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7739225 No.7739225 [Reply] [Original]

>phd in physics
>get job offers for only data entry and call centre roles

don't fall for the university meme /biz/. if i knew i was going to end up in fucking IT support i would have dropped out of high school several years ago and just worked my way up. its just not worth the shame and humiliation later in life when you're overqualified for 99% of jobs.

>> No.7739581

Why don't you work in academia?

You're the one who chose to major in physics, if being employable was a major concern for you, you should've done research on how marketable the degree would be.

>> No.7739744
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i agree my failure is partly my fault.

the IT support / call centre job offers are all unironically IN academia and some high schools.

i've been applying to jobs in the private sector for the past 13 months with no luck. i lack decent social skills so probably why i didn't pass the few interviews that i got

having an advanced degree is worth shit if i can't sell myself like a normie can

>> No.7739893

look for prof jobs, it's literally your only hope.

>> No.7739902

protip: knowing how to program would mean you could work at NASA, SpaceX, etc

>> No.7739943

use your physics knowledge and math knowledge to start some kind of business. You have hard skills, why not apply them?

>> No.7740009

>prof jobs

I haven't even done a post doc, so a professor job is kind of impossible for someone like me to get unless I was a genius with 100 published papers


i know python, C++, Java and matlab. Did my entire phd using those languages. but I unironically hate programming. Tried making games, trading algos, websites...but in the end i just hate programming in the sense it increases my stress, blood pressure and depression levels

>> No.7740034
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Current sitation is only medschool is worth it, job is guaranteed with good pay. Programming will guarantee you a job, but you will not need schooling for that.

All other fields are completely dying, zero jobs, so all degrees are becoming McJob degrees

>> No.7740063

I got a degree in Physical sciences. Literally highest grades in every class I was in yet everyone else was getting internships and I was stuck working at Costco.
It was especially frustrating that borderline failing students were getting internships through connections.

>> No.7740085

This thread is an absolute LARP. Prove me wrong OP.

t. PhD in some other science

>> No.7740156

Damn op... I know this is gonna probably be my fate as I'm doing a PhD but in chemistry. At least I can be a lab tech cuck.

I've been thinking about becoming a HAS teacher desu, have you thought about it? Ive heard it's pretty shit in the US but in Canada after 10 years you make from high 80s to almost 110k depending where you live. Seems like everyone looks down on teachers for some reason though

>> No.7740158

Why do you hate programming? Is it because you make mistakes and the program has lots of bugs/won't compile?

I can tell you programming was super frustrating for me at first (but still fun/rewarding), but as time went on the number of mistakes I made went down significantly and my debugging skills improved as well. Frustration levels have dropped to nearly zero whenever I program now.

>> No.7740200

I think you aren't applying to the right jobs and positions. You either think you are underqualified for certain jobs when you fit the bill or you aren't trying hard enough. No way someone gets a PhD in physics and remains jobless. That is just impossible. You offer to much value to society in advancing the human race in the sciences. Apply to the government jobs, specialized private sectors, come on use your fucking brain op.

>> No.7740214

Med school sucks.

OP would most likely need to take an entire year full time just prepping for the MCAT. It's ultra-competitive and requires YEARS of extra schooling.

Pay isn't even that good too unless you specialize in stuff like surgery, which is super competitive, super stressful, and workload is insane.

>> No.7740217

Meant highschool*

>> No.7740289

I was earning 100k in SF my first year out of college (never finished), earned $85k as an intern for first 3 months.

Second job after 1 year paid $120k.

Just learn programming.

>> No.7740352

I'm doing that actually on my downtime actually. I've been doing mostly java and python, trying to get good at Django but I'm absolute shit at front end design so no matter what I make it still looks like garbage.

I fealt like I should try to learn a particular framework as best as I could to get an internship. Is that true or should I try to do a bit of everything?

>> No.7740423

im interested in starting to learn programming, any tips on where and with what to start?

>> No.7740538

I've been doing it on treehouse. The videos they have are really good for beginner to intermediate and def worth the money in my opinion

>> No.7740668

You just lack the intelleigence of observing and adapting.

>> No.7740685
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>Phd in Homotopy type theory
>Work in a pink wojak factory


>> No.7740741

Holy shit apply for post doc programs dumbass it only takes like 2 years to get enough experience to get into industry

>> No.7740782
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>bachelors in computer engineering
>electrical engineer

>> No.7740820

I think you should focus on one thing at first, and get to a decent level at that.

Right now Node.js (backend) and React (front end) are very popular.

There's a ton of resources online, a lot of ppl have different learning approaches so stick with what works for you. If you don't have a formal programming background, you might enjoy watching a filmed CS101 classes from a top school like MIT/Stanford/Harvard/Princeton/etc.

Some ppl find it easier to work with a good programming book/ebook.

Just look around, there's just so much you can find online. If you find yourself getting bored or hitting a wall, try changing what you're learning from to something else.

>> No.7740869

If he hates programming, then there's no point for him to pursue it future. Doing it as a job will make him hate it even more.

>> No.7740872
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proof attached.

atleast chemistry has more practical use than physics. even if you fail at getting a job you could always make drugs as a fall back :^)

yeah it seems to be generally the case. like at my university most of the international phd students were practically guaranteed a job once they went back home because they were on some sort of industrial or governmental sponsorship. only the very best and people with connections went into banking, private equity, hedge funds, NGOs and consulting. i think only one or two become millionaires with their startups. the rest went into teaching or remained in academia, and the unlucky probably offed themselves.

i never found programming fun. just a means to an end really. also it often took me 2 - 3 hours to debug something which would always turn out to be an indentation error, or a missing colon, or misspelling of a function. i don't think any employer would appreciate that kind of carelessness desu

reverse engineer existing code. then try to apply it to your own projects. thats what i did anyway because i found most books and online resources to be far too basic in what i wanted to do. also stackexchange is unironically extremely helpful when debugging or finding examples. once you understand understand loops and functions, things start to click though the documentation still takes some time and trouble to get used to

yes you're probably right. life is pretty much survival of the fittest. though i'm not quite there yet to off myself just yet

I seem to always have the short straw of getting very bad supervisors and coworkers to work with. post doc is just going to be another nightmare.

>> No.7740894

Be careful with med school unless you're planning to become a surgeon. General Practitioners are going to be technician jobs once knowledge systems become ubiquitous.

Easy programming jobs require a bachelors degree. It doesn't matter what it's in, but they require the piece of paper to demonstrate to them that you can learn on the job.

Difficult programming jobs require buzzwords, a github repository, and memorizing that site with the common job application algorithms.

It's the whole hackers VS engineers thing. People in large organizations are more comfortable with engineers. Lean startups and people who actually understand what programming about want hackers.

>> No.7740927

Medschool is literal dogshit and working as a doctor is obsolete stupid selfrighteous worst decision u can ever make

>> No.7740988

It depends on why he hates it.

If he finds it sometimes fun, but hates it now because he runs into a lot of mistakes which is frustrating, then I say stick with it because those mistakes will become much less frequent as you gain experience.

If he just has gains no satisfaction from programming at all, even when things go smoothly, then sure I agree with you. It's probably not for him.

>> No.7741097

>Study construction management
>Get headhunted from 2nd year uni onward, get offers from 4 different companies without even applying for anything
>Leave at end of 2nd year to work fulltime for 150k a year at 21, dont even finish degree
>In charge of people way smarter than me
>Friends who worked way harder in HS and did engineering and have finished all struggling to get work

>dont fall for the university meme

lmao you just suck OP

>> No.7741125

here i am


>> No.7741162

What part of "Analytics" do you not understand? Have you even looked at a job board? Surely you have taken statistics classes during a phd in physics or analyzed tons of data!

>> No.7741187

so tired of all these STEM fags who clearly didn't try to get internships blame college for their unemployment.

>> No.7741282

>timestamp in mspaint
you're not too bright are you?

Anyway OP just do a postdoc somewhere far away and take it as an adventure. Then you can slide into academia or also try to get into industry by applying during your postdoc. Good uck.

>> No.7741986

would have done internship if i could actually get one during my undergrad and postgrad years. its insanely competitive to even work for free

there are atleast 100 applicants per job on average. doesn't take a genius to realise the odds are pretty low to begin with no matter the qualifications

>> No.7742080
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So you are a 4chan NEET telling people that being a doctor is the worst decision you could ever make? What is your portfolio, I'll short it

>> No.7742126

It's because you need to tailor your resume to the job, basically if you copy and paste you ad you will get it because the robot that goes through the resumes has a point system and searches key words. A real person hasn't read a resume in 5 years probably.

>> No.7742157
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>It's the whole hackers VS engineers thing. People in large organizations are more comfortable with engineers. Lean startups and people who actually understand what programming about want hackers.

Kek, get a load of this retard. Engineers actually have deep understanding about systems and things that make them work unlike faggots you call "hackers". Engineers actually study, work and study while working instead of pajeeting code or blueprints without actual knowledge

t EE

>> No.7742195

Finally someone used the word irony in its correct context.

>> No.7742228

>i just hate programming in the sense it increases my stress, blood pressure and depression levels
this. programming is like counting grains of salt to me. i actually become phyically ill doing it.

>> No.7742256
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>you're not too bright are you?

my IQ is unironically 120 which is very low for some who did phd in physics desu

>Anyway OP just do a postdoc somewhere far away and take it as an adventure.

wish i could have that urge, but im just not extroverted enough to do that kind of thing. i know some people did that kind of thing but they're mainly 6ft chads brimming with confidence

>> No.7742378
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>inb4 calling bachelor level "engineers" as engineers
You have to be at least masters to be qualifed for something other than being a glorified excel secretary

>> No.7742392

120 iq i spit in your general direction. This is why smart people with qualifications that meant something are pissed off with the commercialism of university education that has demeaned real qualifications with every pajeet who is "worth it"

>> No.7742431

>online IQ tests
Come on now,those arent accurate or off shoots with at least 10 to 15 points

>> No.7742555
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lol, you're pic related

>> No.7743178

sounds like you gave up pretty quick

>> No.7743197
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stupid pajeet that shit was easy

>> No.7743253
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>online IQ test

>taking IQ tests for anything except fringe applications

>> No.7743578

Read Millionaire Fastlanes by MJ DeMarco
You're welcome

>> No.7743583

>You have to be at least masters to be qualifed for something other than being a glorified excel secretary
lol, some of the best engineers from history didnt even have degrees you stupid fucking cunt

>> No.7743812

>job offers are all unironically IN academia.
Then unironically move your way up in IT you retard. Take what you can get now because in 4 more years you'll still have a fucking PHD in physics AND a fucking solid base of job experience. Then, make your move towards your dream job, which just might be in the place you're working at then, which is the safest/easiest way to move up. Whiny bitch.

>t. worked my way up from high school 16 years ago doing helpdesk, learned to program and now unironically make 100k per year working from home and trading crypto when things get slow. That, and play with my doggo/kids.

>> No.7743948
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Just set a goal like: I want to work for CERN or NASA/ESA in 5 years and do whatever gives you street cred for now. Unless you have connections right out of college or were a fucking rockstar, you're not going to land the perfect job right out of the gate.
>Kids and their expectations these days.
Don't you know you're competing with White males, pajeets, niggers AND women these days. Assuming your white, you'll have to work twice as hard and take three times as much shit to realize your goals.

>> No.7744078

universities are pumping out PhD's faster than academia & industry can ever hope to absorb them (talking real degrees here... hard sciences... not the SJW bullshit 'social sciences'). getting thise degrees are a great way to fuck up. PhD in molecular biology here, now I'm "overqualified"

>> No.7744127

My mum had a masters in mathematics and I watched her struggle to find work after raising me. This is why I said fuck college when the time came. I'd rather be iterative and claw my way up under my free will.

>> No.7744227
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I should add: once there's an accredited free online college available in the land of the free, my ass will finally get that piece of paper. Until then, the internet has been a liberator of information, the likes of which hasn't been seen before in human history and I'll just continue sucking at its teat, gathering all of the knowledge I could possibly ever need.
>why wouldn't you too?

>> No.7744316

>find 5-10 places you want to work at (be very specific, don't be a cuck who just applies to everything)
>look up all the skills necessary to work there
>self study, have a personal project which fulfill the above skills

This has given me every single job i've applied for. Why is it so hard?

>> No.7744375
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>falling for the STEM meme

the only jobs are webcucks and they fill them with bootcamp grads and pajeets

>> No.7744390

I just hired someone fresh out of college because they took the initiative to produce something useful with their own free time after graduating. I didn't have to second guess whether he was the run of the mill bullshit that comes out of college or not by simply taking a look at his project on github.
Great example of how not to be pussy, expecting the world to fall in your lap anon.

>> No.7744420

I think I worked with you at an airline complaints call centre. kek.

>> No.7744556

Some companies are doing an about face on their pajeet import process though anon. It took about 10 years, but the MBA cucks in today's corporations are finally starting to realize what a mistake it was hiring a bunch of non-English speakers who only made it to where they are today via a caste system and a country that provides dirt cheap puppy-mill style STEM based degrees. Still can't top the eternal white guy when you take a good hard look at these things. Sure, you'll see them pick up code monkey jobs and you might have a manage a few, but you won't see them move up or doing anything inventive with the "knowledge" they've obtained. If you manage any, get real used to spoon-feeding them everything and boarderline doing the work for them before recommending they get their green card revoked.