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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 320x287, elxu7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7783619 No.7783619 [Reply] [Original]

>only up 500% since october
>not 10000%

Who /dead inside/

>> No.7783634

500% from OCTOBER? Nigger are you even trying?

>> No.7783645

thats the beauty, you can not try and still be up 5x within 5 months

>> No.7783674

>only up 30x since May
>could've been up 80x if cashed out near the peak

>> No.7783683

I was up 16x but lost most of it during the jan/feb crash out of greed

>> No.7783684

> been in since september
> at highest point was 3x
> now barely above 2x
> pretty sure Im still down in sats

>> No.7783714
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tfw only up 220x since end of 2016 and not 1000x

>> No.7783715

/biz/fags are so retarded, can’t even do simple maths. Up 100% is a 2x increase. Therefore up 500% is a 10x increase.

>> No.7783722
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Is this bait?

>> No.7783745
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>> No.7783753

I seriously hope you’re joking

>> No.7783770
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>still up 5000% from starting in June
>peak was ~7500%

could be worse i suppose

>> No.7783810


Why would I be joking you math ignorant retards?

100% = 2x increase
100% times 5 = 2x increase times 5
500% = 10x

How are you this retarded??

>> No.7783825
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anon please stop, for the good of the nation

>> No.7783837

I refuse to believe you are so dumb that you can’t perform multiplication

>> No.7783847
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>> No.7783864

> bought "stuff " with bitcoin back in 2015
> $14 left over in wallet
> forget about until December
> $14(.045btc) is now $700
> learn about alts
> buy xrp trx and ven
> do absolutely 0 research
> up over 3000%

How the fuck can you retards be losing money if you were in before the bull run?

>> No.7783866
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Anon, I...
Just Google it. For your sake. Good Lord man

>> No.7783872

im literally fuckin dyin right now omg

>> No.7783891

Take away the 0's and add 1 to see the multiplier

For example: 100% is 2x
200% is 3x
300% is 4x

>> No.7783899

I finally broke even on my initial investment. So I'm at least happy about that.

>> No.7783917
File: 27 KB, 399x385, l04he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fucking sides

>> No.7783919

Oh and I sold trx and xrp near the top, and have since developed a hatred for both. Fuck those coins

I am too comfy sitting in the shade

>> No.7783923

Because i held "promising coins" through most of it. Only saw the error of my ways when it was too late

>> No.7783928

What kind of fake Jewish magic is this? Maths is about to be about LOGIC retard. You can’t just “take away the zeroes” autist. 500% is 5 times the size of 100%, and so therefore the multiplier is also 5 times the size, and 2 times 5 is 10.

>> No.7783930


This is bait but:

2x = 100% +100% = 200%
5x = 100% +400% = 500%
10x = 100% +900% = 1000%
nx = 100% + ((n-1)100%) = n *100%

>> No.7783937

Put me in the reddit screencap

>> No.7783958


The absolute state of biz

>> No.7783977
File: 24 KB, 543x443, Hodl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a special rule for a special anon such as yourself pic related

>> No.7784002

None of that makes sense, it is dodging mathematical logic. Let me fix it for you:

200% = 2 times 100% (which is 2x) = 4X
500% = 5 times 100% = 10X

There is nothing wrong with what I have done here. This is just another one of those common math errors people make.

>> No.7784006

i can't believe people are falling for that lazy ass bait

this board is shit

>> No.7784034

I dont think he is bating....

>> No.7784058

You're a fucking retard who doesn't know when to add or multiply. 2/10 made me reply.

When someone reports a +100% gain, that means you have 100% (starting) + 100% (gain) = 200%(current).

200%(current)/100%(starting) = 2x

When someone reports +500%. They have 100% + 500% = 600%. 600%/100% = 6x.

Neck yourself

>> No.7784111

So now your claiming 500% = ... 6X??
Lmao. No consistency with the retarded.
100% = 2x, therefore multiplying both sides by 5 yields 500% = 10x.

Learn to count.

>> No.7784140

I thought this wasn't bait at first but the fact that hes still going and repeating g the same thing makes me think it's bait. Or maybe he realized he fucked up and he's just going with it to make it seem like he was baiting the whole time.

>> No.7784147
File: 46 KB, 460x397, 1499606288594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the end product of common core? it has be to b8

>> No.7784150


I claimed +400% is 5x, which is consistent with +500% being 6x.


>> No.7784175

Exactly, so you are saying 500% is 6x, while all the other retards at saying it’s 5x. You can’t even get your story straight.

I’m done with this shit. I don’t know why you can’t just accept basic fucking maths.

>> No.7784279


+100% is different than *100%. If someone claims "500%", that typically means 5x. It implicitly is saying they made +400% since 100% +400% = 500%. In the real world where profits and losses are reported as addends/subtrahends (e.g: +500%), the factor their stack increased by is simply n+1. I already showed how +500% is equivalent to 6x (n=5). These nuances will be important in the real world anon.

>> No.7784310
File: 38 KB, 902x960, 1433218267216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only made $6k today doing nothing

>> No.7784336

I've put 20k of my own money in crypto in april and all i have is 70k link and 10k wan. i pray every night i dont wake up the next morning

>> No.7784378


>> No.7784452
File: 260 KB, 695x713, based brue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dude...
Your logic is not wrong, you are just looking at it in a wrong way. you have 100 points. That is 100 percent.
Therefore, 1 point is 1 percent.
If your 100 points increase by 500 percent from the original amount, then you actually have 600.

>> No.7784462
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>> No.7784535
File: 46 KB, 335x500, IMG_3980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst thread ever