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File: 197 KB, 800x566, 1501468706777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7737869 No.7737869 [Reply] [Original]

1 If Blockstream had to found Bitcoin on its own merits of high fees thanks to artificial congestion for a market fee and no 0-conf, it wouldn't go past the ico stage
2 Blockstream took over a growing, established, disruptive coin with 96% dominance and trashed it down to 32%
3 Number of tx's constantly going down, now to 1-2 years ago level, from $50,000/block reward* at the beginning of the year down to a silent $2,914/block today (for the noncoiners: reward is important for hashpower)
4 If the plan was to get high fees to drive users to their lightning network, why did they drive them off before LN was ready to receive them??? This neglegience is unforgivable.

* https://fork.lol/reward/fees

>> No.7738014

WTF is going on in that picture?

>> No.7738226


>> No.7738380

Stay on topic plz.

>> No.7738523

I'm not going to educate some cashtard like you, I find it funny watching coinlets perpetually flail about in confusion, only to see them double down like an SJW on their delusions (which will already BTFO by the previous dip that again proved not to be the end of bitcoin).

Brace your asshole for the next ATH.

>> No.7738584
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So your answer is you have all the answers but you won't reveal them... Mkayyyy.

>> No.7738605
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>> No.7738639

>he doesn't realize it never actually mattered

>> No.7738668

what would you do if you were on that plane? are you taking one for the team

>> No.7739029

Yeah, the entire reason for all of this never actually mattered, ok.

>> No.7739040
File: 123 KB, 1179x1116, OP_is_retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a retarded cashie.
Nobody is this delusional but a cashie.
Nobody outright lies about bitcoin as much as a cashie.
Anyone who thinks bitcoin of all coins should be at zero is either a dumb boomer or a lying cashie.

>> No.7739050

fees are 2-5 satoshi's per byte dummy

it costs like $0.02 to make a transaction on BTC

>> No.7739085

Because transactions have declined to the same level as March 2016. BTC is dying, and you're trumpeting the fee decline. But that's ok, because you're stupid and I forgive you.
Also, you're probably going to trade on your absolutely idiotic views, and lose money, and that will be punishment enough, so, enjoy.

>> No.7739103


lightning network is peer to peer
lightning network nodes are not financial institutions
lightning network channels are opened and closed on chain

and fees on chain are at all time historic lows. 2017 was the third lowest fee year since bitcoin became actively tradeable in 2011

don't fall for this propaganda

>> No.7739106

>fees are 2-5 satoshi's per byte dummy
>it costs like $0.02 to make a transaction on BTC
For now, but that's because transaction count has been lower than its ever been in two years. Which indicates a continued bear market.

>> No.7739115
File: 160 KB, 1003x578, paidshills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing we have noble blockstream employees like you to set us straight there chaim.

>> No.7739133
File: 126 KB, 811x741, lightning-network-nodes-feb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((peer to peer decentralised)))

>> No.7739234


oh i see why you're confused.. that's mainnet

look up testnet to get a better understanding of what we expect the topology to look like

>> No.7739333
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>> No.7739394
File: 140 KB, 465x610, 1517730978504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow great argument you dumb fucking faggot.
My point -
>Bitconneeeeeeeeeeect is up 5% today and it's literally a fucking scam.
Your argument-

>> No.7739410


What was the price of Bitcoin when "core" took over? At what point was governance changed from consensus to something else?

You have no fucking clue what you are talking about. At anytime, Bitcoin could do exactly what Bcash has done, but at no time could Bcash develop an innovative solution to scaling because they don't care about innovating or decentralization.

Absent a REAL decentralized scaling solution, cryptocurrency will never be revolutionary. Only Bitcoin and Ethereum are putting real resources into solving the scaling issue at a fundamental level.

>> No.7739419
File: 1.07 MB, 1876x929, lighntingtestnetcentralised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I see why you're confused, you didn't realise the default layout of the testnet explorer was created to hide the centralisation which becomes clear when it's displayed as an actual graph.
Look to your left to get a better understanding of the actual topology you idiotically describe as decentralised.

>> No.7739448
File: 87 KB, 757x525, 1518708404137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have any arguments, you're just a stupid cunt with no idea, what you present is one is literally "Hey enron went broke so so will x".
Stupid fuck, kill yourself.

>> No.7739477
File: 215 KB, 2758x454, 1518664421475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yourself shit for brains, pic related as to why you have no fucking idea about what you're speaking. This was a solved argument eight fucking years ago you demihuman lobotomised thundercunt.

>> No.7739496
File: 786 KB, 2111x3262, 1518165728291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lightning network is peer to peer
No it isn't. Let's start with a basic question: how will you pay using your phone?
>lightning network nodes are not financial institutions
The LN is doomed to end with such institutions because it'll require custodials. It leads to centralization at the end of the road - the blockchain is distributed, the LN is p2p as long as everyone is running node, but since it's impractical it'll end as centralized.
>lightning network channels are opened and closed on chain
That design has at least dozen problems, like making the coins themselves unnecessary in the long run. The 2nd layer of the LN will connect other coins and will make the supply infinite.

It's trivial for a dedicated nerd to DoS this shit into oblivion.

>> No.7739507

They are playing something called a shofar. Its used on certain holidays.

>> No.7739565

You base that on pure FAITH and nothing more like a cultist or did Blockstream provide you with any evidence such a miracle LN will work?

>> No.7739830

Wow, had no idea the block rewards have dropped so low on buttcoin. I agree its a shame what they have done and I hope they pay the price along with all their cult members.

>> No.7739883

For the sake of precision and honesty, those figures are't correct, they're quotes of the fees included in the block, not the block reward, which is at the moment at 140k USD.

>> No.7740115

it's called shofar dear goyim

>> No.7740833
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>> No.7740879
File: 178 KB, 682x1024, 369EC3C0-F7AE-4C75-9B96-A0166485752E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought at 17K. See you dipshits at 50K EOY

>> No.7741251
File: 29 KB, 399x405, 1318431595349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fees are 2-5 satoshi's per byte dummy
B-but those cashies told me that Bitcoin transactions cost 30 or more dollar! And transactions take days! B-but they can't lie because they are following Satoshi's vision, r-right?!

>> No.7741453

What delusion?

>> No.7741565

They same problems will come back once buttcoin gets back up to its previous high, no one is using it now unless they have to.>>7741251

>> No.7741694
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>> No.7741777

Didn't skycoin already do that?

>> No.7742605

>what is open source

>> No.7743180
File: 9 KB, 201x200, 1323539531597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the one muslim guy staring into the camera in OPs picture
>"the fuck is this shit?"

>> No.7743209

wait, he has a cap on, too... he just looks like he's about to crap his pants, he's not angry, nor muslim.

>> No.7743218

What is delusional retard for $400