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7749693 No.7749693 [Reply] [Original]

>Pajeet devs
>One of them lied about their work history
>Value based entirely on speculation

>> No.7749730

plz fud harder need to get more cheaply

>> No.7749784

Jesus christ I hope you're getting paid to make so many threads constantly.

>> No.7749886
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I'm honestly asking you to show me how you can justify the 1.5 billion dollar valuation that does not even have a working product or missing deadlines.

Go ahead. Prove the FUD wrong.

>> No.7749964

These post are hilarious. I hope all the morons here are believing them. How much do you get paid to spam fud? I'd be interested.

>> No.7749985

What's ur hourly rate? Will you email me an application?

>> No.7750013

I can help you come up with better material. This stuff isn't very convincing. Vitalik is hardly a pajeet.

>> No.7750049

We should make up some security flaw. We could pay some half baked blogger to say he discovered it. You reached out to mcafee yet?

>> No.7750089

Oh I know we could leak a fake internal memo saying that plasma isn't viable for other 10 years. Translate it to the team's native language to make it look legit.

>> No.7750111
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oh looky here its another fudaroo who is poor and also fake and gay

>> No.7750122
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>> No.7750125


Can you provide any support for the current valuation?

>> No.7750149


So how much revenue does OMG generate per token?

Oh wait, there's actually no software.

You can't even formulate a convincing argument for this shitcoin...

>> No.7750156

We could pay biz in link to fud on reddit and Twitter. Biz loves their chain link

>> No.7750178

He gets payed from the req fund :)

>> No.7750179

Do you like any of my ideas? I think we could really do some damage with this material

>> No.7750227

'bout tree fiddy

>> No.7750242

What about Russian collusion conspiracy. Wow that's a good idea. Okay so hear me out on this. The japs are working with Russia to put visa (an American company) out of business. The burgers would all sell amirite

>> No.7750274
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Dude is in witsec.

>> No.7750340

Maybe my ideas aren't flawless but you could at least show some manners and tell me that y'all aren't recruiting atm. I've given you a lot of good platforms to work with and all for free. Just imagine what I could do in a salaried position.

>> No.7750384

Need more workers to keep this front page. Where the fuck is the rest of the team????

>> No.7750471
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Fuck you Paid FUD rat.

>> No.7750493

Last post i promise. In closing I would like to say that I think we could work very well together and with a little bit of luck we might can actually do some real good in the world. Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your time. Yours truly,

>> No.7750621
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Dude fuck off, FUD is such a gay phrase made to stop brainlets from thinking critically.

>> No.7750630

you must be retarded if you're holding omg after these news..

>> No.7750739

I think he's talking about omg's contributors on github. no, they aren't pajeets. they are thai. not sure if they can code better than pajeets.

>> No.7750780

What is this coin? Everyone speaks about it here, but their site is down and I cannot read it.

>> No.7750801

only fool hold OMG now, OMG is coin for donky. LEEEEEELLLLLLLL

>> No.7750830

>1.5 billion valuation
What about fucking TRON? They were valued even higher, and their product is basically "absolutely nothing until 2020" a complete fucking joke. At least OMG had a skateboard.

>> No.7751058
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Well, comparing TRON to OMG is not entirely flattering. OMG at least presents an IDEA (sadly, with no execution and seemingly, no development) whereas Tron is just an affiliate marketing scheme.

>> No.7751081
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Oh.. What news?

>> No.7751186
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Digits prove

>> No.7751330
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Nevermind, caught this in another thread.


Damn, looks like these people have no experience at all with developing complex software, fintech or anything blockchain related AT ALL.

Holy shit, this is much worse than the innocent skateboard memes implied, we're looking at a serious case of fraud.

>> No.7751408

Everyone in the world lies about their work experience you fucking midget

>> No.7751794


But I doubt anyone would get handed 1.5 BILLION dollars for something that doesn't exist...

>> No.7751827
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>> No.7752757

How is this bait? Disprove anything I stated.

>> No.7752849


Phahhah, its funny how obvious this fudding is. Make me feel like 2015 when Vitalik was a russian meth head, good times ahead.