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7738253 No.7738253 [Reply] [Original]

Here is how the resistance works for both buys and sell walls. You saw how bitcoin back at 20k and went down to 10k then back at 15k then back at 10k multiple times? Bascally that was Bitcoin trying to go down buy with heavy buy resistance, including the market buyers kicking in. But the fact that it dipped there multiple times was a warning that it will soon come under $10k.

Now that bitcoin did the same thing at 8k (It went from 6k to 8k) people kept saying triple top, double top and to sell which doesn't make sense you dumb fucks. Its all resistance is what is making it rebound and come back to those levels.
What happened in pic related was each time Bitcoin touched 9k, it took a chunk out of the $9k sell wall and then the market sells kicked in hard on the first rebound, then on the second touch on $9k Bitcoin sell wall took another chunk and less market sells took place, the third attempt went through easily since the $9k resistance was no longer a big resistance any longer due to weakening and the market sellers have almost evaporated at that point.

You will see the same thing happen simlarly at $15k guys. You'll see the sell sell sell threads, and you should sell and buy fast on the dip as it will test $15k again to take out a chunk of that $15k sell wall.
This strategy will allow you to easily and safely accumilate more Bitcoin and has worked wonderfully everytime. Though it gets risker every rebound you do.

>> No.7738313

It's not going to 11K, and you're talking about 15K. LOL. Your logic doesn't make sense either. I could easily make the opposing argument that the reason why it isn't dipping hard yet is because of continual buy resistance (Started from 6K), and this is just a way to shake the buyers off, so that it continues the downtrend below (since the mean is still 5K).

>> No.7738379

why do you assume we weren't just clearing out support at 6k to retest in a few weeks?

>> No.7738421


>> No.7738441

>It's not going to 11K
Its obvious that it will. Though do what you want. You're argument doesn't go against what I'm trying to point out.
>continual buy resistance
Also its called a rally, it started a rally and is 76% UP from $6k, this is a rally not some dumb buy resistance.
Do what you will though, see you at $15k easy.
Also I was the one who made that thread about Bitcoin going under $10k and to buy Bitcoin under $7k since it was oversold. I also predicted Bitcoin to rebound and make a rally and $5-6k.

The FUD is fading slowly, the volume is low but with mostly buy volume, you see a slow but sure rally.

Last warning, if you haven't bought in yet then you'll fomo even higher.

>> No.7738463

Oh look, little babby trader got his first babby analysis. How adorable. It's always so cute when they try to walk.

>> No.7738518

k....i do exactly opp of biz now

>> No.7738526
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This is wrong, look at the current threads on Bitcoin reddit and biz, they are talking about buying back in and waiting for a dip, this clearly tells you something
See you at $15k, I also sell the tops and buy the near bottoms of altcoins for the past 6 months.
Another tip, don't buy altcoins they are in the proccess of transfering to Bitcoin right now. Only specific altcoins you should buy that have good news like LTC, or coins not pegged to BTC which is MONACOIN.

>> No.7738582

Also screenshot this thread and save it on your pictures folder, come look at it again next week dumb pajeet fags. Ytou don't even know what threads to listen to, most of the threads on here are shit and you just ignore them.

>> No.7738642

LOL, stop talking like you're some big dick day trader, kid. You have no fucking clue what the market is going to do in the next hour, day, week, or month. You're just parroting the same neckbeards who sit around on trading sites running their mouths with no real skin in the game. You're nothing new. And, you're just as wrong and clueless about the market and what's driving it as the rest of them. BTW, I don't believe your "gainz" on pure principle. EVERYONE on 4chan claims to be rich, smart, and good looking.

>> No.7738732

> EVERYONE on 4chan claims to be rich, smart, and good looking.
I'm poor, dumb and good looking
checkmate, your move

>> No.7738782

>day trader
I'm not a day trader, I hardly make much trades, I set my buy orders on massive dips on both altcoins and Bitcoin.
>You have no fucking clue what the market is going to do in the next hour, day, week, or month
I do, its simple, only compitent people who actually have a brain to think knows whats going to happen next, being one step above the rest of the market. Right now the FUD has died down, people are forgetting the bad news on Bitcoin and with the light network being developed people have the incentive to buy back into it again. As usual time will tell to prove that Bitcoin will slowly rally to $15k then take a dip then go back to $15k again.

Listen here you old man (If you're above 19 years old), I'm almost ALWAYS right when I make my predictions, okay? Its been like this since a past couple of months, the market cycle is so obvious and with information from what people are taking about on media about crypto and bitcoin you can link what is going to happen next if you just take a moment to think about it.

>> No.7738890

Also already posters making fun of people selling under 10k already popping up with the "he sold and think its going under 10k again", its early in the proccess and you'll see more and more of it next week with the Bitcoin shill threads hard like you've seen before in Nov/Dec. Just a few thread poppin up here and there about Bitcoin.