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775175 No.775175 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an 18 year old English male. What job should I strive for?

>Investment Banker

>> No.775179

go gather corn in desert australia

>> No.775181
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A good death.

>> No.775183

Don't fuck me around

>> No.775184

Why is my ass not so squeezable like that? Is it just fat, then why does my fat male ass not do that.

>> No.775188


>> No.775193

Pilots only make 25k starting and the shortage is just a myth

source: I go to an aeronautical university

>> No.775195


The first is stressful as fuck, the second is boring as fuck, and the last is fairly cool, particularly in Europe, you could see all the euro countries and visit them.

Id be a pilot.

>> No.775197

what about working for major airlines?

>> No.775211

depends on how long you've been working for them, starting $25,000-$30,000

you don't make very much at all until you've gotten experience

>> No.775218

the pilot ladder is apparently pretty real

gotta earn your stripes lads

>> No.775219

Yeah, it'll be a good 15+ years before you make captain, which is like $80,000+ depending on the airline

>> No.775246

no oportunities for pilots in the euro market. Look it up, no one hires exept 20 lucky people per year that go to easyjet and ryanair.
They have 100,000£ loans (not kidding) and no jobs most of the time (exept for the lucky few that get the shit tier low paid jobs)

go to any aeronotical forum, there is no opportunity for you in this world as a pilot.

>> No.775256
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Hey guys I have this very important problem that I'm sure none of you care about and have already made the picture bigger. Silly me for making a pic more interesting than my post.

>> No.775269

i was thinking of becoming a pilot, then realised how difficult it is. my friend from hs is a pilot and says it tough, but he found a job doing small planes.

maybe bush piloting in the country. could help out in natural disasters or third world countries

>> No.775279

Being a pilot for an airline is not hard, it's the shitty pay like the other guys said

source: I was a pilot and moved to management and doubled my salary and am now outearning all my friends.

>> No.775311
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I dont get this

Should you grab your moms ass when she buys you pizza?

>> No.775338

You've posted 3 totally different jobs so you lack direction.

IB what? That could be dozens of different areas with multiple paths to get there. You, like most here probably have no clue.

Accounting, much like above you probably know very little about it. There's a likely oversupply of accountants but an undersupply of passionate and talented accountants. don't do it unless the work excites you or you'll just be another shit accountant.

Pilots are a dying job. As far as fighter pilots go they are no longer even training them in a lot of cases because remote fighters are better and just as capable if not more so. Down the track commercial might go the same way, but even if it doesn't there Is already a lack of jobs.

Congratulations, all you needed to add to your list is doctor, marine biologist, and entrepreneur and you'd have put up a list of every teenagers "job they have heard of but know nothing about"

>> No.775350

hey man fuck you. no need to be an arrogant cock head

>> No.775352


You'll have good access to a job and its very marketable.

>> No.775366

Did you even get into a real university?

>> No.775368

>remote fighters more capable
>no longer training fighter pilots

You have no idea what you're talking about, where did you hear such drivel?

>> No.775369


>not a manchild basement dweller with oedipus complex

>> No.775381

Just being realistic m8, you don't just look at some job that you think is fun/pays well and decide 'yes, that is what I will do' - you look at your personality and your skillset and find a job that matches it, has good prospects and upward mobility, and find a way to make it work for you. If you look at 90% of other people in the workforce that are unsuccessful or unhappy it's because they were encouraged by their parents or worse, a career counselor, to do a specific job, got into it knowing nothing about it and now hate their 9-5 grind because they didn't take the time to make the right decision from the start. Do your own research and do it right because if you make the wrong decision now, you will be out several years of your life and potentially a few hundred thou if not millions in future earnings. Don't pick 3 jobs you like the sound of, find the right career path for you. I would suggest doing some aptitude testing/skills testing and going from there rather than choosing a job and working backwards.
This has been discussed since at least 2009 if not earlier, it is becoming increasingly uncommon for air forces to use manned missions when they are capable of (or are developing) unmanned aviation. Depending on how old you are - esp. in OPs case - fighter pilots will be non-existent in the first world within our lifetimes, and when that happens commercial wouldn't be far off - look at all the flight accidents that have happened because of human error/human's going crazy - there's enough reason for the public to be willing to fly in a plane that lacks the human pilot. All in due time.

>> No.775421

Become a cosmetic dentist. Lots of UK folk need cosmetic dentists.

>> No.775430

Given that you blatantly don't have any real idea which way to go already, you may as well just settle for any old ok job at a good company.

You either derive happiness in life from doing something you love as a career, or given that not everyone can realistically do that, from what you do outside of work.

If you choose the second option willingly, that is fine. You only need to earn enough to pay your dues (minimal at 18 usually) and have enough money to be happy doing stuff you enjoy.

Given that you are still a kid, and presumably not a retard, you could swing a promotion or two easily thereby increasing your money for said stuff.

So just get any old job. It doesn't have to matter.

>> No.775481

That's because we don't have actual fighter conflicts, just low-risk drone shit.

Drones would not stand a chance in actual contested airspace due to response lag.

>> No.775485


although internationally illegal, automated combat suites exist for a predator variant.

>> No.775488


(legally speaking automatic drones are landmines)

>> No.775537

Nigga it's easier to be a doctor than a pilot.

Horrible advice.

OP I think your best bet is Accountant. Aim for auditing at Big 4 firm.