VET is essentially owning stock in a network which has never really been done before.

>> No.7790603

Well it wouldn't make me mad, it would make me a multimillionaire. I just like to be really cautious with my price predictions. Thanks for your insight!

>> No.7790828

I only have 200, tiny Venlet here, but if it actually hit 1500 USD I'd at least be able to retire a bit earlier.

>> No.7790963

What's the math behind your numbers, where does the 60 billion come from?

>> No.7791057
File: 38 KB, 1179x371, vetcalcss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60 billion is an arbitrary number that I thought it was possible to hit sometime in the next 5 years if everything works out. My predictions are much more conservative.

>> No.7791121


Market cap is just a meme when calculating future market cap and the consequent price of the coin? Well ok then.

>> No.7791158

Huge VEN fan, holding 100k for fun, but lets be honest, -1k EOY senpai. We owe Sunny Money, huge fan.

>> No.7791261

I see. Your calculations are solid, but the 5% ROI and 60B enterprise usage are really difficult to predict.

>> No.7791320
File: 99 KB, 404x623, 1478817345891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Venlet
I wish I had more than 54

>> No.7791370

if you sell now youll have 110 in a couple days

>> No.7791453

Marketcap could be anything, it doesn't mean anything in reality. It's not a valuation. eg. if i made a coin with 1 billion circulating supply and decided I wanted to buy one from someone willing to sell it for $1, then the marketcap would $1b. That doesn't mean there's $1b now floating around my coin business tho.

If someone was willing to sell and someone bought 1 VEN for $1000 right now, the marketcap at that moment would be $474MM x 1000, putting it higher than BTC. Mcap can reach any arbitrary large number in the future so all bets are off.

>> No.7791501

1500 ven is retarded guys, Vechain isnt going to replace half of worlds supply chain costs but im sure vechain can generate atleast 3-5 billion in fees and a lot of chinks are going to own masternodes

>> No.7791532

Of course. You can plug-and-play any arbitrary number in those calculations to discover equilibrium price. I would be ecstatic with even 10% of that valuation in reality.

>> No.7791539

My Vechain ceilling is 150-180

I think it will be around $40-80

>> No.7791655

hoping for another btc dump so I can increase my stack. 150 venlet here slowly working my way up to 1k hehe

>> No.7791769
File: 153 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180218-222425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah nigs, let's go!

>> No.7791900

We shall see.



>> No.7792026

you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.7792288

VEN brahs, we are going to make it

>> No.7792344

Shit, I lost 4 VEN today daytrading.

>> No.7792548

Does anyone know the exact date for the rebrand?

>> No.7792571


The fact that it is possible to manipulate market cap in edge cases means nothing to general viability of it as a valuation mechanism. You could say exactly the same about shares but as long as there are sufficiently large numbers being traded there are extremely good reasons to think that the cap is an accurate reflection of market value. That statistical outliers can exist does not undermine the value of statistics.

>> No.7792633


>> No.7792651

thats at least 400$ EOY

>> No.7792682

you lost 4k$
let that sink in

>> No.7792739

whats the 58% loss lmao

>> No.7792829

Already returned my 2 VENs daytrading :3
2 ones left

>> No.7793022

I was in an elevator with Sunny Lu and I said to him that I was really impressed with everything he had accomplished with Vechain, and that I wished him good luck. He didn't even look at me and didn't respond, but he did move closer till we were shoulder to shoulder. Then he slid his left hand into my pocket and began to fondle my genitals. He never made eye contact. Just felt my balls and my stiffening shaft through the inside of my pocket until the elevator reached the ground floor. Paralyzed with fear and embarrassment, I didn't resist or push him away. The door opened and about ten Chinese businessmen were standing there looking at us, Sunny with his hand in my pocket, me with an erection. I didn't move. Sunny took his hand out, shamelessly licked his fingertips, and then walked out of the elevator. I still didn't move. The businessmen crowded in and I rode back up with them as a few of them cast sidelong glances at me and talked to each other in Chinese. I rode all the way to the top of the building, then back down again, just to make sure Sunny wasn't in the lobby waiting for me.

>> No.7793056


>tfw I literally have 32 VEN

>> No.7793199

32k one day, just be confident.

>> No.7793474

>daytrading instead of swing trading

>> No.7793477

8k venlet here, getting impatient though i want my money now