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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7754485 No.7754485 [Reply] [Original]

Startup thread?

My team and I (basically just my brother and his friend), are getting ready to launch a site and I was hoping some of the denizens of /biz/ could give me some advice to make sure everything goes smoothly. Like are there any particular things I should keep in mind? I'm kind of doubtful this will take off, but who knows. In any event it would serve as a great learning experience.

I'd also like to know if shilling on sites like Facebook and Instagram will have any negative effects or is worth the effort?

>> No.7754500

go back

>> No.7754507

my best guess from reading your post is that you are fucked and its gonna crash and burn

hopefully your brother and his friend arent as cucked and retarded as you

>> No.7754540

To facebook? I don't really use the site, but the idea of shilling on there seems promising. Or?

Why do you say that?

Really just looking for any advice you guys can give me.

>> No.7754549

Do milk

>> No.7754557

>just my brother and his friend
Doing business with family as a general rule of thumb isn't a good idea.
Telling us that the business is a website doesn't really tell anyone anything, so you'd have to add more details. Also the Facebook/Instagram shilling depends on your method.

>> No.7754561

What kind of site?

>> No.7754571

Pic in OP is a fetish I didn't know I had.

>> No.7754583

to fucking reddit faggot, we can't help you with this here, literally get the fuck out of my office

>> No.7754585

Post more pics

>> No.7754591

I'd rather not disclose the exact nature of the site at this time because it's something that has not really been done before. The only thing I can say it's a social media site.

>> No.7754604

You have to go back

>> No.7754605
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>never been done before
>social media

>> No.7754629

Again, don't really want to say much more than it's a social media site. But specifically speaking it is unique, or at least I think.

>> No.7754809
File: 273 KB, 2000x1000, o-DRINKING-MILK-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk truck arrived

>> No.7754819

get a job, son.

>> No.7754898


>>hey guys i have like a totally cool idea like its super secret like but i just dont really know what im doing hahaha and you guys always buy 100k so i know you must be smart to have that much money and like, could you just help me out like idk haha

>> No.7754923


>> No.7754927

Milk truk just arive :)

>> No.7754948

Unless you deliver more pics of OP with dubs attached, it'll fail.
> Social media
It'll fail anyway.

>> No.7754987
File: 774 KB, 2007x3000, 1510900372857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have a job as a hotel bookkeeper right now, but it's obviously not something that I'm passionate about. I like to program.

You got me all wrong. I obviously have an idea of what to do (we're just about to launch the site), but I was asking for specific advise from people who may have had similar experiences. I'm sorry I didn't know /biz/ was made up of so many retards.

I actually agree. Everyone has ideas, hundreds of them in fact. I'm not saying my idea here is worth a damn, I really just came here to get advice. Not sure why this thread is gathering so much hate.

I'm afraid of that. But here you go anyway.

>> No.7755033

stop posting Hayley ffs, i'm 1 week in nofap ffs

>> No.7755058
File: 185 KB, 533x800, 1280431011691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm afraid of that. But here you go anyway.
Whats there to lose though? Even if it fails you'll still have done more with your life than 99% of the losers here.
Also, who is she?

>> No.7755073

give more info faggot. On one hand nobody will give a shit about your idea so they can "steal it" and on the other hand if you expect to get useful advice without context, you're dumb.

source: launched a failed startup, a semi-succesful one that is work in progress and another one that hopefully will be big if we play it right. I might have info that you could find useful, but sure as shit I won't waste my time writing a list of "10 generic advices that every entrepreneur should know"

>> No.7755096

you are getting so much hate because your shit and your idea is shit and your presentation was literally boobs plus any advice for starting a website?

sure ill bite you fucking retard

actually no I can give no good advice except not to waste any more money on this until you are less retarded

also dont shill facebook and instagram if you are this retarded about demographics

people here hate people that act like you

>> No.7755111

quit meme posting u dumbfuck

>if it fails youll have done more than most
>be all you can be
>reach for the stars


>> No.7755124

my points exactly this faggot is gonna fail hard

>> No.7755158
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>> No.7755179
File: 156 KB, 1066x1456, 1350285578487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Reddit spacing...
> Multiple posts for 1 reply...
Get fucked faggot.

>> No.7755200

Hayley Atwell.

I think I've given enough context for any advice to be useful. It's a site, it's social media related, we're small right now. I can't divulge the core idea without the risk of some sneaky fucker on here beating us at it.

Perhaps you cannot help me if you're startups don't revolve around websites.

The boobs were to get people's attention. Sorry about that.

You do make some good points though. However, the Facebook/Instagram crowd is exactly our demographic. But I'm sure if it is even worth doing.

Also, how do I act like a retard so that I can be liked by retards like you? Please give me tips.

>> No.7755213

Woops. That should be *your startups (just in case another retard attacks me, only this time for my grammar).

>> No.7755217

same, OP is a bully

>> No.7755234

ill shit down your mothers throat you dog fucking tree hugger

REDDITSPACING wasn't even a MEME until you faggots came to this place I LURKED FOR 8 yrs


>> No.7755251

Hi I'm Mark Cuban. I don't have time to read all the replies (rich lol) but I do have this to say: unity of command. Don't be a dictator but someone has to be in charge especially when dealing with friends. Group think can get toxic when pressure is applied.

>> No.7755253

you need to be less retarded you dog fucker

theres a tip

then when you are less retarded you need to learn bantz you POS, i can teach you after im done fucking your mom if you want

3rdly the fact that you think someone will steal your POS idea is proof that your a fucking retard

everyone i know that was afraid of people stealing their ideas either

1) never asked for advice or talked about shit ever

2) never did shit with their lives

which one are you?

>> No.7755358

You make a great point. Before making this thread I honestly believed that there were people, just regular joes like me, on /biz/ that had experience with startups. I guess I was wrong.

I'm afraid of people "stealing" the idea not because I think it's any good, but because we've worked hard on it as of now, and it'd be a complete fucking buzzkill IF some faggot just came in and ripped us off and launched the same shit only "better". I'm just trying to protect myself.

But tell me this, why are you so fucking interested in knowing exactly what this idea is?

>> No.7755477

so it's one of those "the next facebook" but it has an USP so mind blowing that will disrupt Facebook's monopoly on social media and the hordes of normies will jump at the chance to sign up?

I think that other anon's intuition is much better than mine cause he called you out on being retarded after just 1 post. It took me a while longer to reach the same conclusion.

>I can't divulge the core idea without the risk of some sneaky fucker on here beating us at it.
As opposed to the real companies like Facebook and Google who will totally not copy your shit in less than 1 month after launch if they even get a hint that it would profit them to do so.

Here's a tip: startups that revolve around social media for the sake of social media are dead. The only way this project isn't DOA would be if the social media component was something that is complementary to the main feature. In the same way that Youtube might be considered social media but in fact it's a site with videos.

>Perhaps you cannot help me if you're startups don't revolve around websites.
but it does, yet you might also be retarded so any exchange of information might not work out for you

>> No.7756121

no fap

choose one.

>> No.7756702
File: 29 KB, 621x480, Pedobear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't use google reverse image search. otherwise, you will feel ashamed by the search result.

>> No.7756859

It's pretty clear that you dont really know much about startups. You should go to ycombinator and read their essays. But you won't. Instead you'll spend the next 2-3 months making mistakes that could have been avoided with 3 hours of research. Enjoy being a noob