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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7739905 No.7739905 [Reply] [Original]

Its happening tonight.
Strap in boys!

>> No.7739921
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Nobody knows the time of the price singularity.
But when it happens, everyone will know.
All across the world, voices will echo "..what's wrong? Is everything ok?"
A few vehicular accidents will occur seemingly for no reason.
Several pilots, delivery drivers, and one pajeet who forgot to close a submarine hatch will all last be seen yelling at their phones.
Binance will crash. Everyone scrambling to buy LINKs will see 404.
Etherdelta will become so overwhelmed with traffic it will slow to a halt. It will become unusable.
The only orders that will happen will be buy orders that have already been placed.
LINK will reach unimaginably high prices within minutes.
Every noLINKer's eyes will watch. The tiny LINK cube on coinmarketcap will be reflected in their eyes.
However, the ones who knew..the ones who had heard, but didn't listen..
their cubes will be distorted by tears.
As these tears fall onto rapidly moving fingers that are refreshing binance or etherdelta multiple times,
Haunting music rings in their ears infinitely.
The harrowing noise of the bells causes the noLINKer's soul to shiver...and scream.
Biz will be filled with LINK memes. All threads will be titled "You had your chance."
Monitors will be smashed. Laptops broken in half. Weddings, family reunions, graduation ceremonies, and other social events across the world will be plagued by the audible cries of noLINKers who knew the path but didn't take it.
Their hopelessness crushes them inside, but they keep having to wageslave, and forcing a smile on their face every day to avoid ever being asked "what's wrong?" again will eat away at their sanity.
This soon becomes a worldwide phenomenon, and noLINKer syndrome will be added to DSM-V and heavily studied.
Most normies will continue enjoying their playpens.
But the ones who knew..
they will become uncomfortably intimate with despair...
For they know they missed the opportunity of a lifetime, and another precious path to freedom has disappeared forever.

>> No.7739922
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>> No.7739928

Close your eyes, try to clear any thoughts you are having
Take long, slow, deep breathes and put all your focus and attention onto your breathing
iiiiiiiinnnn.................... ooooooooooooouuuut

good. Do this for a few minutes, then -
VISUALIZE yourself becoming rich through your LINK investment
ANTICIPATE the things you will buy with your new found abundance of wealth
IMAGINE as though it is all happening now in the present moment, for the present moment is all that truly exists
FEEL the way you will FEEL when that moment comes and you make it!

Now open your eyes, look in a mirror, and recite these affirmations (use/add your own that is relevant to the reality you want to create once you make it)
It's important to do this when you wake up and before you go to bed, but do it as often as possible. Also hold the image and idea of us making it and LINK being worth $1,000 or more in your mind as you fall to sleep.

I love you all

>> No.7739935

nice digits, we will make it

>> No.7739968
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you are saying that every single night, pajeet,

>> No.7740062

you keep shiling this like its the next best thing. Fuck outta here, etherum contracts are the best.

>> No.7740116


BUY $EDO it's small cap, has real products and is super undervalued... just starting to go parabolic on Binance... get in now while you still can, it's about $3 right now, mostly guaranteed to hit $6 soon and then with a hybrid wallet exchange coming soon, the sky's the limit, i'd guess $25 by July

>> No.7740162

so a pump and dump?

>> No.7740248
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>> No.7740259

Normally i dont react to my own threads. Since ive been making them since the beginning of december, i only recall i did this one time.
But i dont allow shilling of retard pajeet coins in ny thread.

Tonight... /out

>> No.7740283

Oh yeah: get the fuck out you filthy pajeet.

>> No.7740293
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does he have spoken yet on the BSC?

>> No.7740305

See you on sunday after your shitcoin crashes the very moment Sergey opens his mouth on stage

>> No.7740329

>All threads will be titled "You had your chance."


>> No.7740474
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read the chart faggot

>> No.7740545
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moon mission to lambo land

>> No.7740656

When is mainnet released?

>> No.7740714

How high's it goin faggots? I'm guessing $10 by this time next week

>> No.7740733
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I keep hearing about this. What is it?

>> No.7740751

simplified mainnet Q1 (so within the next 6 weeks)
full mainnet Q2

>> No.7740765
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>> No.7740813

you are going down hardcore chainfarts

>> No.7740836

>$361 trillion

>> No.7740841
File: 85 KB, 1302x913, Pajeet_Shilling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still a shitcoin that will never moon.

>> No.7740896
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you are probatly a german

am i right?

its billion not trillion

>> No.7740898


>> No.7740903
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>> No.7740912

When do i sell? I need to increase my stack before mainnet and partnership announcements. Or will all this happen tomorrow on stage? Fuckkkkkkk!!!! Hold me, anon. Im scared.

>> No.7740921

The testnet is out. This means developers can already start developing on the Chainlink network, but with old/deprecated code. However, some people have access to the private repository on github. This is the code in GoLanguage.

All these developers, from SmartContract AND third parties, will be contributing what will be the mainnet. A simplified version of this will be made public before the end of Q1 2018.
This will be made public with the announcement of partnerships(probably the ones who are now working on it).
Leaks from Gitter and internal slack tell us this will be large companies like Adobe, IBM, Tesla and so on.

>> No.7740949

Just sold all my link thanks

>> No.7740950

chainlink is gay

>> No.7740975

cant wait for the night when this thread finally explodes

>> No.7740981
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What if... People who shilled against chainlink were just people who wanted to keep all the gainz to themselves?

>> No.7741029

Has this become a meme now or can you absolute brainlets actually not count? That's 361 billion.

>> No.7741060
File: 213 KB, 798x770, F6F5320E-480A-4C18-8CB9-F3AC5C35DD8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just now realize this? Or are you a fellow marine?

>> No.7741084

I just realized it as I am a newfag hoping to get in on these SICK LINK GAINS

>> No.7741087


>being this new

>> No.7741129


>> No.7741134

Well at least I was smart enough to realize it. You've thrown most of the people on here for a loop I'd wager

>> No.7741155

>t. brianlet

>> No.7741165

Or perhaps I'm being thrown for a loop right now and there are actually people stupid enough to shill against LINK. The world will never know I suppose.

>> No.7741183

We qmul8tn nigga.

>> No.7741332

the fud has been going on since november

>> No.7741367

/biz/ is a cruel place. If you are a newfag, shouldn't you wonder why no other community or forum ever talks about chainlink?
If it would really be so revolutionary, wouldn't you at least expect some hype, some youtube videos and some reddit threads about it?
How comes, you don't see any of it? Really should make you think. Maybe, just maybe, /biz/ is trying to troll you into buying an abandonned project.

>> No.7741413


no, just you retard. Everyone else was in on the joke

>> No.7741444

I feel like this is the awful truth

>> No.7741461

well you really are stupid

>> No.7741549
File: 21 KB, 194x260, 9577E975-1844-4F9D-868B-D5B8CA4DC717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Look at my other post retard

>being this new

>> No.7741553

A made a thread about this yesterday

>> No.7741575

>shouldn't you wonder why no other community or forum ever talks about chainlink?
Reddit is for fags so I don't go on there, and /biz/ is the largest community for this stuff besides r/cryptocurrency. I'm still not totally convinced about LINK, but that assblaster guy gave a pretty good explanation.

>/biz/ is trying to troll you into buying an abandonned project.
Well I guess we'll have to see how many pink wojaks there are on the day of reckoning.

>> No.7741595


>> No.7741615

Reminder there is no partnership
IBM, Tesla, etc are using Chainlink, but they are not partnering with Chainlink
Disney use Deepbrainchain but they do not partner with Deepbrainchain

Brainwashed deluded linkies think there is partnership with big companies that use Chainlink. LOL at deluded linkies in the coming months when these big companies make public statements that they are just using Chainlink and they are not partnering with Chainlink.

The only partnership is with data companies like ZeppelinOS that won't pump the price because they are no-name companies.

>> No.7741649
File: 54 KB, 600x400, 87ECB055-09CC-425F-9BD7-7D4FC8959414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m gonna be nice. It’s pasta bro, just buy LINK and forget about crypto for a few months until later this year. Work on self improvement, pick up some hobbies etc. you’re obviously so fucking new and I want some of you to have the mental fortitude and wherewithal to hold LINK through until price discovery is more mature. Many of you idiots on this board will sell LINK like many sold eth at $7 and ans at $10. Don’t make the same mistake with link.

>> No.7741656

This doesn't matter. If they use the tech then confidence in the product goes up, meaning the value of the product goes up.

>> No.7741673

I'm a stinky linky
Doo doo doo

No! I am not a roody-poo
Doo doo dooo

I'm a stinky linky
What about you?

>> No.7741685

>It’s pasta bro
I didn't know it was pasta but reason would suggest that not everyone is trolling just to see pink wojaks as the pasta would suggest.

>> No.7741749

>the tech
>'new revolutionary paradigm'
assblaster 2018

>> No.7741767

Listen there hasn’t been barely any news for 6 fucking months now. You can’t fathom that most of us holding LINK have started to go insane a little bit? We’ve all gotten better at fudding subtle fud through shilling etc. The reason it hasn’t achieved notoriety on more well known sites has been talked about here already. Numerous times. Just think of the process in which platforms such as Reddit and YouTube work compared to how 4chan operates

>> No.7741849
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>yfw you realized OP was lying and it's not happening tonight

>> No.7741909

I'd like to think our constant fudding has helped tremendously in keeping it quit on other social networks

>> No.7741929

>no hype
>no normies
It's as simple as that. Anyone with half a brain can figure that out.

>> No.7742019

No partnerships will be announced tomorrow - Sergio himself said that the announcements of partnerships will come from the partners directly not from CL or smartcontract.com

>> No.7742066

Both actually. The ridiculous shilling and the arguably much more convincing fud (but PRIMARILY the quiet nature of Sergey and team) has kept this off of other sites. Remember reddit tube etc are simply aggregators and filters of what is popular ie: what is on the rise. Just like when you see certain stocks or news hit Bloomberg, those with the skills and network have already profited. I don’t necessarily mean insider trading but look into the mosaic theory of investing. So when you see things get heavily popular on reddit (VEN, ICX as of late) then the initial big gains have already been made. Our fud has been effective but in reality 4chan’s reach is fairly small. The simple fact that LINK is a no hype project makes it so that those who can’t be bothered to research or think critically haven’t gotten on board

>> No.7742097




>> No.7742300

No, link is just a pajeet scam

>> No.7743006

Shut the FUD up you niglet pajeet who clearly has an IQ of a monkey

If you had 1/100th of a brain you’d see why LINK is gonna dominate

>> No.7743305

i can already feel how he dumps on you the rest of his coins.

>> No.7744520

the moon begins now over a period of 2 years :*)

>> No.7744554

wow you sure convinced me with those hot opinions

>> No.7745102

Is this conference gonna be livestreamed or what?

>> No.7745146
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no livestream but there will be an audio recording

>> No.7745205

good enough 4 me