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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7747177 No.7747177 [Reply] [Original]

>the bear market is over

>> No.7747193
File: 68 KB, 606x617, MINISTERYOUSATOSHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's 20k end of month

>> No.7747250
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> We will never see below 11K again

>> No.7747259
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welcome to the bull trap my friends

>> No.7747280

Weren't you cucks saying it would be 1k already?

>> No.7747329

Tripfags are bears only because it gives them the most attention and they're bigger attention whores than modern roasties

>> No.7747339

you're supposed to make these threads after the fact not before. now your trips are as worthless as omegacuck's if you turn out to be wrong

>> No.7747338
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No I've always maintained that due to stupidity and the inability for humans to learn from history that it would likely cycle through bull traps all the way down over the course of a number of years. I wasn't expecting to see sub 10k trading until much later than we did. So we're well within what I predicted right now, a little higher due to the market correcting from a less orderly exist than was expected.

>> No.7747346


>> No.7747353
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>> No.7747365
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also this>>7747338

>> No.7747374

But looks like it's over. Not meaning we'll have a bullrun immediatly.

>> No.7747391

>from Joe's parents pockets into mine

>> No.7747417
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>it wont dip again

>> No.7747420

Literally the worst faggot on this board
100% bought at 19k and sold at 6. Confirmed cuck

>> No.7747422
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>tripfags are appropriating plush pepe
you will regret this

>> No.7747445
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I mean I'll admit. I enjoyed some good 'sky is falling' LARPing. But I was expecting a pretty significant bounce after that insane selloff to 6k The bitcoin has to go somewhere, and compared to the ATH that was a bargain bin price.
The irony is that
>people were barely buying at 8k
>people were barely buying at 9k
>people kinda started buying at 10k
>buying frenzy at 11k
The buy high sell low maymay is true.

>> No.7747569
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Also the funny thing is the bidsum is more or less exactly where it was before the big dump to 6k. What has actually changed since then is that the number of coins up for offer have declined SUBSTANTIALLY. It recovered slightly but they were snatched up by dumb money in this buy frenzy. We're basically in a low supply situation right now and that's what is pushing the price up. Demand is unchanged. Nobody more wants your shitcoins than wanted it a month ago. Chances are the low supply is just the direct result of people getting paranoid about the coinbase fiasco and moving coins they aren't trading off of the market instead of parking them on the order books where they want to retire. So really the supply hasn't gone down...it's just become less visible. The market will eventually adjust to this behavior and the price will correct downwards most likely.

>> No.7747602

i cant wait til this shit go to 100k and you retarts are on suicide watch because you miss out on cheap cones

>> No.7747654

I just feel bad for the normies that got into the scene when it went mainstream back in December. I'm guessing that's why it didn't bounce back as much though

>> No.7747668
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>i cant wait til this shit go to 100k

>> No.7747688
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>I make money online.

>> No.7747700
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>> No.7747702

But at that point it will get dump down to like 20k but the crashfags will be like I told you so.
can't wait for 100k . greatest beta uprising

>> No.7747721


>> No.7747740

Sometimes I wonder if sapient beings are actually behind these posts. None of you have any kind of original thought on the matter. If you were to add some kind of original thought I would actually take your post seriously and entertain the idea of BTC hitting 100K.

>> No.7747771

>btc will never hit $100
>btc will never hit 1000
>btc will never hit 10000
>btc will never hit 20000
>btc will never recover
This is you.
Only till it hits then you realize how ignorant you are

>> No.7747787

>sapient beings
this is so stupid its unironically genius, thank you

>> No.7747794

I've literally never said any of those things. But I've seen people post that exact same shit thousands of times without an ounce of paraphrasing. Thanks for proving that you don't have sentience.

>> No.7747806
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>> No.7747816

you expect originality from /biz/. it's literally a echo chamber for shills.
originate idea are never from here. This is where bagholder are made

>> No.7747841
File: 24 KB, 286x234, E52BAC55-D6A1-42C6-BCD1-E56F741E04C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y would anybody waste time explain why it would go to 100k here. go dyor. also stay poor
also pic related u

>> No.7747851
File: 437 KB, 1080x720, 1513958078871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look mommy i learned a new word sentient! am i smart mommy am i a good boy?

>> No.7747861

projection and cope

>> No.7747871

Not an argument.

>> No.7747883


>> No.7747905

correct! wow youre so smart for realizing im making fun of you! good boy!

>> No.7747922


>> No.7747928

To what end though? Does that help ease your fears?

>> No.7747929

actual projection. Even a fifth grader knows the word sentient and can use it conversation

>> No.7747940

You expect someone to paraphrase a single idea?

>> No.7747945

nah. he's right. 100k aren't out of thin air. I mean if everyone share their research here. Who is left holding the bags. someone has to stay behind.
People spent moths/days for some info and you expect them to tell you just because you ask?

>> No.7747946

Pretty much this. Hell one time I went to some nerdy gathering at some guys house and his 5 year old accused him of being obstinate when he wouldn't let her stay up late.

>> No.7748000
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>any day now

>> No.7748033

>btc is dead

>> No.7748048

Look, we tripfags and frogposters aren't trying to be assholes. We're trying to help you make smart decisions instead of falling for this
garbage. If these wealthy people like McAfee actually believed that shit would they tell you? Fuck no. They would buy it all themselves and become trillionaires.

>> No.7748061
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indeed so my friend

cant tell you how I know this but by end of FY2019 a Fed initiative to ban the transfer of fiat from banks into crypto will be in full swing and thus its predicted prices will crash violently as a result

>> No.7748094

I know right

this group of NEET 4chinners unironically think they are these mega-smart investors that are magically in the incrowd amoung the likes of professional investment firms and individuals alike

>> No.7748171
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Speaking of which institutional money will profit no matter what the price does. The deepest pockets in the game literally don't give a flying fuck if it hits 1 million by EOY or crashes into oblivion next month. They have existed for decades...some centuries becoming wealthy and powerful off of the charred remnants of people's hopes and dreams.

The banks are obviously interested in cryptocurrency in order to modernize money transfer systems. But they are interested in much lighter weight technologies. I believe crypto has a future but I don't believe that BTC is that future.

>> No.7748196

exactyly, if you want to join my $150 a month email list i gove good info about this stuff lmk guys

>> No.7748203

>predicted prices will crash violently as a result
That's after it has reach 100k. Then that news will crash it to 20k.
>If these wealthy people like McAfee actually believed that shit would they tell you? Fuck no. They would buy it all themselves and become trillionaires.
I'm not going to respond to you after this. You are honestly a brainlet if you can't think pass this part. And I'm not going to spoonfeed you. Fucking retards. Stay poor.

>> No.7748231
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>BTC will never go under 11K again.

>> No.7748335

so when it doesn't hit 3k this year will you admit your retardation or just move goalposts?

>> No.7748346

Absolutely. I'll probably kill myself if I'm wrong.

>> No.7748372
File: 908 KB, 1296x1311, 1516000028966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first, they'll liquidate the shorts
>then, they'll liquidate the longs

>> No.7748373

doubtful, you'll probably just keep living in denial and making excuses and saying "well it could still crash" while wageslaving away

>> No.7748426

Where did I say I personally believed it would hit 3k this year?
>move goalposts
nice projection

>> No.7748492

yuropoors dumping yet again, nothing to see here

>> No.7748553

The sun isn't even up in western Europe yet, this is late morning action in Asia right now.