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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7772074 No.7772074 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to /dsg/. A safe haven from all the crypto threads for people interested in actual business. Yes. That is my store. This is the future.

Here are a few resources:

GUIDE 1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ti-laBUbfmIfyBifCHz5PwTDdJjeGtH_w18OdFhHE1M
GUIDE 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NxyGH6B_5czjnqtxjUuOGsv-hUz8NrvWcK7JRnqmMgM/edit?usp=sharing
GUIDE 3: http://1.shopifytrack.com/SHcb

Ask any questions and I'll answer them.

>> No.7772116

also, dont even mention my refunds they were somali scammers

>> No.7772170

Dropshipping is unethical, you should be ashamed of yourself. You're providing zero value to society by being money-sucking middleman.

>> No.7772182

at least im not poor

>> No.7772262

You're morally poor, the worst kind of poor.

>> No.7772292

how long did it take you to grow your business out?

>> No.7772345

I was making profit by the end of the week, but to reach this level took me about 3 months of facebook ads, influencers and seo

but im white

>> No.7772346

Whats your niche

>> No.7772405


don't do it tho, i was retarded and chose a shitty niche.

>> No.7772422

What is /dsg/? 4chan noob here

>> No.7772445

Dropshipping general.

It's not an actual board, more so a thread I would run from time to time before the crypto people overran /biz/

>> No.7772532

Solid info anon.

What modes of advertising have been most successful for you

>> No.7772537

3 months? foh
I attempted dropshittng with shopify last summer, but was only able to accomplish spending alot on ads. Really I just wanted 1 sale at that point.

>> No.7772670

Facebook ads but placement in Newsfeed and Instagram

Have you considered trying again with a different product / store / ad?

>> No.7772781

go work in the church faggot

This is biz.

>> No.7772808

what are some mistakes you made or things you regret that you wish you can go back and change?

>> No.7772888

Quite a few

I started FB Ads the same time as I did my influencer marketing. This is very bad for your FB Pixel.

I didn't buy a premium theme. Check out themeforest, the ones on Shopify are too expensive.

I cheaped out on applications too. Those extra few dollars a month on the Shopify Plan can make a huge difference to conversion ratio

>> No.7772935

How do you decide which product? If you were starting again what woudl you sell?

>> No.7772938
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Congrats on those numbers, what's the profit? What's your main traffic source that converts best?

>> No.7772962

>I started FB Ads the same time as I did my influencer marketing. This is very bad for your FB Pixel.

Can you elaborate on this also?

>> No.7773166

Not clothing / wearables, probably accessories or gifts / toys

Profit is a little over half the income. Main source of traffic is FB Ads.

FB Pixel tracks who visits your site and makes a conversion / purchase. When used with FB ads this allows you to find your target audience very easily.
Traffic from influencers can throw off the pixel while it is still building

>> No.7773229
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Any advice on getting started with FB ads? I have a Shopify drop ship site currently but organic traffic only, I've been putting off FB ads for a while because it's changed quite a bit since last time I used it several years ago.

My site converts and does pretty well - any things I should do or watch out for? Thanks a lot for the info btw and those numbers are awesome.

>> No.7773269


Also do you keep any inventory or do you drop ship everything? I have been keeping inventory of some things to make shipping easier, but wondering if there's a better way around this and what people at your scale do to make sure it's efficient/doesn't piss off customers.

>> No.7773301

Do customers complain about delivery time?
How do you deal with returns?

>> No.7773320

How did you generate organic traffic?

>> No.7773330



>> No.7773359

Did you just build your own profile and shill shit?

>> No.7773365

If you have great organic traffic, that's really good.
You're off to a great start then. If I was you, I'd chuck on the FB Pixel and Google Analytics to start to find your target audience / most common customer. Get a decent amount of data before heading into FB ads. As for the actual advertisement, try to find a competitor and copy/alter their post.

returns of more expensive sunnies i get shipped to my p.o box and send them out again if they are in working condition to the next customer

>> No.7773396


"Due to an unexpected increase in popularity, there is currently a slight delay on all orders." or some shit like that idk

>> No.7773402

how much money would you advise us to start with? is 5k enough to get started? also do you focus on one product, a few or more? Any tips on how to find products (searching alibaba/amazon etc?) thanks for this thread

>> No.7773424

5K is more than enough.
I've seen success with like $100 before.
Check out thieve.co for products.
I try to fill my store with products but mostly focus on selling 4-8

>> No.7773451
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Yeah, using a paid cheap Chrome extension that just follows/unfollows to build the profile.


That's a good idea.


Might be hard to answer but how many creatives/ads are you running at any given time on FB? What style of ads work best (they have like 5 or 6 diff types now iirc, i.e. newsfeed, etc.)

>> No.7773472

Running about 12 ads, 2 types of ads to 6 audiences.
Newsfeed and Instagram I found are the best for me. I might A/B Messenger ads at one point

>> No.7773502

what app?

>> No.7773504


Excellent - any idea how much you pay per click on average or budget per day to start with?

>> No.7773532

I mean extension oops lol

>> No.7773533


The name changed a few times, search Instagram bot in Chrome extensions there's a lot of diff ones.

>> No.7773562

What are your margins like on each product?

>> No.7773575

How many products do you have at one time and starting off?

Does it cost you anything to add products to your site? Do you just find shit online and say you have it, then buy and ship it?

>> No.7773594
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>all these newfags who don't know how to reverse image search
>all these newfags who don't know OP is simply shilling his drop shipping guides hoping you idiots will click his affiliate links
>all these newfags who don't recognize these threads were being posted months ago but now OP figured out a new method to shill

gullible retards will never make it. you'll just keep on buying more and more snake oil until you drown.


>> No.7773598

At the start it was disgustingly high, just trying to get as much traffic to my pixel as possible. The more you can afford while still making a good profit on sale the better. Once you get a good campaign, it should lower the cost per conversion

The products cost me like $5-10 and I sell for over $50, but my expenses are adding up

Thats the point, it's free to add products, once they buy then you get supplier to ship to your buyer.

>> No.7773625

I have used this image many times. Its actually January 2017. Check Warosu, it's my image l0l. You'll find that it was posted on /biz/ before pinterest.

>> No.7773670

I didn't research much yet so sorry if this is easy to find. Could you give us a general idea on how shipping works? How do you ship from let's say alibaba to your customer? What's the service called?

>> No.7773676
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Cubicle cuck detected, go back to fudding crypto like a good goy.

>> No.7773707

Return hell will probably keep me away from this forever.

>> No.7773725

I use Oberlo but it's changed a lot, don't use Oberlo Supply thats a scam.

Basically it goes like this.

Customer buys from your "store". You purchase from chinese aliexpress with their money. Chinkman ships it to your customer. You keep the extra money your customer pays compared to what you pay chinaboy

>> No.7773760

return hell is hell. Chargebacks on shopify are a bitch

>> No.7773802

>Newsfeed and Instagram
can you elaborate on instagram advertising? i never had ig

>> No.7773831

Instagram is like FB newsfeed but just photos.

So the instagram ad shows up like they follow somebody in their feed.

>> No.7773870

Hardest part for me is building a social media account. Takes forfuckingever

>> No.7773883

Any tips on how to scale the FB ads? When to ad more budget? I heard like always start with $5 / $50 and scale 16% a day not more

>> No.7774081

Do you have a discord where we could discuss this more??