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File: 14 KB, 300x200, craig-Wright-300x200[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7763078 No.7763078 [Reply] [Original]

When I first heard about this, the answer was obvious to me: he was no more Satoshi than a random spammer was a Nigerian Prince. That was how a sane, rational man would react to overly bold claims by a person with a trickster face. But now, after doing some research and reading this, I have my doubts:

Craig is an autist, just like Satoshi was, and he is verifiable among the very first people engaged in bitcoin. In the end, we still don't know the truth

>> No.7763123

Of course it's him

>> No.7763282


real satoshi is Hal Finney, he was helped by Dave Kleiman with the code

Craig was promised 10 000 BTC by Dave Kleiman for helping with the project.

Dave died, BTC key is on an encrypted usd stick. Craig is salty because he actually reserved the money.

Life is the best video game.

>> No.7763347

I heard some serious arguments against that by professional programmers who reviewed the source code. Hal Finney was a Unix veteran, while Satoshi was a Windows desktop programmer. The way they code is different on too many levels.

>> No.7763431

What about Dave Kleiman, there's is evidence he was connected with Craig before the bitcoin paper was released

>> No.7763603
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It is him, but his alpha-cunt persona doesn't fit crypto's idea of what a genius nerd should look like.

Imagine he looked like Vitalik instead. Age aside, no one would have doubted Vitalik to be Satoshi. Ah, the skelly look. The sickly pale skin. Smell the high IQ.

>> No.7763648

Hal and Dorian. Dorian birthed the idea, Hal implemented it. Szabo and Wright joined later.

>> No.7763666
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I used to think he was a hoaxer but watching his talks on YouTube I realized the guy is genuinely autistic and he obviously thinks about crypto and economics a lot. As you all know, autists can't lie.

>> No.7763678

Satoshi is a bloke named Ian, last name unknown. You will never find him.

>> No.7763700
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>> No.7763710

The real Satoshi Nakamoto is a woman.

>> No.7763725

Hal and Szabo. Szabo is Satoshi.

>> No.7763729

He may have been involved.

>> No.7763731

No, it's a black woman named Shateeka.

>> No.7763735


>> No.7763749

Sounds like a lesbian so I believe it.

>> No.7763771
File: 566 KB, 1023x1025, who is satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7763809

The real Satoshi has been dead for a long long time already

>> No.7763828

>Hal implemented it
Hal was a Unix veteran, Satoshi was a Windows programmer from the 90s era. Their code is fundamentally different. All professional programmers who reviewed the code point out this drastic, striking difference.

>Wright joined later
However, there is evidence that Wright was closely familiar with Dave Kleiman BEFORE the actual release of the bitcoin paper, which means he must be at the very roots of it

This guy actually seems interesting as a back-up candidate, we don't know the truth anyway

>> No.7763860

>he was helped by Dave Kleiman with the code
what about that part.

>> No.7763872

Answered in the second post

>> No.7763890

ahh my b missed that.

>> No.7764276

I can never get over the fact that Hal Finney lived two blocks from Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto, the only person living in the US with that name.

Hal Finney was the first one besides Satoshi to Bitcoin mine.

He is 100% connected. There's no way it could be a coincidence that he lived two blocks from someone with that name, and was the second person to mine Bitcoin.

>> No.7764351

Is it possible they both worked for a government agency and were involved in a secret project?

>> No.7764625

Of course it's possible. But we'll likely never know.

Hal Finney could be the real Satoshi, and it would make sense because those coins have never been touched (he died in 2014)

>> No.7765092

but why did he want to suddenly prove that he's satoshi and why did he choose to only prove it to one person exclusively which we have to believe now if he could easily taken a route where he undeniably had proven the whole world that it was him?

>> No.7765126

so Hal was talking to himself all that time on the mailing list pretending not to be satoshi?

>> No.7765198
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As much as I agree with him about some of the tech questions, he's obviously a fraudster opportunist, and likely knew the real SN was Kleiman, who died in 2013 and whom he knew couldn't call him a liar, and forged the ridiculous "tulip trust" so he could have a claim on Kleiman's coins. He also never provided any crypto proof for being SN and even patented many blockchain technologies.

>> No.7765238

Does no one read the article. The article states that Craig Wright was the main creator of Bitcoin, like a CEO, and Dan Kleiman was his editor. There were multiple other people involved, at least half a dozen if not more.

>> No.7765251

He did not "suddenly want", he was doxxed and threatened by extortionists. When the media hard-pressed him, there was apparently some hesitation on his part about what to do, and he retreated in the end.

>> No.7765267

That means he was running a full node. Hal was the second person to a run a full node. If he had access to the coins of Satoshi he would have sold them to pay for his hospital treatments, but he didn't.

>> No.7765295

top fucking kek, they were worth dogshit at the time

>> No.7765306

>Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto, the only person living in the US with that name.
I'm pretty sure when I read the article claiming Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto was the real Satoshi they said there were 57 Satoshi Nakamoto's in the U.S.

>> No.7765323

Hal actually sold most of his bitcoins for like 100$ to pay his medical bills.

>> No.7765340

>Hal Finney could be the real Satoshi, and it would make sense because those coins have never been touched (he died in 2014)
No it doesn't make sense. If you are dying of a terrible disease you would withdraw that money to attempt to save your life.

>> No.7765385

>He also never provided any crypto proof for being SN
Why would he? If Satoshi went through all that work to stay anonymous it only makes sense that the real Satoshi would balk at proving who he was. What Craig did fits the narrative of Satoshi.

>> No.7765429

Hal died in 2014. The price of Bitcoin was worth $1000 before he died. That means he was a billionaire if he had access to those coins you fucking retard. Can you not do multiplication? Satoshi was not Hal. A billionaire doesn't let himself die without paying money for hospital treatments.

>> No.7765443


>> No.7765454

>He also never provided any crypto proof for being SN
He doesn't want anyone to think he's SN, that's the entire fucking point. He made himself look like a fraud.

>> No.7765460

f&f = friends and family
ATO = Australian Taxation Office

>> No.7765475

no, my dad works for Satoshi can confirm it is not CW

>> No.7765476
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>> No.7765484


Szabo is a big block corecuck shill, he doesn't even have any Bitcoin or at most has a very insignificant amount - which is why he sucks the cum out of blockstream's arse.

>> No.7765503


>> No.7765551
File: 243 KB, 1000x963, kekd-hisarmswide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad and Satoshi at tanagra work at bitcoin.

>> No.7765557

If he is, BTC is even more screwed than it otherwise would be and probably on a shorter timeline.

>> No.7765672

its not that he doesnt look like a genius, its that he looks like a retard

>> No.7765676


If CW is satoshi, then why in the world would he post a forged signature?


Here are a few reasons why he wouldn't do that if he was satoshi:

-He was dying from a degenerative brain disease. Even with an infinite amount of money directed towards his health and research into his disease, he almost certainly still would not be with us today.

-Satoshi's address is the most watched cryptocurrency address in existence, and the coins in it are basically considered "out of circulation" by investors. Therefore, if he tried to transfer them to an exchange, the price of bitcoin would absolutely tank before they even arrived.

-With both of those factors considered, also consider that he has other interests than his own life, such as his legacy, the legacy of the tech he worked on, and the well being of his family.

Not saying he is Satoshi... the fact that BTC targeted Windows first is really strange.

>> No.7765741
File: 33 KB, 356x337, satoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this is the real satoshi

>> No.7765778
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He did everything he could to prove he was SN except releasing publicly his signed message.

But there are far too many things which really make him look like a fraud, plus there's absolutely no fucking evidence which he couldn't have easily forged himself in order to make shekels from this - hell he even sold the rights on the SN story.

As much as I support the bch fork CW is a blemish on it.

>> No.7765787
File: 144 KB, 768x1024, rare_satoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course he is satoshi. He has proven it to Gavin, he's proven it to Calvin Ayre and now Craig is running nChain with practically unlimited funding.

>> No.7765889
File: 146 KB, 960x693, 1512822016352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you dumb? He "proven" it on his own laptop after giving a stupid excuse, and Gavin himself later changed his mind about CW.

>> No.7765901

>the fact that BTC targeted Windows first is really strange
This is actually what points towards Dorian being the true Satoshi imo. People like to pretend Bitcoin's code was some sort of next-level genius programming. In reality, the first few releases of bitcoin were buggy and flawed programming of a brilliant idea. It wasn't until others like Szabo and Finney started lending their talents that it shaped into a working product.

>> No.7765952
File: 9 KB, 175x171, vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> there are 7 billion people in the world
> be one of them
> be satoshi nakamoto
> want to stay anonymous
> try to convince people I'm satoshi nakamoto
> use every measure except for actual proof
> reverse_psychology.bin

>> No.7765961

Core cucks hate him cause he's a cashie, to bad for core coin as they have so many faults they won't survive this year

>> No.7765978
File: 123 KB, 1200x767, 1518534742956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: first ever release included a casino software and a marketplace.

>> No.7766010

He probably fully understands Rick and Morty... Damn him.

>> No.7766044

>try to convince people I'm satoshi nakamoto
Have you ever researched what happened to Craig you fucking idiot. He had an extortionist dox him and threaten to release his information to the press and tax authorities if he didn't pay a ransom. Craig didn't pay, the extortionist released his info to tax authorities and the press. Craig didn't try to out himself as Satoshi, others did. DYOR.

>> No.7766072

the far left = BCH if it ever took over

the middle = BTC with LN

the right = neither, because SHA-256 mining is centralizing


I hope you're meming... only evidence is that they have the same last name.

>> No.7766080

The real Satoshi would be able to prove it irrefutably in a moment. I'm not going to entertain attention whores who won't do that. They can't simultaneously claim they're afraid of the government while they try to take credit for what Satoshi did.

>> No.7766082

that is true for most open source projects, as logn as the code is public its ok

>> No.7766087

>Fun fact: first ever release included a casino software and a marketplace.
And Craig is well connected in the gambling world. Coincidence?

>> No.7766119

>the far left = BCH if it ever took over
This makes no fucking sense, have you ever heard Craig or Roger Ver or Jihan Wu talk? They are extreme capitalists. The far left is the soyboys in Bitcoin, of course its not the far left for the normal world, but the far right including the original Bitcoin AnCaps are all in BCH.

>> No.7766161

The Tulip Trust that controls Craig's coins gets to keep the coins if he outs himself. Read the articles posted. I know you won't because you're a Segwit soyboy.

>> No.7766180

AI created bitcoin.

The allure of money in exchange for the Ai to grow its hardware power.

>> No.7766181

>now Craig is running nChain with practically unlimited funding.

This is the point most people miss. nChain has fucking unlimited funding from 'private investors', aka Craig is funding the entire business with corecoins

>> No.7766185


I think he's talking about the image.

>> No.7766236
File: 122 KB, 693x838, CaptainChadbaccaFromTheStarTracks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a copy of Ohh LaLa with some book full of some nerdy fucking numbers when I was in the future.
I created your butthead coins
also I attempted raping some spazzy thot in the back of my ride when I was at school

>> No.7766282

This is self-evident to anyone with half a brain. /biz/ is clearly full of retards with no understanding of cypherpunk history.

Craig Wright is a conman, nothing more.

>> No.7766306

>This is the point most people miss. nChain has fucking unlimited funding from 'private investors', aka Craig is funding the entire business with corecoins
The other point they miss is that because the trust was founded back when Bitcoin was first founded the coins under its control operate under the laws at the time. Meaning he has basically complete freedom with them. So he doesn't have to do reporting, pay taxes, etc. The trust was made as a way of making him a literal king, he is untouchable.

>> No.7766358

> He had an extortionist dox him and threaten to release his information to the press and tax authorities if he didn't pay a ransom

He supposedly was doxxed, no proof that actually happened.

Then he publicly claimed he was SN.

Then he provided a fake signed message.

Then when people verified it was fake (which is trivial if you have SN's public key...) he said he was going to provide more proof on his blog.

Then the next day after saying that he was going to provide proof on his blog, he deleted all his blog posts.

> hes totally satoshi!!!!

>> No.7766372

Nakamoto and Finney created bitcoin


>> No.7766375
File: 8 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is self-evident to anyone with half a brain. /biz/ is clearly full of retards with no understanding of cypherpunk history.

>> No.7766421

Any person that has done some serious research would come to what is the most likely scenario, and that is Craig Wright is truly could be Satoshi. nothing is for sure, but it he is by and far the most likely of the people that have been suspected. You can find Craigs old emails on the cypherpunk mailing list on github from 1996. he is a very, very smart guy, he knew people wouldnt follow his persona. But despite what fuking idiots on twitter think, he is a genius

>> No.7766432

Szabo created Bitcoin and is the undisputed prodigal son of the cypherpunk movement. Also he's not a big blocker you fucking retard.

>> No.7766466
File: 193 KB, 496x818, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

save this picture to finish this argument quickly in the future.

>> No.7766479

>You can find Craigs old emails on the cypherpunk mailing list on github from 1996

No such thing exists.

>> No.7766520

>Then he provided a fake signed message.
This is what Craig posted with the signed message. He was clearly saying he would never prove he was Satoshi. Read it and then try and tell me again that this is an attempt to prove he was Satoshi. His post ends with "Satoshi is dead. But this is only the beginning." The rest is the news site's article. He literally says in the post he doesn't want to be known as Satoshi and yet you brainlets say it was him trying to prove he was Satoshi. Can you not read?

>> No.7766527

god you shit cashies are soooo fucking desperate

>> No.7766540
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, Optimized-szabo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> b-b-but szabo cant be satoshi because he doesn't like my shitcoin!!

>> No.7766636

>Then when people verified it was fake (which is trivial if you have SN's public key...) he said he was going to provide more proof on his blog.
No he did not. He provided proof to Gavin Andresen and Jon Matonis then when people said he was a fraud he said he would come out in the next few days with proof. Then he posted the Jean Paul Sartre text, which I gave in the link before, in which he stated he would never prove he was Satoshi. He never again did anything to prove he was Satoshi. Quit changing the timeline to fit your narrative. Also read the article's OP posted which have members of the Tulip Trust telling Craig through interviews that if he moved the coins he would be stripped of his rights to access them. There is a lot more going on than you think and you need to read these articles to understand. Unfortunately some of the articles are over 50 pages long and you idiots can't read so you'll never understand.

>> No.7766730

you are a major faggot.

>> No.7766760

Pretty sure serious cypher punks cover their tracks pretty eloquently. Changing patterns, messaging themselves to throw people off , but sending the maiden tx is something a programmer would always be sending themselves to test. It could always look like they sent it to somebody else anyway. Don't know programmers who send the first text to anybody else. Too impatient.... Also makes sense that cypher punks would pay respect by letting Hal die in peace. Whatever the arguments are I think this is my satoshi and always will be until he comes back...which won't happen

>> No.7766777

What a surprise! The Segwit Soyboys are making shit up to defend their broken coin with a broken protocol. Who would have guessed?

>> No.7766780


wrightc[at]opennet.net.au was one of many on the list from craig wright. you can search his old replies

>> No.7766792

No but I would like to. Link?

>> No.7766824


>> No.7766910


OP linked it. That's what I mean, no one reads what is linked by OP and then they post on it like the brainlets they are. This other articlee is 50 pages or more because its actually a book.


>> No.7766939


you moron

>> No.7766953


its long as fuck but theres a paywall like half way through. You can sign up for free day trial i think.

>> No.7767044

Search Hal Finney - Extropy
He cryogenic froze himself.
He was a transhumanist.
Quotes from the Extropy forum include "can't wait to talk to you when you wake up Hal"

>> No.7767053

Hi Craig

>> No.7767081

Nick Szabo the main lead with the other guys mentioned in the circle with him. Together they made it happen. Lots of financial and technological input. Satoshi is a made up anonymous name to hide the identity. Bitcoin is peer to peer electronic currency that hides the identity of the person. Will Craig and co. work together for the people? Or are they working for the government and preparing for a fiat to crypto change.

>> No.7767085

He purposefully signed a transaction that wouldn't prove he was Satoshi and posted it with this text saying he wouldn't prove he was Satoshi. Everyone knows the signed message meant nothing. That was the point. Again read the text he posted with that signed message and it becomes clear he was saying to the world "I will never prove I am Satoshi." You keep on avoiding what I'm saying because you either know you are wrong, or never read the text posted with his signed message.

>> No.7767142


Sorry I meant to say a small blocker and a ball sucker. He is absolutely not Satoshi, suggesting he is is fucking moronic.

He's balls deep in Blockstream's arse, he shills for them because he gets paid by them - thats why he doesn't have any money, he doesn't own any Bitcoin.

Any stupid fuck who wants to take transactions off the blockchain is obviously not fucking satoshi.

>> No.7767145

Segwit is toast with losing market share and all holders will lose everything, once they pull a 51% attack and short the market its over boys.

>> No.7767152

I'm pretty sure this link is the whole article with no paywall.

>> No.7767286
File: 24 KB, 444x333, r2cPoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when lando

>> No.7767336
File: 113 KB, 1200x676, satoshi szabo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, Satoshi directly referred to Szabo's works in his posts

>> No.7767386


The text I read opened with him claiming that he's satoshi, with an inexplicable signature thrown in. Enough to throw fuel on the on going trash fire that was CW's SN claim, but ambiguous enough to where he could go back later and say "No, I wasn't _deliberately_ misleading people!!!!!"

Then brainlets like yourself can go back and wash the post of any context and pretend like he was just providing a basic explanation of how to sign and verify messages, that he just so happens to open by claiming hes satoshi teehee

> but he doesn't like my shitcoin!

Do you honestly think Szabo is poor?

>> No.7767422

If he can sign a photo of his face using the original key and put it out for everyone, I'll believe him.

>> No.7767631

>Any stupid fuck who wants to take transactions off the blockchain is obviously not fucking satoshi.
Do you think it's possible that perspectives could change when something goes from hobby/experimentation to possibly becoming extremely rich?

>> No.7767735

>the far left = BCH if it ever took over
Yes, yes, only large scale miners can afford 8tb harddisks

>> No.7767812

“If I sign myself Jean-Paul Sartre it is not the same thing as if I sign myself Jean-Paul Sartre, Nobel Prizewinner”
– Jean-Paul Sartre, 1964
I remember reading that quote many years ago, and I have carried it with me uncomfortably ever since. However, after many years, and having experienced the ebb and flow of life those years have brought, I think I am finally at peace with what he meant. If I sign Craig Wright, it is not the same as if I sign Craig Wright, Satoshi.

I think this is true, but in my heart I wish it wasn’t."

He literally quoted a guy who turned down the nobel prize in literature and then says he never wants to sign himself as Craig Wright Satoshi Nakamoto. The part underneath showing how to verify keys was not a part of his original post. Holy fuck you are stupid. Craig's original post ends with "Satoshi is dead. But this only the beginning." My god you are hopeless, you can't even differentiate from Craig's post and the news outlets explanation of signing and verifying images. You are such a newfag its ridiculous.

>> No.7767845


It's going to get a lot bigger than 8tb if they actually plan to use block scaling to reach the TPS necessary to have the functionality of cash.

But besides that, BCH also preserves ASICboost, and the increased block size means more orphaned blocks, which means more mining centralization.

>> No.7767967

> Craig's original post ends with "Satoshi is dead. But this only the beginning." My god you are hopeless, you can't even differentiate from Craig's post and the news outlets explanation of signing and verifying images. You are such a newfag its ridiculous.

Why are you lying?:


>> No.7768013

It’s possible that I’m wrong [about Craig Wright], but I don’t think I am.


>> No.7768277

Even 150mb blocks would only take up one (1) of such harddisk a year. That's like 150$ right now and it's only getting cheaper with time.
Nobody is saying that on-chain should be the only way to scale but it should at least be A way to scale. If the common man doesn't have the ability to do low-cost on-chain tx's he does not have uncensensored money

>> No.7768359

>Craig privately proves to Gavin his is Sat
>Now Craig and Gavin work on BCH
>All the OGs work on BCH
>only weirdos and bank whores work on BTC
>only normies hold BTC
>only people above 6 foot hold BCH

>> No.7768482

It seems I was wrong about the rest of the post being by Craig, but its irrelevant. I would assume I'm wrong because its hard as shit to find the original post, so I thank you for providing me with that. What follows what Craig wrote is just how to sign and verify keys. The words he starts the post with still show that he was declaring he would not prove he was Satoshi, which was my point. You keep redirecting to what follows, which is irrelevant. The point that matters is Craig literally wrote "If I sign Craig Wright, its not the same as if I sign Craig Wright, Satoshi." which quotes Jean Paul Sartre who did the same when he turned down a nobel prize in literature. He wouldn't have done that if he was trying to prove he was Satoshi. Why he included the rest is beyond me and my only answer is that it was to get authorities of his back for all the shit he was getting which can be read here. http://archive.is/kjuLi

>> No.7768591

If he WAS Satoshi, he had two wallets that we know of that had a shit ton of Bitcoin, the one he tested the transactions with, which he gave to his family upon his passing, and the Satoshi wallet, which he probably destroyed the private keys for. As >>7765676 said, he wouldn't try to use the money for his health issues because there's no cure for ALS, waste of money.

>> No.7768690

So? Doesn't mean it wasn't him.

I definitely think it's either Finney or Szabo.

>> No.7768707
File: 95 KB, 1000x581, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you brainlets and stop asking this question. We know who Satoshi is and it's been PROVEN.

>pic related

>> No.7768726

> Even 150mb blocks would only take up one (1) of such harddisk a year.

And you're going to need blocks larger than 3GB to rival Visa. Nevermind serve as a global cash system- at that point you're looking at, what, 20GB per block? And thats not even accounting for increased demand for micro and nano transactions.

At that point, will consumer hardware even be able to verify blocks faster than they're published? Probably not.

Nevermind that increasing the block size increases mining centralization due to increased rates of orphaned blocks as a result of increased consensus lag.

Also consider that the more centralized mining is, the more incentivized miners become to bloat the network with dust trxs with high trx fees in order to drive up average trx fees, as they just peel off those fees once they mine the blocks.

> Nobody is saying that on-chain should be the only way to scale but it should at least be A way to scale. If the common man doesn't have the ability to do low-cost on-chain tx's he does not have uncensensored money

The common man wont have the ability to do low-cost on-chain trxs regardless of whether we opt for on-chain scaling, off-chain scaling, or a hybrid.

If we opt for off-chain scaling, though, perhaps the common man can make transactions on a different, more scalable chain or DAG, and then that chain can eventually settle those trxs on the bitcoin blockchain.

>> No.7768788


Ok, you clearly weren't around when he made that post, and that's fine. You're lacking the social context in which he posted that. Given the actual context, it reads very much like hes trying to prove his identity. I could see how that wouldn't come across to someone reading it today, though.

>> No.7768889

Think on this, it would take some one with deep pockets to pull off a 51% attack on the Segwit chain, a little ironic that satoshi funds could be used to put an end to the fake bitcoin once and for all.

>> No.7769228

>The common man wont have the ability to do low-cost on-chain trxs regardless of whether we opt for on-chain scaling, off-chain scaling, or a hybrid.
Get the fuck outa here. Of course it's possible to scale on-chain to an extend where low-cost on-chain tx's are one of more possibilities and if it weren't then the whole bitcoin project would be pointless. Settlement layer my ass.
IT infrastructure and hardware are constantly improving in quality and lowering in price. By the time the world is ready for mass adoptatation of a decentralised currency the technologies we are currently running on will be archeology like those boxy ass monitors we used to have

>> No.7769286

No, he faked the signature. There is an interesting article on how he did it. You can easily replicate the steps you """prove"" that you are also Satoshi.


>> No.7769309

>le 51% attack meme
How about we just control all the development that happens in the sphere then move it onto our banking level with NSA control?

>> No.7769338

No way. Satoshi is not a cashie.

>> No.7769348

> he would have sold them to pay for his hospital treatments, but he didn't.
There's no cure for ALS dude.

>> No.7769366

>A billionaire doesn't let himself die without paying money for hospital treatments
Steve Jobs you fucking idiot.

>> No.7769401


I was around at the time and he immediately deleted it. If you remember the founder of Liberty Reserve a pre-Bitcoin attempt at a form of e-currency, he states that this was planned and the only way to deal with the heat Craig was receiving at the time from hackers, extortionists, and the authorities. There is no context under which Craig would post he doesn't ever want to sign his name as Craig Wright, Satoshi, if he did want to sign his name as Craig Wright, Satoshi. That premise is explicitly contradictory. I'm not saying Craig is Satoshi, I'm just saying if you say you know its not him you're lying. Craig is the best current known fit. The only other possibility that would have gotten Craig in so much shit with so many people as explained in this book (http://archive.is/kjuLi)) is if he is a launderer or thief involved in the Mt. Gox theft and ransomware attacks but that wouldn't be hard to prove as he is a public figure and those coins are trackable back to the theft regardless of how many wallets they have passed through since he would have got them. So he's either the worlds greatest thief sitting on the largest pile of stolen BTC, or he is Satoshi. Its one or the other. I don't know which, but if he were a thief why would he still be putting himself in the public eye? It makes no sense.

>> No.7769410

He wrote the whitepaper for it.

>> No.7769444

How do you explain the fact that anyone can replicate his """signature"""? As detailed in >>7769286

>> No.7769474

>Satoshi is not a cashie.
The whitepaper defines Bitcoin Cash not Bitcoin Segwit and Satoshi wrote the whitepaper so it seems you are mistaken. All the original developers closest to Satoshi are Cashies.

>> No.7769524

So narrow minded and ignorant. Look up what he was suffering from m80. There is no cure, and money certainly doesn't help for shit you downer. Do people even use search engines to research anything before making absolutely shockingly spastic replies like this guy here? Muh money cures incurable diseases!!!

>> No.7769622

How many times do I have to say this. This is straight from Craig's post.

[“If I sign myself Jean-Paul Sartre it is not the same thing as if I sign myself Jean-Paul Sartre, Nobel Prizewinner”
– Jean-Paul Sartre, 1964
I remember reading that quote many years ago, and I have carried it with me uncomfortably ever since. However, after many years, and having experienced the ebb and flow of life those years have brought, I think I am finally at peace with what he meant. If I sign Craig Wright, it is not the same as if I sign Craig Wright, Satoshi.

I think this is true, but in my heart I wish it wasn’t.

dG9zaGkuCgo= ]
Why would he say he doesn't ever want to have to sign his name as Craig Wright, Satoshi if he wanted to sign his name as Craig Wright, Satoshi. That is explicitly contradictory. He wouldn't have said he doesn't want to be known as Craig Wright Satoshi if he wanted to be known as Satoshi. He purposefully put out a signature that meant nothing. He even talks about this in many interviews but you guys are too dense to even listen. Go to 1:40 for his explanation of the post. He even says the only part of the post that he wrote was the Sartre bit (the rest was copy paste) meaning I was wright when I posted this so I take back my apology for being wrong, I was right.>>7767812

>> No.7769673

>Muh money cures incurable diseases!!!
If he wasn't going to cash out to pay for his treatment then why did he cash out his known addresses to pay for his treatment? You're literally contradicting yourself. He did cash out, but not from Satoshi's wallets. This indicates he wasn't Satoshi.

>> No.7769688

>He purposefully put out a signature that meant nothing
If he didn't want to be identified as Satoshi, why go through all the effort to put out a fake signature? Why not just refuse to put out a signature at all? Seems like a lot of effort to go through just to later retract the statement.

The only reason he would go through that effort and also include the Sartre disclaimer is if he wanted to convince a subset of people that he is Satoshi while still having plausible deniability to claim that he never claimed to be Satoshi in case he was called out on his fraud.

>> No.7769747

>If he didn't want to be identified as Satoshi, why go through all the effort to put out a fake signature? Why not just refuse to put out a signature at all? Seems like a lot of effort to go through just to later retract the statement.
He didn't want to in the first place. He was forced out by extortionists and hackers who released the information to the press and tax authorities that he was Satoshi. There's an entire book on this (http://archive.is/kjuLi)) and while he was being hounded from country to country and under immense stress he said he would prove he was Satoshi but then retracted. He never chose to be made public, others did it for him. This is public information I don't know why you guys keep claiming he tried to prove he was Satoshi, he never did. Other people did and he got caught in the middle of it. You can make shit up all you want, the information is publicly available.

>> No.7769771

So his solution to extortionists who think he's satoshi is to encourage them by confirming he's satoshi? That doesn't make an ounce of sense.

I'm sorry, you can believe in this scam artist but I don't think I will.

>> No.7769778

tldr craig wright tried to say he was satoshi but alpha crypto experts beat him the fuck down and now you should margin buy bitcoin at 100x long and say fuck bcash

>> No.7769804
File: 24 KB, 543x443, 1517432005345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you're actually braindead

>> No.7769832

There is no hard cryptographic proof that he is Satoshi and he literally used reverse psychology on you.

>i-i'm not going to prove I'm actually satoshi because I d-don't want to!
and you fell for it

>> No.7769840

>So his solution to extortionists who think he's satoshi is to encourage them by confirming he's satoshi?
The extortionists and hackers demanded payment or they would release his information. Craig wouldn't pay so they released his information and the extortionists and hackers left. He was going to reveal he was Satoshi in order to get the tax authorities off his back and at this point the hackers and the extortionists had already lost their leverage and were no longer an issue. If you don't actually read what happened I'm sure it makes no sense and when you keep distorting the timeline it makes even less sense. But when you read what happened it all makes sense.

>> No.7769868

That doesn't answer the question of why he would use a fake signature instead of a real one.

>> No.7769880

>I don't want anyone to know i'm satoshi
>release obviously fake proof you're satoshi to make everyone think you aren't satoshi
It's like playing -1D checkers and retards actually bought it up.

>> No.7769881

>tldr craig wright tried to say he was satoshi
My entire post is six sentences and its too long for you to read, but as a Segwit soyboy that doesn't surprise me. Furthermore I said Craig never tried to say he was Satoshi yet you claim that I said the exact opposite. Here's a link that might help you out. https://www.readinga-z.com/phonics/

>> No.7769915

Buy my bags

>> No.7769928

>he faked being satoshi to get people to go away so therefore he's the real satoshi!
this is your logic

>> No.7769934

His post answers that you dumbass. Read the links I give you. He says in the post with the signature that he doesn't ever want to sign his name as Craig Wright, Satoshi. So he didn't prove he was Satoshi like he said he wouldn't. My god you are fucking hopeless.

>> No.7769935


Yeah, this is the long and short of it. CW says "I'm NOT going to say I'm SN even tho I AM SN teeheehee"


Not all of the money he cashed out went to his healthcare. He left money to his family.

He spent SOME money on healthcare, but with the kind of disease he had, theres an upper limit to the amount that money can help, and you hit it pretty quickly.

>> No.7769942

I wonder if half inney couldn't speak or write down the private key before he died because ALS

>> No.7769953

Man craig triggers core soyboys so badly, they only have ad hominems over him

Nobody ever listens to craig but what a brilliant and intelligent mind he has, seriously people should take his ideas into consideration instesd of disregarding him

>> No.7769967

Yeah 100%. Look craig we figured it out buddy it really wasn't elaborate whatsoever.

>> No.7769969

Yes buy my Bitcoin Segwit, of which I guarantee I own more than you so I can buy more BCH.

>> No.7770005

That's actually my plan delete this

>> No.7770027

>He says in the post with the signature that he doesn't ever want to sign his name as Craig Wright, Satoshi.
so your conclusion from this statement is that he must be Satoshi because only Satoshi wouldn't want to sign his name as Satoshi?

Hey look, i don't want to sign my name as Anonymous B. Anonymous, Satoshi, so according to your leap of logic I must be Satoshi.

>> No.7770066

How many BTC and BCH do you own brah?

>> No.7770100

> and if it weren't then the whole bitcoin project would be pointless

Or a decade old project may have some flaws that no one anticipated at the time?

>> No.7770120

>so your conclusion from this statement is that he must be Satoshi because only Satoshi wouldn't want to sign his name as Satoshi?
No, my conclusion is that all of you are retards for saying Craig tried to prove he was Satoshi when he never did. I never said Craig is Satoshi, I've only said nobody knows. It's just when brainlets like you say "Hurrrrr Creg not Satishi cuz his signeechure not reeel" you miss the point of his post. He literally made an entire post saying he would never reveal himself as Satoshi and you retards claim it is proof he was a fraud because the signature is meaningless when that was the point. I'm not arguing Craig is Satoshi, I'm arguing that you are retarded. There's a distinct difference to the two arguments but I'm sure you don't understand as you are retarded.

>> No.7770152

I said he frauded his Satoshi signature, which is 100% accurate and that he has offered 0 hard cryptographic proof that he is Satoshi, which is accurate.

There is no reason to believe he is Satoshi unless you are a wishful thinker.

>> No.7770170

I'm in the top .5% for Bitcoin Segwit according to https://bitinfocharts.com/top-100-richest-bitcoin-addresses.html, I'm actually a little lower in BCH because its got more oldfags and whales and I didn't understand it when it first came out so I bought less than I probably should have.

>> No.7770197


I REALLY don't want you to think that I'm Satoshi. Just putting that out there. I mean, I am Satoshi, just like Jean-Paul Sartre is Jean-Paul Sartre, but I don't want you to THINK I'm Satoshi.

Anyway, here's a context-free signature of a message from satoshi, and a step by step walkthrough on how to verify that it came from satoshi.

I'm not providing this, right after telling you that I dont want to be known as Satoshi even though I am Satoshi, for any particular reason. It's just a coincidence.


>> No.7770217

.5% of addresses I should add, if you look at that chart wrong and use % of coins you'll think I have thousands, which i don't.

>> No.7770257


>> No.7770593

Like 1/10 biztard has more than 10 btc. I'm mostly cashed out and I still have 15.

>> No.7770897

It's Nick Szabo, hint is in initials

Nick Szabo = N.S.

Satoshi Nakamoto = S.N.

N.S. <-> S.N.

Coincidence? I think not

Also, there is the Sergey Nazarov theory, with him registering SmartContract.com just a few days before Bitcoin whitepaper release, but I doubt it.

>> No.7771331

Hey I enjoyed reading your comments in this thread, thanks for explanations. Just wanted to say that.