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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7781485 No.7781485 [Reply] [Original]

I have only 180 LINK.

Would it be a good idea to sell now, and buy back in 7 hours? Fatlanders will be waking up to the news then... Smart or not? I'm sweating balls here.

>> No.7781507

always sell after a pump you fucking noob
hodl is a meme

>> No.7781535

But this wasn't just any other pump. This was the announcement of the release of Alpha! I can't see it dipping too much.

I shaking with FOMO here.

>> No.7781552

You're so poor it doesn't matter.

Let's say Link hits $100.

Is $1800 really that much better than $2000?

>> No.7781619


>> No.7781661
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I'll be dead serious for any LINK holder that has less than 5-10K LINK or if that's the max you can afford to accumulate to.
Get a source of income, save, invest, accumulate
I don't think daytrading is the way to go unless you have a large enough stack to risk a portion of it, and it makes the time and risk/reward ratio worth it

>> No.7781861

I was homeless for 3 years and last year I made me first drug deal where I made a deal online to hide a packet in an abandoned house and sold the location for $100 worth of ETH.

I'm trying. I had to cash out my cryptos a few times to buy food, and went from $500 coins to no-coiner a couple times. Got an apartment in December, and now I've put $100 back in coins in Jan and now in Feb. I'm all in on LINK now. Fuck. I want to get a job, don't want to get back into selling drugs again (friend just got 10years of hard time), but fuck! AAAAAArgh.

Another friend is trying to get me back into drugs. It's such fucking easy money but I'm scared.

I think I'll just be putting another $100 monthly until I can fix my life. Last week a friend I haven't seen in a while said I had started to look more like a human and not like a skeleton as I looked when I was a starving homeless, so maybe some employers will want to take me now that I have access to a shower and can stockpile cheap foods and cook them in my kitchen. I've been eating nothing but rice and beans this year, because I FUCKING WANT TO SAVE UP. Stopped smoking too in Jan. I want nothing more than LINK at this point. I've decided. I want to make it.

Thank you /biz/, you've taught me the worth of saving up. I didn't understand money before /biz/.

>> No.7782133

sounds like you're going to make it.

>> No.7782154


>> No.7782184


Yup, the makings of a true link marine right here

>> No.7782186

>Rice & beans, an apartment and job
All you need anon, you can make it. But also try to invest in yourself, 1 year of trade school and you can be making 50k-60k starting.

>> No.7782329

The biggest problem with getting a job for me is that most of my income will go towards paying up my student loans and other shit I piled up when I still didn't know better. But I have a feeling that I can make an agreement with my deptors for small down payments.

I almost didn't get an apartment, because I couldn't get an insurance (which most rent-apartments require around here) because of my dept, but I managed to write a super long cry letter to one insurance company (went through 8 companies before that one and they all said NO) telling them how I've decided to turn my life around and I'm super dedicated to pay my insurance fees on time... and it worker! That has boosted my confidence in being able to make deals in the future, for example with my deptors so they wouldn't take all my job income but only a small amount so I could put more into LINK.

After such a long time of being poor, I had almost accepted to die poor. /biz/, hold me to help me hodl!

>> No.7782341

It would be a good idea to die of aids

>> No.7782349

anon go to a thrift store and find things niggers and azns like such as Jordan basketball sneakers and football player jerseys and then flip them on craigslist or ebay to make more money.

>> No.7782353


>> No.7782397

Just apprentice, you're going to have to anyway, get a job, work your way up. If you're going into trades, electrician is clean, good money, interesting work.

>> No.7782540

I know a guy who might take me as an apprentice to work as a driver of dead bodies, which sounds lulsy enough a job that I might actually enjoy going to work every day.

Tell me /biz/, can people change their fates? Could it be that I'm not going to be a poorfag NEET the rest of my lonely life?

>> No.7782809

You can, but it depends of you mostly.
I've quit my daily usage or weed and moved to another yuropoor country and escaped neetdom.

Now I need a better job.

>> No.7782822

Dude, if you show up to work, do a good job and don't sell yourself short, you can be whoever you want. Life is long, stay consistent, focus on your goals, be patient. It works.

>> No.7782829

>day trading your link stack

Stay poor /nubiz/