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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7757622 No.7757622 [Reply] [Original]

Any success stories where you went from the brink to moderate or great success with crypto?

Here's OP's specs
>28 years old
>0 savings, 0 investments, 25k in debt
>making 2.5k per month
>initiate onelasthurrah.exe
>take out all loans I can get (incredible I got any at all)
>buy 100k LINK, 10k ICX at ICO

Literally was ready to end it. Now living comfy with money from ICX. LINK sell-off points at $15, $50, $150 and never, 25% each, respectfully.

>> No.7757683

Fucking retarded piece of shit!

>> No.7757693


>> No.7757785

28 yet you are falling for shit tier biz meme coins. You are going to lose it all with link.

>> No.7757832

>get into crypto 2016
>have good job, fitness, happy
>put $10,000 of savings into crypto

>barely put any effort into job for past 6 months, manager has noticed and they've taken me off the fast track scheme
>eat like shit and live like shit
>zero motivation to go out of flat, lie in bed most the time
>head hurts everyday and struggle to think hard
>refresh blockfolio every few minutes and dream of life without work, even though I used to enjoy work
>isolated myself from everyone
>portfolio at $300k and everyday contemplate cashing out so I can be free

I don't think I could live with myself if it kept going up. At this point I think I'd be happier if it crashed to zero, so I could move on with my life

>> No.7757856

double up faggot you're almost there

eat better

>> No.7757873

I understand what you mean. go travel, then give it away to poor people, especially children en old people.

>> No.7757889

>LINK sell-off points at $15, $50, $150 and never, 25% each, respectfully.
never going to fucking make it

>> No.7757894
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I already cashed out 50k, so I'm in the green whatever happens from here. Also you're talking out of your ass saying LINK is a meme coin. I don't think you can hold that opinion if you have done _any_ amount of research into the most talked about project currently. Obviously you haven't, so I'd say the odds are stacked in my favor, and you are the one from us who is more likely to lose it all.

>> No.7757907
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>24 yrsold
>200€ in my bank account
>put it in lisk ico waves ico
>mfw 100k€ on my bank account now
>mfw still a student wearing new rolex

>> No.7757960
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neat! congrats bro!

>> No.7757987

>21 years old
>Having a lot of psycological issues
>0 savings, 0 investments, 5k debt
>making 1000$ per month
>Discover crypto
>Monthly average in
>Have 1k in
>Work day and night researching and doing bounties
>go x15 in a few months (including bounties)
>Pay off debt
>Feeling a lot better, health of my mind and psyche increases tenfold.

Now I'm contemplating on whether to go to college or go travelling, I don't really want to go in debt again so probably I just travel and take a chance that BTC and my altcoins will be atleast x5-x10 a year from now

>> No.7758026

You need to cash like 50-100k and do some fun things in your life or w/e you wanna do. Leave the rest in stuff you think will be around 5 years and likely with more value.

Anyways thats basically my goal. I don't really want to think about crypto anymore.

>> No.7758117

Nice! Debt kills, so I'm really happy for you that you got it paid off. For me it was the biggest thing about this whole ordeal. 25k in the bank is nice, but not being in debt anymore feels better than a million dollars.

>> No.7758166
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Thank you anon. Congrats to you too. Who would've thought that a few yrs ago

>> No.7758194


>> No.7758247
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Right? Crushed my initial goal of just paying everything off, so now it's sort of like I'm under zero pressure to sell and fud such as >>7757785 and >>7757889 have literally no effect on me. On top of it all I'm making more in my job now thanks to not having to stress about debt, so everything is just dandy.

>> No.7758336

I don't think that money would change my life that much... But if I hold it and it goes x3... I can take a year off to travel central Europe and look after my mind and body, and then come back and decide what I want to do with my life, instead of what will give me a solid income. The problem is I'm scared the x3 won't come fast enough.

>> No.7758803

I understand, why not cash like 10k and have a really nice holiday? Forget about crypto for a bit and your worries and fears? Its good to refresh.