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File: 36 KB, 600x385, Physical-Gold-In-IRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7741388 No.7741388 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of buying physical gold as an investment/hedge against shit hitting the fan and crypto not being an immediate fallback?

Cashed out about 20% of crypto gains. Thinking of buying a kilo of physical gold.

>> No.7741437


With out the people. There would be no value in gold. Since gold is a good use for electrical currents, but now diamonds are being used for electrical currents for technology.

>> No.7741517

It's ok. Tad overpriced but the schtick is that it can't go to zero. Some industrial use. Would prefer silver but that one's kind of unwieldy to store.

Just make sure not to buy a one kilo bullion, rather buy something like the small 50g ones.

>> No.7741555

if shit hits the fan you better be able to eat gold

so dont pray that shit hits the fan just a depression

>> No.7741612

I would invest in bic coin & rice coin & water filter coin if you're worried about shtf

>> No.7741631

>Just make sure not to buy a one kilo bullion, rather buy something like the small 50g ones.

good idea, thanks

>> No.7741716

>Tad overpriced but the schtick is that it can't go to zero. Some industrial use.
What a retarded line of reasoning. If your asset drops 99% in value, might as well go all the way to zero.

So yes, for all matters and purposes, gold can go to "zero". However, chance of that happening is miniscule in the foreseeable future and that's what diversifying is all about.

That being said - watch out goldfags. Once Elon's BFR starts flying, there's a good chance asteroid mining becomes feasible.

>> No.7741726

I've read a couple of different places that you're better off buying coins than bullion because it's easier to liquidate, does anyone have an opinion on this?

>> No.7741762

How bad of a SHTF scenario we talking about?

Complete destabilization the entire country you're in bad or "2008 recession" bad?

>> No.7741769

A personal bunker would be nice. Furnishing one is something to consider.

>> No.7741852

No prob. Gold's a decent investment since you seem to have the spare money. Just as long as you don't need it in the near future you have pretty strong guarantee that you can sell it later for around the same value, no matter what happens.

>If your asset drops 99% in value
There's practically no scenario where gold would drop 99% in value and stay there for long. Only an absolute apocalypse would cause a -99% and even then it would recover unlike fiat and other things.

Gold does have a history of going like -75% though. Buyers check price development for yourselves

>> No.7741859

OP don't be an idiot, you can't eat gold and you can't kill people with it. Not practically at least. Buy guns, ammo and shitton of canned food, if you want to hedge against SHTF.

You might also want to buy a property to set up a hideout/shelter, ideally self-sustainable. The further from civilization, the better.

>> No.7741901

In the event of a worldwide economic collapse and a breakdown of society, precious metals will be basically useless, especially at first. People will be more concerned with food and clean water, medicines, baby food, weapons and ammo, lighters, batteries, basic necessities. After the outright theft and looting stage, eventually a barter system would emerge, metals would still be more or less useless as people will be more interested in trading for basic goods, rather than shiny metals.
But in the event of a more standard financial recession/depression, metals will hold their purchasing power better than paper currency, and may be more resistant to runaway inflation.
Tl:dr metals are a good hedge against inflation and fluctuations in the value of fiat, but probably won’t be worth much in the event of a shtf scenario, not at first anyway.

>> No.7741917

>Buy guns, ammo and shitton of canned food
Good luck putting $50k into those. Besides, those are for apocalypse. Storing value is the least of your concerns if that happens. It's all about survival and gear is cheap right now. Awareness, connections and location are much more important than retarded prepping for an unlikely extreme scenario.

>> No.7741928

gold goes up when the stock market goes down.....thats why people buy it....also goes up when currencies collapse......

>> No.7741975

Gold is a meme. Buy a little bit for SHTF scenarios but otherwise stay away. I've lost money everytime I've bought some. PnD apply to gold just like they do for altcoin.

>> No.7742064

gold is an excellent hedge it is accepted all over the world at the same price. It is severely undervalued given the etf manipulation you are crazy not to diversify into gold. you hold it in your hands it has no 3rd party risk

>> No.7742107

I don't know about you, but by SHTF I understand a survival situation, not an Economic depression or something along those lines. Obviously in such situation you won't be concerned about storing your value, which is why I implied gold will be useless, I don't understand why are you using that point against me.
>Good luck putting $50k into those.
Property, infrastructure, guns, ammo, food. Yeah, you can easily put $50k into those, if you want. It's about assessing the likelihood of such situation arising in the foreseeable future, how much you value your future survival if this situation arises and of course the opportunity costs of this hedge.
> It's all about survival and gear is cheap right now. Awareness, connections and location are much more important than retarded prepping for an unlikely extreme scenario.
I don't quite understand the point you're trying to make here.

>> No.7742324

This was actually the opposite of how things are. Gold is most useful for a pretty major depression or a cataclysmic scenario where you can sell it for a nice price once the dust has settled. During smaller recessions it's recently just dumped. So it's a hedge against the worst as well as an inflation killer like you said, but not the best idea for a regular recession. Thing is, how can you know what it's gonna be?

If you're gonna put 50k somewhere it's much better to put it into gold than buy hundreds of guns. You can't really get rich by trading during SHTF unless you wanna take a huge risk.

And if you're prepping for SHTF property is kind of shitty. If it's in a city it's gonna get raided. And if it's farmland the price is still gonna plummet just like gold would. So if you don't want to start living on a farm now in anticipation of a literal apocalypse and then expect having to stay there for months before the dust has settled, I don't see the point. Just buy gold or some shit, it's gonna bounce back in value after things return to normal. And the most likely scenario is that nothing as drastic as that ever happens, just a big depression at worst. Gold is ideal there.

>> No.7742613


>> No.7742938

>If you're gonna put 50k somewhere
Read again. I never suggested any amount you 'should' put into a SHTF hedge, merely provided a formula to calculate that. You argued you can't invest 50k and I merely said that you can, and quite easily.
>And if you're prepping for SHTF property is kind of shitty. If it's in a city it's gonna get raided.
It's almost as if you don't even read my posts.
>And if it's farmland the price is still gonna plummet just like gold would
We're not modeling a situation where you care about maintaining monetary value, are we?

You're literally arguing here against a straw man.

>> No.7743125

>cataclysmic scenario where you can sell it for a nice price once the dust has settled
Also good luck selling your shiny metals when you're dead, because you had no guns and some nigger stabbed you to death.

>> No.7743174

And I'm just saying that if you wanna hedge gold is not a bad bet. Since property is a risky because of the reasons I listed I'd rather not put the 50k into guns, especially since they're banned in many places. Metals remain the sanest option as far as I can see.

Like I said prepping for an apocalypse is cheap and it makes no sense to put 50k for prepping into such an unlikely scenario when awareness and connections are enough to survive. But what you CAN prep for is a depression and gold is wonderful there. And even in an apocalypse it retains its value just like a farm

>> No.7743288

>50k into guns
Are you autism? I never suggested to put 50k into guns.
>it makes no sense to put 50k
>you can easily put $50k into those, if you want. It's about assessing the likelihood of such situation arising in the foreseeable future, how much you value your future survival if this situation arises and of course the opportunity costs of this hedge
Please, read this as many times as you need, I'll be as patient with you as I can.
>And even in an apocalypse it retains its value just like a farm
Absolute bullshit. I'd laugh in your face if you offered me gold in SHTF scenario.

>> No.7743367

Without people there would be no value in anything you fucking pseudo-intellectual Reddit prick.

>> No.7743403

You're not giving any options here. How can I "easily" store 50k in anticipation of an apocalypse? I can't. Solution: don't try to store 50k for an apocalypse and instead buy gold to protect against inflation and depression.

>Absolute bullshit. I'd laugh in your face if you offered me gold in SHTF scenario.
It's meant to be offered AFTER the scenario has passed, dummy

>> No.7743503

>Property, infrastructure, guns, ammo, food.
All it takes is to actually read my posts.
>It's meant to be offered AFTER the scenario has passed, dummy
By then you're most likely dead, because some nigger killed you, raped your corpse and took your shiny, yet at the time worthless metal.

Apparently I'll have to spell it out for you. You probably DON'T want to invest $50k if your net worth is $100k. You, however, MIGHT want to invest $50k if your net worth is >$1 million. Capiche?

>> No.7743573

>starving, try to barter gold for food
>get laughed at and robbed at gun point

nice just bought 100k gold

>> No.7743580

The type of SHTF I had in mind was USD/EUR crashing into dust. Considering any other types of SHTF as well, but a bit in the background.

>> No.7743598

>pseudo-intellectual Reddit prick

>> No.7743634

i own 9 guns and over 30,000 rounds of ammunition, at least 2k/weapon. guns and ammo are the most important thing in a shtf situation

>> No.7743690

>>Property, infrastructure, guns, ammo, food.
Again, HOW would I buy 50k worth of those and why would it be a good investment if I don't expect to live on a farm and all of those will crash anyway if SHTF?

IF SHTF doesn't happen then gold is about the most guaranteed thing to keep its value in the long term.

>By then you're most likely dead, because some nigger killed you, raped your corpse and took your shiny, yet at the time worthless metal.
How does this have anything to do with investing 50k? I'm prepared for SHTF, most importantly mentally. But that's fucking irrelevant to whether gold is a good hedge against anything that's not complete apocalypse.

>You, however, MIGHT want to invest $50k if your net worth is >$1 million. Capiche?
You seem to have no idea how unstable fiat is right now. That's what gold is hedging against, not some retarded apocalypse scenario. But it does work there too. Obviously you bury it somewhere and not let some tyrone rob you after SHTF.

>> No.7743746
File: 97 KB, 1024x595, 1511951373203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a SHTF though. Be more clear next time. Yes, gold is good in such case.

However, the only conceivable trigger for a USD/EUR collapse would be a total societal collapse, which brings us full circle back to guns, ammo and food.
You're a brainlet, this is the final (You).

>> No.7743758

My priority list
1. Be prepared to leave everything behind and get the fuck out if things start looking serious
2. Have a plan, where are you gonna go, who are you gonna contact, how are you gonna sustain yourself
3. Have a gun or some other efficient ranged weaponry with tons of ammo
4. Have resources stacked away somewhere safe
5. Have a safe location to stay over

Wow, great job arguing

>> No.7743768

really anon? you think people will want you gold? what you want is beans, bullets, and guns. everyone will need beans, you need guns to protect beans, everyone else will need guns to protect their beans, and bullets to shoot potential bean bandits.

>> No.7743796

you used to be able to buy gold with dogecoin through sone austrailian website

>> No.7743912

Prepare for a 20% hit when trying to liquidate your gold. I took a 60% hit in crypto with the last dip. Gold not the worst of ideas.

>> No.7743914

I presented well founded arguments why you're retarded, yet the best you could do was strawmanning, misinterpreting my posts and completely ignoring any logical conclusions I drawn. It's not quite intellectually stimulating to argue with you, to put it mildly.

>> No.7743930


Any object we project onto becomes a psychological construct.

Gold is no different from 1400 east africa shells as a currency.

In the UK they used to use squirrels as a currency.

>> No.7743947
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>what you want is beans

>> No.7744062

You could have ended the discussion at any time by simply naming the things (not guns, not property, not canned food) you would rather blow 50k or more on if you were expecting something bad to happen. So far you have only refuted to "r-read my post", "s-straw man" and "I a-already answered you!". You can literally prepare for an apocalypse with 1k or 2k, so if the rest has to go somewhere there's _still_ nothing wrong with gold

I think I'm done too

>> No.7744084

In a SHTF scenario, do you really think people will want your shit coins? They'll want real money, gold and silver.

>> No.7744089

If you're interested in buying gold as a hedge against crypto, you can do that easily using the new Digix platform when it releases (Q1 2018). Digix is creating a digital marketplace for gold bullion that they have stored in a vault using their new DGX token.

>> No.7744120

All I got is metal and crypto. I like gold but also look into silver. Right now I think it's heavily undervalued compared to gold as well. Besides gold/silver and crypto what else are you diversifying into

>> No.7744122

The military will steal it. What autistic delusion do you live in where if the economy goes bust a piece of metal of any variety is going to help? It's like diamonds in the Holocaust.

>> No.7744129

why not a gold ETF?

even in pretty bad scenarios the ETF will probably still have value

>> No.7744140

fuck off reddit

>> No.7744159

>digital gold

sounds like a scam. You're better off actually buying/mining physical gold and sticking it into your bank account.

>> No.7744163

>what is burying it
Again, where else would you store some value during hard times? Nothing else is as guaranteed to recover

>> No.7744164

>buy tokenized gold from some pajeets
>what could go wrong

>> No.7744191

Half the reason to own gold is that you get to take it out and look at it every once in a while.

>> No.7744212

>fuck off reddit

Nice insult. Got anymore where that came from? I hope it came from your asshole.

>> No.7744222

ETF for short gains and if trying to trade. I like physical gold for longterm hold because you actually own it.

>> No.7744261
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To bad gold can't save you when it comes to a bullet to your skull.

>> No.7744328
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but what about anime?

>> No.7744333

not as liquid as an ETF

try buying the stock market dip by selling your gold

>find a buyer for your PHYSICAL GOLD
>send them the gold
>stock market recovers IN A FUCKING WEEK
>buy the gold back I guess since you missed your chance

>> No.7744336


Yep. Invest in brass and lead.

>> No.7744379
File: 90 KB, 645x729, 46a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i appreciate the stupidity of this post

>> No.7744401

Metals are kind of lame for trading. They're good holding any excess value you want to secure and aren't sure how to use. If a depression happens I can assure you stocks won't recover in a week. I can also expect ETFs to eventually become worthless - they say they don't have the gold backing them.

>> No.7744427

You don't sell your gold to buy the dip on stocks, wtf is wrong with you anon.

>> No.7744444

What now again? Why the fuck wouldn't you?

>> No.7744456

If the stock market completely collapses, your ETF will be no good. Physical is the only way to go.

>> No.7744460

>He thinks we had currencies since the cognitive revolution
>He thinks we currency since the agricultural revolution.

The real question here is; Are you fucking stupid?

We as humanity has always projected value onto objects. In a different world I can only imagine that poop is the currency.

>> No.7744535
File: 113 KB, 734x414, 1512308669531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying the dip with gold
>good idea

>> No.7744541

Read the whitepaper. They have an elaborate system there. Will monitor.

>> No.7744577

Thinking of raw non-USD/EUR wads of cash. Also investments in real businesses, mostly solar-power construction-chain related.

>> No.7745257
File: 196 KB, 644x859, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the "when shit hits the fan" scenario is a subsegment of the apocalypse fantasy, just like people who actually have a little bit of hope and belief there will be a zombie outbreak someday.

i've been hearing about this scenario for as long as i've been following independent financial media. the prediction is now beginning to outlive some of its predictors.

if nothign else, realize this: financial apocalypse is a niche and there's a market for it. you can make money by making youtube videos, publishing articles, selling products (survivalist shit), and plenty of other things. people make money with this whether it ever happens or not, and there is no reason it has to...so that's where you should place your skepticism.

>> No.7745266

then it's fucking useless

I want gains, not just holding on to some brick under my bed

>> No.7745298
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Nice try schiff

>> No.7745325
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>> No.7745342

>In a different world I can only imagine that poop is the currency.

rick and morty as fuck

>> No.7745355


Not practical for a handful of reasons. In good times gold prices don't rise enough for it to be worth investing. In bad times the gold increases in value, so you can make money. But if the shit were REALLY to hit the fan, you wouldn't want it in a 1kg bar because you wouldn't be able transact business with it. I think gram pieces would work better of you're planning for total chaos.

>> No.7745365

Then fucking don't buy gold. Simple as that.

>> No.7745384

>We as humanity has always projected value onto objects

And some have more value than others.

>> No.7745414

A shit hits the fan is totally possible, that is why people give so much attention to it. History has taught us that it can happen (Roman empire collapse, medieval times, stock market crashes). Hell even recent events like Venezuela paints a dark picture of what can become of the United States. We are all just three square meals from anarchy, don't ever forget that.

>> No.7745471

Right this here >>7745414. Forgot to mention the classic Weimar Republic example too.

These things can happen but leading into an apocalypse scenario? Not something I'd actively prep for. However, metals are a good place to park some of your spare wealth because you won't have to worry about what will happen to it, and if severe inflation does happen that hunk will be worth its weight in... gold.

>> No.7745563

They have gold bullion in a vault. It's all professionally audited, you can find the info online. Not even close to a scam.
they're not pajeets, they're actually from Singapore. It was the first Ethereum ICO. Great project.

>> No.7745643

Too close to India, can't risk it.

>> No.7745725


Nice RP faggot.

>> No.7745763

Ok. Just thought I'd try and help some of ya'll out.

>> No.7745935

if you're so damn worried, buy some useful shit op. you won't have to worry about the money anymore

>> No.7746488

If I'm prepared for the worst I'm pretty prepared. The fantasy is being able to deal with whatever reality throws at you, even the most desperate scenarios.

>> No.7746587
File: 58 KB, 750x1000, 1518855069578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brainlet here
Surely a better scenario would be stockpiling food, guns, ammo etc for a shtf scenario
Now since if you have gold the value will plummet probably more than -75% Wouldn't it make more sense then to just trade your valuable resources for gold during these years. Then once economy and civilization restablizes you will be worth a fortune and can use that gold to become a bank issuing your own currency or just buying property.