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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7753874 No.7753874 [Reply] [Original]

Then here is the solution: Start scamming people.

Fuck being poor and helpless. Start taking from people like they take from your soul everyday. As you know, being a wage slave will never allow you to be free. You could work for your whole life and have nothing to show for it.

The only people who are usually all, "be a good person! karma bro! Scammers are bad!" are faggots who are already comfortable, and never felt the pangs of hunger in the first place, or had to wageslave, and whatever else. They can't understand your predicament and you shouldn't expect them to ever understand it.

When I see people within crypto talking about how scammers are le evil and all of that (its usually people who are already wealthy who do it the most), I just sit back and grin.
They can chew a fat old dick for all I care. Hypocrites, all of them.

There is nothing wrong with stealing to survive and you can extrapolate that as far as it goes.
Don't let some fucking multi-millionaire faggot who spends his money on pointless trinkets persuade you out of escaping poverty by any means necessary.

>> No.7753896

detail your scam and how much you make daily

>> No.7753903

T. Ranjeet Suramanila

>> No.7753905

And another thing, if you're good enough at what you do, people will side with you regardless.

See: countless billionaires who have had people murdered.
Trump, Putin, Soros, Gates, Bezos, and whoever else you can think of... do you think they played nicely all the time? They certainly didn't. But you still see people like Vitalik shaking hands and engaging with Putin don't you? Despite how much he postulates on social media about scammers and the like being bad?! But he breaks bread with murderers?!? You still see people posing for photographs with Bezos and naming schools/universities after him and others.

This is how it is. The end result is all that matters. If you win, people want to win with you. If you get caught and lose? Well then, it's like you're back in your wage slave job.

Protip: Don't get caught and make sure you win

>> No.7753919


You have a discord?

>> No.7753920

No my friend, just someone born poor who escaped that after realising that hypocrites don't want the best for you. See>>7753905

Multi million

>> No.7753935

>Yeah! Cuff me officer. Ooo, that's it! I thought you were my friend when I added you on Discord!?!
Am I a dribbling retard?

>> No.7753969

So teach us some workable ways of scamming people. If you don't mind

>> No.7753997

100% true. Even better, focus your scam on known rich people.

>> No.7753998


whatever Raj. you gonna teach me shit or what?

>> No.7754007

jew detected.

>> No.7754009

>But you still see people like Vitalik shaking hands and engaging with Putin don't you? Despite how much he postulates on social media about scammers and the like being bad?! But he breaks bread with murderers?!?
You nailed it there. Moralfags are just moralfags. It is pretty muchthe entire doctrine of any SJW leader. Be a moralfag as far as it benefits you.

>> No.7754032

>Be a moralfag as far as it benefits you.
That should be in parenthesis. I wasn't suggesting you become such a despicable person.

>> No.7754050

Fuck you scum bag, you cunts have no soul, you would take the last cent off hard working folk, fuck you to hell cunt for real. People kill themselves when they lose their life savings to scammers you know right? Fuck I hope you get hit by a bus or raped by Tyrone

>> No.7754052

>>Be a moralfag as far as it benefits you
I changed my mind. It should be in quotes. OP is a Jew.

>> No.7754060

outline the scam or shut the fuck up you spineless little worm

>> No.7754068

No no, I don't think I am.

>> No.7754080

tell us what you do or fuck off

>> No.7754089
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You don't really know who you're scamming though, do you? You can't prove that the person you're stealing from always has it better than you. Stop trying to justify the morals of your actions.

>> No.7754092

The point of the thread isn't to discuss a particular scam. It's to make the point that doing whatever it takes to escape poverty isn't bad, and it isn't.
Don't like? Don't reply.

Wrong. A "Jew" wants you to be a good little slave all of your life.

>> No.7754111

Doesn't matter. No one is innocent.

>> No.7754119

Well then we just have to assume you are a fag who doesn't know what hes talking about

>> No.7754128

I don't have morals and would to it but the effort required to successfully scam and get away with it is big

>> No.7754132
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>> No.7754172

if something like hell exists ur fucked tho lol

>> No.7754188

Also you stupid faggots, I hope you realise unless you become so hot shot hacker, scammers have to put in fucking plenty of hours to scam people, you fucking think people are just willing to hand thousands of dollars over after a couple of emails you stupid cunts. First you have to send tens of thousands of emails before you even get one reply, then once getting that reply you have to work your scam for weeks if not months before you get your few hundred dollars. Unless you are from some street shitting country, this is probably not worth your fucking time, oh and if you live in a better country, you are way more likely to be caught and do jail time. Those third world countries could care half the time people run scams, it brings money into the country and jobs for people. So no fuck tards this is not a good idea

>> No.7754209


>hurr dure its so hard to scam people its work work hurr durr

Lmao kill yourself

>> No.7754223

while i have little against pajeet tier scamming, some level of morality is required. for civilization to even function you have to be comfortable going to work in the morning without worrying about your neighbour breaking into your house to eat your baby. so i wouldn't throw morals totally out the window. but scamming morons for internet coins? thats not really a big deal

>> No.7754228

wtf is this lol

>> No.7754246

Stealing to survive is in the bible moron

>> No.7754248

>People kill themselves when they lose their life savings to scammers you know right?
literally everyone, fucking everyone in their life, every bit of advice from anyone online. the first thing they were told about crypto. rule fucking one: do not invest more then you can afford to lose.

they weren't scammed by pajeet. they were scammed by their own greed.

>> No.7754257
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So what's the point of this post exactly? No one can stop people from scamming each other, but trying to morally justify it is retarded.

>> No.7754264

>you fucking think people are just willing to hand thousands of dollars over after a couple of emails
Yes. Yes, they do.

>So no fuck tards this is not a good idea
Lol, okay. Enjoy serving me McDonalds at 50

>> No.7754269

I went down that road and its never profitable in the long run.

>> No.7754276

everyone has sinned, but there are degrees of guilt. if you're putting eating babies and pajeet-tier scamming on the same level of sin you've lost the plot. the former is an unacceptable level of evil. the later is just exploiting other peoples greed and stupidity and not so bad really

>> No.7754283

It's morally justifiable already. I'm just pointing that out to you.

>> No.7754297

Lol ok

>> No.7754336

being a moralfag is generally benefactory for the individual, yes. scammers are generally screwing themselves over in the long term.

and why on earth would a moral person not sit down and talk with a less moral person? how the hell does that make them any less moral?
not willing to talk with someone for a reason like that is just ignorance.

>> No.7754358

if someone leave their bicycle unlocked in front of their house in the middle of the night. should you steal it? someone is going to steak it, 100% certainty someone is going to steal it. it might as well be you?

if someone is going to be stupid enough to get scammed by pajeet, if the scam is stupid and obvious as the best scams usually are. then it's just a plate of money sitting openly in someones driveway, grab it before someone else does. because if you don't, someone else will.

if i was a biblefag i'd say "trust in god but tie up your camel" people getting scammed by pajeet did not tie up their camel, they left the camel roaming around on its own in the front lawn in a bad neighborhood and someone took it before someone else took it

>> No.7754441

i mean i guess you could ring the doorbell and inform them that their bicycle is about to get stolen. but more then likely someone that stupid is only going to tell you to fuck off or worse. if a grown ass man hasn't learned to lock up his bike yet he's not going to learn the easy way.

>> No.7754469

Here is a comment off etherscan for some of you to read, this is the wallet address the comment was left on

Have mercy, Please, I am 48 years old that money is my work settlement, I am unemployed and I got into this cryptocurrency world to pay for school and medical treatment of my son, I am very desperate do not do this damage too big for me and my family I beg you have mercy return my funds to continue producing I have to pay for medicines ,the rent, food, school, keep with something but do not leave me without anything please help me, yesterday was thanksgiving I did not know how to hide my face of despair at dinner, we are on the verge of Christmas have mercy of my son and my family. Put yourself in my shoes I'm begging you Please

Por favor tengo 48 años ese dinero es el de mi liquidacion del trabajo, me quede sin trabajo y me meti en esto de las criptomonedas para poder pagar la escuela y el tratamiento medico de mi hijo, estoy muy desesperado no me hagas este daño tan grande a mi y a mi familia te lo ruego ten piedad devuelveme mis fondos para poder seguir produciendo tengo que pagar la medicina, la renta, comida, escuela, quedate con algo pero no me dejes sin nada porfavor ayudame , ayer fue el dia de acción de gracias no sabia como esconder mi rostro de desesperacion en la cena, estamos en visperas de navidad ten piedad de mi hijo y mi familia. Ponte en mis zapatos te lo estoy rogando porfavor.

>> No.7754497

Also the guy lost 97eth to this hacker

>> No.7754526


>> No.7754569

>Kill one, you're a murderer. Kill a million and you're Emperor - Chink proverb.

Keep hustling anon. Take everything, give nothing back. People only remember success.

>> No.7754578

It makes them a hypocrite.
>Scammers are bad! Please stop scamming people
>Breaks bread and does deals with billionaire corrupt dictators who routinely have people assassinated

>> No.7754581

do not put more money into crypto then you can afford to lose

in this case he wasn't being greedy, he was being desperate. so i'm inclined to feel some pity provided his story is legit (which is impossible to verify)

perhaps i'll be a moralfag scammer, never taking too much from any one person. and issuing warnings and refunds to people who threw too much money at me. i would enjoy that. i'd be pretty cruel about it though, about telling him how fucking stupid he is. i'd sent reminder emails every day to the people i scammed about how fucking retarded they are and to never forget. and then i would bask in the hate mail and let it fuel my wii to live and scam again.

>> No.7754607

There is nothing wrong with stealing to survive. In fact, if you needed to steal to survive and didn't that is worse.

>> No.7754620

but then cognitive dissonence is a problem. they will refuse to believe it was a scam even when i tell them its a scam. if they keep begging me to take their money i will. and they probably will. but i'd like to leave them the option to learn from their mistakes, some can learn.

>> No.7754638

And? All of that could be falsehood for all any of us know for a start and even if it isn't, so what?
Cruel world. If I was that scammer, I wouldn't have read past the first sentence.

What you didn't include in your post also, is that he likely was baited into some scam because of his own greed and ignorance. He's sad? Too bad.

>> No.7754641

sure, but i'm in the top 15% of wealthiest people in the world. i can afford rice and rent, i would not be scamming the survive. i would be scamming to thrive a little more thats all. bit of a different story.

>> No.7754651


>> No.7754655

I think everyone here would like to know what exactly you do to scam people

>> No.7754672

There's a difference between stealing to survive and stealing because you want a nice house and a waifu to brap on you and like a wristwatch? And whatever the new Chad car is

>> No.7754685

Just encouraging general scammyness so you can snitch farm it out to the SEC? I'm on to you.

>> No.7754718

OR he's full of shit. I once told ticket master my wife had a miscarriage so they would refund my money when really something else just came up. I don't even have a wife.

>> No.7754740
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By the way, hopefully you will come across me one day when running your scams. Good luck when you do......

>> No.7754744

You can extrapolate it as far as you can. What do YOU need to survive. Someone will always be in a worse situation than you. That isn't what matters here.


If you're stealing so you can buy consumer garbage then of course you are stupid. If you are stealing to guarantee sustenance (however much you desire) then so be it.
Steal, but don't steal to spend on junk.

>> No.7754772

Why good luck? Do you think you're impossible to scam? Because you're not. All kinds of people fall victim to scams. Smart, stupid, fat, old, poor, rich... doesn't matter. If it 'gets' them, it gets them.

>> No.7754784

No this was just hacked from what I have read, after using Ed. not a scam so sadly couldn't help him when i came across reading it but saved it for later

>> No.7754795

there's a difference between surviving and thriving. thats what you're talking about. i already have what i need to survive, but to thrive by my standards i need enough money to accomplish my life goals sure. stealing to survive is more justifiable then stealing to thrive. not that stealing to thrive is entirely wrong, depends on context. in terms of pajeet scams i'm generally fine with it, exploiting stupidity and greed for profit isn't that big a deal morally, unless you take it too far.

>> No.7754800

>Giving a third party your private keys
Too bad

>> No.7754822

the most susccesful scams are the most retarded. you want a stupid scam so smart people dont waste your time with questions and uncertainty. if your scam is stupid then the people dumb enough to contact you will be easy to trick.

>> No.7754840

Dont worry anon, you don't need to know. The less you know the better

>> No.7754857

There is no difference between surviving and thriving. You are either thriving or you are dying. We are all dying of course, no doubt about that, but if you are "surviving" in the sense that you are living day to day, scared of spending, scared of living, scared of experiencing, depressed, suicidal, angry, bitter, trapped, and so on... then when you steal, you are stealing to survive.

>> No.7754871

i'd like a scam where i never take too much money from any one person. then i'm not taking some poor innocent kids medicine money off his dumb father. and also there'd be lower risk, nobodies going out of their way to stop the low level scammer that only shaves a couple hundred at most from each moron. taking too many peoples life savings may attract attention, but i dunno

>> No.7754883

Nice larp, kid, you are obviously not a successful scammer and you have no idea what you're talking about. Come back after you make at least 100k

>> No.7754897

>the most successful scams are the most retarded
The most successful scams are scams that work, and they can work on anyone. Go even further, what does a "scam" mean to you? Not all scams are confidence tricks and hacks.

>> No.7754910

survival = what you need to live
thriving = what you need to live a GOOD life

when you're fighting to survive the rules change. i'm even telling you scamming to thrive is morally no big deal. but scamming to survive is just necessary and even more permissable then scaming to thrive, thats all i'm saying.

if you were starvibng to death and eating mud cookies with starving children to feed, then scamming would be more justifiable then if you're well fed like myself and just want money to buy a motorcycle

>> No.7754951

and the scams that work are usually retarded is what i'm saying. sure there are smart scams to scam smarties but why waste your time trying to scam people as smart or smarter then you when theres so much low hanging fruit in the morons department.

one of the most successful scams of all time was the nigerian prince emails. i mean come on.

and this is just general conversation, there's no need to get specific. some scams i would find disgusting, most scams however not so bad.

>> No.7754978

so how many millions have you made so far then op?

or are you just some small time bitch like everyone else.

>> No.7754988

for exmaple, if your entire scam was targetting people with dementia to steal their homes and send them out to live in the streets. then that would be a disgusting scam. if your scam is to rob a couple hundred off whatever moron is stupid enough to buy your "quantum financing algorithm" like a fellow on /biz/ tried to get me with once, then it's not really a big deal, scam away.

>> No.7755174



>> No.7755211


He's had a sit down mean with Putin?

>> No.7755230

Making profit on pain and misery of other people is the lowest of the low.

Get sick of cancer, corporate tool.

>> No.7755235

>Thread about scamming
>million moral issues post
>not a single scam plan post

Cmon retards, give some good how to scam with crypto

>> No.7755354

Try the twitter "send this amount to get more back" scam and report back

>> No.7755431

Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry;

>> No.7755452

>Corporate tool
Say what?

You typed this from a computer that was likely manufactured by a 12 year old with burned hands from soldering the components. Yet... here you are!

>> No.7755467

And about that last bit...
>If he steal to satisfy his SOUL when hungry.

>> No.7755510

i bought my computer used
check mate

>> No.7755653

This board is fucking disgusting.

>> No.7755784

Doesn't matter

Not an argument, silly.

>> No.7755871

it's harm reduction anyways
the guy i bought my computer from was going to upgrade anyways whether he could sell his old computer or not. i just bought it before someone else, and if nobody bought it then into the trash it goes. buying my computer used was a good move. now my tv i bought new, possibly child labour who knows, it was a cheap tv so thats plausible. yeah its something to consider. would be nice if i could know who i'm buying from, do my research, to check for immorality in the product before buying. i'd pay a little extra, especially if i could afford it, for a more ethical product. i do it when food shopping all the time (no factory farmed meats for me). harm reduction, voting with your dollar.

>> No.7755894 [DELETED] 

I scam whales on such games as http://world.youcollect.co

>> No.7755940

>Slave Coin
"We're putting a decentralised star rating system on the blockchain which tracks the number of people who died making your favorite product -- Did someone die making your laptop just for you? Let's find out!"

>> No.7755959

it's a great idea that will never happen

>> No.7755966

It will never happen because almost all products would be top rating

>> No.7755986
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Steal from the rich, robinhood.io my boy

>> No.7755990

I can't willingly scam people out of their money, I'll never live it down. Think about what repercussions this will have on the Day of Judgement.

>> No.7756011

so what you're saying is that people naturally prefer products that are low harm and if they knew their products were killing people at such scale, they would buy less. almost like the default setting for humanity is basic decency. and that to doe vil you have to hide in the darkness and give humanity the option to pretend you don't exist. which they do readily out of willfull ignorance which i'm not going to defend.

but its a good thing people basically want to be decent, or civilization would not even be possible with so much backstabbing

>> No.7756013
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Depends on two things, first if I need/want a fucking bicycle, second if they are clearly in more need of that bike than me (live in shit area/house).

If someone in a rich area, living in a mansion, leaves a stack of 100,000 dollars USD on their porch, I'm fucking taking it.

>> No.7756019


>> No.7756021

lol, the rich are smarter then me. i'm just whale food. meanwhile the stock market offer low roi for my lunch money, it's just not practical. maybe one day

>> No.7756033

>if they knew their products were killing people at such scale, they would buy less.
They wouldn't change at all. You think people don't know? Lol

> the default setting for humanity is basic decency.

>> No.7756041

if a poor family leaves 100,000 on their porch i'm taking half and putting the other half in their mailbox in a sealed envelope with a letter explaining how lucky they are someone else didn't steal it first because if someone else stole it they would have likely stolen it all.

>> No.7756063

people pretend not to know, like i said, willfull ignorance. if you rubbed it in their face that a dozen kids died building this laptop it would result in fewer sales i assure you. and yes, people are basically decent. plenty of exceptions but most people are not the exceptions. bad apples spoling the bunch and such. willfull ignorance is the greatest sin of the masses. but generally speaking people just want to thrive and dont go out of their way to fuck each other without good reason. while evil people go out of their way to fuck others, but most people aren't evil, just stupid and greedy and ignorant.

>> No.7756099

Scamming people will not benefit you in the long run. You will always have a degenerate mindset and never develop any useful habits where you will really be successful. It will generate massive amounts of bad karma and it will backfire onto you. Just try to do the things in the most honest way possible so you can view yourself in the mirror after getting up.

>> No.7756165

You are daydreaming, if you are able to feel thins kind of empathy you will not scam people, it doesn't matter that your rationnalization says that they deserve it.

>> No.7756194

if i was less lazy i might

>> No.7756232

You obviously didn't read the thread. I do a lot for my community. I'd be willing to bet my life and footprint is much less "degenerate" than yours.

>> No.7756242

>Implying I lack empathy
>Implying scammers lack empathy
>Implying people who steal lack empathy
No, my friend. That just isn't true

>> No.7756248


>> No.7756317
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Yes, exactly, I like that, That is my line of thinking. I even have a great fucking crypto scam set up, working on some code that essentially returns a scaled proportion of whatever is sent to the wallet. So lets say some rich fucking sucker send 40 eth, yeah fuck him, he gets 10 eth back, I keep 30. Some poor fuck sends .5 eth? Alright bud heres .4 eth back, etc

I know its not fool proof, but following the law of "don't invest more than you can lose", if I take some poor fucks 30 eth life savings, at that point I have no sympathy.


>> No.7756372
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But they aren't, socioeconomics has you where you complacent, the fact is that in this day of age, someone can spend a minimal amount of time and effort with a crypto scam and run off do the race with 10 million+ All it takes is a fake "ICO" with fucking "good" marketing, fake team names, fake pictures, a good essay aka "whitepaper" and a cool logo.

>> No.7756419

finally, an actual scam idea in this thread.

i like it. bit for extra points maybe put a cap on how much you can make in one deal. like you'll only take up to 30 ethers sort of thing. but even if you don't do that it's fine.

honestly, what kind of moron wouldn't at least test you out with a smaller investment first. the kind of moron who is going to get scammed by someone eventually anyways, at least this way he learns a lesson and doesn't lose everything

>> No.7756464

What an interesting thread.
While I do agree that you shouldn't let people who have known no difficulty in their lives dictate your morals, I think you're going to far in trying to justify your actions.
What you're doing is considered despicable across pretty much all ethical standards, there's no changing that. Trying to get the money AND the absolution at the same time seems a bit too greedy for me. Just accept you're the "bad guy".
Still, congrats on getting out of poverty on your own, I guess.

>> No.7756544

They do retard.

You hope bill gates, jeff bezos, played dirty, because you're a weak cuck that can't imagine achieving something without cheating. You're literally the lowest level of being you can be. Doesn't matter how rich you get, you'll always be poor.

>> No.7756642

of course they played dirty. i'm not saying you can't be a multi-millionaie without playing dirty. but if you're going to be one of the richest hundred people on planet earth at some point you fucked someone to get there.

>> No.7756643

Third world mentality

>> No.7756663

just totally naive, you have no idea how much blood is on that money do you. you can't even imagine.

>> No.7756692
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Sorry, but my religion prohibits scamming.

>> No.7756711


Look at pajeets spreading their fucking scam culture here. Didnt know /biz/ is full of third worlders.

>> No.7756729

Like scamming people and trying to rationalize it to anonymous criticizers on 4chan. Well played.

>> No.7756743


I have a tough time grasping bad and good, it makes sense applied in a vacuum, but you think every single person who has wealth and financial success has walked the straight and narrow "good" guy line? 99% if not them, the closest generation above them committed a very dirty deed to obtain the wealth. Dress it up however you want, but we know the truth. And I know that sounds like me justifying it, but seriously consider the number of honest business men who are filthy rich. If anything it justifies me not scamming, I am far too worried about taking from the wrong person in need, which is a fault in my own.

>> No.7756751

Pretty much every religion forbids or at least advises against it because you alone are facing the consequences. Maybe except in Islam it is allowed to scam unbelievers.

>> No.7756782
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Bill gates, literally fucking robbed xerox ceo at gunpoint in a skimask. Jeff Bezos funded amazon by trafficking children sex slaves out of congo into belize and thailand...

Why do you think they both repent so much?

>> No.7756786

I don't need to try so hard, its justifiable.

What religion? See>>7755431
Not Christianity

>> No.7756822


>> No.7756826

Supposing that you wanted to, how would you guys do things that are properly anonymous? or are you just pajeets who dont care

>> No.7756843

You don't even know who you are stealing from, could be lots of people who have much less. And as a random idiot who has resources and time to post here you certainly don't do it for any other reason than your personal gain and greed. Don't try to justify your miserable actions you are if you scam other people in any other way than being a degenerate thief. You are just the bottom of human existence.

>> No.7756882









ITT: How to live like a pajeet

>> No.7756892

how to rip off niggers with donate tron get tron scams?

maybe even post cards with the ad and leave it at corner stores etc with fiverrr bros

>> No.7756904


>turns around and loses 10k life savings on shit ICO
>"oh well maybe next time"

>> No.7756945

True story: A gypsy got arrested last week in my country for begging aggressively and being threatening because he wanted money for a bus ticket. When police arrived they searched him and nearly one milion dollars U.S. fell out of his jacket. But I guess he should be allowed to continue scamming because he's so fucking good at it, right?

>> No.7756992

All conjecture
Try once more

>> No.7757002


>> No.7757003

How would I go around creating an ICO scam?

>> No.7757008

Stop thinking in terms of good and evil.

Start thinking in terms of people having wants vs. needs.

You faggots will never be Rich, because you believe in the "good of humanity."

>> No.7757041

I don't. I believe we should strive towards it though.

>> No.7757044

>posts 33 times in his thread in a desperate and pathetic attempt to get some grain of absolution from on an anonoymous board filled with hordes of degenerate pajeets and other lowlife bottom dwellers
>doesn't even get it in this heap of shit and feces


>> No.7757055

That wasn't why I posted. More conjecture it is!
Try reading the thread next time.

>> No.7757091

>instantly feels the urge to deflect anything anybody says

just kys please before you can do more harm to others

>> No.7757095

Thats because it is

>> No.7757103

You live in a world of scarcity, a hell, when in reality the world is full of ideas and abundance. Technology is living proof of this. I pity you.

Your victims will recover, at least most of them, but you will never have enough and you will end killing yourself, or end in addiction... if you are not found out before that.

You believe you are smarter than your victims, and maybe you are, but you are not wise. You are myopic about the consequences of your decisions in your lifetime.

>> No.7757130

he doesn't even get that others advise him against harming and scamming others out of compassion and not for lecturing him. he should be thankful, but isn't due to being in a state of complete delusion and confusion.

>> No.7757133


Butifhe be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.

>> No.7757140


>> No.7757196

>when in reality the world is full of ideas and abundance. Technology is living proof of this. I pity you
No, maybe fore you, right now. Not for everyone. Please refer to OP and read again, this time slowly. You cannot understand because I would be willing to put money on the fact that you are considerably wealthy, or at least somewhat. Ya just don't fool me, I'm afraid!

>You believe you are smarter than your victims
>but you will never have enough
>You live in a world of scarcity, a hell

I don't do drugs, I'm not suicidal, never have been. I love every moment of life good and bad.

Rest of your post was likely projection If I've ever read it. And I hate to use "projecting", but...

>> No.7757202


Citations needed

>> No.7757209

Not an argument

>> No.7757218

still listening to this small time bitch? y'all never gonna make it.

>> No.7757225

>Butifhe be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.
That's correct. Didn't I say not to get found already...

>> No.7757239


>> No.7757299

i'm glad people like you are the exception not the norm or we'd still be living in caves. cooperation to mutual benefit and safe neighborhoods aren't possible if everyone throwing good and evil out the window to grab at every possible advantage to fuck each other to personal benefit.

>> No.7757328

If not larping, you are probably the most delusional retard on 4chan I've seen in years, and I lurked here a lot. For what it is worth, congratulation on being one of the lowest, most miserable degenerate lifeforms in human existence.

>> No.7757342

Not an argument
Without murderers and cannibals you wouldn't be alive. You have no point

>> No.7757366

>makes literally hundreds of dollars scamming
>eats mcdonalds

>> No.7757373


>> No.7757422

it's just basic common sense. if you want to live in a world where nobody believes in good and evil you're delusional, that would be a terrible world. understanding good and evil are critical to a thriving peoples if they want to live happily alongside each other without constant fear and paranoia. only 8 homicides a year in my city of half a million and basically all gang related deaths. good people not killing each other and its not just fear of police, it's because they know right and wrong at least vaguely by instinct and prefer to be good people. without the instinct to do good over evil we'd be fucked.

we're alive despite murderers and cannibals not because of them. you're the one with no point. unless you're talking about war, war is complicated, good people doing evil things for many reasons while still believing themselves good. with evil leaders usually.

>> No.7757457

I have lied, cheated, and stolen time get ahead in life. Not that I necessarily wanted to but I was rational enough like OP to realize sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to get in a better position.

>> No.7757465

No, your ancestors were quite literally murderers and cannibals. Again, you don't have a point.

>> No.7757477

some of them were, most weren't

>> No.7757511

Honour and morality are more valuable than currency.

Scamming people for their money is Jew-tier tactics and the exact behavior as to why Hitler was completely right in what he did.

>> No.7757524

>the whole basis of his argument is that specifically the rich/comfortable don't understand poverty and are hypocrites
>no one is innocent

lapses in logic like this are the reason you're poor

>> No.7757588

That isn't the whole basis of it, you must be having difficulty reading. Also, I'm not poor.
Why don't you shoot again?

>> No.7757592

i dunno, from what i can tell the low level elites often try to justify to themselves their actions with the "everyone is guilty of something, punish them all" line of reasoning. they seem quite fond of ignoring degrees of crime to treat all sin as equal so they don't need to feel so bad. it's kind of sad

>> No.7757605

fuck you op...this type of justification for scamming is everything wrong with society. plenty of people who made it without resorting to scamming.

>> No.7757639

>Honour and morality
>Jewtier tactics
>Hitler was right

>> No.7757648

>Jew telling people to scam their own people

>> No.7757682

As I said earlier, the big bad boogeyman that is the "Jew" wants you to do nothing and remain complacent forever. That's why they give you porn, video games, anime cartoons, junk food, anime forums, etc, in abundance, isn't it? But you still do all of that I bet, don't you?

Am I doing this right?

>> No.7757686

jews jews jews jews hitler hitler jews hitler jews jews hitler jews

>> No.7757734
File: 18 KB, 650x650, 1517388602428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking up your afterlife gains

>> No.7757813

>If you get caught and lose? Well then, it's like you're back in your wage slave.
I wish you stayee truthful at this corner.

>> No.7757912

>The only people who are usually all, "be a good person! karma bro! Scammers are bad!" are faggots who are already comfortable, and never felt the pangs of hunger in the first place, or had to wageslave, and whatever else. They can't understand your predicament and you shouldn't expect them to ever understand it.

seems like this is pretty much the basis of it. I mean I guess the other part is that normies won't reprimand you if you succeed in immorality - but that doesn't make it morally justifiable? It just means you tricked normies, which isn't exactly much of a feat.

they do this all the time with any morally questionable action. it's such a rudimentary childish line of thinking.

>> No.7757978

You scam so you can have a few more shekels, if you're happy with such a life thats fine...
I may not have as much money as you but i try to make the world a better place through medical research. So that each day I feel like I have a purpose, I am doing something good. At the end of the day I think that's more valuable.

Is there something you can think of you can do to make the world a better place today or tomorrow? Or do you think just scamming people to hoard more shekels is your purpose in life? If so that's a pretty sad existence.
IF you scam so you can escape absolute poverty that's a whole different case of course.

>> No.7758061
File: 174 KB, 960x720, 38227886526_58dc6249e0_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im so sick of you scammers without friends who need to coinfess this is now a brapper thread

>> No.7758082

>Without murderers and cannibals you wouldn't be alive.

Eventually humanity grew out of that and created civilization, in civilization there exists a basis of trust and cooperation. You propose we go back to the caveman times.

>> No.7758207

>you fucking think people are just willing to hand thousands of dollars


Just look how fucking easy it is. 40 ETH in 1 day. It's so fucking easy it should be criminal to scam that easily. Kek.

>> No.7758447


OP you’re doing God’s work

>> No.7758632

Fuck that shit. I'm not supposed to care. I am taking it all. Poor people are going to end up poor in any case, there's no point in showing mercy.

>> No.7758682

>Rape victims are gonna get raped anyways, it might as well be me raping them
OPs "logic"

>> No.7758719

Yup. It's alreafy difficult, why give your opponents the edge by being a moralfag?>>7757299
It's called competition, you fucking commie. This is how science and tech advance, that is by people trying to out-scam each other.

>> No.7758754

People don't kill each other purely out of egotistical reasons. People cooperate for their own gain, not because they believe in some abstract ideal of good.

>> No.7758838

Yeah, what's wrong with that? Doggy dog world nigga

>> No.7758890

I believe you mean "Dog eat dog world" you uneducated fuck.

>> No.7758970
File: 125 KB, 563x234, wolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be hnest we are all scammers in crypto to a certain extent.
If you buy a shitcoin low and sell high passing the bag onto some clueless normie that's basicly like scamming them.
If you buy ico and flip it right after it clearly shows you don't want to have anything to do with it other than making money off a greater fool.
If you shill something to someone else with the intentio of selling a bit higher than if you would without shilling that's also the same.

Life is a 0 sum gume (or very close to it), OP just takes it to a bigger extent but you all pretend to be holier than everyone else not seeing what most of you are doing.

I don't know if I could directly scamm some people by phishing etc but at least I'm not pretending to be a moralfag, we are all snake oil salesemen in this bussines. Dog eats dog, get over it. That's nature

>> No.7759011

Said OP from his other IP adress

>> No.7759014

Everytime I make some fake shit the account gets locked how do I avoid that

>> No.7759032

tell me how I'm wrong, I'll patiently wait

>> No.7759062

I have been telling you. But you've got your head too far up your ass to listen.

>> No.7759088

>Steal, but don't steal to spend on junk.
this is ridiculous. do you even hear yourself?

>> No.7759159

they don't need to believe, they feel it. it's not even egotistical reasons. if you can't feel it you're broken, don't project your mental illness on to the entire species. people can feel right from wrong and feel bad doing wrong because the instinct is to do good, because being good rather then evil was more helpful for survival.

>> No.7759186

I'm not OP lol, dude just tell me how my post was wrong.
Everyone is a scammer in this bussines to a different extent

>> No.7759188

competition and cooperation can exist at once. have too much of one and not the other and your civilization fails. competition can be good, without people getting killed or harming each other.

>> No.7759230

Forexshark1, is that you?


>> No.7759285

you're right to a point. but there's a big difference between selling someone something you think is going down but they think is going up (a gamble i've been wrong on many times) and stealing your neighbors baby to rape it. there are degrees of sin clearly. that being said i'm with pajeet-tier scammers robbing the greedy and stupid, too many actual evils in the world for me to condemn op. so you are also a moralfag to a degree since there are levels of evil you will not go to for moral reasons. nothing wrong with morality

>> No.7759302

>that being said i'm with pajeet-tier
that being said i'm ok with pajeet-tier
wireless keyboard dropped out while i was typing "ok"

>> No.7759454

They'll come to kill you or put you in jail. There are people actively gunning for you. Nobody cares about what happens to thieves.

>> No.7759551

how though? only if he fucks up somehow. i assume he'll use a privacy coin before cashing out. anyone capable of tracing him through that has access to technologies and backdoors that the common man doesn't even know exist. and people with that kind of access are not going to care (they're doing far worse) unless they themselves were scammed, which is unlikely.

>> No.7759740
File: 908 KB, 1296x1311, 1518967774993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people with that kind of access are not going to care (they're doing far worse)

>> No.7759748

No one here is rich, retard. In fact the most “wealthy” people are trading with their student loans.

>> No.7759757

Wrong livelihood

>> No.7759866

fuck off you 9chan /fringe reject - they didn't want your retarded energy there and neither do we want it here - go recruit more pedophile pajeets to shill your scamcoins

>> No.7759871

Youre clearly in denial lmao. just the fact that you say most people that are against scammers are already rich /confortable is straight up a lie. You either know this or your social interaction is so poor that youre completely disconnected with your surrondings.

But sure anon, whatever makes you unburden that heavy weight from your conscious. Keep telling yourself the lie and making this threads, maybe one day you will be delusional enough to actually believe in it.

>> No.7760049

If everyone was like you, you'd probably be dead already by some other sociopath like you and we as a race wouldnt have achieved half of what we did. we'd probably still be living in caves.

Scam all you want i dont fucking care, but at least have the decency to admit youre a piece of shit, thats all i ask. The fact that you come here to make these threads shows that you do not have a clear conscience. Why would someone who doesnt care about anyone come here to help others being rich?

Btw we all know we can make it much faster scamming people, specially in such a dumb place like crypto. Were just not garbage humans. Get it?

>> No.7760253

>stealing to survive
>claims to have made millions from scamming

You understand that "stealing to survive" means stealing stealing stuff you need to survive right? And its implied that it should be done as last resort. You can easily get a job and not take to steal. Anyways im done with this thread youre either dumb or in denial, my guess is both.

>> No.7760287

ever heard of karma you dumb nigger ?

>> No.7760349

>multi million
where are all these pajeets coming from these days

>> No.7760809

Stealing is wrong, simple. If you're coming to 4chan expecting strangers to justify thievery you should think twice about what you're doing.

>> No.7761238

Eh, I don’t know OP.

I’ve read this whole thread. In the past, I was desperate and MAY have been involved in some things. It was only quick and when I fully understood the repercussions, I got out and haven’t looked back. I was desperate and angry at the world. It does make me feel guilt when I think about it as I was raised with a good moral fabric. So, I’m trying to rid myself of it.

But, I never did anything to people. It was more so a system or corporation (who in itself was straight scamming people too. Very fucked. I guess thats what I say to justify the actions somewhat.)

Yeah that’s the thing I couldn’t do. I couldn’t do it to people. I know many people are stupid, but they can’t help their stupidity you know? That’s why it’s so cruel to hurt a dog, because it’s just a dog, it can’t help thats it dumb.

But anyways, there are going to be opinions on this that can’t be swayed because we all grew up with a different moral fabric. If OP grew up in some poverty ridden ghetto slum in a third world county, then he saw first hand this occurring all the time and it became ingrained in him that this is what he needed to do. Many others in this thread grew up in nice families, so they despise it.

>> No.7761249

So it would be ok to steal all of someone's crypto, for instance?
What if he's another neet?
How about from your parents? Still ok?

>> No.7761299

Where tf does that image come from lmao

>> No.7761662

Same thing he said
>Give me free money

>> No.7762094

OP is the fag that comes here occasionally to tell about his scams. He does it because he tries to justify it somehow for himself.
Keep scamming but shut the fuck up about it, you insecure piece of shit

>> No.7763006

>Multi million
sure thing, Raj!


>> No.7763301

Karma is true though. A former friend of mine has been scamming to make a quick buck. Now he is all alone and no one trusts him. He even has his employment prospects down the drain because no one puts a good word for him anymore. You're a faggot of epic proportions OP. People retaliate in other ways other than some divine mystic force. This is what karma means.

>> No.7763432

Nice LARP then, faggot.

>> No.7763447

It says thieves always get their end and crime does not pay. How does this in any way condoning stealing? Are you an edgy satanist by chance? It seems so because you want to invert everything on its head. Satanists have this weird doctrine on puttinh down and reversing the social order.

>> No.7763870

tell that to soros or the rothchilds...muh karma

>> No.7764131

Your redpilled