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File: 87 KB, 640x960, plsbenice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7747185 No.7747185 [Reply] [Original]

why is everyone here so racist and ugly to one another? I know you guys don't actually mean these things so why say them?

it's bad for the crypto community to spew things like this. people will be less inclined to adopt when the normal people see the toxicity surrounding crypto here on forchan.

>> No.7747206

Upvoted :)

>> No.7747213

normal people dont come to 4chan
normal people arent very welcome on 4chan
stick to reddit

>> No.7747220

decentralized talk: biz
centralized and censored talk: reddit

>> No.7747245
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>normal people

>> No.7747269
File: 1.57 MB, 1600x2617, 1518043506800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off you nigger soyboy redditfag
Not even kidding we see you as a subhuman retard for what you are and where you come from.

I scam the shit out of you normie plebbitors and I don't want retards infesting my board

>> No.7747270

its not racist to admit black people are too dumb for crypto

>> No.7747272

As usual, the low IQ people on 4chan fall for the bait.

>> No.7747294

Lowest IQ on this thread.

>> No.7747295

idk how to reply on here but user B56loPN7: the reddit community is a bunch of helpful folks. I just think that goes a lot farther than the negativity, you know?!!

/CVJMZFf: thanks friend! how do i upvote you on here?

neIMO+qh: haha! im not very normal anyway which is why i came here!!

>> No.7747306

>all on one board

>> No.7747326

Fuck off

>> No.7747332

>was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.7747334

Thanks man

people love to jump on the band waggon
we both did it so get off your high horse

>> No.7747347

user hnZCbtJL: thats what I mean though. why be so mean to someone like that? i appreciate you sticking up for me but im tough i don't need it. you guys shouldn't even respond to guys like him when they spew hate

>> No.7747366

>reddddit picture

your iq is miniscule

>> No.7747394

Haha man :-)
Post cute cats, you may not know it but this is a requirement for becoming a member of the 4chan Cool Club™

>> No.7747552

Fuck all you nigger kike faggots. Get aids you fag cock shitskin cunt.

>> No.7747555

Because visiting an echo chamber that censors dissent gets fucking boring after awhile. Every opinion on reddit is the same because anything "off-brand" gets buried and downvoted into oblivion. Reddit is only good when sorting by controversial. Humans have a biological imperative to be one with the group and not go against the grain. Blending into the group increased chances of survival and dissenters were exiled. But growth and change requires leaving your comfort zone, and innovation often involves going against the grain. Some people just want to never change and have group acceptance. But those same people aren't in the upper percentiles of intelligence nor success. Yeah, there's some fucking brainlets on 4chan, but there's also a lot of smart folk with thick skin that welcome growth and change. Pick your poison.

>> No.7747577

if you upboat comment i'll upboat your comment

>> No.7747582

Oh and check 'em.

>> No.7747629

no, just by the way you talk you are obviously a normie, of the variety that thinks being "random" is being "not normal" and "unique" and we're all some big happy family

>> No.7747641

user 8KyYPFfL: i agree. i think that people there get scared to find they agree with dissenting views!

user sqZIDTmg: that doesnt even make sense man. what is the benefit to you in posting stuff like that? its obv that you dont even mean it your just baiting

>> No.7747660

kys faggot normie soyboy

>> No.7747713

user neIMO+qh: i mean, i like some normal stuff too man but being into crypto isnt normal guy stuff. thats why i come here to be aroud people like me!

not a big happy family but maybe could be and make some good gains together instead of being so rude

>> No.7747733

Click on the post's number (No. XXXXXXX) to reply.

>> No.7747770

whoa thanks dude! i feel stupid now

>> No.7748008

Crypto is unironically about removing Jews from our financial transactions.

If you don't understand that I'm not even sure why you should be investing

>> No.7748277

Racism and sexism is to 4chan as the so-called virtue signalling is to reddit. This board's still an echo chamber, just not in the same way as on reddit. Every community has its culture, there's no absolute freedom anywhere because we're always restricted by that culture's bounds. You can have a unique voice on this board that runs counter to that culture but you'll be ignored.

I'm just here to spot coins I might have missed, I use it as a resource like any other. It's a weird site.

>> No.7748515


How about you start researching the truth, being white is not acceptable anymore and science and truth is now censored. Everything to ensure the people in power stay in power. You should visit /pol/ and understand reality once in your life. Life is hard and the truth is bitter. You are deplorable.

>> No.7748612

isn't pol like the_donald? i looked over there and it seems like the same thing. your gross

>> No.7748646

you're a total faggot and everyone here will rightly hate you

we already make gains and dont need your dumbass to do it
get it through your thick skull

>> No.7748659

its really weird but i like it!! lots of hidden gems!

>> No.7748681

why are you so angry sir? i didnt mean that im needed but i think i have a lot to offer

>> No.7748695

except it's censorship resistant and if you dyor you will find out how the world really works

>> No.7748719
File: 238 KB, 1059x1280, 1518249127115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you're a faggot fresh off the boat from reddit and think you're among friends
sure there are other newfaggot plebbit nigs here too
But you are not among friends
You are the type of idiot that gets scammed by obvious shit here
enjoy it

>> No.7748743
File: 25 KB, 499x499, 1509456682583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7748757


>> No.7748847
File: 457 KB, 774x2300, 50F1F694-9BC2-4512-A1E3-86D25447F921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7748862

you're so fucking dumb, can't believe you're taking this bait. you're the fucking normie here retard

>> No.7749762

if you dont get the fact it doesnt matter if its a troll, its a precedent, then you're the brainlet

>> No.7750243

Imagine being this gay