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7758120 No.7758120 [Reply] [Original]

The one thing I am not doing is exercise. I just really don't like doing sports and I'm kind of too lazy for it.
I take care of my skin, read alot, have money, have friends, go to parties... I care about my health, I eat vegetarian and I'm slim.

Recommend me how to get fit in a fun way.

>> No.7758156

As for fun, idk go skiing maybe?
Apart from that, have you tried 5x5 squatting? You feel like a different man after going out of the gym. None of the "many reps, isolating exercises" bullshit.

>> No.7758163
File: 184 KB, 634x1027, 3747A57900000578-3743070-image-m-2_1471344177654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto profit
>plastic surgery
>bog life

>> No.7758191

You are a woman.

pls be in london

>> No.7758209

Quit being lazy and do some pushups and pullups

>> No.7758248

start going to climbing gym
you'll get fit / strong while having blast

>> No.7758280

and this advice is for anyone trying to loose weight, set some climbing goals in terms of climbing difficulty grades and you are on your way to slim.

>> No.7758341

Just start doing it regularly. Seriously.

In the beginning it will feel like a chore but you'll feel and sleep better and after some time you will look better. That's what drives the motivation to do it and it likely will start to be fun most of the time.

>> No.7758392

Martial arts are fun as fuck as long as you can spar every time you train. You train your muscles and cardio at the same time in martial arts. You won't get as big as guys who work out at the gym if you do martial arts exclusively but your endurance will be godlike. I boxed during my teenage years but now I'm doing BJJ. You feel like a fucking badass when you learn how to choke people out. If you survive the early white belt phase where you just get fucking destroyed all the time you will be addicted in no time.

>> No.7758445

>how can i get shredded without doing the only thing that makes me shredded

>> No.7758473

Pajeet I know this is you

>> No.7758938

Just calorie count. Seriously fuck exercising it's a giant waste of time and the only people I know who actually do it are usually poor/stupid so they have the time to do it. I calorie counted and lost 30lbs, it's definitely worth it and assuming you have basic self control it's piss easy

>> No.7758979

lmfao, you'll just be a skinny faggot if you only lose weight without putting on muscle

>> No.7758993

Just do a cycle of gear like everyone else. You can literally sit around and gain muscle mass without lifting a finger

>> No.7759111

Vegetarian. That's where your going wrong.
Try a high fat diet with more meat..
That will give you more energy for things like the gym.

>> No.7759165

skinny fats are fucking disgusting, just kys

>> No.7759715

>The one thing I am not doing is exercise. I just really don't like doing sports and I'm kind of too lazy for it.

Stop thinking this is like phys ed during high school you loon. It's completely different now.

>> No.7759789

I started riding a bike around 12 months ago, dropped a bunch of bodyfat (used clenbuterol also though) It doesn't feel like exercise at all because it's an enjoyable workout, having said that i live in a big city and there's always a lot to look at/explore. i fucking love it and my cardio is next level, all round i have so much energy. just don't wear fucking lycra /biz/bro

>> No.7760133
File: 241 KB, 1680x2240, U5dtcschNSJMxUBCRqMNf9DsS9q8i1Z_1680x8400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going to make it

>> No.7760159

enjoy dying at the age of 60

>> No.7760259

>reading books

>> No.7760350

yoga, specifically iyengar or vinyasa lineages, something geared more towards arm balances/handstands/inversions for upper body focus

and of course sloots but thats secondary

>> No.7760356

>Recommend me how to get fit in a fun way.
You pick weights up and put them down again

>> No.7760399


>> No.7760400

you wont ever make it because inside of every chad is a man who knows how pain, suffering, and sacrifice are part of getting what you truly want in life. You dont have that quality if you cant even pick up a barbell for 1.5 hours 3-4 times a week and maybe do some light running 2-3 times a week as well. What else are you doing with your time? Chads also are not vegetarian, your best option is to be the little hipster faggot you are and go fuck some traps.

>> No.7760436

>t. testiclet

>> No.7760709

Work out you fat fuck, you’ll be a chad and you’ll live longer

>> No.7761172

If you are lazy to do sport...
Walk around with a heavy bag . It burns as much as Chad running

>> No.7761194

Do yoga. I do yoga at least 5 times a week and it keeps in great shape.

>> No.7761219

I always find there's too much yoga shit out there, don't know when to start, advise?

>> No.7761232

Running is fun, pop some headphones in your ears, listen to your favorite tunes and feel the rush
Also dancing with weights

>> No.7761240

do yoga if you have a hole between your legs. boring and useless as fuck, that's why women love it

>> No.7761280

Yoga is nothing more than an addition to an already existing fitness program. Just yoga alone won't get you anywhere. If you're already lifting weights 3 times/week, then forget what I said. But if you don't start by doing that. Look into getting into yoga a few weeks/months after.

>> No.7761399
File: 601 KB, 724x948, 1506326662293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger you lazy fucking soyboy.

>> No.7761442

chadism is a state of mind
physical features have nothing to do with it

>> No.7761499

>not doing the single most important thing
Not gonna make it
I mean, you might "make it" but you'll never be chad

>> No.7761520

>dancing with weights
>being a total faggot

>> No.7761616

what is this faggot thread doing on /biz/
go play with /fit/faggots somewhere else